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/lit/ - Literature

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19178113 No.19178113 [Reply] [Original]

Post /lit/ quotes.

>> No.19178123

“A man can surely do what he wills to do, but he cannot determine what he wills” – Schopenhauer

>> No.19178129

From where is that?

>> No.19178132

Well what was gods first?

>> No.19178133

I don't know, and it doesn't matter. It's the essence of Schopenhauers philosophy

>> No.19178141

What was the first? Man? Not much on a dab on females if so

>> No.19178140

"If we salt the earth for todays gain what will become of tommorows harvest" - Banghit Adavita

>> No.19178168
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>> No.19178175

I think it's from "The World as Will and Representation".

>> No.19178178


>> No.19178179

Men or mankind.

>> No.19178183


>> No.19178195 [DELETED] 
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Judea and the spawn of Zion.

>> No.19178213

That Ben Garrison guy sure does hate Jews.

>> No.19178219

she dummy thicc tho

>> No.19178256

Jesus fuck you pseuds it's from his On the Basis of Morality.

>> No.19178866
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I don't read much Schopenhauer. He was too autistic even for me.

>> No.19178872

So, the western idea of god is that he is so muted, that the creation he made, that could die literally by something million times smaller, is able to think and match his wisdom. Is that it?

>> No.19178916

Existence presumably.

>> No.19178917

Basically he said everything was a representation subjected to a priori knowledges and principle of reason, and every movement, natural law, animal and human being were different levels of platonic ideas, that were objectivations from the same source; The will.

>> No.19178919


>> No.19178929

His mother seemed to desire to much incestuous validation, even for him.

>> No.19178940

>t. redditor

>> No.19179344
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Kierkegaard was extremely based for his time.

>> No.19179465

Making atoms collide in such a trajectory that few billion years later your parents meet and conceive (You)

>> No.19179506

savage God doesn't make mistakes. And he loves (You).

>> No.19179529

Dear Lower House Speaker Tadamori Oshima,
Thank you very much for reading this letter. I can wipe out a total of 470 disabled individuals.
I am fully aware that my remark is eccentric. However, thinking about the tired faces of guardians, the dull eyes of caregivers working at the facility, I am not able to contain myself, and so I decided to take action today for the sake of Japan and the world.
My reasoning is that I may be able to revitalize the world economy and I thought it may be possible to prevent World War III.
I envision a world where a person with multiple disabilities can be euthanized, with an agreement from the guardians, when it is difficult for the person to carry out household and social activities.
I believe there is still no answer about the way of life for individuals with multiple disabilities. The disabled can only create misery. I think now is the time to carry out a revolution and to make the inevitable but tough decision for the sake of all mankind. Let Japan take the first big step.
Would Mr. Tadamori Oshima, who bears the world, use his power to make the world proceed in a better direction? I sincerely hope you would deliver this message to Mr. Shinzo Abe. This is the answer I reached after serious thinking about what I can do for humankind.
Dear Lower House Speaker Tadamori Oshima, would you lend your power for the sake of dear Japan and all humankind?
Please give this full consideration. Satoshi Uematsu
The Plot: It will be carried out during the night shift, when staffing is low. The target will be two facilities where many multiply disabled people reside.
Staff on guard will be strapped with cable so they can't move and can't make contact with anyone outside. The act will be carried out speedily, and definitely without harming the staff. After wiping out the 260 people in two facilities, I will turn myself in.
In carrying out the act, I have several requests. After my arrest, my incarceration should be up to two years, and please let me lead a free life afterward. Innocence on grounds of insanity. A new name (Takashi Iguro), government registration and documents such as a driver's license needed for everyday life.
A disguise for regular society through plastic surgery. Financial aid of 500 million yen ($5 million). I would like these conditions to be promised.
If you can make your decision, I will carry it out at any time. Please consider this fully for the sake of Japan and world peace.
I hope with all my heart that this can be discussed with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, although I am sorry to trouble him in an unimaginably busy schedule.
Satoshi Uematsu

>> No.19179538

Kek this short quote sums up Spengler's theory of history being cyclical. Did he think of anything original?

>> No.19179643
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>> No.19180026

This is just Instagram folk wisdom

>> No.19180053

yeah, but they stole it from the original gay community

>> No.19180060

Jews bad - Adult Hither

>> No.19180264

This is normie tier philosophy you'll see on facebook.

>> No.19181112

Literally and unironically gay.

>> No.19181119

Victim died by mobileposting.

>> No.19181524
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>> No.19181561

Nietzsche was a bitter Incel. He got friendzoned so bad he became blackpilled.

>> No.19181568

That's why /lit/ likes him so much.

>> No.19181642


>> No.19181652

His mother was a socialite feminist who sent him to England when he was a kid because she thought his grasp of English was embarrassing her. He didn't come from nowhere, despite his claims.

>> No.19181683

It's no surprise Schoppy turned out how he did with such a cunt of a mother. When butt-hurt women bring this shit up in response to his essay on Women, I always remember that this pic represents the kind of person saying so.

>> No.19181686

>hasn't read Nietzsche
>God is dead and women all up and down social media are telling you beautiful lies
He can pick a winner.

>> No.19181698

On women is probably one of the most misread essays. Schopenhauer's focus is on the immense boom in sex trafficking in London at the time, when London police are starting to assume any unaccompanied woman is a whore who needs forced medical examinations for syphilis. With just a little bit of historical context, it's pretty clear that Schopenhauer is being fairly SJW.

>> No.19181708

Most people into Nietzsche are actually women

>> No.19181863

That mustache there has a single purpose hon.

>> No.19181895

Yeah, but as is typical of Schopenhauer he's very direct in his reasoning for why prostitution has become prevalent; he doesn't beat around the bush. Women consider this style unflattering, which is in their mind a great sin.

>> No.19181905
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>> No.19182421
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Go read his love letters to this cunt, who friendzoned him. He proposed to her multiple times, got rejected. After his humiliation to her he became blackpilled quick and started banging prostitutes.

These "based "philosophers are bitter incels apart from chad slayer Albert Camus.

>> No.19182425

Can't be an incel if you fuck women.

>> No.19182434

>going for the quirky dominant girl
Nietzsche you dirty dog

>> No.19182505

>Most people into Nietzsche are actually women
yeah what's up with them? there's this intersectional feminist chick i follow who always quotes him, it's insane

>> No.19182538

>With just a little bit of historical context, it's pretty clear that Schopenhauer is being fairly SJW.
this is an actual sentance someone typed out
let that sink in

>> No.19183008


>> No.19183074

>apart from chad slayer Albert Camus.
Cioran destroyed him in the other thread.

>> No.19183461

“Organs crawl like aphids upon the immobile motor of becoming”
― Nick Land

>> No.19183464


>> No.19183469

read Stirner

>> No.19183474 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19183476

more like this

>> No.19183478 [DELETED] 


>> No.19183486

another fantastic Land quote

“Space echoes like an immense tomb, yet the stars still burn. Why does the sun take so long to die ?”

>> No.19183493 [DELETED] 

Lmao. Is that really him?

>> No.19183494

i know this one, even had it as a gif somewhere. what should i read of Land to get more feels like that? also about the quote i believe the universe is not yet finished being created, far from being a tomb

>> No.19183497

I'd start out with Fanged Noumena, it's got a bunch of shit like that

>> No.19183502
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>> No.19183513 [DELETED] 

Obviously not. No one believes that.

>> No.19184378


>> No.19184386

"Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?"

- Sister Miriam Godwinson, "But for the Grace of God"

>> No.19184570

A brainless pet shouldn't speak.

>> No.19184598

“Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others,
having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?”
― Emil M. Cioran
“As far as I am concerned, I resign from humanity. I no longer want to be, nor can still be, a
man. What should I do? Work for a social and political system, make a girl miserable? Hunt for
weaknesses in philosophical systems, fight for moral and esthetic ideals? It’s all too little. I
renounce my humanity even though I may find myself alone. But am I not already alone in this
world from which I no longer expect anything?”
― Emil M. Cioran, On the Heights of Despair
“Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?”
― Emil M. Cioran, Tears and Saints
“Melancholy: an appetite no misery satisfies.”
― Emil M. Cioran, All Gall Is Divided: Aphorisms
“If I were to be totally sincere, I would say that I do not know why I live and why I do not stop
living. The answer probably lies in the irrational character of life which maintains itself without
― Emil M. Cioran, On the Heights of Despair
I feel completely detached from any country, any group.
I am a metaphysically displaced person”
― Emil M. Cioran
“They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice... That Suicide is wrong; when it is
quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title
than to his own life and person.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
“Life is a constant process of dying.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
“It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every
satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the
devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
“The fundament upon which all our knowledge and learning rests is the inexplicable.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
“Life swings back and forth like a pendulum between pain and boredom”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
"We can regard our life as a uselessly disturbing episode in the blissful repose of nothingness."
― Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.19184657

at last I see

>> No.19185933
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>One should not deprive the criminal of the possibility of making his peace with society; provided he does not belong to the race of criminals. In that case one should make war on him even before he has committed any hostile act (first operation as soon as one has him in one's power: his castration).

>> No.19186267

It's so depressingly when I think about it. Humanity damned forever because of a woman. The story of Adam and Eve, I can't remember when I read it. At the time I didn't realize I was going to be like Adam. Influenced by the women like he was, to dwell in sin, I can say "I'm only human." that has always been my favorite excuse.

I look at the woman of today. I'm surrounded by them and i've taken some to bed. To engage in lust
like the humans before me and after me. How euphoric it felt to eat their apple. Women just have so much power over me.

>> No.19186388

Also, a former Tzeentch follower gone Slaaneshi would be incredibly dangerous: Tzeentch followers understand indeterminism (from a very distorted, cynical perspective) and also see knowledge as power per circumstance to win where force, charisma and economics cannot. A devout Slaaneshi seeks to experience everything. Thus a former Tzeentchian, already well read on enough to convince themselves they experienced it, or well read enough to steal peoples experiences, who became a hedonist addict as well would be left with one desire: to be omnipotent and thus be able to go beyond the limits of mortal imaginings in pursuit of understanding and experience for the sake of understanding and experience.

>> No.19188186
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>Tzeentch follower
You mean someone that watches videos from this channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SsethTzeentach

>> No.19188406
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>he understood what "hiding your powerlevel" meant
>tfw too smart to be around normies unless I force myself into a retardmode

>> No.19189002

Did you want the timeline where Rilke doesn't exist instead? I think your idea that the girl you love either marries you forever and ever exclusively unconditionally and probably autistically or the love was totally not worthwhile is kind of retarded.
Yeah he is direct: he says men are responsible. >>19182538
>an actual sentance
It's not, though.

>> No.19189029

She was stringing him along while she banged that guy in the picture behind simp nietzsche back. So yes cunt.

>> No.19189052
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I like this one

>> No.19189062

this is very weird, where is it from?

>> No.19189118

>No Nietzsche acts like me trying and failing to get my dick wet
>because the idea he's not at least as resentful as me 200 years later upset over someone else not getting their dick wet so I could vicariously experience that is going to make me livid if he got over it
Um, maybe don't read his stuff.

>> No.19189163

Nietzsche did this multiple times though he would fall in love with a woman he met just day ago and write some fag love letter to then be rejected. Took him about 30 years to figure out women when he wrote thus spoke. Guy was a simp, doesn't mean his writings are bad but he was a last man.

>> No.19189173

>he was a last man.
You should look up what that means and maybe some cursory details about his life.
>he would fall in love
It is, again, hilarious you see this as a bad thing.

>> No.19189234
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>> No.19189343

Miriam was based. She was my favorite faction leader, even if she was a woman.

>> No.19189407

Read all of Schopenhauer until you find it, don't be so lazy.

>> No.19189844

made me laugh

>> No.19190226

>/lit/ quotes

Like a novice on the stage of affairs he offers commonplaces as novelties. In all this chatter he mixes earth and sky, marries Tiber to Araxis, Tagus to Liger. So as to seize control of the talk he rejoices in comets, floods, earthquakes, cheerfully looks out for omens, prodigies, marvels which other men pray to avoid. And if he is short of these he pours forth out of the way tales and astrologers’ nonsense. Or butts in out of turn with what happened in his childhood or his last night’s dream and, babbling pot-bearer and rumour-monger, puts his hearers in a fever. What could be said all at once is wrapped in a large packet, he can never talk briefly unless I prod him in the side. I ask him the time of day and if he stops talking in half an hour I think it laconic; if I ask him how old he is, I am told his life-history, and there he makes a long trail to arrive at trivialities, and finally he lets me go at sunset, riddled with weariness, like a frog in the desert. Reticence and philosophical reserve he considers the dumbness of a madman and an invalid’s whim. He would have Harpocrates hanged, chatters in church and, a Siren in himself, sings even to the deaf. You must hit him with your stick if you want him to stop, it is the only argument he admits.

--Sir Thomas Browne

>> No.19191153

>hilarious you see this as a bad thing.
After 1 day of meeting a bitch. How much of a loser are you anon? Simp Nietzsche is dead. No need to defend him.

>> No.19191185
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>> No.19191236

Gay prostitutes.

>> No.19191241

Holy cringe.

>> No.19191254

Nietzsche has to be the most overrated thinker.

>> No.19191390

Schmiga was a very lonely man, and the repressed tenderness, which was found no use in his life, unconsciously seeped from him in painful and ugly clumps -- like sperm from a priest who has fallen asleep near an altar.

>> No.19192459
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Wow I have never seen that
Fuck that’s based

>> No.19192504
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>> No.19193035
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Mitchell Heisman

>> No.19193051

Do you know what amazes me more than anything else? The impotence of force to organize anything.” - Napoleon