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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19203712 [Reply] [Original]

What single one book will give me an immutable mindset and make me 100% secure and imposing in everything I do?

>> No.19203718

Aristotle's Organon

>> No.19203736

Kinda hard for that to not already be the case. Anywhos just bounce around from various... fascist authors and intake their correlating views on concrete, definite reality being a mixture of things. Idk though, you’ll just come up with whatever you want anyway.

>> No.19203741
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You don't get that from a book, but from within.

>> No.19203777

>Anywhos just bounce around from various... fascist authors and intake their correlating views on concrete, definite reality being a mixture of things
Please explain

>> No.19204729

My strongest book would kill you anonymous, your mindset isn’t strong enough to handle it. You’d better ask someone for a weaker book.

>> No.19204781

i kneel

>> No.19204922

Book Seller, I demand your strongest books

>> No.19205237

Book seller, I'm going to battle. I need only your strongest books!

>> No.19205252

Not that one.

>> No.19205253
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>> No.19205327
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>> No.19205347

I've read both, but what you gotta understand bros... Is that reading a book about carpentry won't make you a carpenter.

>> No.19205373

It will if you put in practice

>> No.19205374

The proper way to read this is to have a picture of Cesare Borgia nearby and start masturbating. That's probably what Machiavelli did

>> No.19205376

some things are easier than others, such as speaking less and total disdain. But others are not so easy.

>> No.19205897

Bacon's Novum Organon

>> No.19206073

Yeah, I'm thinking based

>> No.19206549
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>> No.19206994

Which is it?

>> No.19207858
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>> No.19207964

Is there any truth to this book beign satire? Heard the opinion a few times but no idea if it's a legit interpretation or not.

>> No.19207972

It's not satire, but people completely get the meaning of the book wrong.
It's not about becoming le evil man who does everything for themself.
It's about how to be a good man, and still being able to compete with moral-less individuals. If your enemy will do things you're not willing to, they'll like win.
Really this book is all about choosing your battles for maximum effectiveness, but it goes over most retard's heads.

>> No.19207978

Cool, thanks. Will probably pick it up at some point.

>> No.19207984

Bookbros... we got too cocky

>> No.19208022

aristotle is the only philosopher you ever need to read if you read him well enough

>> No.19208034

Looks like you meant Plato and and accidentally wrote Aristotle, no worries.

>> No.19208043

Shut the fuck up Averroes.

>> No.19208050

Book seller, please, anything but the strongest book. I beg of you!