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/lit/ - Literature

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19178426 No.19178426 [Reply] [Original]

G'day, fellas.

Was wonderin' what the choicest Aussie writing is in your opinion.

Not feeling any charts, hey.

>> No.19178429 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1624766929241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

australia is turning into a police state right now

>> No.19178432 [DELETED] 

There are a lot of good Australian Jew haters.

>> No.19178476 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 429x600, 62112E4A-87DC-400F-B4B0-6F404D693C3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw ‘em in the water

>> No.19178524 [DELETED] 

How do you feel about the ol vaks mandates butterfly

>> No.19178533 [DELETED] 

You know that's not butterfly right?
Her old secure tripcode started with an "o."
That's a different tripcode and it's simply somebody pretending to be butterfly.

>> No.19178568

Start with Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson, then get onto Patrick White.

>> No.19178576


>> No.19178698 [DELETED] 

I am against it. For one thing it’s a vaccine for the original covid and has nearly no effect on delta and the others. Big pharma is running this show and it’s disgusting.

I can put on the other trips if you want. But it doesn’t even matter

>> No.19178710 [DELETED] 

I live in Melbourne and I walked to the local banh mi place to grab a vietnamese sandwich and a coke.
Weather's lovely today, and my street's not busy, so I didn't wear a mask. Had one in my pocket though.
Didn't get arrested. Crazy stuff.
Americans project their own insecurities too much.

>> No.19178717 [DELETED] 

piss off, Pfizer's 75% efficacy for Delta. OG covid and Delta share the same spike protein, so the vax still reduces symptoms.

>> No.19178727

Les Murray and james McAuley are my two favourite Australian poets after Banjo and Lawson.

>> No.19178732 [DELETED] 

Not according to one of the guys who designed it.
> so the vax still reduces symptoms.
I’m somewhat assured for myself.
But again. Young people generally shouldn’t be forced to take it, and people who had it already shouldn’t be forced to take it either. The natural immunity is better than a six month long jab

>> No.19178734 [DELETED] 

i bet your job isn't being threatened because you dont want to inject yourself with poison you comfortable little faggot

>> No.19178798 [DELETED] 

Yeah, because I'm not brain-damaged enough to consider a vaccine "poison". If you want to piss your pants because the conceptual connotations of an injected substance taught to you by the media frightens your chimp brain too much, that's your own prerogative. You probably pump yourself full of caffeine, trans fats, alcohol, and ciggie smoke anyway, and all of a sudden you're concerned about what you put in your body? Get over yourself mate.

>> No.19178814

Gerald Murnane

>> No.19178835

Patrick White, Gerald Murnane, Elizabeth Jolley, Kenneth Mackenzie, Alister Kershaw, Xavier Herbert, Randolph Stow, Norman Lindsay, Les Murray, David Malouf

annoying that the word Australia seems to be a schizo-magnet at the moment

>> No.19178894 [DELETED] 
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How does it taste?

>> No.19179054 [DELETED] 

quiet, deep dweller

>> No.19179394 [DELETED] 

>Didn't get arrested
Good for you.
Is this really what your bragging about now?

>> No.19179491 [DELETED] 

Contract Covid. Then tell us how the police didn't show up and forcefully remove you to a remote location to wait out your covid. You know who else locks up their citizens when they get Covid? China.

>> No.19179652 [DELETED] 

oh WOW anon, you went outside and didn't get arrested, isn't that something

>> No.19179774
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>> No.19179788 [DELETED] 

>live in Melbourne
What's it like be ethnically Chinese?

>> No.19179846 [DELETED] 

>the conceptual connotations of an injected substance taught to you by the media
holy pseud post
okay you stupid retard, ignore the mountains of testimonials of people who trusted the science and got permanent brain damage or a dead parent in a week because of it.

for anyone who isn't like this television watching poster all governments censor the shit out of it. evidence is all over the place and it's undeniable that billionaires are succeeding in culling you. unfortunately there are too many people who are too willing to believe that they are smarter because they believe the television
we're mostly only at 1 or 2 shots. what will happen when we get up to 10? hold on you dumb animal retards, they're literally doing another 1918 flu epidemic

>> No.19179905 [DELETED] 

Why do you think these people are out to get you? Is it because you would do the same if you were a billionaire?

>> No.19180009 [DELETED] 

>why do you think that
because of the people who have their lives literally ruined, the ruthless denial and lack of monetary compensation (to not admit it exists mean it is still "officially" "safe and effective") and the fact that they're forcing it on everyone you fucking cow

>> No.19180745 [DELETED] 

Quick rundown about the book?

>> No.19180757 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 312x464, C4E016E6-E26F-442A-BF30-042A157C053E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pacifist movement is a sham and likely a government operation, though he doesn’t stress that. There are genuine fools who just fall for the old Gandhi MLK stuff.

>> No.19180762

The hell happened to this thread?

>> No.19180765

>Pacifist movement is a sham and likely a government operation, though he doesn’t stress that. There are genuine fools who just fall for the old Gandhi MLK stuff.
Interesting. What happened to this thread, Butters?
Was it the glowies?
We can't trust 4chan anymore. They're actively suppressing messages.

>> No.19180768

>The hell happened to this thread?
Some fucked up shit.
"We're too close to the sun"

>> No.19180775
File: 180 KB, 1100x1500, 826FD3CD-C2F7-419E-8B36-82BF13DB95EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or fear the CDC would shut the site down? Haha
Anyway. It also cites a bunch of interesting books.
It’s essay simple writing and convincing

>> No.19180790

>It also cites a bunch of interesting books.
>It’s essay simple writing and convincing
I'm gonna get that book just to spite "them". Added to the list.

>> No.19180868

Frantz Fanon is not Australian you fucking troon

>> No.19181235

why is everyone apart from the 3rd worlders in australia a 6ft aryan chad?

>> No.19181262

>australian lit thread
>mentions an off-topic American organisation
>posts a French man
You just can't help shitting up this thread, can you?

>> No.19182151

r c waldun

>> No.19182460
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This bloke is the future of Australian literature bloody oath cunt

>> No.19182487

They will die of skin cancer.

>> No.19182510
File: 91 KB, 400x572, Thomas_Keneally_The_Chant_of_Jimmy_Blacksmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems more recent critically acclaimed writers like Thomas Keneally and Peter Carey are not /lit/ approved

>> No.19182516
File: 445 KB, 1018x671, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gerald Murnane
>the plains are... LE FLAT
Not feeling him desu

>> No.19182523

>Thomas Keneally
What a wordsmith