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File: 359 KB, 598x775, Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 00-09-25 j a c k on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19189810 No.19189810 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain how microplastics, birth control, and fertilizer runoff in the water are nuking our hormones and turning us into psychotic androgynes

>> No.19189838

long hair? what the fuck are they even talking about?

>> No.19189842
File: 49 KB, 313x475, 2BF20E01-97ED-4A52-828D-71A0EF5C7DF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, something like that

>> No.19189847



>> No.19189865

there was someone on joe rogan who said she was a scientist and that peoples taints are getting smaller due to microplastics

people born after 70s/80s have unprecedented fertility and hormone problems compared to their parents, theorized to be from microplastics. a small taint is an indication that you suffer from it

she wrote a book on it

>> No.19189872

Count Down by Shanna Swan about part of that

>> No.19189875
File: 27 KB, 598x369, Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 00-34-08 j a c k on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is your taint supposed to be? It makes sense I guess, since women have their pussy right down there next to their shitter and microplastics are just turning men into trannies

>al gore
Is this actually about water pollution or is it just more retarded global warming alarmism

>> No.19189881

you mean the space between genitals and anus?

>> No.19189885
File: 216 KB, 1400x2093, 36FEABD8-7F1F-49AB-8F6B-8EED4CD78388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just the forward. It looks like precursors to >>19189865 we are being poisoned and malnourished in a dozen different ways.
Sorry if that’s alarming to you

>> No.19189886

Hot semen applied to the neck and chest rectifies this.

>> No.19189890

>The hair police
These people are schizophrenics

>> No.19189891

Climate change is nonsensical alarmism that's put out into the public precisely to take away interest from legitimate problems like groundwater pollution

>> No.19189892
File: 224 KB, 1200x850, CB301F2D-5A4B-4923-80BF-9D0289950ED8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That perfume nationalist guy is pretty coool

>> No.19189893

So is there anything which can be done about this or is it just a "oh well, deal with it I guess" situation

>> No.19189899

Yeah he's kind of right on this, I feel like if you look at guys from the 70s with long hair it had a completely different consistency than guys who have long hair now. Long hair now all looks like the zoomer perm meme where it's just this whisps wavy fluff. You go back and look at the 60s or 70s and they had straight healthy hair

>> No.19189901

No. It’s all still alarming. We still don’t like fracking.
We don’t like not just because it’s fossil fuels but also the ruining of the water.

>> No.19189904

>whisps wavy fluff
Those are just negro mutts or jews.

>> No.19189910

Fracking is a hit on the oil industry, I think you're smart enough to know this. There's a reason why it ends at the oil industry and does not carry over to agriculture or birth control or plastics.

>> No.19189911

It's the same population of people. The guys in the 70s with straight hair didn't just fucking disappear, they had kids and their kids all have tranny hair now.

>> No.19189919

Is this why my peepee is small

>> No.19189921

Can you post an example of exactly what you mean? What's this tranny like exactly?

>> No.19189926

Return to monke

>> No.19189932

tranny hair like*

>> No.19189940

Destroy (replace) capitalism and wither the state

>> No.19189944
File: 2.10 MB, 1142x1258, 2423432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the so-called tranny/zoomer hair that you guy are talking about?

>> No.19189946

How will that stop the production of plastics

>> No.19189964
File: 688 KB, 566x716, Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 00-56-01 j a c k on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes this is a popular haircut but I've also noticed that just growing your hair out on all sides is popular now as well. But everyone has this same weird hair consistency

>> No.19189967

And how will this clean up the environment

>> No.19189969

That guy looks on the verge of transition key

>> No.19189971

To bring production of it to an end, one has to put the brakes on so we slow it down.
We need replacements and ways to clean up the mess, and current state-capitalism will never ever make that a priority

People have different hair. You going to tell me the hippies long hair looked more full and masculine or some shit?

>> No.19189974

>You going to tell
Speak English, nigger.

>> No.19189977
File: 49 KB, 330x499, 7D57DE7C-B25D-455D-9D3C-E6441DA876C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean slate self governance will allow the breathing room for a global effort

>> No.19189980

>People have different hair. You going to tell me the hippies long hair looked more full and masculine or some shit?
Yes this is my point, but why do people have different hair now than before? Is this just like an obvious example of hormonal problems appearing in our population like the taint shrinkage thing the other guy mentioned?

>> No.19189983

You dont believe in the abolition of all factories do you?

>> No.19189984

Ye prefer some Scouse do ye?

>> No.19189989

Anything but hick/nigger English.

>> No.19189990

What the fuck kind of schizo shit is this? Theres nothing different about hair

>> No.19189996

different diets, different hair products, different approach to personal image, different trends. literally who cares.

>> No.19189998

White northerners have thin hair. Some guys go bald sooner than others. I don’t see any evidence going on here, and I believe in a generational pollution of humans.

I would prefer an immense scale back and change in our lifestyle. This path is unsustainable.

>> No.19190001

>White northerners
You mean Germanics?

>> No.19190005

Some of us are celts

>> No.19190007

>Curly hair: deviant; feminine;
>Straight hair: undeviating; masculine.

>> No.19190008

You mean Celto-Germanics, then?

>> No.19190015
File: 320 KB, 1534x2048, 5ED84BDB-D64D-41CE-BDF7-791316917684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blondes, wherever they may be, are genetically thin and susceptible to balding. Blue eyes are also just a delicate illusion. They’re a step away from albinism, aren’t they?

>> No.19190019

>They’re a step away from albinism, aren’t they?
Not really

>> No.19190023

I do have beautiful golden hair. Too bad I'll lose it early

>> No.19190024

They're very feminine. Blond "men" are literally one step away from transition.

>> No.19190132

>the microplastics in the water are fucking us up because our taints are shrinking and men’s hair is not the same as it was in the 80s
What the fuck is this schizobabble? I’m not a microplastics-skeptic but come on

>> No.19190161

ITT: Mad shitskins and baldcels

>> No.19190197

people used different hair products

>> No.19190915

It's called anal-genital distance, which correlates with penile length. If you mom eats a lot of chicken, for instance, the phthalate exposure will make your dick smaller. We are swimming in a sea of poison from birth

>> No.19190981

My hairdo is something that an attractive lady in the 90s mightve had.

>> No.19190986

My boomer dad sprays this on our lawn. How fucked am I?

>> No.19191023

You can be nourished with the best food and beverage but nothing will fix you from being a post-wall roastie.

>> No.19191032

Her Hitler hairdo is making me feel ill!

>> No.19191054

Jesus fucking christ every time I read about this shit on the internet I'm always amazed at how much people take some weak study correlation, couple it with some other similar finding and then surmise some crazy shit with certainty.

>> No.19191070

this thread is so boring.
Please >>>/x/

>> No.19191072

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19191581

Don’t touch it. The genetically modified seeds they grow corn with are soaked in it and the bag says don’t touch with bare hands.

Some House of Lords woman in the UK says she got some sloshed up in her boots and she began some time after to have severe depression and suicidal thoughts

>> No.19191593

Based reference

>> No.19191625

you arent getting enough sleep

>> No.19191695

Right wing christ cuck conspiracy jobbers don't read books.

>> No.19191750

You are sleeping too much while you're awake.

>> No.19193806

Where does this idea come from? I'm usually not into the schizo stuff but this has to be some sort of psyop. Vikings were blond. Knights were often portrayed as blond. Blond hair being feminine has to be a new development and my best guess is that it's either because blond women are viewed as more attractive, therefore blond men are more feminine, or there has been a subtle media campaign to portray blonds as feminine to make nordic men feel emasculated and weak. SO MANY gays in the media are blond. What is the deal with that? I swear I'm not usually into the schizo stuff. I don't even deny the holocaust. But this is just too weird to me. I'm not blond btw.

>> No.19193976

We associate blondness with infancy, which is feminine. Blond males usually go dark blond as they grow older. You have to admit silver blond hair does look kinda faggy on a grown man.

>> No.19194241

I don't think it looks faggy at all but I also love White people so that could be why.

>> No.19194271
File: 547 KB, 1484x1800, 20210928_010442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't get what this thread is about but I like my longer hair.

>> No.19194303

Is there a reason titties looked different 50+ years ago? I remember looking through old Playboy mags I found as a kid, and they were distinctly more pointy. There's even a joke on Family Guy that mentions this so I can't be crazy. Is it dietary differences, or was that just the more popular trait in models back then?

>> No.19194305

On a serious note, I feel like the amount of people on this website posting on balding (specifically on /fit/ and /fa/) has skyrocketed in the past year. I don't think it's unrelated to covid - either: people getting covid and losing their hair, or the stress of the pandemic accelerating hair loss. Open to other options though. I know it could be confirmation bias but I'm convinced I'm noticing something real here.

>> No.19194388

This kind of retardedly strict gender policing of men is at least part of the reason why trannies are a thing. I can't think of a single society in history where men all had to have short hair.

>> No.19194780

This thread is some wackjob shit. What the fuck are you neurotic freaks even saying? Hair is different now than back in the day? I doubt you were even alive before 1985

>> No.19194791

Birth control seems like a likely culprit. I am not educated on the subject but my sister's friends grew massive tits after they got on birth control

>> No.19194801
File: 1.10 MB, 3581x2313, weak chin cowboy billy the kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19194819

Thread had a good premise but soon turned into a shitfest.

>> No.19194822

guys i have curly hair wtf is happeningh to me?

>> No.19194896

Wtf is this?

>> No.19195218

there's also fluoride and heavy metals
>but in trace amounts
yes, and it builds up in your body, which is like the first thing you learn in a biology course

Also, the stretchy sports underwear that is form-fitting, that most athletes wear. That is on-record scientifically proven to create an induced magnetic field around the scrotum which kills sperm.

I filtered my tap water for a while and went back to drinking it regularly and even for the taste I prefer the filtered stuff. The non-filtered tasted "halogen-y," a subtle taste of chlorinated swimming pool water. Tap water is really disgusting, especially in the big cities. If you haven't realised this you aren't redpilled, you are a dumb slave. Be sure to keep getting the booster shots goy.

looks fine, especially since you aren't a neckbeard.

no they aren't you retarded faggot.

that person is a retard, blonde/golden hair all throughout history and in multiple civilisations far apart from each other associated blonde/golden hair with royalty. That's because the Royal elite were of a superior, purer bloodline.

excessive masturbation causes hairloss ("hairy palms")

>> No.19195219

>/lit/ discovers haircare products, fashion trends, and bras

>> No.19195303

Same. I grew it out over the last year and a half for obvious reasons. Women dig it. Never knew how much.