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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19197339 [Reply] [Original]

>read biography
>wow, he is literally me
Who is it /lit/?

>> No.19197356
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>> No.19197369

The gospels

>> No.19197370

Louis Napoleon

>> No.19197385
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>> No.19197400
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>> No.19197491

My Diary Desu

>> No.19197524

Did you also cum while being spanked in the ass as a kid?

>> No.19197528
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I'm 33 with a PhD in engineering. I have $150k in stocks $100k in gold, $100k on the bank, $40k in crypto, $20k in cash (and $600k in unvested stock.)
I still live in a cheap 50m^2 flat because I can't be arsed to buy a place and I like the student coffee shop next door. I fucked some hot girls in my time, but I can't be arsed to take on a hobby or whatever to find another chick. I haven't had sex in 3 years. If I could I'd pay a fag to buy me some clothes because I can't be bothered to shop, even if I'd not have a problem to waste $20k on it. I don't use the money for anything, it just accumulates.

I just wanna read philosophy and do math. If I do anything different than now, I just raise obligations and get into a more painful situation. I'm stranded.

I don't recall any character who's like that. Probably because that story is a stalemate with life. What should I read, bros

>> No.19197540

you need to get married and have kids asap

>> No.19197546


>> No.19197547

Contact rupture1 and buy some land to make commune for /lit/

>> No.19197561

Why. It's only a blind guess that kids make one happy.

A 100m^2 flat in the city surely costs 800k+, that's the most I could realistically buy.
I don't want to buy land in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.19197568


>> No.19197569

you sound like Wittgenstein but far less autistic

>> No.19197597
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I read the Tractatus, but that didn't have characters.

>> No.19197598


>> No.19197604
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>HG Wells
"One other thing I have to note about this brain of mine and that is—how can I phrase it?—an exceptional want of excitable “Go.” I suspect that is due not, as my forgetfulnesses and inconsistencies may be, to local insufficiencies and failures in the circulation, but to some general under-stimulation. My perceptions do not seem to be so thorough, vivid and compelling as those of many people I meet and it is rare that my impressions of things glow. There is a faint element of inattention in all I do; it is as if white was mixed into all the pigments of my life. I am rarely vivid to myself. I am just a little slack, not wholly and continuously interested, prone to be indolent and cold-hearted. I am readily bored. When I try to make up for this I am inevitably a little “forced” when dealing with things, and a little “false” and “charming” with people."

>> No.19197735

You need kids. Read the Bible, you will understand. It will give your life more meaning.

>> No.19197742

Only if the spanking was performed by a woman.

>> No.19197901
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>> No.19197989

Beat me to it.

>> No.19197993

I wish.

>> No.19198507
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I think the closest have been Gerard Manley Hopkins or Henry James.

>> No.19198609
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he's literally me...

>> No.19198654
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>Just wanted to be a math professor
>Ends up becoming a general and president
It's so me it is physically painful

>> No.19198886

Otto Weininger

>> No.19199099
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>> No.19199206

De Sade

>> No.19199212

Napoleon. I was made for greatness.

>> No.19199428
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This, except I identify more with Tiberius

>> No.19199906
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>> No.19199953
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Not a biography but a documentary. Charles Crumb.

>> No.19200076
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i hate you father. i never wanted to study law

>> No.19200144

Got to be Witty. Hectoring your close friends and romantic interests to live more ethically when you're not ethical yourself

>> No.19200153
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>> No.19200164
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>> No.19200184
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>> No.19200275

I like smoking pipes, that is a nice bent billiard.

>> No.19200722

Highly based. Tiberius did nothing wrong.

>> No.19200740
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>> No.19200755

Nobody worth having a biography written has anything remotely similar to my uneventful life.

>> No.19200818

Arthur Miller. Post wife/gf, please

>> No.19200825


>> No.19200830

Morrissey, but I'm talentless and uglier.

>> No.19201014

I own 5 acres out in Park Co., Colorado. Would people be interested in a commune out there? You could live on the land rent free

>> No.19201046

The Crumb bros are so relatable.

>> No.19201135

I'd be interested. I've lived in some commune-ish places before, and I have some useful construction and mechanical skills. I think I'm gonna be traveling through CO this spring, maybe I could spend a month and help build some infrastructure on the land and then come back later in the year after we've recruited critical mass?
who is rupture1? I couldn't find anything on warosu or google

I've been thinking about a /lit/ commune lately... most of us don't seem to have much tying us down. none of the people I do know IRL are interested in books or thinking anymore and I don't want to have a taiwanese acupuncture forum be my main source of mental stimulation because computer bad.

>> No.19201185


>> No.19201291

Holy damn! Is this for real?! lol

>> No.19201414

hes literally me

>> No.19201439

If you live Boston at least you could get involved with them.

Kek, are you serious? This would be fucking kino.

>who is rupture1? I couldn't find anything on warosu or google
Sorry, his name is "rapture1". You can search his posts in archive.
An ivy league academic who is also involved in Bostonian /lit/ meet up circle I think. He has a private library of more than 30000 books.

>> No.19202395

Fernando Pessoa

>> No.19202418

That would seriously be amazing bruh if you're for real.

>> No.19202453
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inb4 Waco

>> No.19202599

Alright send me an email if you're interested, litpark1937@gmail.com