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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19201865 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best anti-homosexual literature?

>> No.19201889
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>> No.19201896
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It gets better OP

>> No.19201922

There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual desu.

>> No.19201924

Lots of "it gets better" types ended up killing themselves. guess it didn't get better.

>> No.19201951

Aside from eating shit and being a pedophile.

>> No.19201959
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>Aside from eating shit and being a pedophile.

>> No.19201960

Why do you keep posting a cartoon of that one ANTIFA jew?

>> No.19201964

t. parasite ridden faggot

>> No.19201965
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>Why do you keep posting a cartoon of that one ANTIFA jew?

>> No.19201967
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>t. parasite ridden faggot

>> No.19201985
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>What's the best anti-homosexual literature?

>> No.19201986

Cool down with the self-hatred, sweetie.

>> No.19201987
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>Why do you keep posting a cartoon of that one ANTIFA jew?

>> No.19201991
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>Cool down with the self-hatred, sweetie.

>> No.19202034

this is actually a tranny false flag, it's straight white men who lead the suicide epidemic but let's take attention away from that
remember that bad actors manipulate both sockpuppets

>> No.19202038

Also the board is currently getting raided by discord trannies, look at the catalog

>> No.19202042

go back >>>/qa/

>> No.19202047
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This classic anthology of course

>> No.19202074
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>> No.19202093

Any of your threads, faggot OP

>> No.19202094
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>> No.19202124

all good literature is anti-homosexual

>> No.19202254

Quite the contrary, actually.

>> No.19202258

Try sucking a nice twinks dick while he reads you poetry

>> No.19202278

I don't hate homosexuals, I hate sex-havers. Celibate homosexuals are based.

>> No.19202286
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Read Gorky. Read Lenin. Read Stalin. Read Marx. Maybe then you'll cease being a faggot.

>> No.19202292

gorky fucking sucks though

>> No.19202314
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>Read Gorky. Read Lenin. Read Stalin. Read Marx. Maybe then you'll cease being a faggot.

>> No.19202327
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> Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)12:15:13 No.19202042▶
>go back >>>/qa/

>> No.19202337

Try getting your dick sucked by a cute twink while you read him poetry

>> No.19202367

Homos get triggered because they themselves know how disgusting they are, they know that there is something seriously wrong with them
Its mother natures way of making sure the lowest of the lowest remain outside the gene pool
It's interesting how most serial killers also were homosexuals or were a product of homosexual rape and molestation. Interesting also how most pedophiles are homosexuals. It's like one form of mental illness is linked to another, which makes sense since they all are sexual mental disorders
They are disgusted of themselves and that's the main reason they push for "pride" and social acceptance, even tho nobody seriously supports them

>> No.19202382

everything ok at home buddy?

>> No.19202425

All these responses and no answers. OP, I have a good one for you. The book or film "A Clockwork Orange" are offer the best literary insight on the matter. Namely, that no matter how bad you can get, at least you aren't a fag. This is captured in the scene that when Alex is sitting in the class room assisting the preacher and that homosexual is staring at him and making kissy faces and he just sits there returning a cold stare in response. He returns much worse than a cold stare in the novel. Anyways, the point is pretty clear. Nothing is worse than sodomy and smart people like Burgess and Kubrick agree, evidenced by their work. We can accept Alex as bad as he is but we will never accept the pervert sodomite.

>> No.19202428

>let's double those numbers

>> No.19202464

you guys are dumb

the thread was not made in good faith, but by someone who is making all opposition to homosexuality look bad

the fact is that it's gross and that's that

>> No.19202482
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You poor spergs who will never feel the touch of a woman shouldn't also deny yourself the love of a man
Stop believing life-denying Jewish fairytales and you might find true happiness and faith in the arms of your lover

>> No.19202488

I say, just let people do what they want

>> No.19202531
File: 71 KB, 500x743, ced08b9789aad0a9a6c761469e9aecec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best anti-homosexual literature?
What seems to be emerging from this thread is that there isn't any. The current idea of what being a 'homosexual' means is really such a modern idea that I think you're only going to find nuanced critique of it from the left. Nobody wants to read purely reactionary anti-whatever literature because just comes off as a prurient interest in the thing you claim to hate. Which people like Peter Sotos or Dennis Cooper also do better.

>> No.19202544

Reading communitsts a faggot though

>> No.19202551

Hating pedophillia was invented by 20th century femenist.

>> No.19202561

suicide rates among homosexuals plummeted over the past few decades, as a result of increasing acceptance in the social and legal spheres. the same will likely happen with transgenders.

>> No.19202587

A new hero enters the fray...


>> No.19202601
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>> No.19202624

they have not improved in tolerant europe