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/lit/ - Literature

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19214442 No.19214442 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19214452
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all women are whores

>> No.19214464
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My parents can't go one minute without looking at their phones.

>> No.19214479

i just saw that growth of those disgusting processed food companies that market their output as "fake meat" has peaked. thank god consumers rejected that trash. before the pandemic i had actually been trending towards being an accidental vegetarian, but now i make it a point to eat a cheeseburger made out of real meat at least once a week.

>> No.19214482

I hate anime and wish all weebs vanished from existence.

>> No.19214484

You know that you don't have to eat fake soi burgers to be a vegetarian, right retard?

>> No.19214486

/lit/ is full of pretentious faggots and /tg/ is the best board

>> No.19214487

I love anime and wish all anti-weebs vanished from existence.

>> No.19214492


>> No.19214502

I tried to drown myself 3 days ago.

>> No.19214505

>Video Essays
Just post your transcript so I can read so without your visuals being in the way

>> No.19214506

You will never be a woman.

>> No.19214508

I hate the jannies so much.

>> No.19214511

i don't want to be a vegetarian.

>> No.19214514

Recommend sites to put on my homepage. Preferably /lit/ related.

>> No.19214523

Anon we don't have jannies. It's all in your head.

>> No.19214545
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Last night I had a dream that I was reading a book about a team of special ops guys fighting dinosaurs/monsters, and I definitely want to read a book like it. Any suggestions?

>> No.19214546

You will never be a man.

>> No.19214547

Any book rec to reignite masculine energy?

>> No.19214571
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Struggling to cope with Zapffe's insight

>> No.19214602
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>> No.19214606

Based janny deleted the Catholic general thread though.

>> No.19214613

Man, one of my relatives is acting really fucking weird today, went batshit just as the rest of the family went for a drive, ran around locking doors while I was trying to get some goddamn reading done.
I get so tired of actual retards sometimes, /lit/, it's so fucking tiresome. Back to reading Notes from Underground. Have no idea where I misplaced my goddamn Kobo, that shit is so comfy it's unreal lads.
Anais Nin's erotica? I find well written lewds hit me right in the feels when I'm lonely etc.

>> No.19214624

I will never, ever figure this life out or be able to cope. Becoming a Buddhist monk is starting to seem like a real option, even though I know that it is the ultimate cope. I just want out.

>> No.19214634

How many have already fallen there-
Far land with no way back-
As everyone in turn,I'm also destined
To reach the last instant.
My grass-green eyes,my soul that sang and fought
And spread her blinding beams,
My golden hair and enchanting voice
Will vanish like a dream!
The search of bread,the things of day's importance
Perpetually will last,
And there'll be all-as if my own life-span
Was nothing but the dust!

>> No.19214645


>> No.19214671

Is there anything more retarded than aesthetics from the standpoint of analytical philosophy? It feels like a stone's throw from describing love as the interplay of chemicals

>> No.19214677
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This more likely belongs to /sci/ than /lit/ but after going through my old school books, the one subject I never really understood was chemistry. The way chemical bonds and how they're described or how the diagrams being drawn in a particular way meant a certain chemical reaction went over my head. I was just told that it was just that way because it is. I never got the logic behind it.

>> No.19214684
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I've fallen in love with ladies in Victorian photographs and daydream about women I've read about it books, but I've been sorely disappointed with my experiences out in the world. They're not feminine, they're vulgar and cuss like sailors, and they're obsessed with sex and shopping. I'll probably be a volcel for life

>> No.19214685

I bet she must be returning from church, judging by the red knees from prayer.

>> No.19214713

The meter is awkward and the imagery is a bit cliched, but it's a good effort, anon!

>> No.19214731

True, but this is the only place I can talk about Woolf or Joyce and every now and again get some worthwhile discussion rather than the usual "le suicide" and "le fart fetish" memes. I also like these threads, since I find many kindred spirits among the posters here.

>> No.19214757

Oh please don’t use my picture.
And don’t ruin your possible relationships on account of a bygone era. There’s plenty of people not obsessed with sex and shopping. Though it’s probably true most people are not into internalized emotions and strict manners.
Didn’t Goethe settle for a lower class “vulgar” groupie type?

>> No.19214758

Plato's Complete Works

>> No.19214788

I only have Lysis and Gorgias

>> No.19214806

Zoomers are literally brain damaged. They're so adhd they canmot even process a fucking 4chan post before replying.

>> No.19214838

Jack London

>> No.19214886

Tits or gtfo

>> No.19214904
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It wasn't quite a bygone era for myself. I come from old aristocratic stock, although down on our luck, and grew up knowing some of the most graceful women that still live. Of course I don't expect anyone to come close to them but I wish women (and men) retained a modicum of decency. For my relatives who have married vulgar types, things haven't panned out well

>> No.19214928
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Im a complete debil when i comes to communicating and im afraid ill end up poor.

>> No.19214934

>things haven't panned out well
Meaning what?

>> No.19214936

Why'd you fail? Personally I tried to rope a few times, but every time I start to feel lightheaded, I panic and stop. I should probably get drunk next time first.

>> No.19214946

I want to be a good husand and father but I know it's impossible for me to have. healthy relationship with a woman due to my deeply ingrained fetishes

>> No.19214959

It's true. I was trying to read, write a post, and listen to a youtube video all at the same time just now. I realized I wasnt actually processing any information. I'm not even one of the bad ones either. I have sense enough to know when it's just white noise and easily put the phone down to clear my head. Most zoomers have a far more severe addction than mine.

>> No.19214968

"The Way of Men"

>> No.19214972

That pis a great reaction image though. I'm gonna go start a thread on /pol/ with it

>> No.19214980

>woman due to my deeply ingrained fetishes
Telling my gf at the time that I liked furry stuff felt like one of the toughest things I'd ever done at the time. Now she's my wife and we have two kids.
It's a difficult topic to broach, no doubt, but as long as your kink doesn't define you like it does in the LGBTWTFBBQ community or hurt someone than there's hope for you.

So, what's the kink?

>> No.19215002
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Unhappy marriages, cheating spouses, disagreements on child rearing

>> No.19215013

Oh man, I hope you never tell your children about your kinks. That would ruin my relationship with my father if he ever did that, personally I find weird kinks a character flaw even though I have a few degen kinks myself. I always figured I would kick my kinks when I got a woman I could marry and fuck daily. What was you girls reaction?

>> No.19215014

Kinks and fetishizes come and go with willpower. A sexuality is something else.
As long as you don’t have a weird desire to be the furry, like some of them, you can libe a normal life.

>> No.19215018
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My parents are boring losers.

>> No.19215026
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That’s normal.

>> No.19215035
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This. The real redpill is living at least an hour from a city and raising cattle, chickens, and hogs that you slaughter and butcher yourself while supplementing game like venison, bear, sandhill crane, pheasants, ducks, quail, doves, rabbit, squirrel, beaver, and local fish. It is clarifying butter yourself, smoking bacon yourself, rendering bear grease, lard, tallow yourself, and keeping a garden and greenhouse for vegetables and tubers. It is knowing basic woodworking, welding, blacksmithing, and maintenance. Ideally it is having a home server and dumb terminals with access to pirated copies of solidworks and autocad and having your own cnc router, 3d printer, and plasma cutter as well as having a nice lathe.

>> No.19215057

I don't trust myself to figure it out in time.

>> No.19215073

I'm super into bondage. I dont care for sadomasochism but I really get on from domination and submission. Theres secondary kinks as well, like certain clothings and fabrics, breathplay, collars, particular speech, etc. I had one gf as an adolescent whom I tried all my kinks on. Even though it wasn't sadomasochistic I think it still ended up being toxic and unhealthy. maybe now six years have passed and I'm more mature I could handle it better, but it still worries me. I can't have a normal sex life. Vanilla sex bores me

>> No.19215093

>I hope you never tell your children about your kinks.
I don't know why anyone would tell his kids about sexual kinks out of the blue. There's no reason to share that.
>What was you girls reaction?
Quiet confusion, because she didn't know what I meant by that. She wasn't "internet savvy" at the time and really didn't know what furry stuff was. It eventually came down to just sitting down with her and showing her some sites to explain my interest. Again, a little awkward, but she was receptive.
She understands now and likes to tease me about how she's my little unicorn. She likes the SFW art too, but she personally doesn't have any real draw to the furry community. Nor do I, so that's all fine. It's all worked out wonderfully and isn't at all a disruptor in our relationship, in fact it's brought us closer from time to time.

>> No.19215108

>As long as you don’t have a weird desire to be the furry
I'm certainly not that delusional, nor do I make it a lifestyle. Frankly, the less people know about my interest the better. I'm a professional now and couldn't imagine what it would do to compromise my image anyway.

>> No.19215122

I need to get a haircut but i dont know what to pick. Im rather fat so not everything suits the round face.

>> No.19215126

Do all adults find their parents annoying? Is that normal?

>> No.19215136

yes. i've often heard my mother and aunt make comments about my grandmother which are nearly identical to comments I've expressed about my own mother.

>> No.19215140

Yeah. Usually because parents are habitual in treating their children as kids.

>> No.19215142

Is it common for adults who live with their parents to find it sort of hellish and like a depressing nightmare

>> No.19215144

While I may be generally disinterested in the subject I know there are large communities of people that are into that stuff too. With stuff like 50 Shades of Grey I imagine there would be more relatable ground to meet someone on if you did have to explain your situation to a lady. Explain in small doses and understand that some girls simply won't be into that.

My girl actually tried doing some of her own research into furry stuff after I brought it up and stumbled into chat rooms where people were talking about pet play, thinking that I wanted to put her on a leash or some shit. She was pleased to learn I was just interested in pictures of fluffy women with tails and snouts.

Oddly, she started to consider after that point if she had any kinks that she hadn't discovered yet. She lived a reserved childhood and thought that it was a natural part of growing older and sexual development. I had to pull her back and say that she wasn't at all expected or required to have any off-beat sexual interests. Vanilla sex is perfectly fine.

I say all of this just to let you know that it's possible that conversations can be had, information can be shared, an understandings reached. It means making yourself vulnerable, but if you find a girl you feel is "the one," then it's worth it to try.

>> No.19215145
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I hate jews. I hate black people. I hate fat people. I hate gay fat black nigger jews. I'm gonna poop my pants. Watch me whip. Now watch me nae nae.

>> No.19215147


>> No.19215151

You could always ask the barber, desu male haircuts are not my specialty.
Love the autumn, but October always creeps the fuck out of me because I've had some close encounters back then as a kiddo. I tend to spend the entire month making/designing spooky costumes to keep teh normies away.
October is when the paedovores (hypothetically speaking lads) abduct kids that are pretty, etc etc.

>> No.19215153

None. Eat more meat, eat less sugar and carbs (way less depending on your case), and go start a weightlifting novice program. Come back when your mind starts clearing up.

>> No.19215154

I’m done caring. I refuse to let this shit job take anymore of my mental energy. Even expressing how much I hate it and it annoys me etc, etc, I’m just letting it live in my head rent free. I’m done. I don’t care if I meet the deadline or look unprepared. I don’t care if I get it all done and do a great job. I’ll do whatever I feel like, and whatever I don’t, oh well. It has no control over me.

>> No.19215156

Including your mom?

>> No.19215158

None. Eat more meat, eat less sugar and carbs (way less depending on your case), and go start a weightlifting novice program. Come back when your mind starts clearing up.

>> No.19215159

as someone currently living with his parents, yes. basically everyone not matter what class I've encountered despises living with their parents. mine are gone every summer for a couple of months and it's a blessing when they're gone. despite the fact that they're easing the amount of work I have to do, just being around them feels like a weight. This reminds me I have to go search for another job anon. Good luck.

>> No.19215164

I just want to have the discipline to do my actual work that I do playing factorio.

>> No.19215176

Try creating deadlines for yourself. Create legitimate penalties for yourself (can't play X or eat Y today) if you miss them. See if somebody else is able to enforce the deadlines so you have someone else you don't want to disappoint.

>> No.19215178

I feel like living with my parents saps away all my energy. It's like it sucks the soul out of me.

>> No.19215187

I already work rather physical job but my diet sucks.

>> No.19215189

That's far superior to the alternative. Do you want to see your mom getting fucked on a swing by a strange fat man while your dad is getting fisted? That certainly isn't boring. It's far worse.

>> No.19215198

I know these techniques. You don't understand. I want to feel like I feel while playing factorio doing actual work. There's no palliative, and my production's speed raises marginally with these measures.

I just want to be able to spend 3 hours working and to want to keep working as I do when I play factorio. No palliative measures would change me want to stop working after 20 seconds.

>> No.19215200

Well you really did find a unicorn. Most women would run for the hills. Her reaction to the leash and collar is especially poignant. Most women are very disturbed even by moderate fetishes.
I don't really have an interest in women who real 50 Shades and are into kink communities. Thats usually a very big red flag. I'll wait and see if I find the right one, but I'll sideline my desires if need be. However the cards play out. I cant reasonably expect a person to actively affirm my perversions

>> No.19215210

To me it's very degrading. My dad and his wife are upper middle class but larp as rich socialites. The fact that I havent moved out yet offends their boomer sensibilities. Theres this omnipresent attitude that I'm some kind of dead beat loser, a picturesque "millenial" who refuses to grow up.
Load of shit desu. Housing prices here are outlandish and they gave me tons of bad advice that set me back years.

>> No.19215215

can super relate. i wouldn't mind caring about my job, but they aren't paying me enough to care. i still work harder than everyone else anyways. i actually like working, i just expect to be paid appropriately.

>> No.19215216


>> No.19215223

Well, eat more meat then. Stuff your face with meat on your meals, you'll see the sugar cravings to fall for a minimum because you're already too full. Also, learn how to fast intermittently. At least 30% of your body weight is shit and piss.

Try to pry on some actual weightlifting on your routine; stronglifts 5x5 takes less than 40 minutes 3 times a week.

>> No.19215228

I'm thinking it's about time I start re-watching The Sopranos

>> No.19215230

Especially my mom. She's in a relationship with like two guys. one is married with children, one is a loser alcoholic. She has always been in more than one relationship for the past several years. She's had at least ten partners in the past five years. She's 50 years old

>> No.19215232

boomers are gay retard faggots

>> No.19215236

Fascism will win in America, but our Franco will be a Black woman.

>> No.19215241

have you tried test driven development? it sort of "gamifies" it because you make a unit test for what you need and in its initial state it's obviously going to fail, then you work on it until it passes, and then do another one and another one.

>> No.19215243

>Most women would run for the hills.
That was certainly my assumption, especially during the perpetual furry hate that I saw in a lot of online communities at the time (which, for the record, I feel is warranted). Things may actually be easier now in that social media grants a platform to so many people, even those that shouldn't have a platform, that info about such kinks is more readily available.
>Her reaction to the leash and collar is especially poignant.
Her issue was the idea that she didn't like being treated as less than a person, something to be "trained and disciplined" like an animal. However, it sounds like you are into this sub/dom subservience thing and you may very well find another girl that does too, or at least is willing to take the time to understand and accept it. You may not find someone who will go whole hog into it, my wife certainly doesn't, but may be willing to do what she can to make sure you're happy.

>> No.19215247

I grew up around rich people while not being rich. My friends and acquaintances are jobless and spend way more money than I could if I had a job. I don't envy them but it does make me feel bad in comparison. My life is a cope for not having money of my own.
Life isn't fair and I always knew that and yet it bugs me.

>> No.19215250

I feel this way too, and living at home is what I'm doing right now. I need to get out of here for the sake of achieving greatness, but it is very comfy. It's like Phaeacia but without sex and just not fun.

>> No.19215258


>> No.19215273
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We were better off before the "Enlightenment".

>> No.19215274
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I really wish ammo wasn't so scarce right now, I really want to go to the shooting range. I haven't shot in nearly 12 months.

>> No.19215282

Too complex. When I do the kind of things I don't stop doing, I feel like a monk, my head is empty. Inserting more details most certainly will detract from my attention enough to make me alt-tab for something else.

>> No.19215285

Women are the ones who determine what the future of a society, country, and civilization will be. It’s no accident that the liberal elite target women so heavily with propaganda. I’ll put it this way: I’ll start taking /pol/ and neofascists seriously when women start flicking to that banner.

>> No.19215286

Goblins forming or reforming a proper civilisation in a fantasy world despite being hunted and hated.

>> No.19215290

No. I actually love talking to my father, he’s almost 70 but is sharp as hell. We talk literature, technology, politics, and he’s on top of it all. My mother not so much but I’m not a woman so that goes without saying. My siblings could attest to this as well, I find them no less or no more annoying than anyone else I know.

>> No.19215292

Whatever you think it is better, is already available to you. Your problem is that you're too attached to whatever you don't like, or you don't have the balls to abandon your modern conforts. Either way, you're exacly where you deserve.

>> No.19215298

I had a fantasy world idea where goblins are the result of orc-hobbit interbreeding and they are like a merchant-trader class which form the backbone of the economic links between orcish kingdoms and the wider world, as well as trade in general.

>> No.19215306

I like it. But they treat me like an adult.

>> No.19215328

how can being a whore ever lead to satisfaction or happiness

>> No.19215350

they think that the next guy will be the one

>> No.19215358

Recovery day today, for mind and body. Been tired and a little sluggish today but enjoying doing nothing. Feels earned. Feels good. A few months on this trajectory would be a blessing. Gratitude is the purest mindframe. Epitaph of a Small Winner is very good. Active shooter implies the possibility of a passive shooter. One who fires involuntarily as if it were his unchosen nature. As if lead escaped his pores like some monster from a bullet hell-type game.

>> No.19215362

my mom for sure

>> No.19215427

She seems like a nice person. I would talk to her if I had the courage.

>> No.19215450

After all is set and done only sadness remains. Deep rooted sadness. Slow death is awaiting. Sadness lays beyond. Someone dry my tears, I drifted too far away from things to do it. It's all hopeless. I tried my best but life go tthe best of me. Send help.

>> No.19215499
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My mom called me a misogynyst.

>> No.19215507

What makes a woman graceful? I honestly have no clue as a favela monkey.

>> No.19215512

David gemmell is very good. Heroic fantasy at its finest
Don’t sell it short
Very addictive reads

>> No.19215517

>grew up knowing some of the most graceful women that still live
they were putting on an act

>> No.19215521

i wonder what it would take to become the christopher columbus of weed smoking

>> No.19215547

m*n will post their problems in the Write What's On Your Mind thead instead of going to a therapist. xD

>> No.19215654

I want a racist bf

>> No.19215658


>> No.19215661

pls be my gf

Back off, she's mine

>> No.19215662


>> No.19215667


>> No.19215670


>> No.19215676

I'm a guy. Do women actually browse /lit/? I might have to leave if they do.

>> No.19215687

Listening to hyperpop gives me heart palpitations. Though it might be the obesity.

>> No.19215690

was just listening to charli

>> No.19215743

Think I'll phone it in at work and up some kind of excuse when they finally find out I didn't do something I was supposed to do. Something was wrong with my internet, my computer. The benefit of being a faceless cog in mega-corp machine is that it's easy to pass by unnoticed. No one is harmed, and I benefit. Thus, it is justified.

>> No.19215753

Mods on /tv/ are borderline fucking retarded.

>> No.19215760

honestly the pop music ecology is sustained by autistic men and oppurtunistic women. tons of oppurtunistic men on the distrbution side but in the creation of pop music you have <- that dynamic

>> No.19215766

yea but /tv/ is the best for shitposting. i think only /ck/ comes close desu.

>> No.19215791

I would throw every single person on this site into a wood chipper

>> No.19215801

i would never do that to you :(

>> No.19215803

No you wouldn't, pussy

>> No.19215805


>> No.19215807
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i can only listen to classical music now.

>> No.19215814

Therapy is for normal fags. The idea that you need to pay someone to vent is fucking retarded

>> No.19215828


>> No.19215832

ambient for me.

>> No.19215840

this is like peak 2000s/2010s sublime vibes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRza3wDl9pM

>> No.19215841

welcome my friend

>> No.19215843
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Been listening to Calypso and Reggae for the past few weeks

>> No.19215847

C'mon now.

>> No.19215848

i can only listen to Agharta (1975) by Miles Davis now.

>> No.19215860

You guys know how leftist bullshit took over the US in the late 60s and carried into the 70s? You had retards like Timothy Leary and people actually listened to him.
And then the 80s came and all the youngsters laughed at the morons of the past?
Do you think that's going to happen in the 2030s? With all the homeschooling happening now, I hope so.

>> No.19215876

Shit allowed on tv
>Threads about Youtubers
>Threads about what someone on twitter said about a movie
>photoshopped "screencaps"
Shit not allowed on tv
>Threads about actors/actresses
>Threads about Hollywood

>> No.19215877

what about Get Up with It (1974).
Long ass intro but I always found it underrated

>> No.19215886

Same. Some anon posted this one a few months ago

>> No.19215906

Me too. Anything with lyrics is either too distracting or too vapid.

>> No.19215918

>The idea that you need to pay someone to vent is fucking retarded
It's one of the greatest scams ever created. You literally pay someone who can't help you or write you a prescription to listen to you talk about your life. They check their clock five times a session to make sure you don't go a minute over.
Their names are 'therapists'. Fucking literally 'the rapists' because they take your money.
Do therapists even have a degree?

>> No.19215921

I've become obsessed with post-rock and there is an abundance of Taiwanese and Chinese post-rock on the internet.

>> No.19215938

i like the biosphere album with the chopin samples
i like a certain kind of reggae, but only that kind
i got memed by Julian Cope into buying this years ago, Big Fun and In a Silent Way are still my faves
Schubert is the best, Nathalie Stutzmann is my fave Schubert singer

>> No.19215945

Everything he recorded (both in live and in the studio) between 1967 and 1975 is genuinely brilliant, almost frightening considering he forecast every single musical trend of the last 50 years. A sui generis musical genius.

BTW, if you really enjoyed He Loved Him Madly, then check out the rest of the Complete On The Corner Sessions and this very rare untitled studio track (i like to call it Phoendrixya) :

>> No.19215947
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On the ending of The Blair Witch Project:

There is no witch. The apocryphal dimension of the film's scholars' theoretical obsession is that revealing the Evil's identity would entail the cast's hypothetical survival. A witch would be a hole in the glass, therefore the certainty of the glass, between them and the effective cause that killed them. They might have overpowered it, God might have intervened, a bear might have eaten it, etc. What if we instead put ourselves in their predicament and only analyze the actual, and conclude that the Phenomenal itself killed them? That the vacuum of pure negative value which constitutes the world becomes literal in the wilderness. Semiotically, the final scene being a kind of explosive decompression: Mike is inside a basement, inside a derelict house, inside the wilderness, facing the wall, Heather's camera being the last layer of his removal from being. In being totally destroyed and no longer constituting himself, he even seems momentarily grafted onto the suction: is this image, of a still man facing the wall in a pitch black basement at night in the wilderness, not the primal nightmare of the supposed witch entity? Evil putting a mask on only to eat it, too, off.

>> No.19215966

I feel a bit insane today. I can't quite but my finger on it. It's as if some deep dissatisfaction and frustration with life and the boiling up of so many small annoyances has reached a critical mass. And yet there won't be anything, no dramatic displays from me. Only a silent isolated inner withering into mental nothingness.

>> No.19215967

post rock was never my thing but i used to have a ton of music from taiwan and the mainland

>> No.19215977

damn, the congas, tape hiss, guitar echoes and ambient bird whistles remind me of a lost summer. this track sounds like the fitting aquatic end of a bitter movie.
i can't believe this hasn't been officially released yet.
Why this title tho?
great analysis. i always knew the characters were always evil from the start.

>> No.19216039

>stay in apartment to shelter from soulless outside world
>anxiety, loneliness, feeling a deep urge to connect with someone
>go outside, for some event or just for class
>inability to fit in, disgust at normie culture
>back to being reclusive
>repeat cycle

you just can't win can you.

>> No.19216106
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I want to be a /fit/fag but I'm poorfag.

>> No.19216120

Yep. Even the fucking pure ones that haven't even touched anyone else.

>> No.19216131

>Why this title tho?
Phoenix + Hendrix + some mystical land that ends with the suffix "ya".
"Lost Summer" is a better title desu.

>> No.19216167

You can argue about how a specific diet could be pricey, but working out doesn't cost you a dime. Running, sit-ups, push-ups, and a multitude of other exercises can be done without pricey equipment.
There are plenty of excuses for not being fit, but being poor isn't one of them.

>> No.19216214
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Mmm... anime militarism...

>> No.19216222

it's been a long month or so

>> No.19216223

I like anime but I cannot admit this in myself and constantly (rightfully) disparage it.

>> No.19216236

He said we and he's not talking about comforts. Are you not allowed to say you don't like the state of things? Is he supposed to pretend he doesn't feel this way and do the dance?

Anyway, I liked your post. Good advice as a general rule.

>> No.19216239

my girlfriend told me she loves me today. i love her so much it hurts, even if i'm not always able to express it as strongly as i really want to.

>> No.19216266

That's great news. Even little things like holding open doors or volunteering to do a easy, minor chore for her are all things that can add up to show your appreciation for someone.

>> No.19216301

no I'm not going to write whats on my stupid fucking excuse of a mind its just a bunch of retarded chemicals doing their retarded osmosis and electrical bull fucking shit and why the fuck would it matter what the FUCK this tangled mess of abject neurons can strangle out of itself when everything is so inherently fucking GAY I would rather be blasted off into the fucking nether so that I could at least deplore my existence like the retarded shit filled sausage we ALIENS are

>> No.19216340

very nice

>> No.19216346

they never have the goddamn banana monkey ben and jerrys

>> No.19216354

praying for your happiness

>> No.19216361

>He said we
This is unnaceptable. Whatever is good for him isn't good for everyone else and assume as such is narcisism.

>he's not talking about comforts.
But I am. Modernity brings comforts. Modernity was brought to us by enlightenment. If people can't deal with merchants tricks (that's not an anti-semitic statement, I'm talking about anyone trying to shill you useless shit and poison food and everything else you don't need to live) because it is part of the course I can't see why this is a problem for anyone else but the people that are shilled out.

>Are you not allowed to say you don't like the state of things?
Yes, and I'm allowed to say this is bullshit and you're dumb to have fell for such an obvious trap, when all you could have done to be happier is to leave and make camp somewhere else.

>Is he supposed to pretend he doesn't feel this way and do the dance?
Most certainly not, but he isn't doing anything either, he's just complaining and doing nothing about it.

>> No.19216379

u ever listened to terry riley

>> No.19216391

It's empowering.

>> No.19216426
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I don't like this trend among so-called """"smart"""" horror movies where the ghost or demon is actually just a metaphor for a character's mental illness. This is a very weak and gay attempt at being "deep" and it is NOT scary!!

>> No.19216475

Life is not a problem to be figured out, but rather a process to be lived.

>> No.19216485

Life is dogshit and if it wasn't for the modern comforts of life and my biological programming preventing me from making the obvious logical decision to kill myself to prevent further suffering, I would have done it.

>> No.19216490

A bit similar for me except:
>Go out into world
>Hear convos around me in restaurant
>People who don't understand politics talking about politics
>Vapid talk from girls who say "like" every six words
>Old people won't shut the fuck up about doctor appointments and the mundanity of their lives and grandchildren ("Timmy lost a tooth today")
>Realize I'm better off alone

>> No.19216491

anyone that, out of their own volition, doesn't live in a big city is a retard and should die

>> No.19216510

Every online Christian community is pozzed now. There are statements on BLM and alphabet soup right off the bat. I am OK if you say one shouldn't use hateful language, but starting off with some statement on LGBT shit and diversity really stinks.

>> No.19216530

TX? :v

>> No.19216543

I can't see cute girls without feeling bad anymore because none of them want to be with me. It's hard even reading about them, I'll need to start segregating them from my life soon.
define big

>> No.19216552

NYC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Moscow

>> No.19216580

A guy's girlfriend, kissed me and said she always wanted to do that, we were drunk, in her bed, and we just twirled around just kissing and cuddling, but she said she feels like a bad person for betraying him, but we kept going, I left in the morning, smiling and dancing like a maniac. Slept like 2 hours and woke up full of energy and with a giant grin on my face, then she said she wants to just keep this silent, cause she doesn't know what to do, it just tears my soul in a milion pieces, and I don't know what to tell her or what to do, I'm really thinking of just ending it, not like I have what to live for anyway

>> No.19216594

Fuck her in secret and move on, don't put all your eggs in a whore's basket.

>> No.19216597

You tell him and you never see her again.

>> No.19216602
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>> No.19216610

The absolute state of the pussy worshiper.

>> No.19216616

How did you guys end up frequenting /fit/?

>Started out on /b/ a long time ago (peak 4chins)
>Moved to /fit/ when I wanted to get laid more
>lightly browse /lit/ and /k/
>my dumbass decides to read Gravity's Rainbow in an attempt reintroduce myself to literature
>get filtered but still browse for philosophy threads
>still read non-fiction on an off
>started visiting /pol/ around 2016
>/pol/ inspires me to read again because of all of the pure retardation and misinformation
>Now I'm here again.....probably for good
>discovered some great literature here thanks for you fags.

Discussions here seem to higher quality but HOLY SHIT this board has some of the worst humor. It's the "left can't meme" tier humor. /Fit/ is no-contest the funniest of all (or used to be).

>> No.19216618

>How did you guys end up frequenting /fit/?
meant /lit/

>> No.19216620

starting strength is a meme. find a good PPL routine and start following the vertical diet but with slightly less crab and slightly more animal fat.

>> No.19216621


>> No.19216622

I like to read books, nobody I know reads books, literature forums are dead or for women or highly limited in their scope, reddit is hell. When I read a book I like I make a thread here and talk about it to get my fix.

>> No.19216628
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How am I supposed to have "true" friends that I really bond with and a gf if my political views stand so much out of the normie realm? I'm a uni freshman and I've already kind of made a friend who's really cool and all but he's one of those apolitical types and I try to suppress my political views as much as possible because I don't wanna scare him off or anything but it's honestly very tiring and I can definitely feel that there's a disconnection there. Like if we were to have real, deep conversations it'd very likely get really awkward and possibly ruin the relationship.
Even in online circles my position seems too radical. I have no problem whatsoever with being friends with people that have totally different views and I'm also not the one who tries to bring politics into everything, but most people seemingly do have a problem with those who hold very different views, and I hate having to fake mine for others. I like getting alone with folks and always try to avoid confrontations so as to not make anyone uncomfortable in my presence. But I don't know how much longer I can play these types of games.
I need to find "real" friends that allow me to express myself or else I'm going insane. Pretty sure Hegel once said something along the lines of "home is where you see yourself reflected in". I think that's true

>> No.19216631

I always try to talk my friends into reading but it usually fails. I wish I could show them the light. Whenever I read a good book I find myself thinking about it for weeks or months. You don't seem to capture that with most shows/movies today (except for True Detective S1).

Plus I can say nigger and no one cares.

>> No.19216656

What are your views? A certain amount of difference is normal and to be expected, it sounds like you're talking to women and their orbiters.

My friends are all brainlets so when they do read it's popscience or books for women or shit from the Joe Rogan Podcast. I don't try to get them to read like I do, it's not for them.

>> No.19216662

>Modernity brings comforts. Modernity was brought to us by enlightenment
comforts and technological advancement do not require the (((enlightenment))) and its continuing cultural destruction.

>> No.19216668

drop politics entirely. it's a waste of your time and energy and only drags you down

>> No.19216703

Not him, but I can’t. I don’t want to be interested in politics but politicians are interested in me. I don’t want to be screwed over by some communist/fascist revolution or whatnot, I have to be on top of these things.

>> No.19216709

Oh, I agree. Enlightentment and (((enlightenment))) are completely different things. Ideals and their usage as justificatoin for corrupt applications are not the same. The problem is to blame the ideology for the innerent cretinism of the human species.

>> No.19216719

>pic related

you sound dogmatic and annoying. stop bringing up anything past clown-world narrative unless provoked or its 4 am and everyone is drunk and on drugs. if you need to get it out just write it down but i doubt your thought is any more than parroted positions wrapped in memes because i can tell you are underage.

>> No.19216731

I'm wasting hours a day writing fiction that I will never show to anyone else, even my wife, because it gives me fleeting moments of personal satisfaction.

>> No.19216740

>it gives me fleeting moments of personal satisfaction.
Is it really a waste then?

>> No.19216760

based and redpilled
find an outlet for your political energy, write it down or join a group. Then you can develop other sides to your life unimpeded.

>> No.19216763
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i think i want to start a private blog where i can keep track of quotes from books i'm reading. i'd like for it to be accessable from my pc/laptop/iphone since i use all 3 (my kindle rather while on the go but always have my phone too). can anyone suggest an app that works on browser platform that's relatively free from ads and clutter? anyone do anything like this already?

>> No.19216772

I feel like an addict chasing a high, and my drug is my own thoughts laid out onto paper. I'll probably continue as it's not really affecting my overall life yet I'm just frustrated that I can never focus my creativity into something a bit more practical or impressive.

>> No.19216774

girl driving me insane quiet literally

>> No.19216783
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In contrast to the anon above, I've become so jaded and cynical that I don't even bother having opinions about things anymore.
I just want to look at whats real and immediate and can't stand it when someone I'm having lunch with wants to tell me their opinion of the day on some non issue on the other side of the planet. And they act like I'm the idiot for being uninformed and not keeping up with the "this shit that affects all of us man", like will you shut the fuck up, I don't need to hear your rant on the latest bill effecting the prices of celery or whatever you're boycotting cause some dipshit celebrity made a post.
I'd like to throw you off this bridge and see how quick your priorities change on the way down you usless prick.

>> No.19216791
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communism is chic, if you cant find actual straight up communist/anarchist leftists to hang out with you must be fucking retarded. im a literal nazi living in my countries "texas" conservative state and even I cant find anyone BUT commies to spend time with so I really do identify with your problem.

if you want actual advice, start going to local music venues, you will almost certainly meet plenty of leftists there

>> No.19216840

>nazi living in my countries "texas" conservative state and even I cant find anyone BUT commies
Which country? If it’s not a European one or America, just say you’re a Maoist. It’s literally fascism but socially acceptable as long as you aren’t white.

>> No.19216845
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I like candy corn.

>> No.19216877
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I'm what the online left and other people call a "tankie". Personally I'd just consider myself a communist, but mainstream narratives about north korea, China, Syria, and other "problematic" countries have been shoved down so far inside everyone's throats that questioning them is allegedly such an extreme thing to do nowadays that other "leftists" (by which I mean demsoc "bernie bros" and anarchist types) don't want to have anything to do with me. The case for Syria is especially weird to me since I'm literally of Syrian heritage, like my whole ancestry is Syrian and I still have relatives over there, and me telling people that I don't want Assad to be cucked because I don't want this country to end up like Libya is apparently enough for them to call me an Assad bootlicker who's brainwashed by Syrian state propaganda yadda yadda yadda. It's all so absurd to me.
>it sounds like you're talking to women and their orbiters.
Not really, I mean the friend I was talking about is pretty anti-feminist and is socially somewhere around center-right. Like I said I've got no problem with that, I can be cool with anyone from any political spectrum as long as they're cool with me. But he isn't one who questions even the slightest thing about the status quo, so I'd rather avoid anything political or else I might seem like a madman to him.
Do you know what nuanced positions are? Just because I'm a Marxist doesn't mean I have to dismiss everything that Idealists say or agree with every Marxist position. There's always room for nuance. I'm majoring in philosophy and I've read quite a lot, pretty sure I have a better idea of what I'm talking about than you. Stop projecting your own life story onto me.
Joining a group might help I reckon, although I'm not quite sure if stuff like that is compatible with my current life as it is, it's kinda stressful and all over the place. Thanks though
Depends on what you mean by commie. As I described in my comment above I'm what people call a "tankie" which at least online and in my local area won't get me far. I don't consider progressive libshits leftists but your mileage may vary.

>> No.19216882

My firends dont care about my politics really my gf is trying to get me to calm down though. i think its more so about social pressure because i have a bit of a rep as a fashy. i could probably convince her if i tried but it doesn't seem worth it

>> No.19216887

Found /b/ in 2009 (when I was 14), then /pol/ in 2011, /ic/ in 2015, and /lit/ in 2017. I rarely go on /pol/ these days unless there's some major happening

>> No.19216895

People in the west are really ungrateful
If we sent every American to spend 3 weeks in africa maybe they wouldn't complain so fuckinh much

>> No.19216904

I hate anime and i wish all weebs would vanish from existence

>> No.19216914

>The case for Syria is especially weird to me since I'm literally of Syrian heritage, like my whole ancestry is Syrian and I still have relatives over there, and me telling people that I don't want Assad to be cucked because I don't want this country to end up like Libya
Unfathomably based. I'm also pulling for Assad until a better alternative is found or at least seriously proposed. Definitely don't worry about expressing this view in conversation. Conservatives will respect it, white liberals will have no answer for it, and it's the truth.

>it's kinda stressful and all over the place
politics is just escapism then, the right thing is to put it on hold until you have the time to really devote your efforts.

>> No.19216965
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>Every online Christian community is pozzed now.
Maybe this is true for protestants and roman catholics, but many in the online Orthodox community are very anti-pozzed. Father Peter Heers, Jay Dyer, etc.

>> No.19217021
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>> No.19217066

I admit I haven't considered Orthodoxy at all. I'm happy for you if that's the case. There are individual people in Christian environments who do not buy into the narrative but online communities seem to be way too liberal. Why the fuck do you need to have a statement right off the bat where you say that you welcome LGBT?

>> No.19217070
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>> No.19217076

*other Christian environments

>> No.19217082


>> No.19217103
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are you still abstaining or have you started smoking again?

>> No.19217108

Yeah but I kinda caught them feels

>> No.19217114

Prolly good advice, but I'm hear and sould deep and won't be able to do it

>> No.19217119

So is this tripfag general now

>> No.19217122

i do this sometimes

>> No.19217125
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>Why the fuck do you need to have a statement right off the bat where you say that you welcome LGBT?
Subversives, Satanists, etc.
Sadly even the Orthodox community has such people, like a very liberal site called Ancient Faith Radio. One of the people from there has seemed to make it his personal mission to attack Jay Dyer and Fr Peter Heers for some reason.

>> No.19217133

Based Norwegian forest cat poster

>> No.19217140
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Jay made a response to him here

>> No.19217205
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still smoking :/
id like to think we all do

>> No.19217214

you're still a child: annoying, clingy, and desperate for validation

>> No.19217222

That's why you separate yourself from her. You also tell her boyfriend so he doesn't end up even more miserable than you.

>> No.19217241

Seconding this

>> No.19217245
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>> No.19217278
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>> No.19217287

hi everyone. I am new to lit and 4chan in general but this seems like my place to be. I want to join the discussion here but I'm too afraid to ask what I should be expected to know and read. First off I read the assigned books in high school (Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, 1984, To Kill A Mockingbird and more) but I don't know where I should go from there. Do you have any suggestions?

>> No.19217337

>keeps projecting

>> No.19217364

Any high school teachers here? Does it suck?

>> No.19217370

Only pedophiles and authoritarians become teachers

>> No.19217379
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Is an AA in philosophy at a community college worth it?

Anyone done that?

>> No.19217383

it must, i couldn't pay me enough to teach horny teenagers math, they shouldn't even be in school those years, they learn nothing.

>> No.19217390

It's worth it only if you use it to transfer. I transferred to a top 10 uni with it.

>> No.19217397
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>born without my consent
>eventually have to die
>scared of pain
>feel trapped here, sentenced to suffer horrifically
>body slowly degrades, gets ill, injured, need surgeries, have diseases
>just want to escape
anti natalists were right

>> No.19217402

There are subjects besides math.

>> No.19217421


Did you continue majoring in philosophy afterwards?

I will probably study something else in a 4-year university, so I ignore how an AA in philosophy would affect me if I'll major on something else.

>> No.19217536


>> No.19217552

I got really close to it. Dropped out when Coronachan hit. I enjoyed the subject. I know a couple people with BAs in philosophy. Neither could find employment with it. One went back to school for a biology degree and then went to med school. The other is getting a Master's in something else. Still cant find employment

>> No.19217567
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You can read literally anything and be ahead of 90% of /lit/

>> No.19217572

I have found I possess the ability to completely shed my fears, joys, anxieties, and passions by making the choice to stop caring. In one breath I can empty myself.

>> No.19217577


>> No.19217585

>this tied up in meme ideologies and only 18

>> No.19217612

I hate art. I hate music and poetry and literature and painting and sculpture. Lately none of it comes even remotely close to accurately representing or drawing out any of the feelings that are inside me. It's all shallow.

>> No.19217632

maybe it's because I'm missing something so fundamental that even the artists have always taken for granted so they don't know they need to represent that feeling. Or because my feelings are too strong to be rivaled by the feelings induced by art so I will always be disappointed, or the things I am sensitive about most artists don't think about. But I couldn't make art that appealed to me, either.

>> No.19217651

You can major in something else once you transfer, but I chose to still major in philosophy (although I took a lot of CS classes on the side). The philosophy classes in the cc weren't worthwhile at all. You would unironically learn more if you read a philosopher and make a thread about him on /lit/ kek. Although that probably depends on the instructors, you might have better ones in your cc.

>> No.19217696
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I can't stop thinking about the Sylvia Likens case. I learned about it literally over a decade ago and it's still burned into my mind, and resurfaces every so often. It's honestly terrifying just to imagine the sheer cruelty the girl went through. I mean, I know there are genocides and ethnic cleansings that are worse in scale, but shit like that, on an individual level, is just awful, and I wonder how many similar cases might be going on this exact instant.

>> No.19217718

so you think only about yourself, in the strictest sense that you feel no nostalgia for past selves or others, no affection for loved ones, no sense of kinship with any man, no opinion on aesthetics or nature, no spirituality? Or do thematic representations simply fall short?

>> No.19217721

simp and maladaptive true crime daydreamer is a dangerous combination, anon.

>> No.19217734
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How do I deal with being a schizo? I can't voice my thoughts because I fear being persecuted. I basically avoid any conflict and nod along, because other people won't care and shouldn't care. Books for this feel? I just read White People by Arthur Machen, I am a sinner who believes in fairies and spits on the scientific method, even if by training I am a scientist, but can't get along with my peers, it deeply depresses me the conquest to see who shits more papers, trust the science bro, do it for the science bro, choose kindness bro, it is okay to be a robot in a meaningless universe bro. trust me bro. I don't freaking trust you, you never ever trusted me and you called me crazy. Yeah I don't know, it feels like the dark night of the soul for me, everything I worked for, was ultimately pointless.

>> No.19217736

I could have saved her

>> No.19217744

Every time I'm in the middle of pursuing a girl, I remember a Cioran passage which basically sums up as 'make her life miserable by piercing the veil too often' etc.

>> No.19217755

you may be right I'm able to feel love and empathy but I guess in reality I have no real relationship with anyone. I feel admiration for other people but that's about it and all my focus has been on my own intellectual development recently. I think the lack of all that is the feeling I can't find in art and of course art wouldn't express a lack of feeling.

>> No.19217757


>> No.19217793


>> No.19217805

Life is just hell

>> No.19217824

>piercing the veil
what does this mean

>> No.19217834

Cases like this or Junko Furuta are extremely saddening. I don't know how such things can be prevented. Maybe we should make empathy a value taught and emphasized to people from toddler-hood? Or maybe we should just figure out a way to screen for psychopaths and cull them.

>> No.19217836


>> No.19217845

kek. Really the only thing Blade Runner got wrong aesthetically was that its not raining all the time / permanent nighttime

>> No.19217849

Never got around the fuss americans had with wearing masks. Not even arguing from a medical stand point, I just find it convenient to wear since it 'masks' my expression when talking with others and in some cases just lets me avoid talking to others altogether.

>> No.19217858

Lead up. Two nights before. Cigarette on back porch. Throw head back. Try to relax. Beautiful night. Smattering of stars. Wispy strands of clouds. No moon to be seen. Crickets. The highway. Some far off neighbors. Houses warmly lit. Look to the sky. Trying and partially succeeding to feel it all, the moment. More so than usual. Up. Able to hover slightly above myself. A moment. Work is okay. My body is okay. It's only 815. I'll likely read, maybe write tonight. Now stop writing and feel. It's good.

>> No.19217885
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why are they like this bros?

>> No.19217887
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majority of the people are not saved. majority of the people claiming to be Christians are also not saved because they are trusting their works to get to heaven. it's actually really easy to be saved contrary to the claims of popular false prophets because salvation is not of works. you should watch this gospel video if you want to receive God's free gift of eternal life and have the 100% assurance of going to heaven. this is the real biblical gospel.


>> No.19217888

Yeah it's really the most petulant thing to get upset about. Both the people who refuse to wear them and the people who will borderline attack you for not wearing one. Why do the extremes pop up so often in America? In most countries it seems 99% of people are OK with the barely noticeable inconvenience of wearing a mask.

>> No.19217907

Wtf those verses actually are removed.

>> No.19217921

Because we arent pussies who like being told what to do

>> No.19217932

I think its all the sucrose causing developmental problems

>> No.19217943

I feel like this sometimes but I have a few things I am anchored to. I recognize that I may as well say that I like that one specific artist or that specific piece of music because I hate every other thing like it's Satan's handiwork.

>> No.19217947

That an Arsenal AK?

>> No.19217959

G ahead and start with what you enjoy. Get used to the idea of reading regularly with stuff you like before venturing into other works.

>> No.19217975

I can understand them to a degree. I too am a member of a people who have no soil, no homeland, a people at home nowhere and everywhere all at once. But I have no Israel, no nation I know I can flee to if all goes to hell. It is not something I would wish for anyone. It makes you anxious anon, anxious in a deep way. You find yourself supporting every minority cause, because if one is clamped down on, how much longer will it be until the majority turns on you? It goes the other way too; you become a fanatic nationalist for your nation, even though your people have only been there for a few generations. You become politically schizophrenic, a staunch supporter of the majority and a defender of the minorities, and you try to make the best of it. Jews had to suffer this for 2,000+ years. I can see why it left a mark on them. It's funny, I guess. Plenty of contemporary writers/thinkers amongst my people say we are going to become very much like the Jews as time passes. I think they are right.

>> No.19217978

The mere existence of therapists is the most clear evidence that our society is fucked. You wouldn't need to vent weekly, if at all if you had friends you trusted enough to vent about personal problems, and if you really needed to vent you'd vent with a friend, who can probably understand you because he grew up with you. Everything is so incredibly broken on so many levels.

>> No.19218069

i think im going to try to make the next Write What's On Your Mind thread and im going to choose a really fucking stupid image or maybe a cool one idk.
45 more replies until the race is on boys

>> No.19218103

if I were a pokemon I'd want to be called dildomon

>> No.19218117


>> No.19218121

It's funny that Eliot begins The Hollow Men with a quote from Heart of Darkness - which, for him, was only 25 years old. It would be like somebody starting their masterpiece with a quote from Infinite Jest these days, which of course seems a lot sillier, but I guess goes to show how much literature has stagnated since the end of the Cold War.

>> No.19218130

Do you still go on here? Probably not. I wonder if you've changed. It's been three years. I really liked you back then

>> No.19218155

/tg/, /k/, and /m/ are the three most self-congratulatory boards on 4chan.

>> No.19218216

I have no idea what I want to do for work.

>> No.19218227

/lit/ is full of pretentious faggots, but so is /tg/. The only difference between the two is /tg/ gets coom threads.

>> No.19218233

I'm cooming right now

>> No.19218260


>> No.19218291

I have two kinds of sexual fantasies. One truly life-affirming. I remember that fucking my ex was like this. It felt like taking in a vast sky and breathing sweet air, feeling that every fibre of my being was used to the fullest in a worthy task, finding a path through her to the music of her breath (not to be too corny or anything). This is a wholly nurturing love, an enjoyment created ouf out of finding the music through her. I usually came as soon as I found that music, and it was all I wanted to find, and it was knowing that this satisfied her that fulfilled me. It wasn't meek, I wasn't serving her. We collided disproportionately, our movements complemented eachother. She enjoyed giving to me as well. The other is wholly about death. It is about thoughts of a nature like "I'm a going to fuck you to death"; "I am going to fuck you until you forget your name". It is about degradation, domination. In these fantasies I imagine I've tied the woman up and ordered her that she can not make a sound, and then leaning in and telling her in a deep voice "You're mine" and feeling her body break, her individuality lost in a rapture of humiliation and pleasure, and listening as she still tried not to squeal. It makes me hard just thinking about it. But it does not make the air taste of honey. I suspect these are the two sides to masculinity.

>> No.19218335

Yes, and I still can't live without them. I miss having a girlfriend so much that's fucking up my mind. I paid for sex already, twice, and didn't do shit for my feelings. Yes, I'm longing for intimancy. I'll keep trying, though. Maybe some whore will get it right on my kokoro.

>> No.19218353

my fucking blender blew up while i was making a smoothie. night ruined. im getting high

>> No.19218357

but what I really want is a woman in a flowery apron. I would like, some time, probably, to fuck her in nothing but that flowery apron, but more importantly I'd like to find her cooking and place my hand on her waist and move up close and tell her something stupid to make her smile. And then move in closer and hook my arm around her properly, not rough at all, and lean my head against hers and close my eyes and think "I can't believe I get to have this moment right now" and stand there for a couple of seconds. And then kiss the side of her head and go on to do what I was gonna do, but without the weight of the world.

>> No.19218367

Interesting perspective.

>> No.19218371

Are you a gypsie?

>> No.19218384

I clench my erupting cock and colonize my shorts

>> No.19218386

>In most countries it seems 99% of people are OK with the barely noticeable inconvenience of wearing a mask.
No, they are not. I travel frequently between Europe and the US. Mask compliance is lower in Europe, except in public transit.
People in Europe are just not as dramatic, but they are also have strong convictions about this topic.

>> No.19218390

Had a wet dream?

>> No.19218398


>> No.19218409


Well...that explains her base outfit, then:

>> No.19218437
File: 503 KB, 640x690, WEED SMOKING WEEEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19218438


Sounds like a Twilight Zone plot.

>> No.19218446


It's not that they have ADHD, it's just that...look, a bunny rabbit!

>> No.19218450

cornered by a focus group... again

>> No.19218460

What does a person's life circumstances have to be to allow them to pursue a woman?
I assume you need to be able to interact with her regularly. I'm nearing 30 and I've never even come close to pursuing a woman. I have no idea what that even looks like on a practical level.

>> No.19218469

19 more posts until the race to make the next thread wins....who will win?

>> No.19218473


That's oddly specific.

>> No.19218477

im high

>> No.19218480


Do you live in Scottsdale, AZ?

>> No.19218482
File: 309 KB, 739x935, 7A1A5F17-5780-4BCD-8701-892BDECE53DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit your requests for the OP.

>> No.19218485

You flirt with her and then ask her to go places with you.

>> No.19218491
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>> No.19218499
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I have no idea if my homoerotic attraction is just "prison gay" due to the fact that I'm going to be a 30 year-old virgin, or if it's genuine. My attraction to other boys started at the same time as my attraction to girls. I developed crushes on guys as a teenager. The thought of being a "cute couple" with another guy and holding hands while out in public gives me the warm fuzzies.

But I can't shake the idea that it would all melt away if I were in love with a woman.

>> No.19218515

she looks rotund lol

>> No.19218523
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>> No.19218530

Yes , we generally want our parents dead.
Look at popular fiction like comic books.
The hero is true to himself often because their parents are dead.
People who wants to kill themselves are often waiting for their mother to die first.

>> No.19218532

She’s not.

>> No.19218553

No. I have no doubt my situation is a common one

>> No.19218557

New thread?
Too early? You can still talk here till 350+ if you wanted.

>> No.19218561
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Sick heel-flip brah

>> No.19218563

Post your figure

>> No.19218567


Montre nous ta volupté,
ta source d'amour et beauté.
Laisse nous enivré,
de tes parfums salé.

>> No.19218577

>People in Europe are just not as dramatic

This is kind of what I meant, though I admit I worded it poorly. Whether its following the rules or not following the rules, people don't act so crazy about it in other countries it seems. Where I live people generally follow the new rules, but if someone is breaking the rules no one is going to stop them. People mind their business more. Which is ironic because Americans are the ones who are so loud about letting people do what they want.

>> No.19218588

Wild wild west. Jim West. Desperado

>> No.19218592

I shan't

>> No.19218609

Alors que tourment et misère,
te fassent oublié le toi d'hier.

Maudite vielle sorcière

>> No.19218628

Ce n'est pas une façon de parler à ta tante

>> No.19218633

montre nous ta plotte

>> No.19219125

You’ve failed her

>> No.19219146

Although rare I find that the moments that could be considered a 'fall" into love reveal most profoundly the limits of our conscious awareness. Every time this has happened to me, the person chosen has been an incredibly good match from the start. From the rational mind it appears as a sort of looks-match cope (the whole ordeal of love at first sight) but the similarities seem to be uncanny so much so that one has to confront the sheer amount of information that is communicated in our stances, faces, spacing etc. The invisible universe.

>> No.19219430

>You know that you don't have to eat fake soi burgers to be a vegetarian, right retard?
Be Anon,
Like meat,
While I find the concept of not eating meat slightly weird, to each his own, everybody has their food preference quirks.
Find out about Vegan food.
Most is based on “fake” meats, designed to look like real meat.
If I want a “fake” burger, I’ll fry up a giant portobello mushroom till it’s nice and browned in oil, and eat it on a round bun.
Tasty as fuck.
I might do the same with slabs of eggplant as well.
I’ll use the same topping as I might onna burger.

Why the fuck do Vegans need their Vegan food to look like meat?

Seitan and Tofu are also tasty when fried up.
No need to pretend it’s meat.

>> No.19219760
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>> No.19219977

that reminds me of the Espace restaurant scene in American Psycho

>> No.19220100

"sex" is what happens when you impregnate a woman. People have gathered a vast array of unrelated behaviors under the banner of "sexuality" for political and social reasons, but hormonally they're all an extension of your basic Sex drive. If you get aroused by mechs, that doesn't make you "mecha-sexual" it just means you got aroused by a mech and liked it. We are what we do.

>> No.19220115

What angers me is that it's never "refugees" of course but illegal no-papers refugees from Africa. If I went to Iceland with the idea of emigrating they'd probably say "oh you're from Europe? Do you have at least 3 STEM degrees so you can be a productive member of our society? Do you speak fluent Icelandic? Oh well then we're sorry you cannot enter our country lol. And you? What is your name? Oh you won't tell, that's fine you are brown so welcome aboard! OOGA BOOGA"