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[ERROR] No.19210195 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all religions misogynistic?
This freethinking, intelligent, leftist woman brings up some harrowing points.

>> No.19210208

because they were all invented by old white dudes 2000 years ago

>> No.19210211

Were they
A. onto something
B. meanies :(

>> No.19210214

Yes. I believe there should be a quota for religions invented by marginalized groups.

>> No.19210233
File: 141 KB, 850x400, comment_Pww5wJcFSIk15JU6pzgXChSKcMvAeWJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see what some prominent atheists had to say about women.
A-atheistbros...? We got too cocky...

>> No.19210249

>proceeds to vote for increased Muslim immigration
Liberals are creating the rope which will be used to hang them. Personally AI think it’s because kn some level they want to lose.

>> No.19210318
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Only a leftist would think that modesty is rape culture. Modesty aims to preserve female dignity. And to say that the husband is hierarchically superior to his wife does not imply misogyny, it is the natural state of things. As Chesterton said "Feminism brought the confused idea that women are free when they serve their employers, but they are slaves when they help their husbands." Not to mention that Christianity brought dignity to women, in the pagan world they were seen as the property of their husbands. Plus Catholicism has a woman as its most perfect and exalted creature.

>> No.19210330

I don't understand how feminists thought that marriage and monogamy are patriarchal systems when in evolutionary biology terms, monogamy is the matriarchal mating system.

>> No.19210331

>all religions
Ryukyuan religion is matriarchal. Most priests are women and the highest roles are exclusive to women.

>> No.19210338

What is about atheisn that creates so many midwits and NPCs?

>> No.19210367

What is about atheism that creates so many midwits and NPCs?

>> No.19210370

They don't get paid to serve their husbands.

>> No.19210378

They get paid when they work at their job.

>> No.19210385
File: 117 KB, 400x509, CD758584-35D1-404C-AF28-BE094997C398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a strong woman looks like

>> No.19210405

looks more like a cuck to me

>> No.19210425

I have yet to meet a single feminist who knows anything about evolutionary psychology. Most I know always say everything regarding the sexes is a social construct, as if social constructs do not evolve and are based on nothing.

>> No.19210426

In both cases they get ressources, in the first case often in goods, in the second often in cash, net result is the same

>> No.19210429

So what? I am a socialist.

>> No.19210430

It's a social construct until the trans movement happen and then all of the sudden the male and female brain is a thing.

>> No.19210431

>I have yet to meet a single feminist who knows anything about evolutionary psychology

>> No.19210438

i think "evolutionary psychologists" should get a real job

>> No.19210439

‘The Demiurge,’ said my father, ‘has had no monopoly of creation, for creation is the privilege of all spirits. Matter has been given infinite fertility, inexhaustible vitality, and, at the same time, a seductive power of temptation which invites us to create as well… The whole of matter pulsates with infinite possibilities that send dull shivers through it. Waiting for the life-giving breath of the spirit, it is endlessly in motion. It entices us with a thousand sweet, soft, round shapes, which it blindly dreams up within itself.’

>‘We have lived for too long under the terror of the matchless perfection of the Demiurge,’ my father said. ‘For too long the perfection of his creation has paralyzed our own creative instinct. We don’t wish to compete with him. We have no ambition to emulate him. We wish to be creators in our own, lower sphere; we want to have the privilege of creation, we want creative delights, we want – in one word – Demiurgy.’

This harlot wants to rewrite the rules of nature to create some idealized world in which she is desirable. She is possessed, like all leftists - nay, all politicizers and ideologues, by the Demiurge

>> No.19210445

I said evolutionary biology, not evolutionary psychology. They're related but not the same thing.

>> No.19210447

The radical feminists take it seriously but they've been pushed out for being "transphobic"
Evolutionary psychologists understand humans better than all sociologists and feminists.

>> No.19210452

>Why are all religions misogynistic?
Because you're looking at them through the prescribed lens of a secular cult, itself a religion, hence and heretofore denied to be as such.

A very many feminists themselves are rapists and rape apologists, they just get away with it because they tell themselves and are told that what they did and are doing was and is okay.

>> No.19210463

If only m'lady knew that my religion is pussy worship, and that I would serve at her divine alter for hours at a time on my knees.
I must DM her post-haste and let my queen goddess know.

>> No.19210466

If a woman needs to get paid to serve her husband, she doesn't love him at all. Her payment is his love.

>thanks for making me breakfast, honey
>gimme da money, you fucker

>> No.19210488

A good evolutionary psychologist will note that a)he has to maintain a very high degree of uncertainty, and b)there is a ton of variation in humans as to psychology and behaviour, likely you will see bell curve distributions. Evopsych also often reproduces concepts present in both traditional culture and newer ideologies like feminism.

>> No.19210489

because women are stupid and dumb

>> No.19210495

If atheism is a religion, then non-stamp collecting is a hobby.

>> No.19210498

reality is misogynistic

>> No.19210500

>evolutionary psychology
It isn't even close to a real science. It is idle speculation by neckbeards, on a lower rung than even the most outrageous Freudo-faggotry.

>Evolutionary psychologists understand humans better than all sociologists and feminists.
Explain posting on 4chan as an evolutionary psychologist.
Not exactly conducive to getting your pee-pee wet, is it?

>> No.19210510

well at least you're aware of your true worth, roastie

>> No.19210511

The concept of “misogyny” is a modern ideological abomination

>> No.19210513

The resource of cash is freely at her disposable on whatever need or venture she wants while the husband owns the house on paper and the items in it, he holds domain and while she gets some of it, it simply is not entirely hers because of this traditionally minded vice.

>> No.19210516

You may as well say "explain a birth defect" to disprove evolution

>> No.19210519

My original post here >>19210330 is why I don't understand feminism.
The fact that feminists could make such a trivial error as considering monogamy to be a patriarchal institution is incredibly confusing.
In patriarchal primate mating systems, the male is vastly larger than the female and does not help her raise offspring. He routinely engages in infanticide to kill her babies so that he can rape her and spread his genes.
It matriarchal systems, the male and female are the same size (or the female is bigger) and they engage in monogamous child rearing.
Feminists literally got everything backwards in the very foundation of their philosophy.

>> No.19210527
File: 348 KB, 540x496, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hobby
>"Well it's not stamp collecting"
>Okay great, I know what your hobby isn't, but what IS your hobby?
>"Not stamp collecting"
>Yes, you said that. Do you not have a hobby? Is it something weird?
>"No, I have a hobby, it's just not stamp collecting"
>Okay, so why won't you tell me what it is then? Lots of hobbies aren't stamp collecting.
>"Look I don't get why this is confusing, my hobby is not stamp collecting"

>> No.19210529

I've unironically met with a girl irl that I met on this site.
And my original comment is about evolutionary biology and mating systems in primates and mammals.

>> No.19210540

its insane how obsessed women are with having their cake and eating it too. the best example was in the comment section of an article during the Olympics that was about some women's team opting for more modest outfits instead of bikinis because they were uncomfortable with being sexually objectified. in the comments under this article were the usual suspects including men saying its stupid and women and men praising them "for their courage", debates ensuing etc.
I decided to throw my opinion into these debates by simply commenting "there's nothing wrong with being modest" and god damn if i didnt get like 5 women who otherwise agreed with the womens choices pouncing on me and REEEEEEEing at me about the concept of modesty, to which I replied that "the women were rightfully uncomfortable being sexually objectified and chose more modest attire accordingly, there's nothing wrong with my statement" and then it was just crickets after that

>> No.19210546

Humans are not monogamous, as you can see by the size disparity and the tendency for harem formation. Feminism considers everything patriarchy but wrt monogamy it's the fact that women don't want to mate with most men. Of course they dont want polygamy either, they want reality to just not be what it is.

>> No.19210550

>non-stamp collecting is a hobby
Who's to say that it isn't? You mean to say that atheists don't have a shared sense of values and doctrines, rituals and behaviors? It doesn't have its own power structures and social cliques? Atrocities have not been committed in the name of its progress and proselytization?

That's fine if you don't get it, but it could be wise to drop the attitude.

>> No.19210556

pretty faulty metaphor as being an atheist and declaring that do not believe in god(s) us in its self a metaphysical deceleration whereas "non-stamp collecting" is not a hobby in its self

>> No.19210561

>Humans are not monogamous
Humans are somewhere in between. Humans are not tournament species and we're also not monogamous.

>> No.19210563

My balls are big and hairy.

You may as well suck on said balls. Every evopsych fag in the world claims it as an all-encompassing explanation of human behavior, which clearly, it is not.

Uh-huh, and I've met hundreds everywhere but this shithole.

>> No.19210566

Why do atheists even visit /lit/? You don't read, you just come here to argue.

>> No.19210567

Buddy I'm literally a a graduate student studying genetics. I understand biology better than you do.

>> No.19210569
File: 66 KB, 500x355, 1629737092394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You better drop the attitude mister!
Fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck jannies, and fuck you, how's that for attitude?

>> No.19210575

If you discard evopsych you are discarding evolution in general since they're the same logic, the former is just a subset of the latter. You're making a strawman claiming that anyway, neither Wilson nor Dawkins said culture did not matter.

>> No.19210577

Go ahead, make a fool of yourself, if that's what you want.

>> No.19210586

I'm so confused what the term 'old white dudes' means. I know this is bait but people fling it around all the time. Are they 'old' in the sense that they lived a long time ago? Or are they 'old' in the sense that they were advanced in years when they enshrined their supposedly patriarchal thoughtsystems? Are they 'white' in the sense of a New England WASP? Obviously none of the founders of any world religion that claims a wide adherence today were white. And none of the founders of the religions of today were particularly 'old' either... Jesus was, what, thirty something when he died? The Buddha was still a young adult when he achieved enlightenment. And Muhammed was only 40 (or was he 50?) when he had his first revelation.

>> No.19210589

They don't need to be paid by their husbands.
Money as a medium is only one (and the most superficial) way to distribute resources.
Also, marriages are based on love rather than self-interest.
Do you want your husband to treat you like a prostitue?

>> No.19210592
File: 88 KB, 708x708, 1631402407961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I may be a fool, yet you knew this was the stomping ground of fools and chose to come here anyway, which is more foolish than anything I've ever done.

>> No.19210593

>Buddhist believe that women cannot be enlightened
Wrong, the Buddha's wife changed his mind on this matter. It is one branch of the Jains that believe this.

>> No.19210601

its meant to be old as in they themselves are old men, which is used as a derogatory remark because it implies they are backwards and not hip with the times

>> No.19210603

lol retard.

>> No.19210605

>this [is] the stomping ground of fools
If you insist.

>> No.19210607

I mean, they clearly get paid in some resources, like having a place to sleep which is an obvious self interest if you want to survive, ever been in a relationship?

>> No.19210610
File: 569 KB, 915x662, 1633982928682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are all religions misogynistic?
What's so misogynistic about Wicca? They worship a goddess and every practitioner I've seen so far are women.

>> No.19210611

>credentialism on an anonymous imageboard
Just lmao.

Doesn't follow. The implicit premise of your dumbass reasoning is behaviorism (which you probably fail to realize), which has been discredited for going on 50 years or so now.

>> No.19210616

The implicit premise is that genetics influence behavior at least somewhat. Do you really want to dent that?

>> No.19210622

Not only that, we've identified the genes that cause women to sexually prefer men who are bigger than them (during the arousal response a small percentage of women release 20% more oxytocin than most women which causes them to develop sexual attraction to men with neotenous features, which smaller men have)
Like this literally completely disproves the notion that genes don't affect behavior.

>> No.19210623

"Misogyny", "toxicity" and "inequality" are relative terms. You can't just bash over with them...

>> No.19210626

You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19210633

Misogyny is an over used term. It used to mean hatred of women but now it just refers to anything opposing modern feminism, so of course stuff from any other time is going to feel that way. The modern feminist ethos is essentially "do what thought wilt" and any book of moral guidance is inherently not going to have that attitude

>> No.19210635

She sounds pretty bigoted against matriarchal religions.

>> No.19210636
File: 75 KB, 640x640, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behaviorism is only tangentially related to evolutionary psychology at best, and certainly has not been discredited, even if it's no longer as popular as psych AI studies.

>> No.19210737

>from the shackles of oppression
lmao this bitch

>> No.19210802

Salaries is not the only thing that legitimize work. A man who works in his farm to his own consumption is still working, It would be dumb to call it unpaid work

>> No.19210947

being apolitical is a political position

>> No.19210973

women are demons, just like demons they don't use language for communication but for deception and achievement of their goals

>> No.19211060

>being apolitical is a political position
The insistence upon atheism being anything other than a domineering worldview is itself one of its dogmas. The fact that they can't let themselves perceive that fact would seem to suggest that they aren't quite as open-minded as they would like to claim. If that's something they were willing to take in stride, it would be akin to an admittance that at best they make no moral progress whatsoever, and continue the same sets of behaviors that they accuse everyone else of.

>> No.19211072

>in the pagan world they were seen as the property of their husbands

It was like that for most of history, Christian or otherwise.

>> No.19211080

yes I'm sure he kept his Upanishads by his Dawkins.

>> No.19211082

Is love such an alien concept to you that you can only think of relationships in purely economic terms, and that people only engage with each other out of selfish and ulterior motives?

>> No.19211112

love isn't real dumbass

>> No.19211116

Because religions are based on reality

>> No.19211133

Wrong. If this is the basis of your philosophy no wonder you have no idea what you're talking about lol

>> No.19211137

I'm curious what you think love is

>> No.19211170

According to Roman law, the pater familias could have his wife killed at any time, if he wanted. That is nothing like Christian marriage.

>> No.19211182

>I am a leftist

Opinion discarded immediately

>> No.19211187

You wouldn't get it

>> No.19211191

Or maybe you are embarrassed to admit you dont have a clue what it is

>> No.19211192

why discard someones opinion for meeting the bare minimum requirements of having a a functional intellectual capacity?

>> No.19211196

>That is nothing like Christian marriage.
try reading the bible

>> No.19211201

Sure thing anon
Dial 8

>> No.19211245

>Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25)

>> No.19211258

How do people convince women to accept polygamy without religion these days? I've always wondered.

>> No.19211272

that anon is strange for not at least attempting to describe his ideas.
imo love is a verb, a set of actions. the feeling often conflated with it is a noun, a passing but powerful state of mind brought on by impulse

>> No.19211325

You misunderstand, that anon is one of those "Love is just a chemical that makes you want to put your dick in a woman" hylics. Trying to explain love to a person like that is like trying to explaining calculus to a chimpanzee. They will literally never understand it, and they're especially pathetic because they've willfully chosen to reject the concept.

Hopefully this anon >>19211191 (here's your you) will grow up and recognize that there is real and immaterial beauty to life that he can experience, and not die in his rank ditch of materialism.

>> No.19211339

You can just admit you dont have a defintion of love

>> No.19211357

as I thought Christianity is gay

>> No.19211366

dignity is dead

>> No.19211371

>something only exists if you can define it
Not how it works. Not everything is mathematics.

>> No.19211383

Have we really gone from twitter screencaps to reddit screencaps? Why must anons always take the bait?

>> No.19211387

The definition of love is the sum experience of the concepts that approximate it, like friendship, filial attachment, and sexual attraction. I don't contend (I'm not the one who you originally asked btw) that there is no definition, but the definition that can really be understood is an experiential and not literal definition. So when you open the conversation by saying "Love doesn't exist" I obviously can't define for you that it does since if you were capable of both feeling AND recognizing that you are feeling love, you wouldn't even ask for the definition. So again, it's like defining calculus for a chimpanzee. I can show a chimp a paper with the proofs and concepts and major definitions, it doesn't change that to him it is a bunch of illegible scrawls.

>> No.19211401

Reddit tier post. You're projecting 21st century concepts onto the past. I doubt ancient Jews would've even thought of themselves as white. And besides there are religions around the world everywhere from every race.

>> No.19211410

You mean the Torah.

>> No.19211438

I don't have a definition of the color green either. Doesn't make it less real.

>> No.19211486

The term "green" refers to a subjective group of colours that reflect a certain wavelength of light. It is only as real as your thoughts.

>> No.19211495

And yet if you pointed to the noon sky and said "Hey that sky is green" you'd still be wrong you smarmy cunt.

>> No.19211501

100 posts on this shit bait thread

>> No.19211508
File: 199 KB, 1800x1578, I deliberatley entered a thread full of things that I do not like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u mad

>> No.19211511

No I made this thread retard.

>> No.19211513
File: 53 KB, 566x549, you may not be as gay as this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I'm sorry. Here's a more relevant image for you

>> No.19211524


atheism is the most feminist becuase its the only one who doesnt give spiritual weight to either sexes.

>> No.19211779

Wow you used 17 words when you could have used 4.

>a a functional intellectual capacity
O-Ok r-r-retard

>> No.19211796

Ok, try telling this to a blind man, and I guarantee you he still won't understand what green is.