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1921454 No.1921454 [Reply] [Original]

why is behemoth's poetry chart not on the wiki?


can someone post please?

>> No.1921458

someone post it and i'll add it

>> No.1921464
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>> No.1921465

Is there a guide to properly formatting line-breaks for poetry on Kindle?

>> No.1921467
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>> No.1921469
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>> No.1921473
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>> No.1921475
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>> No.1921483
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tbch i don't agree with it 100% but it's the best i've seen

>> No.1921486
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well don't worry anyone is free to make a revision to any list on the wiki at any time, whenever this gets revised i'll add the newly updated one to the list, i think behemoth is going to be changing it soon anyway

thanks a lot

>> No.1921515


>> No.1921518



I'm quite an hip hop fan, and I apperciate rap as poetry, but seeing this in such a narrow list of recommended poetry made me just died a bit

>> No.1921535

Who would you add?

>> No.1921548


I agree with this completely, and I think this list is fundamentally flawed. Putting rappers in there is just trendy English teacher bullshit. I love hip hop, but rap is song, not poetry and the two are different. There are also far more poetic songwriters, Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen spring immediately to mind, but I wouldn't include them either.

There are plenty of poets with a pop sensibility. John Cooper Clark, Roger McGough, Murray Lachlan Young could all be in here.

Also, no Larkin - should be in everyone's introduction to modern poetry, accessible, brilliant and /lit/'s patron saint. Neruda should be in the introductory layer as well.

Ogden Nash and Poe shouldn't be in there at all. I know all yanks have to read The Raven as a compulsory US poem, but it's fucking doggerel, and it's the best poem Poe ever wrote.

Bukowski may or may not deserve a place, but his style is abrasive and deliberately 'un-poetic' and I think would be off-putting to a novitiate.

Missing poets: Yeats, Keats, Hardy, Berryman. Chaucer, Plath, GERALD MANLEY MOTHERFUCKING HOPKINS FOR FUCK'S SAKE, Milton, Wordsworth, Carver, Coleridge.

What the fuck is Anne Sexton doing in there, and Ginsberg is a period piece - you may as well put Yellow Submarine in there.

>> No.1921551

make your own then you know-it-all

it's not like any of the poets you listed are particularly profound anyway~

>> No.1921555

lol that first line was awesome
but that second line just made you look even stupider on here, and I am well aware that that means absolutely nothing to you.

>> No.1921554


Fuck off you know nothing cunt. Hopkins not profound? You've no idea about poetry, or anything else.

>> No.1921563

he's completely reproducible at best

>> No.1921566
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I take it back, Plath is in there - I missed her.

Oh, and Fab - you're fucking retarded.

>> No.1921579


I think Collins is very good for beginners.

>> No.1921590
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What the fuck does that mean? Hopkins was the most important poetic stylist of the 19th century. He's utterly unique. You clearly have no idea about poetry.

I'm not going to tell you to STFU though, because I'm interested to see how retarded you're going to go with this.

What's your opinion on Wordsworth? And I guess Berryman was just a drunk, and Chaucer's just some old dead cunt, eh?

>> No.1921600

i would never say that about any of them

it's just the 19th century was boring in general for poetry

>> No.1921601
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>Fab talking about poets he hasn't read

who'd have thunk it.

>> No.1921606
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Hardy, Hopkins, Whitman, Browning (times two), Rosetti (also times two), Tennyson, Kipling, Wilde.

Yeah, pretty fucking boring. Nothing happened in the whole century as far as poetry is concerned.

Please continue - I'm enjoying your opinions. You still haven't told me what you think of John Berryman's work, either. I'm looking forward to that one in particular.

>> No.1921630


Meh, too slow, Fagulous. You're boring. I'm going out for beer and curry now, so you can just ponder your idiocy for a while. Feel free to post though, I may even answer when I'm all likkered up and full of Chicken Makhni.

>> No.1921651

I've been meaning to update and edit it because of people's suggestions, I haven't had time and/or been lazy about it.
Tupac belongs on there, don't be a douche, he has a book of poetry too.

>> No.1921671

More like Fatuous, am I right?

>> No.1921679

>Tupac belongs on there, don't be a douche, he has a book of poetry too.
>implying he is white and middle/upper-class enough

>> No.1921710

i don't know i've never read him

although in his wikipedia article he comes off as a dumbass

>> No.1922003


>> No.1922611

>but rap is song, not poetry and the two are different.
This is fucking retarded.
>long division is arithmetic, not mathematics and the two are different
No, they're not. One is a rudimentary form of the other, and a rudimentary form is the perfect way of informing someone ignorant of a subject.

>> No.1922625 [DELETED] 
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I'll have to figure out how to fix that and/or make it more universal, it's completely screwed up there.