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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1011 KB, 3456x4608, IMG_20211004_155631776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19177951 No.19177951 [Reply] [Original]

What's your reading space look like? You do have a dedicated space, right?

>> No.19177971

get a load of this dipshit

>> No.19177981

My Bett

>> No.19177987

I forgot, nobody here reads.

>> No.19177993
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>> No.19178154
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I do. I suppose it's been a long time since I posted a picture, so here's my semi-annual update. Hope that everyone is well.

(Also, nice bows. Who is the maker of the recurve?)

>> No.19178206

Patrician taste, the safari helmet sells it. The recurve is a wing. Hope you're doing okay as well, I know I am. Started my new job today, and set new goals.

>> No.19178225
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Reading by a window or on the front porch are my favorites.

>> No.19178228
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>> No.19178229

>The recurve is a wing
Nice, and looks beautiful. I have an old Martin recurve, but I haven't been shooting in... probably 10+ years at this point. It's been too long. Anyways, good luck at your new gig, anon!

>> No.19178250
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x1836, 20200719_173932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front porch for sure

>> No.19178259

Thanks! And take your bow out and shoot some styrofoam.
French windows are peak reading spaces

>> No.19178263

Nice japanese maple

>> No.19178279

Thanks, we had a huge heat wave this summer and it's not looking great now, hoping it comes back strong in the spring

>> No.19178287
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I have a small room so I unironically read at cafes or libraries.

>> No.19178315

>swastikas everywhere, smoky-red lighting
>no actual NSDAP memorabilia anywhere to be seen
Fucking cringe, bro.

>> No.19178332
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It's a 3+ year old bait picture from /reddit/, and it therefore best to simply ignore it.

>> No.19178351
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>> No.19178385
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>> No.19178397

I read at my desk a lot while I'm waiting for the yahoos I work with to respond to my emails.
I'd rather just walk to their offices and talk to them but I live 5 states away.
If it's nice out I read in my backyard so I can smoke cigars. Nothing fancy, but nothing too cheap.

>> No.19178401

Looks cozy

>> No.19178409

Real missed opportunity to do something silly with the ceiling fan's blades

>> No.19178412
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She's cozy.

>> No.19178665

amazing as always

is the bookshelf on the left a new addition?

>> No.19178673
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>> No.19178754

what are you reading right now house arrest guy?

>> No.19178771

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city

>> No.19178791

>You do have a dedicated space, right?
No I am poor.

>> No.19179152
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Aeschylus’ collected works.

I was randomly lifted off probation with no reason given and then followed by the coast guard in a boat the exact same day. Probably because I was going to the island that the Governor lives on.

>> No.19179174


>> No.19179195
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>> No.19179202
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not posting my furniture but you fags can be jelly over my view

>> No.19179236

Definitely not jealous to be living in a massive police state where you get thrown in prison for talking bad about covid laws or not taking the “vaccine”

>> No.19179339


>> No.19179383

do you have big spiders in sydney?

>> No.19179454

why would I be jealous of having a view over your dishwasher rack opera.

>> No.19179460

Back in the 90s, when I was a kid play Need for Speed II, I used to think that the thing on the left was a bizarre eyesore. I wasn't wrong.

>> No.19179472

>Being jealous of shitney

>> No.19179520

>reading in PUBLIC
what a chad

>> No.19179533

amazing. is that the r9k dude who hadn't washed in a year?

>> No.19179592

I have a water view of islands, not a Chinese breeding ground

>> No.19179598

Based Chinese anon

>> No.19179622

lmao absolutely based af

>> No.19179625

Waldun? Is that (You)?

>> No.19179646


>> No.19179680

Ah, a minimalist I see

>> No.19179799

It'll be fine if you watch it like a hawk. My dad had one in Florida, so yours should be okay.

>> No.19179922

>this nigga reads books on cozy spaces
Lmaooo he be beatin his own box too

>> No.19179947

You need to extend those bookcases all the way up and get a rolling ladder, it’s the sensible thing to do

>> No.19180020

I see I've convinced someone to read Jalousie and Dans le Labyrinthe even if it is in English.

>> No.19180172

Nice rug. How often do you use your recurve?

>> No.19180220

Thanks anon. Yes, the bookshelf on the left is new; I replaced a sliding closet door that had been there with bookshelves from a company called murphy door (the shelves can swing out so that I still have access to the closet). I had several stacks of books on the ground that had gotten out of hand because I had no shelf space for them, and these let me get that under control; even with the addition I am close to capacity though.

I have additional bookcases on order to replace the other shelves in my office as well; they should provide another ~18 feet of shelf space (going taller with my main bookcase, and I'll also have shelves going up each side of the window). That will probably last me another two years, after which I'll probably end up with stacks on the floor again, haha.

Hope that you are well, anon.

I didn't chime in on your previous thread, but this looks very comfy. I hope that your legal problems with Seattle/Washington get settled in short enough order, anon.

>> No.19181636

I have a cozy place to live at, cope with places you "stay" at.

>> No.19181663
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>> No.19181674

imagine the smell

>> No.19181761


>> No.19182396

is that in england? if so, which part, I love comfy life along a semi-desolate bypass

>> No.19182408

I hate those windows, I'm always compelled to look in them and then I always make really awkward eye contact with people inside who think I'm being nosy.

>> No.19182439


>> No.19182458
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My comfy spot.

>> No.19182697

Where's the gondola anon from the previous thread

>> No.19182723

I read on my bed (sleeping bag) on the ground in an almost empty room

>> No.19182810

Yeah I think so as well. I actually got this one from my dad, will probably see how it does this year and might re-pot it the year after

>> No.19182835
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This one?

>> No.19182846

Not much anymore. It's twisted and idk where a bowyer is around me.

>> No.19182885
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The place where you lost your virginity at the tender age of 5.

>> No.19182888

No? I read wherever.

>> No.19182891

>The Art of War
oh brother

>> No.19182898

cool it with the anti-semitic home furnishings

>> No.19182911

Nice ROOM, faggot

>> No.19182917

this is our sons room he's really into German culture

>> No.19182946
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>> No.19182970
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it's not much but it's home

>> No.19183036

Based schizo
>t. flinstone

>> No.19183090

I've got Richard Adams, Joseph Conrad, Aldous Huxley, Robert E Howard, Philip K Dick, Frank Hurbert, Gene Wolfe, Robert a Heinlein, Frederick Nietzsche, Martin Luther, Homer, Marcus Aurelius, and Shakespeare.

>> No.19183099

Oh, forgot cs lewis and Geoffrey Chaucer and the eddas and beowulf. I need the never ending story next. I've got "The Wake" by Paul kingsnorth on the way.

>> No.19183110

Where'd you get that random Lysimachus cast? P. neat

>> No.19183262
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>> No.19183282

chinese girls are qt

>> No.19183307

house on the rock

>> No.19183619

>Lysimachus cast
Anon, I cannot thank you enough for finally identifying who the bust is of. I ordered it, sight unseen, from the Museum Company, which had a text description of the bust saying that it was a bust of Cicero. From some angles I can maybe see a resemblance, but it certainly isn't a bust of the jowly and lovable Cicero that I have seen before. Looking up Lysimachus, I can clearly see a very real resemblance! I've been wondering somewhat annoyedly and somewhat abstractedly who the bust was of for nearly a decade now. Thank you so much for identifying its subject. Now to see what I can read up about Lysimachus and his life and times (I only know him as a footnote to Alexander's story, but hopefully there is more there to discover!).

>> No.19183854
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Based. Comfy in bed is the best place to enjoy a book.

>> No.19184149

worth the investment for making chinks come take pics in front of it. the government has killed tourism by barring foreigners though.

>> No.19184161

I dont really like the direction the Amazon series of going with Gollum.

>> No.19184218

>melmoth the wanderer

>> No.19184290

this seems a little excessive, was it too much to just hang a paper saying "I HATE JOOOS" instead?

>> No.19184293

Why are you on house arrest?

>> No.19184294

is that a set of Churchill's history of WW2 there on the right?

>> No.19184330 [DELETED] 
File: 3.90 MB, 3123x2995, IMG_20211007_163936542~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chair and my yard.
I read here from 5am until I leave for work at 8am.
I return home at 4pm and read until I please with the assistance of overhead patio lights.
Currently reading Sophocles.
The woman visiting my neighbour is complaining about her young son being sex driven.

>> No.19184346

Yes. Also there is his 'History of the English Speaking Peoples.' In my younger days I went on a minor Churchill kick. He's a good and engaging writer, though in hindsight he skews a bit more towards pop-history than he does serious/academic history. Still worth reading, especially the works that he wrote from first-hand experience.

>> No.19184576


>> No.19184587

The Opera House is truly beautiful. You have to be on the ground to best appreciate it. The design is straight magic. It like attracts the flow of the landscape of the city and forms itself. Idk how to explain... Plebs will never understand.