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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19191361 [Reply] [Original]

world of /lit. Peak victimhood, peak cringe, peak hypocrisy. Good thing men completely relinquished fiction to women.

This is lit-adjacent, don't be a Reddit mod, jannies.


>> No.19191367

I can't read that without giving them money. Screenshot and post.

>> No.19191368

It's funny you post Meg. She wrote a book that underperformed and then she vanished. The book was Reddit incarnate.

>> No.19191374

>It's funny you post Meg. She wrote a book that underperformed and then she vanished. The book was Reddit incarnate.
99% of my memes I instantly remember context, but in this case I didn't know who this is or why I'd saved it.

>> No.19191383

Julia Carrie Wong
· Oct 6
ok I read the short story that inspired the Bad Art Friend dispute and I just want to say that I honestly appreciate Sonya Larson for standing up for the rights of Asian American women to be stone cold bitches

>> No.19191427

Reading this article and I am beyond flabberghasted that this is considered news worthy. Women are unbelievable.

>> No.19191540

wtf does that mean?

GTFO shadow redditor

>> No.19191563

>Reading this article and I am beyond flabberghasted that this is considered news worthy. Women are unbelievable.
Forget autists and 4channers. Take your truly average male normie who likes vidya and sports and some other random hobbies. That man spends 90% of his spare mental energies on the external world. It may well be a complete waste of time, but he's not obsessing on his own feelings and interpersonal relationships.

That's why women have zero interests. They may do a ton of work if it's required by their job, but they're never innately interested in a topic that doesn't directly involve herself. All that mental energy is hyper-focused on her feelings and the mind-boggling nuances how she views relationships. Like the old trope of how Eskimos have 40 words for snow, the average woman effectively dissects every relationship with a microscope while the average male is looking at it from 100m away.

>> No.19191578

>This is lit-adjacent, don't be a Reddit mod, jannies.
/lit/ is for literature discussion, not discussion of articles which made your smooth little brain seethe in its juices

>> No.19191579

Didn't read the article but I'm all for a women hate thread. I live with 4 of these fuckers and the drama they create out of thin air is insane. Love them as friends and people but they have no self control and no desire to ever keep the peace

>> No.19191580

Just click the reload button then hit stop refreshing. It wont refresh the paywall. Works on safari on iphone, but should be worth a try on other browsers aswell.

>> No.19191602

Get Reader View add-on, bypasses every paywall.

>> No.19191608

based honest faggot

>> No.19191626

jesus christ what a painful fucking read. I think I managed to slog through 1/3 of it before I noped out. Holy shit.
>dumb bitch donated a kidney
>recipient of kidney wrote a story based on the experience
>dumb bitch got upset and sued
yeah, this really needed to be 40 pages long, New York Times.

>> No.19191627

The fact that dorland actually took this story to the times and (presumably) thinks it will make her look good - even when at the beginning she's reeing because people aren't fawning over her for donating a kidney - is a truly astonishing level of delusion.


>> No.19191638

>weow. He honestly live wid four people he done lyk and will condemn and entire sex

>> No.19191718
File: 14 KB, 300x225, NoComment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but why be angry at them for it?
As long as the drama don't affect you, it's like watching cats hiss at each other.
If it gets too much you just boop them on the face lightly and they chill the fuck down.

>> No.19191745

she's a fine little piece of ass tho, huh?

>> No.19191777

Tell the w*men community to please write one (1) decent book please.

>> No.19191799
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>That's why women have zero interests.
>Go to the gym.
>Women in the gym.
>Play hockey.
>After we get off the ice, girl's hockey team gets on.
>Go to band practice at pay rehearsal space.
>Female metal band one rehearsal room over.
>Go to book store.
>Women reading and purchasing books.

>> No.19191818
File: 67 KB, 1024x730, 1625352992288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butterfly comes out of the woodwork to show its hurt butt

>> No.19191832

I can smell your virginity through my computer monitor

>> No.19191858

Yeah a lot of it is benign but it does create unnecessary tension in the house. there's 8 of us and we're all friends, so it gets pretty exhausting after awhile. There's a little something going on right now because one of the girls asked another to pay for cream cheese she used. It's fucking kiddie bullshit that ruins otherwise great dynamic

>> No.19191870

>I can smell your virginity through my computer monitor
anon, scents don't transfer that way. that's your own smell from when you were licking the armpit of an anime schoolgirl

>> No.19191879

i notice you can't but take things too seriously, as if the posters were being 100% literal about their statements
be careful: your ideological attachments have drained you of humour and your ability to shrug things off. it's not healthy to want to control the speech and expression of others like this

>> No.19191910

Jokes need to be funny, or have a punchline. The reality of it is that it wasn't an attempt at humor, and the guy is foid spooked so hard he literally can't post without absolutely seething about roasties.

>> No.19191926

>Long pointless rant that's devoid of humor
Touch grass, breh

>> No.19191932

>your ideological attachments have drained you of humour and your ability to shrug things off
99% of the net coddles women's narcissism. That's why they react so violently when someone doesn't toe the line (they do know better here but can't resist rage screaming).

>> No.19191933

>On June 24, 2015, a year after completing her M.F.A. in creative writing, Dorland did perhaps the kindest, most consequential thing she might ever do in her life. She donated one of her kidneys, and elected to do it in a slightly unusual and particularly altruistic way. As a so-called nondirected donation, her kidney was not meant for anyone in particular but instead was part of a donation chain, coordinated by surgeons to provide a kidney to a recipient who may otherwise have no other living donor..........“As soon as I learned I could,” she told me recently.......... “It’s kind of like not overthinking love, you know?”

>Barely anyone brought up what she’d done, even though everyone must have known she’d done it. “It was a little bit like, if you’ve been at a funeral and nobody wanted to talk about it — it just was strange to me,” she said. “I left that conference with this question: Do writers not care about my kidney donation? Which kind of confused me, because I thought I was in a community of service-oriented people.”

>Larson didn’t answer right away. Three days later, Dorland took her frustrations to Facebook, in a blind item: “I discovered that a writer friend has based a short story on something momentous I did in my own life, without telling me or ever intending to tell me (another writer tipped me off).” Still nothing from Larson.

Pathological altruism in service of an immense ego, with some catty bitching mixed in. It would be funny if this was just restricted to some irrelevant writers group and wasn't the reigning orthodoxy of the day.

>> No.19191937

are you retarded?

>> No.19191943

It's long when it says nothing of notice.

>> No.19191951

nothing "needs" to be anything. let a guy vent about women if he needs to vent about women. the other anon's right, you have a pathological need to suppress perspectives not in agreement with your own.

>> No.19191956

it says so little of notice that you've now written multiple posts in response. i just can't stop SCREAMING about how UNIMPORTANT this is

>> No.19191960

oh sure sure, that's what long means

>> No.19191977

Sweaty, just talk to a woman and stop being such a pathetic incel

>> No.19191984

>noooo you're supposed to congratulate me for doing a selfless action!!! I didn't donate my kidney for attention, so why am I not getting any attention?

>> No.19191990

>"Women don't have hobbies because [general nonsense in my head]."
>Yes they do. I see them all the time engaging in their hobbies.
>"You take things too seriously. It seems you're too attached to certain ideologies for a joke."
>It was delivered with no humor. Jokes should be funny.
>"It doesn't need to be anything, okay? Plenty of jokes are unfunny. A guy needs to vent! Stop suppressing us!"
My point was he was retarded and hating roasties has ruined him. I follow up with nobody can suppress anything on 4chan. Anything to add?

>> No.19191992

>one of the girls asked another to pay for cream cheese she used
I think that's probably more a sign of youth/inexperience than it is gender. Back when I was in university, my roommate liked to drink Dr Pepper; I did too on occasion, and I once bought a big 12 pack of it to stock the fridge, and then drank a few cans, and he got upset at me for drinking Dr Pepper even though he was always the one that bought it. I had to explain to him that I bought that case, and regardless arguing about three or four dollars was silly.

>> No.19191997

Just to add the cherry on the cake:
>The procedure went well. By a stroke of luck, Dorland would even get to meet the recipient, an Orthodox Jewish man, and take photos with him and his family.
Orthodox jews have some of the largest families in America, but this guy couldn't persuade one to give up a kidney. What a fucking sucker she is.

>> No.19192002

Sweaty, you are literally the one screaming.

>> No.19192018

>She also joined a group of published writers that calls itself the Chunky Monkeys (a whimsical name, referring to breaking off little chunks of big projects to share with the other members).

Sure, that's obviously what the name refers to. I am certain that it doesn't at all refer to the average weight of members and their ice cream preferences.

>> No.19192033

Hard to believe they're more accomplished than any /lit/ writer, but there you have it

>> No.19192040

The funniest part is her lack of self-awareness about the whole thing. As in, anyone may have the childish desire to be recognized for your good acts every now and then, but you usually acknowledge it is pathetic, laugh at yourself and move on.
Bitch had a story written about it on New York Times. My fucking sides.

>> No.19192052

They’re not lol. You angl*ds are wild.

>> No.19192063

Start naming those /lit/ pieces and authors featured in NYT

>> No.19192074

Do go on

>> No.19192076

/lit/ is an anonymous message board. Asking us to 'name' various anons is ridiculous on its face.

>> No.19192079

Nobody going to screenshot the article?

>> No.19192084

>Orthodox jews have some of the largest families in America, but this guy couldn't persuade one to give up a kidney. What a fucking sucker she is.
"Hey, my bubeleh drives a hard bargain, he says Papa I'm gonna need at least 500 thousand shekels for my kidney. I didn't know whether to be upset or proud of my little boychik! I tell him it's ok, I think I can get a free one from a stupid goy but if not I'll pay you that 300 thousand you want."

>> No.19192096

Really taking to the wind with the goalposts, huh? Is there even a trad published author on /lit/? The guy that wrote the Australian short-fic collection, he might be indie press, maybe (?). Anyways, in absence of evidence to prove your counter example, my statement stands.

>> No.19192100

>"Women don't have hobbies because [general nonsense in my head]."
>Yes they do. I see them all the time engaging in their hobbies.
>"You take things too seriously. It seems you're too attached to certain ideologies for a joke."
>It was delivered with no humor. Jokes should be funny.

you can't relate to males, probably because you're an actual tranny or a fmoid with a twitter pronoun bio, otherwise an effeminate male. this is how males talk sometimes. nobody actually thinks this 100%, but there is also some truth to it, and in it some relatability. at any rate it is called "talking shit" or "locker room banter". in australia it's "bantz".
this is not a "joke" perse, but again i don't blame you for not understanding the nuance. you just don't get it, that a way of communicating could exist outside of your life taken too seriously but that is not the issue. it's your autistic policing that i've called out on, and of course i'm correct.

this in particular is funny to me:

>"It doesn't need to be anything, okay? Plenty of jokes are unfunny. A guy needs to vent! Stop suppressing us!"
classic dishonest representation because you are a child being a child. you are aggrieved, that is clear, because some offhanded comment, done with partial seriousness, was said about women on the internet.

thesis of this post: so it gives you a dopamine rush to run in and assert your views.

with your spastic black and white thinking it's either a "joke" like,
>"ok guys now i am going to tell a joke to impress you, knock-knock..." or
>this is how i really feel, i am venting and i have unresolved hatred that my opponent is cleverly picking up on
neither of these is the case, but it delights you to make up things in your head and pretend that the outside world corresponds to it. you are a worthless thinker, but probably a decent rank and file discord comrade

>> No.19192106

>"These published authors are more accomplished than the non-published authors on /lit/"
>They're not, lol.
>"Okay. Prove it. Who?"
>Ugh... Uhh... Well, this is an anonymous board. Y-you can't just ask that. It's ridiculous!
Sorry, Waldun and Gardner aren't pub

>> No.19192110

is the tldw "you're a cis straight white man?" or is it just lies?

>> No.19192111
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>> No.19192113

I've seen the same happen in a house full of men. It is 100% about immaturity and miscommunication rather than about gender. The house commie screaming "WHO TOOK MY CHEESE?" and such.
An adult understands that regardless of the situation, if they have to ask for the money, which is something no one likes to do, and you did use the thing, then you pay for it.
I once had to play the "bad roomie" in the house, and because we were all friends and above 30, it didn't matter. A friend of ours and his wife had to crash at our house for a month. They were a lot in the way, which didn't bother me so much as they were friends, but they *were* there. At some point my roomie came to me and told me they had offered to pay 100$ for the rent. They were both doctors that made more money each than all of us put together, and the share for a month's rent would have been a lot higher than that. I told my friend I wasn't really comfortable with that amount, given they were at the house the whole month (they were on vacation). He went back to them and they agreed to pay the full part right there.
I think my roommate even knew before asking me that I would say that, and probably did so just so that he'd have an excuse and someone else to blame. Which is fine, the guy was his best friend... Anyways.
Whole point is, I've lived in houses full of men when I was younger and that same situation would have fucking exploded.

>> No.19192117

>OP won't screenshot article
NYT employee looking for traffic detected.

>> No.19192124

why? it's a fake outrage article pandering to the despondent posters who love women-hating threads

>> No.19192132

>y read tho?
idk ur rite y red tho buks is liek not 4 red

>> No.19192150

This is why anon >>19192117
It's a shill tactic and if anon doesn't give them eyeball time then they get the rebound article of "ZOMG anons who are MALES didn't even read our article before complaining"

>> No.19192154

You're the one asking for something that isn't available by the nature of how 4chan operates (an anonymous board, and also one that most people who work in more 'woke' creative fields can't be associated with for fear of cancellation efforts).

If you believe that everyone on here is a basement dwelling incel and that nobody has had any success in getting things published, then good for you; but you can't prove that any more than I can prove that there are published authors posting here.

>> No.19192157

I'm going to conservatively guess you're a young man, maybe early twenties, because you're really getting along with insults. It's easy to pick out. To my credit, I've fucked a metric pile of roastoids, and my bench is a clean 3-plate, if you want to question my manhood, pal. I don't have a Twitter account, but I bet you do, because you're obsessed with Twitter.
Second, you may be right about him not not entirely sniffing his own farts, but it wasn't humorous either. I made an off-the-cuff remark, but you didn't seem to get the humor in that, and I don't blame you, because you're really wrapped up in some identity and represent a rather humorless sort, or humor is lost on you. What I said isn't dishonest, either. It the classically feminine whining about things that runs rampant here, much like your friend whines about women. Women should be below your notice, not take over your brain. You'll understand when you're older, my friend.

>> No.19192158
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>you are now imagining a world without women voting
>you are now imagining a world with reasonable gender segregation so you don't have to hear women's shallow, latest-thing-i-heard-plus-latest-thing-i'm-feeling based yammering
>you are now imagining a world where women have basic humility again
>you are now imagining a world that doesn't copeLARP that women are brave sassy fierce world conquering heroes every time they get a fake degree or an HR job promotion
>you are now imagining an entire week of your life where your only interactions with women are pleasant and you encounter no uppity, loud, rude, stupid women
>you are now imagining public and private institutions filled solely or primarily with competent men, no yammering HR women dropped off there in the morning like it's their daycare center
>you are now imagining peace


>> No.19192163

The burden of proof lies with you, anon. Either have your example or don't, but don't waste my time

>> No.19192164
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There's even more but i can't be arsed, you shouldn't read it. 12 pages of facebook drama.

>> No.19192167

Good post.

White noise downvote post.

>> No.19192170

That's one of the most female things I've ever read. What a load of shit. Everyone involved is a sanctimonious turd.

>> No.19192178

Brothers Karamazov. Literally Seinfeld where Jerry is accused of killing his own father over Elaine. Kramer is Aloysha, and George is Ivan

>> No.19192233
File: 112 KB, 1688x2000, JivGYL6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct and have a good psychological knack but always remember, 10-20% of the people you're talking to here are full normalfags who are either stably psychotic like all normies, or smooth like pic related. The smooth ones are the antibodies of the herd, they exist to seek out and destroy guys like you. They are mostly failed normies with empathy disorders who voluntarily act as footsoldiers for "normalcy as such" as a way of buying membership to what they fail to belong to organically. Often they are twitter trannies or other neurotic freaks on the periphery of normalcy.

The ordinary psychotic normies will flail and spaz out if you remain calm and explain to them why they are retarded, like you're doing, because they've never encountered anyone disagreeing with them whose point can't be socially mediated and contained. If you get one of those isolated, if they wander into 4chan by accident or whatever, you're fine. Lots of roastie tourists are like this and will just sputter and eventually leave. But you're dealing with a smooth antibody here, he has no hard surfaces for you to hit. He'll slither around them like liquid and say shit that is the perfect combination of eerily disconnected gaslighting, to muddle the conversation, and repetitive social shaming to make it feel like you're dealing with a brick wall of normalfag ultraconfidence. Where a roastie would break down and cry after the first 20 grass sex insults didn't work, this guy will keep going for hours, because it gives him pleasure to be a slithering liquid antibody surrounding and encompassing a random "incel" on 4chan for an entire Friday afternoon.

It specifically preys on what you're doing, the "let's go deeper" method of trying to counter-encompass its thoughtless position by being more thoughtful each time. It has no position, it is all fluid and no depth or solidity.

Just remember it's not you trapped alone in a room with it. Other people are reading the posts too and can see objectively what it is.


>> No.19192235

There is no burden or proof because there is no case and there is nothing at stake, lmao. Anyways, the absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Good luck to you anon.

>> No.19192246

It's just a stupid story about two assholes, one who has a massive chip on her shoulder and doesn't want to publicly acknowledge where her inspiration comes from, and the other who is a delicate fucking flower who needs everyone to see her as the most beautiful flower there has ever been.

>> No.19192251

>hey i'm a real tough guy and i'm gonna get inside your miiiind maaan.. dude you are so intimidated right now
i am
i'm not defending or justifying any women whining. i did not read his post but upon reading it he does seem to be butt hurt, okay fair enough. i apologize. but some people really do be on here asserting their views unannounced if you do the banter that i described about topics like women.

>because you're really wrapped up in some identity and represent a rather humorless sort, or humor is lost on you.

>> No.19192274

That was fucking hilarious. Thanks, OP.

...or so the Germans would have us believe.

>> No.19192279

You're right man it mostly is just immaturity. The guys of the house just have a much better bond and are way more willing to have healthy confrontation. I also definitely sense that the girls welcome and enjoy the drama to some degree

>> No.19192307

that's interesting, and i think you are looking at things clearly enough, but i think you need to pull back 50%, or consider that. there are women who are smart and do good things. that's all well and good. but yes there is also a big trend in normalfag land to reward women like they're children because they're cute, and because we want them to like us, and in a way that promotes ideology over talent.
it should never emotionally affect you though. the leftoids and fmoids with sticks up their asses are incorrect, but your post also has a bit of seething. there is so much terrible and unfair shit in the world but you gotta make your own little pocket of reality.. you can't let it affect your purity of intent at all. if you're bitter at all, even if for true or correct reasons, then there's something impure there and it affects the overall alchemy. "am i pure here?" i like you though

>> No.19192316

Please post the rest anon. I think the author knows that the subject is BPD and has written a genius thing. He's written it so that if you're a self centred clingy person you won't see the red flags, but if you've ever met someone with those mental problems you can see the storyline of SWF emerging. Kolker knows that Dorland will read this as a positive piece, despite him highlighting every paragraph that this woman clearly has a BPD girl crush and is doing the psychotic things BPD women do when feeling rejected. This isn't about the kidney story: any writer knows you unmercifully cull details from your associates and that if you promise to never write about someone you're either lying or trying to self destruct your career. The writer of the article knows this; the writers groups mentioned know this; Dorland herself does this, calling her parents' choices straight out traumatic to make a living off it.
This is about the fact that she can't retcon herself into a relationship with someone.
Please post the rest of the article because you're shit at paraphrase. There is a reason Kolker is giving you Dorland quotes. Part of the reason is Dorland will read them and not sue, but a lot of it is _This is how a woman who was in advertising presents herself_.

>> No.19192337

I too would run with my tail between my legs and claim no case, because of course there's no case; no /lit/ authors have done shit and the ones in the article have. Good luck.

>> No.19192344
File: 43 KB, 495x500, 1627786923616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, Sonya Larson
>circle around in Boston for a while because fuck it, nothing better to do, eventually move on
>get an email one day from some bitch I "knew" in Boston asking if I was aware that she had donated her kidney a year ago
>"y--yeah that was nice of you to do"
>"Yeah I really thought so, it's kind of like love you know? I didn't do it for the attention, I just felt like I HAD to, you know? Anyway I just noticed that you hadn't liked my kidney-versary post and wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten"
>is this bitch serious?
>tell her I'm not really on facebook anyway
>think thats the end of it

>flashforward a few years
>at a writing conference with a bunch of pseuds
>mfw that fucking bitch is here
>mfw she opens every interaction by mentioning her fucking kidney and gets visibly pissy when they don't bow and crown her Queen of Good Samaritans
>Get hit with the flash of an idea to write about a woman who does good deeds only for the social credit it grants her

>Flash forward another year
>Story got published, pretty good ngl, main character was insufferable
>Open up my email
>1 new message
>mfw she posts this same story in the NYT

Anyway, anyone know any good books dealing with clinical narcissism?

>> No.19192345

Not all of us have given up:


>> No.19192354

Hello fellow cluster B spotter. I bet the hapa is reading Misery as we speak.

>> No.19192356

Dear God,

I hate women.

Your humble servant,


>> No.19192359


>> No.19192381

kekku. When Dorland ends up poisoning Larson as release for being shamed twice in the public sphere, I'll write her a prison letter containing my novella about the events

>> No.19192392

God bless you lads for braving women's psyches so the rest of us can know the warning signs. You are the voyageurs of the modern day.

>> No.19192402

I think you're winning the thread so far anon

>> No.19192412

I said those things because you tried the same thing first here with the psychoanalysis: >>19192100 you seemed interested in who I was for some reason. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with hating women either, just be honest about it.

>> No.19192417

This peak is higher and more interesting than the entire literary output of /lit/. Incredible.

>> No.19192436

Just post the screenshot

>> No.19192452

oh god. Once I got to her simultaneously texting and emailing Larson, I imagined Larson getting these weird messages from a number she hadn't saved being like

>> No.19192584

you've already been told in this thread how to read it for free

>> No.19192589

Do you not know how to screenshot?

>> No.19192596

>Just post the screenshot
>ok, here's the solution that will take you literally a minute to implement, far less than me screenshotting. You can use for any other article.

Are you, perchance, a receipient of government gimmedats at the moment?

>> No.19192602

Can confirm.
Every woman I ever dated consumed novel identity labels like a fat kid consumes smarties.
They'd go on and on about "empathy" as if it were their spiritual gift, yet they were all the biggest navel gazers I'd ever met.

>> No.19192604

>NYT would like your eye ball time
Sorry, I've handed it all over to 2d robots for the rest of the day.

>> No.19192606

Seethe harder tranny.

>> No.19192612

it's a trendy 4chan practice, you're supposed to post screenshots or archive links. what, you want them to pretend to be mad at some article they don't actually care about AND give like 5 cents of ad revenue to the freaking new york times?

>> No.19192644

>give like 5 cents of ad revenue to the freaking new york times?
who knows about the existence of 4chan and simultaneously doesn't know how to block ads?

>> No.19192650

Probably people who don't know to demand pics or it never happened

>> No.19192654

4chan is not a sekrit klub, my friendly anon. We have been written about before, including in the NY Times.

>> No.19192666

Oooh oooh, I know the answer, anons who don't know the basic conventions of 4chan like post a screenshot of archive link or we're not going to read it. I suspect a strong overlap with anons who cannot shot web.

>> No.19192675

Post conclusion

>> No.19192688

The phrase
>Larson didn't answer right away.
I think is meant to be read very literally.

>> No.19192714

Are you dilating more or fewer than 4 hours per day?

>> No.19192720

It's not actually South Park Satan posting on 4chan, anon. Reel in the autism.

>> No.19192721

use outline.com

>> No.19192734

The whole thing is crazy. The letter she wrote to whoever got the kidney is fucked up. Does anyone really write a letter to someone who is on dialysis about how shit their own life is? Does she write to the cancer ward about half Asian women stealing her story?

>> No.19192792
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>> No.19192810
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>> No.19192843

>The show never responded
Died. That paragraph is written beautifully. For Dawn reading it, it will be a catalogue of facts. For anyone else, it's just what Dawn thinks and Dawn is crazy.

>> No.19192859
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>> No.19192871

>She doesn't see the problem with her kidney letter even when it's re written to be from a white savior Karen
>In fact, she thinks that makes the clichés present in the letter more closely her words
OMFG stop digging woman

>> No.19192885

Roth, author of The Human Stain, and Carver, author of Cathedral, in the same screenshot. The author of the article knows exactly what's up. He keeps mentioning the kind of oblivious character Larson deals in because Dorland is that character and cannot fucking see it even if she gets pre-approval on a NYT article.

>> No.19192886

>ctrl-f "white" in the nyt article
>16 results
lel you yankees are wild
the absolute state, etc.

>> No.19192889

This is just the (((high class))) version of kiwi farms.

>> No.19192897

Oh for fuck's sake Dawn. Saying it is a work of fiction is giving you a get out jail card for being a total Karen. You do not want to win this law suit because it means the villain of the story IS you. You want people to think it is fiction and very very fucking far removed from what you're like IRL.
This is like if a hooker wrote a novel about screwing a politician who was never named and you try to sue her for libel saying
>It must be about me, the politician has a 2" dick as his identifying characteristic
Don't tell people you have a 2" dick like that. Fuck.

>> No.19192915

>Am I trying to write a takedown of Dawn?
>No. I don't care about Dawn.
Ice cold.

>> No.19192952

>The correction
She really thinks the chick who does not want to know her is going to want to sue her over the copyright to be as petty as her?

>> No.19192955

Wholesome :)

>> No.19192957

She clearly does, though. The 'I don't think about you at all' line only works if you don't actually think about the other person at all. Here, though, Dawn has fucked up Sonya's life even though she's made herself look like an idiot in the process.

>> No.19193001

She seems to only basically care about Dawn as character fodder at first. She probably assumed Dawn would not read it. And she's kind of right: even when someone tipped her off to the possible connection she didn't read it for ages.
She probably cares now because Dawn is suing her. Otherwise she would have disappeared and she'd have a new antagonist for her self insert.
I think the problem here lies in the fact that they were never close. Think of someone you don't really follow that hard on social media, but one day they post this absolutely retarded story: for Larson, Dorland probably only was notable for that post.
Larson says the letter is special, and lots of stuff gleaned from social media is like that. People on the internet say shit all the time which is copypasta bait. Dorland hit on a stereotype of writing and attitude in a way that only someone on the internet can manage. She's trying to put the meme back in the box, and the Streisand effect is going to come into play. She will now have more people checking if she's like in the story than the audience of about zero she could have had on that.

>> No.19193021

Jesus Christ, this reads like a satire of what this board lampoons as the typical SJW in heat. Both whores are entitled. The gook is half white, and white passing and grew in a white environment, yet persists on basing her whole identity on racial victimhood. At one point she says she envies white people for being able to sleep in a public park, undisturbed. How could they feel safe? Because they would not be blamed or whatever. As if she, a hapa hasn't led the a privileged life.
The one who sued is a neurotic bitch who files multiple sexual harassment suits claiming her student diddled her. She doesn't persist in these suits but withdraws them.
It all reads like the pseudiest fucking pseuds trying to convince themselves that they are, indeed suffering. Both are probably subpar writers at best.

>> No.19193022

Sure, but that's kind of the point too - if you're dropping lines like 'I don't care about you, you're a nonentity,' but that nonentity does indeed have the power to fuck with your life, it ends up ringing a bit false. YMMV. Dawn is clearly an enormous narcissist. That said, Sonya could have avoided all this by putting in some line or footnote or something saying that the piece was inspired by Dawn at the outset, and avoided everything that came afterwards. It's all well and good to pick a hill to die on, but the 'I don't need to acknowledge that I based this character on you in any way' hill is a strange one.

>> No.19193068

She probably doesn't care about Dawn though. Imagine Chris Chan trying to sue Nintendo. Do you think they feel ruined? Sonya doesn't need the line indemnifying her apart from in the audio book, and even then it's not really necessary. Legally speaking and professionally speaking, the only one likely to get fucked here is Dorland. You need a lot more than "she stole my post from Facebook a public platform" for copyright cases like this. The article points out that she really doesn't stand a chance for multiple reasons, and that she has a habit of filing law suits before realising what they might involve. Larson isn't going to do badly off this, because it does nothing except raise her profile. Do you know how many libel suits would result if the law actually required authors to post their inspirations for characters? It doesn't require that specifically to avoid that kind of bureaucratic mess.
Think about every YouTube video disclaimer about copyright you've ever seen: all Larson needs to say is it's parody and she could reprint the original verbatim and the link to the original. Do you think Dorland really wants the whole of the internet to see those posts? Her acquaintances are polite enough to say nothing if they had nothing nice to say. But they are not anonymous NYT readers who really do not give a fuck if she gets bullied into a cult or suicide.
Larson's clean and everyone who's a serious writer will get behind her. And Dorland has set it up so that even if she wins, everyone now knows she wrote that letter to someone who needs a transplant.

>> No.19193082

Sonya will probably win her case, and if she doesn't she'll end up with only a minor financial penalty from it (as was noted in the article, good luck proving real damages).

But she now needs to deal with having someone who goes around calling her employers to bitch about how awful she is, who shows up in all of her readings and might just start talking shit at any time, etc. It's a shitty way to live when you are the object of someone else's petty vendetta.

>> No.19193084

Nah fuck Larson, she weaponized her supposed oppression as a hapa to gaslight this woman into thinking that she didn't plagiarize from her, and called Dorland's reaction racist

Just unbridled narcissism from both parties but Larson is clearly worse because at least Dorland actually did help someone else

>> No.19193088

>to be as petty as her?
She thinks she's the most empathetic person on earth. Of course she thinks the sneaky Chinese are going to underhandedly fuck her over. They don't understand compassion. Just like the judge doesn't understand emotional damages when you're the one making yourself look like an idiot to millions of people.

>> No.19193089

Actually, let me greentext this shit since i already wasted my time fucking reading it
>bitch A claims she grew up in a poor family, this is somehow incentive for her to try and do "good" by strangers
>donates kidney to complete stranger via a certain foundation. They tell her her kidney went to a jewish orthodox man. I assume all writers in america are part of the tribe so i don't question the author's reason for mentioning this tidbit
>whore A sensationalizes her kidney donation via facebook. She claims it's for raising awareness
>whore A is also part of an elitist writing group in the area. A college tea club of sorts
>whore B is the queen bee of this group and a """""""prolific""""""""" writer (by prolific I mean she's published, hardly an accomplishment in a market that treats brownoids and yellowoids like herself with kiddie gloves)
>whore A notices that whore B is not reacting to her facebook posts, emails her asking for head pats. whore B replies with an artificial response
>later whore A discovers whore B wrote a book about an asian american (her self insert) receiving a kidney donation from a white woman [enter asinine commentary about muh huwhite savior]
>whore A emails whore B whining about whore B supposedly putting her """"story"""" in writing
>whore B ignores
>whore B gets """massive""" publicity for her new book. whore A seethes and throws a hissy fit
>whore A (an unpublished auteur herself) discovers an audio expert of the book featuring what she claims was a passage ripped word for word from her facebook page
>gets carried to court and hilarity ensues
>original claim is one for copyright infringement
>retaliation for defamation
>whore A raises the compensation demand under ground of mental distress

How come the American justice system is so intricate? It's so fascinating. American lawyers must make serious bank.

>> No.19193108

This is a perfectly normal level of narcissism for an average affluent white female liberal.

>> No.19193114

No Eve condemned the entire sex followed by that faggot simp Adam who condemned us.

>> No.19193116

Larson is an accomplished writer who knows a lot of writers who write about oblivious people and narcissism. They would all welcome a call from Dawn and most of them would have tape recorders at their phone already.
You're probably getting a lot of that weaponization from the author of the piece who is underlining Dorland should have known Larson deals in white oppressors with superiority complexes. The article's pointing that out because if Dorland just did her reading, it would be apparently why she should not sue as it legitimises Larson's position.

>> No.19193122

You live with 8 fucking people? Jesus dude get a real job or stop complaining

>> No.19193135


>> No.19193137

>I thought I was in a community of service-oriented people.
You were, they are called “narcissists” and you’re one of them. Incredible she let her mental illness push her so far as to donate an organ to nobody for validation

>> No.19193140

>I think the author knows that the subject is BPD and has written a genius thing.
>Dorland is not shy about explaining how her past afforded her a degree of moral clarity that others might not come by so easily.

>> No.19193158

>Her acquaintances are polite enough to say nothing if they had nothing nice to say.
This is really apparent throughout the story. She's fucking retarded for putting them on blast alongside the other author. The guy saying he thought it was fiction means, "I don't think the story about a Karen is about you, and claiming it is would be a very Karen thing to do". He's trying to get her to think about not trashing her own reputation to claim ownership of an entitled Facebook moment. The people who said nothing were being kind. Whoever told her about the story probably knew the kind of shitstorm she would create and wanted to watch her burn.

>> No.19193164
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It's op's job to provide info. OP is a faggot and sucks cock

>> No.19193165

Why is being featured in today’s NYT an achievement? That institution died in 2016

>> No.19193167

Yeah parts of it read like
>How many of the symptoms can we fit in a sentence?

>> No.19193172

>The house commie
Not a real man then

>> No.19193209

Psychoanalyzing another poster is dork shit. If you understand people so well, why do you feel the compulsion to get into an argument with the other anon

>> No.19193223

American lawyers are also in the tribe

>> No.19193240

go back to kiwifarms

>> No.19193266

>altruistic enough to donate kidney
>not willing to donate Facebook post

>> No.19193279
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lmao Sonya is leaning into this controversy on her webpage, but is going all-out on the racism angle. I don't know how on earth anyone can say that asians and hapa are discriminated against in the US - they have the highest median/average income of any ethnicity, and are proportionally over-represented in high-prestige universities and professions. By those metrics whites are underprivileged.

>> No.19193288

>how this story functions racially

man these people are fucking ruined

>> No.19193297

>but is going all-out on the racism angle
She should. Half of Dorland's case against her is the letter is vital. If the story is about racism and alcoholism, then Dorland has to argue those aren't important parts of the story. Which is gonna look racist af.

>> No.19193305

I’ve been boycotting the New York Times ever since they hired Sarah Jeong

>> No.19193337

>While perhaps many more people would be motivated to donate an organ to a friend or family member in need, to me, the suffering of strangers is just as real.
>While others might desire to give a family member or friend, to me the suffering of strangers is just as real.
Larson cleaned up the sentences structure, took out the "many more people" which makes the character seem way too Karen to exist, and refocuses the fact that maybe someone who has problems with their family of origin is not donating to them because of that instead of because of some sense of empathy with strangers. After all, you can only give it once, and if it's already in an orthodox Jew when dad calls needing a kidney, you're off the hook.

>> No.19193410

Your dad might need a lung. In which case you'd better be ready to donate! Or maybe we should give that away too and honestly just do our best to emulate the kids from Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go."

>> No.19193446

>see a white woman make a kidney donation and make a facebook post to "raise awareness", unaware of her own hidden motive to make it all about herself
>write a story about said white woman donating to your own self-insert asian character who "bravely" refuses to become a better person and be part of the white-savior narrative, unaware of your own hidden motive to make it all about yourself
The narcissism of these bitches is revolting.

>> No.19193494

>unaware of your own hidden motive to make it all about yourself
To be fair to Larson she's openly known for writing her self insert.
>Ignore what the sentence says
She's underlining that the thing she can only give once is pointedly going to a stranger in a paragraph that is entirely about her family issues til a throwaway line at the end. It's one of the most "I'm not like other X" paragraphs I've ever read. Many more people donating for a family member throws unintentional shade on the recipients' family and friends too. She's trying to prove she's not just being good, she's being better than all those other people who only donate because they know the person.

>> No.19193513
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>>women in the gym
>aren't actually lifting any weights and doing exercises on fucking yoga mats
>>female band
>all the players are worse than me with a little over a years worth of musical experience
>>women reading
>its all trash like harry potter or where the crawdads sing
It literally takes a man 1 year to be better than every woman on the planet, women's interests are memes

>> No.19193519


>> No.19193533
File: 95 KB, 633x633, 48888937-10069329-Larson_s_short_story_The_Kindest_even_included_Dorland_s_donor_l-a-35_1633635363414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that much better written versions of this story are available for free (though the original story is now itself at issue in the other stories)

Actual picture of the bitch in question:

>> No.19193539

>"When Sonya saw my name on the list of viewers and looked like she's dreading to find a bag of flaming dogshit on her doorstep that's actually because she realized in that moment that she's a bad person who did a bad thing and she's going to get her just desserts."
>"But I don't villainize her, I'm a good person."
Typical Cluster B. The only thing missing would be Dawn needing something from Sonya, and then once she gets it she looks for an excuse to turn on Sonya so that she doesn't have to return the favor.

>> No.19193555

PLOT TWIST: Sonya identifies as a very particular Orthodox Jewish man who needed a kidney to save his life.

>> No.19193564
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>Dorland said that she had begun slapping herself.

>> No.19193571

you don't belong here

>> No.19193573

You're welcome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-vUwC86PQo

>> No.19193578

no matter how cringey it is, that just can't be worth a whole hour. Sorry, fren.

>> No.19193581

I wonder who she pestered to take those photos for her. Imagine being married to a woman whose one accomplishment is losing a kidney. Or worse, her kid.

>> No.19193584

God I fucking hate this so much
When I think I have almost reached a state of not getting pissed off anymore you show me a new thing that manages to aggravate me

>> No.19193597

absolute state of yiwomen

>> No.19193598
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I skimmed through the whole thing. Just my 2 cents. I don't understand why so many posters here take the Chinese lady's side.

Yes, the organ donor lady comes off as a complete narcissistic asshole, with all her posturing, need for attention, need to be liked, to feel good about herself, her "unlike others, i care about strangers" spiel. But, honestly, to an outsider, this whole thing seems obvious and she comes off as rather pathetic. I mean she needs to be liked so much that she actually donated one of her organs.

On the other hand, the Chinese lady sees this person who is an acquaintance and what does she think? "I know, i will write a story about it, and use this person's pathetic existence and make it all about ME and MY problems which are more important because you're white and you're a white savior! Check your privilege!" Not to mention that as she was writing her story she was following the other lady on Facebook and making fun of her with her other probably rich friends.

Is it normal for prevailed, rich, upper class authors to scour around other people's lives and use that as "inspiration"? Are these people more than leeches?

>> No.19193602

>To be fair to Larson she's openly known for writing her self insert.
Sure, but the original event/person that inspired the story had NOTHING to do with racial dynamics. She just shoehorned a race narrative in which she imagined herself to "bravely" refuse to be a victim of "white-savior complex". Pure narcissism. We are not getting a window into reality, which is the job of the artist and the purpose of literature, but a window into her own self-absorbed mind, which has absolutely no value to anyone.

>> No.19193611

They are both awful people.

>> No.19193614

She used a story she knew about IRL to inspire a fictional short story that tries to make an interesting point about life, you're a retard if you see anything wrong or abnormal about that.

>> No.19193619

Chinese lady is a writer. Writers are not nice about this shit. If you're exploiting an audience, writers just ask for how much. If you're exploiting your acquaintances for plot, writers encourage you to make people's lives worse. That is exactly what writers are like. it doesn't matter if you're friends or rivals. The only thing that matters is not having a legal problem to publish, which the Chinese bitch doesn't.

>> No.19193622

Dawn seemed to make a big deal about the guy getting the kidney being an orthodox jew (as if they arent the ruling class of new york)

>> No.19193629

>B-but she made it NOT plagiarism and has a career based on racial edginess
Yes. That is what happened.

>> No.19193632

Kurt Vonnegut said that the two rules to writing a good short story are "begin as close to the end as possible" and "be as cruel to your characters as possible"

>> No.19193638

you will never be a woman