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[ERROR] No.19207769 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn’t like Homer
>doesn’t like Dante
>doesn’t like Vergil
>doesn’t like Arthurian Legends post Gawain because they’re too French
>dislikes the GrecoRoman mythologies because they’re too degenerate
>is a Christcuck whose entire work revolves around being “gud”
>entire LotR is basically “technology BAAAAAAAAAAAD but being a Norf smoking weed GUD”
He’s literally the Eternal Anglo. Disdain for everyone else, glorification of his own views, and a complete hypocrite. He fights for his shitty folklore to the death because he seethes at the Iliad and the Aeneid, then simps for Jews. Literally human trash.

>> No.19207772

When you put it this way he seems even more based than I already thought he was.

>> No.19207773

>Disdain for everyone else, glorification of his own views, and a complete hypocrite
Sounds based to me.

>> No.19207774

he sounds based unlike you, you whiny continental faggot cuck

>> No.19207814

>He’s literally the Eternal Anglo. Disdain for everyone else
Except he vocally shits on things like Shakespeare and Hobbits as an allegory for the English is anything but flattering. Sorry to say you're a retard.

>> No.19207831

He liked Mary Renault's Greek novels.

>> No.19207836

Tolkien based.

>> No.19207842

You know he admired Celts and held Celtic mythology in high regard, right? He's literally the polar opposite of the eternal Ang*o

>> No.19207862

>He liked *some degenerate anglo dyke*

>> No.19207867
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another thread where some eurobeaner seethes about the English

>> No.19207875

>then simps for Jews.
Why are anglos always like this, they even had a jewish prime minister.
Is there some sort of anglo-semitic alliance?

>> No.19207899

Autism can and should work wonders

>> No.19207902
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England is in Europe. Seethe more, you're stuck with us forever

>> No.19207909

wtf I like Tolkein now?

>> No.19207924

Don't forget he literally rips off his plot from Plato's Republic. Kek what a hack

>> No.19207927

Anglos are the jews of the whites.

>> No.19207939

>literally proto slashfic that shilled the “dude everyone in the antiquity was a faggot” narrative
So he’s not only a hypocritical kikelover, but also a raging faggot as well. He hated Dune because it had hardcore themes, but faggotry makes his Christcuck buddy swell.

>> No.19207940

> “dude everyone in the antiquity was a faggot” narrative
cope.. it's called the truth

>> No.19207941

>>doesn’t like Homer
>>doesn’t like Dante
>>doesn’t like Vergil
>>doesn’t like Arthurian Legends post Gawain because they’re too French
>>dislikes the GrecoRoman mythologies because they’re too degenerate
>>is a Christcuck whose entire work revolves around being “gud”
>>entire LotR is basically “technology BAAAAAAAAAAAD but being a Norf smoking weed GUD”
Basically a poor man's Wagner.

>> No.19208216

No he actually disliked Celtic mythology

> The publisher’s reader commented in 1937 that the book the Hobbit had “something of that mad, bright-eyed beauty that perplexes all Anglo-saxons in the face of Celtic art.”

> Tolkien replied “Needless to say they are not Celtic! Neither are the tales. I do know Celtic things (many in their original languages Irish and Welsh), and feel for them a certain distaste: largely for their fundamental unreason. They have bright colour, but are like a broken stained glass window reassembled without design. They are in fact ‘mad’ as your reader says—but I don’t believe I am.”

He is the ultimate Anglo

>> No.19208263

What did Tolkien think about Shakespeare??

>> No.19208430
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I am 100% convinced all but 1 or 2 posters in this thread have never actually read anything by Tolkien in their life yet have an 'understanding' of him derived precisely from threads like these and other pseudo-intellectual exercises like pop news or e-celebrity reviews.
In short, cope, seethe, dilate, all of you will never be a real woman, and a little less than half of you will never be white either.

>> No.19208472

he sounds based af

>> No.19208541

Who cares?
We are not bothered with what Stephen King thinks of Cervantes.

>> No.19208636

I've read Tolkien

>> No.19208874

Stephen King was never a scholar of early medieval English literature.

>> No.19208907

Well I'd consider Tolkien considerably above King. And I'd be interested in his opinion considering he was very well versed in English literature and history... And it's also fucking Shakespeare? I'm especially curious as to why he didn't like Dante or the Greco-roman stuff too.

>> No.19208940

but Varg told me Tolkien was a secret pagan anon

>> No.19209599

Krauts are the Kikes of whites. It’s just that Anglos are their evolved form.

>> No.19209608

tolkien is reddit as fuck, not just his writing but him as a person

>> No.19209611

They're actually the people on earth the least like jews if you go by rates of endogamy and cultural adherence to contracts vs kinship.

>> No.19209618


This is the dumbest take on Renault I've ever heard.

>> No.19209655
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He doesn't say technology bad he just shows how it isn't modern convenience that makes people happy it's the little things that have always been there. The hobbits live simple but happy lives.

>> No.19210054

he illustrated through the palantir that it's the lost understanding of technology's implications that is hurtful to civilisation, not the technology itself.

It's interesting. They've recently discovered highly complex mechanics created by the greeks to explain the solar system. it's compared to a modern computer.

>> No.19210076

where can i read about that greek computing stuff, anon

>> No.19210085


>> No.19210209

thanks, B

>> No.19210594
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genuinely pathetic

>> No.19211369
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>likes tales of topographic oceans
>likes inklings
there is no better combination

>> No.19211380

Kek tell me more op

>> No.19211389

Holy fuck...Tolkien ethered

>> No.19211393

I wouldn’t.

>> No.19211499

It has been a disaster for fantasy literature that rather than the poetic masterwork Titus Groan the postwar novel that gathered the most traction in the popular consciousness has been Tolkien's boring, meandering, characterless work of endless walking and repackaged mythology. All fantasy for decades after The Lord of the Rings was copying the bland adventure, the one macguffin to rule them all. To copy Peake, these hack authors would have had to actually work, to create interesting characters with interesting relationships, and intricately plot their stories.

>> No.19211507

>doesn’t like Dante
Really? How is that possible?

>> No.19213219

Too degenerate for him. He doesn’t like the Southorns.

>> No.19213238

Well anyone who likes trees must worship odin, its only logical. This is why odinism is so strong in japan.

>> No.19213254


I like Lotr for what it is, but I agree.

And you can really see the progression Nietzsche warned us when he criticized Wagner. Everything would become more spectacular, more symbolic and more dissonant with the our present realities. There is some kind of absolutely deft romanticism going from the succession of Wagner to Tolkien.