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File: 28 KB, 245x406, Neuromancer_(Book).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19180138 No.19180138 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is trash. Page after page of spastic prose and worldbuilding info dumps with zero context.
>Case plonked the blarg into the dreklifier. His primflark twitched. Darkness. Cold farts. It stung. The astrohark exploded in a trimgraff rainbow of kertron rizbit colours. The modified yajmork he bought from that kid down in Asspull was top notch.
Really, Gibson? Much writing, very best. Wow.

>> No.19180152


>> No.19180153

My biggest issue with it was how disorienting the spatial descriptions were oftentimes. The anachronisms of the silicon flimflam outlet going into the bilicon dimdam port were quite funny

>> No.19180187

Why do you think anyone should care what you think when you clearly don't?

>> No.19180233

Filtered by horrible writing? Sure.

>> No.19180241

>waaah there shouldn't be any unfamiliar jargon everything should be obvious and telegraphed to me like on a tv show

>> No.19180316

>deciphering Gibson's made up cyberspeak falls on the reader
Never write.

>> No.19180328

there's nothing to decipher, it's just a standin for things that didn't exist yet

>> No.19180390

>Case plonked the blarg into the dreklifier.
lol honestly i didn't read neuromancer but this is a common thing with fantasy, and it basically ruins the whole thing until it's fixed.

it needs to be as seamless as possible. i read some of a fantasy book that i didn't finish and this kind of thing went on for just about a solid page before any relief. just a whole bunch of factions, places, magic objects, and names, all being related to each other, but they weren't properly introduced (one or a small number at a time, being properly described, so that you can get a feel and it becomes an actual object with some meaning) so i was just reading it but no shape was taking place in the mind; just reading words to no real effect. bad, bad writing.

>> No.19180437

Bro if you got stumped by Neuromancer (basically pulp) then you have very little hope of reading anything serious. This book was not hard and, in fact, a page turner. It's trash but not for the reasons you laid out. This is the seminal cyberpunk novel that created the image you think of when you hear that word. It did that with the very aspect of it you seem to be attacking.

>> No.19180457

Based non-reader insisting that books should be mystery and imagination proofed like television. There's a difference between writing which evokes a sense of a strange and unfamiliar world and find and replace lore-ified vocabulary

>> No.19180473

>When the worldbuilding infodumps mc character development through asspull and unsatisfying ending
Did I miss any genrefic reader buzzword?

>> No.19180536

I never said the book was hard, I finished the damn thing and I understood everything because I'm not some kind of retard with a sub-zero IQ and no imagination. But that doesn't excuse Gibson's writing. When you create something out of thin air, especially something that doesn't exist, you're responsible for making the reader understand what it is you're talking about. You can't just drop a word salad with zero context and expect us to dive into your fucking brain. It might be the spark that kicked off the cyberpunk corporate dystopia genre, but that only happened after decades upon decades of fans and other writets alike expanding upon Gibson's vision, whicg is the only reason you have those "images" in your head.

>> No.19180553
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1627387809295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just sort of didn't understand my post
its ok

>> No.19180560
File: 126 KB, 769x530, 1626749432537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180638

>I understood everything
So why are you complaining?

>> No.19180641

You're an idiot. The book is easy af to read lol

>> No.19180666

but i liked it.

>> No.19180680

Because it's bad writing? Lovecraft was also speaking of unthinkable things and kickstarted a genre, but he was an excellent writer. The average reader doesn't require a companion book to make sense of his world.

>> No.19180690

Agreed completely. I went into neuromancer with high hopes and it was thoroughly dogshit lol.
Soijak book.

>> No.19180694

>easy = good

>> No.19180695

neuromancer doesn't require a companion book you fucking retard, it's kindergarten-tier CONTEXT CLUES.

imagine thinking neuromancer is hard to read, what jargon are you even talking about you literal DUMMY.

>> No.19180751

>he was an excellent writer
Mixed feelings about Gibson, and I do like Lovecraft, but come on. His prose is purple as hell and going down under the weight of the same 5 adverbs being repeated ad nauseam. It's the weakest aspect of his stories.

>> No.19180761

Granted, Lovecraft's prose can get a little grating at first, but it kinda grows on you.

>> No.19180808

All genre fiction is trash.

>> No.19180816

>genre fiction

>> No.19181080

Reading comprehension. Work on it.

>> No.19181099


In hindsight, yeah. but I wasn't reading Dostoyevsky when I was 15 and Gibson at his worst (Neuromancer is nowhere near his worst) is several cuts above most of the dogshit that /sfg/ memes

>> No.19181180

You can make up words but good writers create at least some kind of etymology for their words and don't just use garbled baby gibberish.

>> No.19181286

Every other scifi book written > Neuromancer >>>>>>> Snow Crash
The "classics" in this genre are so pure trash it makes you wonder if the whole genre is just meant for aesthetic mindless AV formats, spaghetti Western flavorings, and "starship crew encounters new humans-with-funny-foreheads for the 500th time" TV shows.

>> No.19181310

>some kind of etymology

Simtstim = simulated stimulation.

Microsofts = tiny software patches. Also a reference to the corporation.

Gibson does this again and again. It’s not that difficult to figure out. Maybe move beyond the Greeks.