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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19213858 [Reply] [Original]

Since I just discovered /lit really is just high IQ 4chan, I come here seeking advice:
Recently the black pills have been connecting and resonating in ways which can't be ignored. Not only are any romantic pretenses about the world melting away - the realization of our powerlessness in the moment has served my moral a knockout punch.
Since normies believe what the elties tell them, and the notable opposition to the mainstream is either retarded or astroturfed or both, I am asking enlightened people here what they believe that grounds them or gives them meaning.

>> No.19213863

>Since normies believe what the elties tell them
so do you, you just listen to a different elite

>> No.19213864

Read BAP on this issue. Then Evola. You'll be okay

>> No.19213878

You seem to be mistaken, this is where we discuss literature.

>> No.19213888


Being demoralized by 'blackpills' is the sign of a weak character. The elite are counting on you to be put down.

>> No.19213899
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The Holy Bible

>> No.19213907

Congrats, you've completed your first existential crisis. Goodie bags are next to the door as you leave

>> No.19213942

Unironically go to a church, Christ is the beginning and end, the sooner you find out the better

>> No.19213959
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Choose your own adventure

>> No.19213961
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>I am asking enlightened people here what they believe
Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Any other 'answer' is a surrogate and only leads you back into even worse kinds of states.

>> No.19213964

>truth is relative maaan! its what I chose it to be!

>> No.19213976

If /lit/ was high-IQ 4chan (it isn't) you wouldn't be welcome.
You sound like you're confused because you parrot whatever shit you decide is sufficiently counterculture.
There are no enlightened people here, most anons are as dumb as you (or dumber) and they're going to tell you to go to church. I'll do you one better: go to church or don't, but please fuck off.

>> No.19214066

Meaning pertains to definition. As for romantic aspirations, an excellent start would be to drop such ill-defined terms altogether.

>> No.19214074

Wow anon, you sound really high IQ. Please tell me something smart.

>> No.19214082

nothing grounds me; sometimes I shock myself with how sad I can get and wake up NOT wanting to commit a murder (in Minecraft)

>> No.19214093
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here is the starting point of your path

>> No.19214094
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He is demonic.

>> No.19214098

For me, conviction that what we’re inheriting is a misstep, it rather not a misstep but an inevitable intermediate point that must be suffered. In some sense, the search for meaning and literally the cope is transmuted into meaning itself, or something resembling it. In regard to spirituality in particular, I think people forget all to often that spirituality is a way of life and not merely a set of revealed truths. And thus, I think we can find some sort of meaning in precisely the upward striving of the spirit and the process of transformation, despite its rigors and difficulties.

>> No.19214103

demonfag, you need to leave your mom's basement

>> No.19214104

can we stop at the gift shop?

>> No.19214117

>/lit really is just high IQ 4chan
sorry anon but we're all fucking retarded here

>> No.19214125

Started Bronze Age Mindset and I think you were spot on in that recommendation. Its deeply refreshing but doesn't just end in "and this is why you should be worried -- see? We told you you should be worried!" Though maybe if I don't want alarmism I should try harder to engage with long form content where real attempts at solutions are required to not sound completely stupid.
> insecure about their intelligence
Get real - the terms have plenty of meaning to ask my question.
Based Christ followers.

>> No.19214129

Thumbnail looks like Christ with a massive boner looking down at a drowning man

>> No.19214139

>bro you said you could swim we could of 69d at home instead of skinny dipping

>> No.19214157

maybe come back when you aren't a teenager anymore

>> No.19214158
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"We cannot help noticing that, like all propagandists, the apostles of tolerance, truth to tell, are very often the most intolerant of men. This is what has in fact happened, and it is strangely ironical : those who wished to overthrow all dogma have created for their own use, we will not say a new dogma, but a caricature of dogma, which they have succeeded in imposing on the western world in general; in this way there have been established, under the pretext of "freedom of thought," the most chimerical beliefs that have ever been seen at any time, under the form of these different idols, of which we have just singled out some of the more important."

"Those who might be tempted to give way to despair should realize that nothing accomplished in this order can ever be lost, that confusion, error and darkness can win the day only apparently and in a purely ephemeral way, that all partial and transitory disequilibrium must perforce contribute towards the greater equilibrium of the whole, and that nothing can ultimately prevail against the power of truth."

"Europeans, since the days when they began to believe in "progress" and in "evolution," that is to say since a little more than a century ago, profess to see a sign of inferiority in this absence of change, whereas for our part, we look upon it as a balanced condition which Western civilization has failed to achieve."

"True ideas do not change or develop, but remain as they are in the timeless 'present'."

"It sometimes so happens that people who imagine that they are fighting the devil, whatever their particular notion of the devil may be, are thus turned, without any suspicion of the fact on their part, into his best servants!"

>> No.19214167

How old are you if you're using retarded sophomoric terms like normie or blackpill unironically and believe that this board is anything but retarded? Reading books doesn't mean someone is smart, especially when the majority of the books are easy to digest fiction.

>> No.19214184

I think I'll stay. Just turned 18 and one half yesterday.
A lot of cope for this board being called intelligent (relative to the rest of 4chan, which you failed to acknowledge). I don't think they are more intelligent because "books are for smart people," I think it because its fucking obvious reading most people's comments (yourself excluded) after spending a lot of time on other boards.

>> No.19214186

>Then Evola
imagine thinking magic is real

>> No.19214188

>Just turned 18

Seems like my post was spot on then.

>> No.19214205

I'm 18 and ONE HALF you fucking inbred. SIX MONTHS PAST EIGHTEEN THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. Meanwhile you are a mid 20's incel (oops did I use a word you don't like again?) who actually believes I'm not making fun of you. Just because you hang out with people of higher average intelligence on the internet than another part of the internet means you can act coy, cool, and annoyed and fool anyone. Just because I am cosmically demoralized doesn't mean I don't feel simple disgust for those as insecure as yourself that you prey on a 'so broad its faulty' perception of weakness.