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19186900 No.19186900 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone refuted the bugmen menace??

>> No.19186946
File: 64 KB, 448x448, Dasha-Nekrasova-Feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some feet to stimulate the conversation

>> No.19186960

>has anyone refuted the bugmen menace
I think the book that does that most efficiently is actually CS Lewis' The Abolition of Man.
It's also something you could sell to your enlightened progressive college freshman, because he'll never be reading Plato's Timaeus, Scruton's Soul of the World, MacIntyre's After Virtue or whatever else implicitly refutes the modern bugmen dogma.

>> No.19187051

>dasha nekrasova

>> No.19187110

A million times over, an uncountably infinite amount of times, and yet they persist.

>> No.19187119

care to share with the class anon?

>> No.19187122

SOCRATES: Take a look round, then, and see that none of the uninitiated are listening. Now by the uninitiated I mean the people who believe in nothing but what they can grasp in their hands, and who will not allow that action or generation or anything invisible can have real existence.

THEAETETUS: Yes, indeed, Socrates, they are very hard and impenetrable mortals.

SOCRATES: Yes, my boy, outer barbarians.

>> No.19187168

He is right though, philosophy is a dick waving contest over extremely abstract bullshit """problems""" that are only problems for few upper middle class philosophy academics.

>> No.19187191
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how is "science" not circlejerking ad nauseam?

>> No.19187215

No, there is no need, and indeed, you shouldn't even try. It is the perfect filter.

See what I said above? The perfect filter.

>> No.19187226

>söyence progresses!
Yes, by being proven wrong, and it has been wrong so many times now that by inductive reasoning, you have to accept that all current and all future theories are likewise wrong - either that, or reject inductive reasoning, and if you do that, söyence falls apart as well.

Reject bugs, embrace metaphysics.

>> No.19187232

What, and be kicked out of university? I don't think so.

>> No.19187248

Yes they also create models and shiet but at least they have predictability power and cool inventions on their behalf. I know science was a branch of philosophy but now science has killed philosophy.

Philosophy is dead.

>> No.19187253

you're on an anonymous, iambic-snuff-poem regarding medieval erotica discussion forum. nobody but us cares

>> No.19187260
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>Philosophy is dead.
I tip my fedora to you my good sir

>> No.19187294

Every single great philosopher of the past would have been a scientist today.

>> No.19187308

got any data to back your claim buddy?

>> No.19187311

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony gods blessings. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.19187312

Don't you tell me where to be.

>nobody but us cares
Nice of you to go out on a limb though.

>> No.19187316

Most of them were polymaths

>> No.19187323
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he doesn't know

>> No.19187326

That's a great quote. What is name of philosopher?

>> No.19187348

>I once talked to the late Soviet physicist Landau on this subject. The setting was a shingle beach in the Crimea. 'What do you think,' I asked, 'does God exist or not?' There followed a pause of some three minutes. Then he looked at me helplessly. 'I think so.' At the time I was simply a sunburnt young boy, entirely unknown, son of the distinguished poet Arseniy Tarkovsky: a nobody, merely a son. It was the first and last time I saw Landau, a single, chance meeting; hence such candour on the part of the Soviet Nobel Prize winner.
From Sculpting in Time

>> No.19187352

>Most of them were polymaths
fedoronymus the skeptic

>> No.19187420

How many of them today are scientists? Most of them sit on their chairs and keep babbling about inane shit for hours.

>fedoronymus the skeptic
Ebin win

>> No.19187840
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>> No.19188278

> has anyone refuted the bugmen menace??
Rene Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.19189130
File: 234 KB, 800x1047, Sanzio_01_Plato_Aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language.
- Werner Heisenberg

>When we measure something we are forcing an undetermined, undefined world to assume an experimental value. We are not measuring the world, we are creating it.
- Neils Bohr

>Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.
- Werner Heisenberg

>Multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind.
- Erwin Schrödinger

>I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.
- Max Planck

>The atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.
- Werner Heisenberg

>Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. Consciousness is absolutely fundamental.
- Erwin Schrödinger

>All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
- Max Planck

>Consciousness is a coherent whole, which is never static or complete, but which is in an unending process of movement and unfoldment.
- David Bohm

>Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.
- Erwin Schrödinger

>Ultimately, the entire universe...has to be understood as a single undivided whole.
- David Bohm

>> No.19189144

His name is probably Justin or Cameron

>> No.19190358
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>> No.19190421

listen you art and lib brainlets, anthropology started as a scientific disciple around 1920's. These scientists did not study any of that.
Accept that you are stupid as hell and move on with your life

>> No.19190566

>anthropology started as a scientific disciple around 1920's
So all the observations made before that was just hearsay and conjecture? Also, what did art ever do to you?

>> No.19190997
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OP keeps getting btfo'd in the comments and can't stop seething. For how much these stemfags worship LE RATIONAL DEBATE these retards cannot phantom the possibility that they're wrong. It's funny how much these people think they're so above the philosophical method and then just call you a sophist when you confront them with their lack of knowledge.
What I'm getting from this and all the other stuff I read from German scientists is that anglo scientists are fucking retarded and ruin the intellectual discourse.

>> No.19191021

I can't find these comments.

>> No.19191028


>> No.19191050

He writes in the comments:
>It is not logically possible to evaluate the truth of a claim without a standard or methodology by which to measure it,
I fucking hate these people.
i) the above is a philosophical claim, and not only that, but a philosophical claim that rests on some sort of timeless and methodology-less truth as the presupposition for any methodology achieving truth, a standard he wants to subject philosophy to, meaning that already here, his entire argument is self-contradictory or caught in a vicious circle, depending on what sort of cope he would post in response fuck I hate this idiot.
ii) the claim has scope problems, not every science uses the same methodology
iii) the above has historical problems, methodologies have changed over time
iv) this leads to >>19187226, the argument for pessimist meta-induction, something no sciencefag ever really stops to realize is absolutely catastrophic to their pretentions of achieving anything that should be called truth, which they fail to realize because
v) these faggots are just so fucking dumb, and that's why I hate them.

>> No.19191052

William Lane Craig has been refuting them mercilessly for years. Lawrence Krauss actually debated him and made himself look like a total ass. Richard Dawkins REFUSES to debate him, because he's a philosopher and not a priest. I think he has some YT videos in which he addresses some of Neil DeGrasse Tyson's criticisms of theism. Probably Bill Nye too.

>> No.19191065
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keep searching, they're everywhere. Him and his stem goons save no effort to embarrass themselves.

>> No.19191086

>William Lane Craig
Roger Penrose has this christcuck out of the water. Also his debate with Shelly Kagan was an equalizer too.

>> No.19191483
File: 72 KB, 850x400, quote-college-is-the-grinding-machine-of-the-mathematical-establishment-a-conveyor-belt-that-bill-gaede-80-54-73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basic argument presented in this picture is that stuff is made out of nothing or concepts, which are physically nothing, and that you should accept this conclusion because some famous mathmaticians(they are not physicists, they only ever did math) believed this.
Thus we are asked to believe something nonsensical, that physical objects are made of concepts and empty space, unless we are willing to disagree with these people who are saints in the hierarchy of science.
This picture presents itself as a criticism against the malpractice of science, but it illustrates clearly the most significant problem with science today, which is the unwillingness to question dogmas and the reliance on authority rather than reason.
It is similar to the story of the Emperor's new clothes. No one wants to be a stupid person who cannot see the emperor's clothes, but no one can see the clothes. As all of the people pictured on the left themselves admit, no one understand quantum mechanics.
The truth, I think, is really just this. The elites have favored physics as "the principal" science, and being unwilling to give up their old dogmas, which are found in the mysteries/hermeticism, they have simply projected these dogmas into the study of physics and made an monstrous abomination full of nonsensical, surrealistic concepts like 0 dimensional particles, black holes, dark matter, expansion of space(nothing), big bang creationism, particles that are not particles and objects that can be in several places or "states" at once, potentialities(complete nonsense) and so on. The whole field of physics is rotten, and the people who study it come out completely bewildered, unable to explain anything, having been brought to that state of mystification that Einstein himself thought were akin to enlightenment. They never take the step beyond mystification, into understanding, becaues they can't. They are using imaginary building blocks and can thus never construct anything by which they could elevate themselves into the realm of understanding.

>> No.19191568
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here is my shitty opinion
it's (most of the time) absolutely worthless to "learn" about a given philosophy if you yourself do not genuinely believe in it. you have many people who read a given thing and reproduce it in their minds in an inferior way so as to, knowingly or not, support the conclusions they had already reached.
there is a creator, or what have you, and it's blindly obvious that plato and anybody adjacent to him was right. the main issue of philosophy is the soul, virtue, and proper development of the human organism. this is how you can transform the material here into something great, and close the distance between yourself and the creator. philosophy is a refinement, it was already true and many speak and bring great things into being, but everybody is gay and goes on their smartphone pornography too much so they became historical materialists

"philosophy is dead" is a dumb thing to say. we're already there nigga. however the culture we're surrounded by is getting worse and worse, so you wouldn't know the difference unless you picked up a book that says genuinely true and great things.

just like how all governments are censoring covid vaccine injuries while making billions and in the process of justifying a permanent technocrat slave society; this is the case yet we're completely immersed in government propaganda so normals can't figure it out and are gaslit out of their own healthy apprehensions. don't get the shot bros it's poison

>> No.19191577

indeed your opinion is shit.

>> No.19191612
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