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[ERROR] No.19211692 [Reply] [Original]

>explains human nature and society in 1 book

uhh yeah, becker is based as hell

>> No.19211693

Finally updated the cover huh, most exciting thing I've seen on this board in years

>> No.19211718


>> No.19211865

>Doesn't deny death
Well how'd that work out for ya?

>> No.19212187

This book changed my whole life. After I finished it, I gave up on my career and my family, and I've never been happier.

>> No.19212198

so.. should I read it anon?

>> No.19212230

>I gave up on my career and my family
what's the story with that anon?

>> No.19212234

How could I deny death? I'm going to die for sure. lol

>> No.19212243

Western society is predicated around distracting of harsh truths. You may be able to logically understand death but emotionally accepting it is another thing entirely

>> No.19212251

I quit my job after reading this!
Happiest I've been in 5 years

>> No.19212252

Didn't Culture of Narcissism already pretty thoroughly cover this though? What does this book offer? The fact that people live as though they won't die is something myself, and I'm sure countless others, have noticed since they were in high school or earlier.

>> No.19212260
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>> No.19212262

Cozy fall read.

>> No.19212324

>its another pessimistic neurotic jewish book that hates on life
Il pass

>> No.19212739

>As anal play is an essential exercise in human mastery, it is better not interfered with. If the adult anxiously cuts it short, then he charges the animal function with an extra dose of anxiety.
>It becomes more threatening and has to be extra-denied and extra-avoided as an alien part of oneself. This extra-grim denial is what we mean by the "anal character." An "anal" upbringing, then, would be an affirmation, via intense repression
>Penis-envy, then, arises from the fact that the mother's genitals have been split off from her body as a focalization of the problem of decay and vulnerability. Bernard Brodsky remarks about his female patient: "Her concept of woman as fecal greatly stimulated her penis envy, since the lively erectile penis was the antonym of the dead, inert stool"
>Phyllis Greenacre--outstanding student of the child's experiences--had already remarked on this same equation in the child's perception: penis = movement, therefore life; feces = inertia, therefore death
at last i truly see

>> No.19212765

You should definitely read it before you spend years trying to achieve immortality through an unsatisfying, socially-prescribed causa sui. I was a lawyer! LOL.. But now I'm making my pots, beautiful clay pots swirling with color! I am an artist! I am poly! My love and my art will bring great vibrations to this world which will echo long after I am gone!

>> No.19212771

The idea is that we are trying to live on, past death, by some action or cause we pursue - often to the detriment of ourselves and . All because of denial of the*reality* of death

>> No.19213127

Why do some people insist on spoiling life by worrying about death all the time? I'd rather try to find a little meaning and joy in my life.

>> No.19214008

that book gave me nothing but dread

>> No.19214086

can't tell if this is an off-handed way to get people to not read it or serious.

>> No.19214418

It is real, my friend. I've been potting for nearly 10 years now. Doesn't pay as well but I don't need as much now that I see how things are! Plus the potting community has tons of interesting people many of which are very open and giving lovers. I could not be happier even though I cannot afford a BMW anymore, who cares about that crap?

>> No.19214435

Very comfy anon
Are you still in contact with your family?

>> No.19214531

How do I get into the potter club :3?

Do elder potters take apprentices?

>> No.19214689

>hypothetical society accepts death
how would it look like?

>> No.19214892


>> No.19214921

Why do jews always have to come up with such bullshit

>> No.19215037

>provide a reductionist explanation for everything
>retards laps it up

>> No.19215329


are you really dumb or stupid?

>> No.19215341

You're not even funny

>> No.19215346


>> No.19215404

No. You are the one who is coping.

>> No.19215409

Cope harder.

>> No.19215527

Endless cope.

>> No.19215550

I guess Urantia isn't using it anymore.

>> No.19215713

Why does it need to be accepted, after all one is going to die anyway and if death is the cessation of the consciousness then none of our thoughts about it during life will matter anymore once it happens. Why bother to deal with it on an emotional level at all? Its akin to owing a debt to some great king and everyday the king's slaves come arrogantly knocking at your door reminding you to pay the debt, pay the debt, but you know that the debt is due the day after your death so you decide to simply never pay it and quietly go about your life.

>> No.19215741

If history has shown anything, it's that neurotic individuals can't keep to themselves.

>> No.19215748

>fish people are real
yeah, great book op.

>> No.19215787

give me a quick rundown

>> No.19215794

Well, now I'm actually interested.

>> No.19215874

You gonna die nigga

>> No.19215963

What do I need to have read beforehand?

>> No.19215978

>abandoned his family to make pots
Your ancestors and descendants look on you with contempt, for you are a pathetic cretin deserving of naught more than being swept away and works turned to dust.

>> No.19216081

damn... i never really thought of it that way...

>> No.19216130
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Yeah that amazing boyo anyways how many hoes you banged? you of all people should realise that writing that book was pointless and you wasted your time by writing some meaningless faggotry instead of raping underage sluts at parties
Suck em.
I will not be replying you can all go fuck off and die

>> No.19216163

The Amish

>> No.19216318

Why are people still shilling it
Its not very good, the Kierkegaard analysis is cringe

>> No.19216546

>But now I'm making my pots, beautiful clay pots swirling with color! I am an artist! I am poly! My love and my art will bring great vibrations to this world which will echo long after I am gone!
The book literally argues against immortalizing yourself by "leaving traces behind".

>> No.19216681

its deep aint it??

>> No.19216723
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How have we not accepted death? Everyone learns and accepts it at an early age. Living life fully and trying to achieve things isn't denying death. Seems like a psued book.

>> No.19216767
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If real you may have missed the point. The book has a very pessimistic conclusion. There is no path to happiness or fulfillment at the end of the book. In fact, he explicitly states that exposing yourself to the true terror of your mortal condition can make routine, automatic, self-assured behavior permanently impossible.

It's not necessarily an argument against immortality projects. It's more of an examination of how civilization is a vehicle to sublimate terror into immortality projects.

You can still do it, but this book explains why you have the impulse to do it, and I guess after reading the book it's impossible to be self-satisfied with the work. Like, moving forward with a certain sense of irony about everything

From the very last page of the book, paraphrasing:
The most we can do is fashion an offering, out of the world our ourselves, and provide tribute to the immense and incomprehensible chaos of the universe.

Tapping into the "sacrosanct vitality of the cosmos" and accepting the absurdity and impossibility of our human condition is all we can hope to achieve.

>> No.19216810

>Tapping into the "sacrosanct vitality of the cosmos" and accepting the absurdity and impossibility of our human condition is all we can hope to achieve.
I sure hope you're strongly paraphrasing because this sounds retarded.

>> No.19216822

>Your ancestors and descendants look on you with contempt
They don't, though. That's kind of the point.

>> No.19216834

>people ascribe meaning to stuff because it protects them from death anxiety
I can't think of a more oversocialized take. It also protects them from actual death, which mr. Becker never had to contend with because of his academic bubble.

>> No.19216847
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Here's the end of the book, and the paragraphs I was referencing

>> No.19216919

No, the book teachers us that we need an illusion of meaning to live. My causa sui is now more positive and healthy than my previous life as a lawyer. I am happy and I have a purpose, even if it is an illusion.

I think I understood the point quite well. Becker says clearly that we cannot live without a purpose, a causa sui. His intention is for the reader to examine his, and decide if it is the correct thing for them, in light of the knowledge that immortality is impossible and our accomplishments cease to matter upon death. You can still be happy with this knowledge, and you can reduce the strife in this world by not taking your causa sui so seriously

>> No.19216927

Becker himself became christian

>> No.19216954

Dude like...it's a le immortality project because...IT JUST IS OK?! STOP DOING SHIT

>> No.19217240

Ok based. I personally can't pull off what you have, and take the causa sui less seriously, even in light of the knowledge the book provides. I realized have an instinct to double down on the ambition, even if it increases my strife. To release that grip and make love and pottery would amount to egodeath/forfeiting my self. I frequently wish I could be like you.