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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 326 KB, 1809x1500, 2000s must read books c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1921761 No.1921761 [Reply] [Original]

I dunno why, I just added to it a little, based on my reads over the last few months. It's not really the 'best' books of the 21st century, just ones I consider the best or ones I think have some special quality. I tried to keep the number of books per author down, since people complained before.

>> No.1921768

I'll say the same thing I said last time: You don't need 3 Orson Scott Card books on there and Ender in Exile sucked anyway.

>> No.1921772

Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald was published 2001 and it's awesome. Maybe Inherent Vice and Venus as a Boy too?

>> No.1921774

Although there's not much point making a list for a ten year period.

>> No.1921775

>Kafka on the shore
>Well done, my friend

>> No.1921786

Remove Orson Scott Card and Stephen King, replace with Inherent Vice and Jonathan Lethem,.

>> No.1921794

Do we really need three Orson Scott Card and three Margaret Atwood?

>> No.1921795
File: 26 KB, 339x500, Fallingman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1921797


Well, there is, because 21st century lit is IMO excellent. So many new ideas, different prose styles, and fresh voices.


Indeed, I'd say it's his second best book, after The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. That could get displaced by 1Q84, though.

>> No.1921799

Needs more Cloud Atlas.

>> No.1921801

Sunhawk, you're such a weird little shit but I like you because at least your high-functioning autistic ego trips are book-related and I love Oscar Wao too.

Was Inherent Vice better-received than Against the Day? Honest question; I avoided discussions of both because of SPOILERZ but then the closest I got to reading either one was buying AtD and then forgetting it at my ex-boyfriend's dead uncle's summer cottage

>> No.1921803


I got bored with Cloud Atlas after about 40 pages. Nearly bought the much hyped Jacob de Zoet, until I realised it was the same author.

>> No.1921804


No. Inherent Vice is almost universally regarded as Pynchon's weakest work.

>> No.1921806

Truth- also The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

>> No.1921809


>dropping a 550 page book after 40 pages

You should always give something that big 100 pages at least.

>> No.1921810


How the hell should I know which was better recieved? You've got an internet connection, go check the sales figures. I've enjoyed ATD though, reading it on and off. I probably wouldn't enjoy Inherent Vice.

>> No.1921815

How could anyone ever put The Year of the Flood on such a list

Is it that you are a big fan of coincidences and one-dimensional characters or do you just really like third-rate science fiction

>> No.1921832

> no Sebald
> no Pynchon
> a million Orson Scott Card novels

How many times are you going to make this chart and this thread? It's a little embarrassing.

>> No.1921840

I haven't read any other Pynchon, but I loved hardboiled lit and the california hippie/surfing movement of the last century so it was fucking great for me.

dat prose.

>> No.1921842

The troll's a tad bit obvious man.

>> No.1921846

You forgot Wolf Hall mate.

>> No.1921849

Orson scott Card? Nigga you gay?

>> No.1921851


>implying this book is not completely over the head for 99% of /lit/ users

>> No.1921854

lol I just realized Time Traveller's Wife is on this. I'm a girl and even I know better.

There's maybe 5 must-read 21st century novels

> Austerlitz
> minimum one Pynchon
> minimum one Saramago
> 2666
> Nox or Beauty of the Husband by Anne Carson

The rest is not "must-read" by any means, it's all mediocre garbage that has gotten attention at Barnes & Noble.

>> No.1921874

I know I might appear like a troll but what about my pic here? It was released in March 2000 after all.

>> No.1921880
File: 16 KB, 300x440, House-of-Leaves-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot pic

>> No.1921884

it's already on OPs image

>> No.1921903

Maybe a fourth of this is decent.