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19173563 No.19173563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone refute this?

>> No.19173566


>> No.19173579

This would prove their point really.

>> No.19173584

why would you want to? fuck nihilists. they're easily one of the worst groups imaginable, they undermine every aspect of philosophy with their worship of the void.
anyone who is a nihilist should be put down without a second thought, have their property stripped from them and their offspring, and be cast into a well dug and labeled for that purpose.
utterly valueless morons.

>> No.19173591
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>> No.19173593

Anyone find it funny how google gives you the most direct answer here like it's sentient

>> No.19173594

Kekd but this is true. You can't be a nihilist and give a fuck that someone is going to kill you.

>> No.19173727

I'm not a nihilist but I literally don't care if someone kills me as long as it's not too painful
I welcome death with open arms

>> No.19173763

Nihilism, as I understand it, is descriptive. It says merely that the world lacks intrinsic value or meaning. It says nothing about the mental state or inclinations of the person who believes this to be a true picture of the world. In a nihilistic universe there is obviously no obligation for a nihilist to divest himself of non-nihilistic feelings. But even if that were the case, that would just mean that he is being an imperfect nihilist, not that nihilism is false. Buddhism also advocates non-attachment to life. But a Buddhist being scared by the threat of being killed doesn’t refute Buddhism. It just means he has not attained the state of mind Buddhists try to strive toward.

>> No.19173795


>> No.19173801

based stoic

>> No.19173818

Shot and killed now, or die God knows when in the future. What does it matter?

>> No.19173828

The simplest argument to refute anyone is to kill them, retard

>> No.19174070

What’s the meaning of life?

>> No.19174239

give me your address, white boi, let me steal your ps4 since you don't mind.

>> No.19174294

being a nihilist requires an acceptance that life is not good a priori, as well as a rejection of finalism and everything that would infer a purpose to anything - people and things simply are. So, you're right that a perfect nihilist should not care about dying (which is ironically what a perfect christian believes as well, though for different reasons) but the chances of meeting a "perfect" nihilist, like a perfect atheist or christian, are very slim

>> No.19174302

>accepting death is the same as wanting death

>> No.19174307

>virgin: resorting to violence because you can't think of a counter argument
>chad: resorting to violence as your counter argument

>> No.19174308

I can logically understand that it does not matter if you kill me -- but my biological instincts will obviously 'care'.

>> No.19174311

Then again, your biological instincts don't care about winning arguments in the first place

>> No.19174409
File: 218 KB, 720x1035, Screenshot_20211005-063956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing existential nihilism, which is often a part of philosophical pessimism.
These anti-nihilism posters are mostly fragile, desperate self-improoovement junkies who would fall into depression and kill themselves of they let anything too depressing into their head. Notice how tough they constantly act. They're weak beyond words

>> No.19174422
File: 186 KB, 720x608, Screenshot_20211005-064621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are the other types of nihilism.

>> No.19174430
File: 147 KB, 500x628, are-these-the-nazis-walter-no-donny-these-men-are-21986164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19174443


>> No.19174450

Kek, sorry about your girlfriend's toe

>> No.19174580

Nihilism doesn't meant not caring about anything ever, it means not having absolute moral beliefs. If you're a normal person who just goes through life without any beliefs in an external "meaning of life" then you're an undeclared nihilist.

Also, I'm packing heat. Good luck.

>> No.19174584

What are your absolute morals then?

>> No.19174593

I don't think that's quite true, you could think that life tends to be good by nature and still not believe there are any external rules 'requiring' you to respect it.

>> No.19174595

nihilists are cringe

>> No.19174597

maybe next time at least crop out the retarded caption at the bottom

>> No.19174609

How so? Surely they would fight for their lives

>> No.19174619

>not having absolute moral beliefs
>Well I suppose I *could* imagine a situation where child rape is completely justified, so who am I to judge really

>> No.19174625

What does fighting for your life have to do with being a moral nihilist?

>> No.19174631

Why fight for your vapid, transient life? Unironically why?

>> No.19174633

>who am I to judge
I don't have to be anyone to judge, I'm a nihilist so I'm free to judge whenever I want to, retard. You'd really have to be a small brain to think this liberal "if something has cute arguments in favor of it you have to follow it at the cost of your own self-interest" applies to things like this.

>> No.19174636

t. moral realist tranny who was raped as a child
Oh, and a moral nihilist would never justify child rape. Why should he bother? He doesn't believe acts can be moral or immoral.

>> No.19174644

Because I am a biological organism with a survival instinct. It has nothing to do with morality.

>> No.19174647

why not

>> No.19174653

This. Anti-nihilists on /lit/ go insane if anyone so much as mentions nihilism and come up with middle school debate tier arguments against it. Disappointing

>> No.19174655

what's the point if judging if you don't believe in the validity of judging under a moral character?

I suppose I could agree with you that in actuality noone has ever deserved any of the good they experienced in life

>> No.19174657

why not transcend?

>> No.19174661

This should be pretty obvious desu. Even 'moral relativism' (which is pretty different from existential nihilism and egoism, actually) obviously applies to the person using it. "Sure your actions may be justified in whatever worldview you hold, but mine in response to it are justified in mine".

What we're seeing here is just autism, they honestly can't understand having your actions guided by emotions and interests and actually think that people only worry about these abstract rules and theories when they make their choices in life. Anyone who knows anything about the human race knows this is completely untrue.

>> No.19174664

meaning and desire are totally distinct
believing that all outcomes are equally meaningless doesn't mean you can't desire a specific outcome
how are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.19174668


>> No.19174669

>what's the point
I want to do it, that's the point. Retard.

>> No.19174674

Why? Is it because what you like and desire is what you consider to be good for yourself?

>> No.19174687

Asking an endless series of boring leading questions is being a redditor. Say what you mean, faggot.

>> No.19174699

You cannot be free from morality. You do what you like to do because you believe it to be the right thing for yourself. That is a moral judgment. Doing the opposite of what you believe to be right for yourself is also a moral judgment.

>> No.19174702

No it's not, retard. There are many different reasons for doing things and most of them don't take into account morality at all.

>> No.19174712

not true, but name those things anyhow because I can demonstrate that you're wrong

>> No.19174730

No you can demonstrate how you're an autist who doesn't understand that others don't have autism, and it's doesn't work like that anyway. I can't just 'list' them, most of them are unconscious or semi-conscious and a human being isn't just one thing anyway, we have different parts operating inside of us.

>> No.19174743

you don't seem to realize the evolutionary connection between what is advantageous and what is "morally good"

>> No.19174751

You're just saying random bits of cringe now

>> No.19174753

>a perfect nihilist should not care about dying
It never ceases to amaze me that people still believe that nihilists "should" behave a certain way. Why should a nihilist's emotional state be one way or another? There is no moral content to these states under the nihilist view. There is no evaluative criterion by which a nihilist could say that they should or should not "care".

>> No.19174774

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's autism. Autists don't understand that even the most spooked non-autist makes the vast majority of their decisions without considering morals and overtly violates them without batting an eye, so of course they can't understand what it's like to just not have morals.

>> No.19174789

it is, look up BERT, it's the model they use for their searches now.

>> No.19174791

That's not the simplest solution. The simplest solution is the very existence of the nihilist as it is self-contradicting . The nihilist's very existence while believing life is meaningless and worthless is self-refuting. Nothing needs to be done.

>> No.19174795

explain why you think that's a contradiction lol

>> No.19174827


>> No.19174830

peak midwit

what a society deems to be morally good stems from the fact that this society deems it advantageous you imbecile

>> No.19174833

What’s the meaning?

>> No.19174834

why does nihilism make people seethe so much thats its even become an insult? are people really that afraid of no objective meaning?

>> No.19174839

Although one can slice it is that a nihilist might still be consistent whilst viewing life meaningless yet still wanting to live. They might simply state that their will to live is a meaningless involuntary and absurd compulsion that stands for and signifies nothing beyond itself. For example, Schopenhauer, who maintained that existence is essentially meaningless but argued against suicide even despite of the senseless suffering which effectively constitutes the inner essence of life. This is because despite reality being a nightmare , Schopenhauer still posits a form of salvation which is the state of willessness achieved by self-renunciation. And this solution is superior to the cop out that is suicide. It is therefore a mischaracterization to label Schopenhauer a nihilist, because his argument that there *is something worth saving* about existence is contrary to the nihilistic premise. However few philosophies have provided more ammunition for nihilists to argue their claim than Schopenhauer's pessimism. Though Schopenhauer brewed this poison, he doesn't drink it.

>> No.19174842

okay, and?

>> No.19174853

Transcend what? My biological nature. Good luck to anyone who wants to try that

>> No.19174855

Because why not kill yourself if life has no value?
I continue to elaborate somewhat here. Camus gets to it too in myth of sisyphus. If life is meaningless is it not logical to commit suicide?

Beats me. Personally I just think things matter to us humans, our relationships, goals, and purposes and desires. We are part of the universe, not separate from it. Therefore our meanings as we experience them *are* the meaning of the universe. Get it?

>> No.19174857

plenty of people kill themselves, you know
surely they have overcome their biological imperative to survive

>> No.19174860

I think that any human being would probably be objectively better off not living, but I don't really care. Life contains enough in it for me not to go to the trouble to kill myself whether or not that would actually be the "right decision". The idea that you are obligated to follow the "right decision" is a spook, anyway.

>> No.19174862

If life is meaningless then killing yourself is equally as meaningless as staying alive.

>> No.19174866

>Because why not kill yourself if life has no value?
why kill yourself if your life has no value afterall its pointless.
nihilism doesnt say anything about what you personally desire.

>> No.19174867

Suicide is also meaningless, dipshit. You're the only one here who thinks meaning matters anyway.

>> No.19174870

not afraid, just don't like you useless faggots. name one good thing a nihilist has done. protip, you can't

>> No.19174874

Only the biggest autist would kill themselves for purely abstract reasons. "Life is inherently not worth living" isn't enough for any even slightly sane person to kill themselves, their life needs to be miserable way beyond what is 'inherent' of life to get them to do it.

>> No.19174878

'good' and 'bad' are moralistic qualifiers

>> No.19174880

What do you believe in?

>> No.19174885

>muh autists
you don't know what autism is. No actually sane person would even come to the conclusion that life is fundamentally not worth living

>> No.19174903

literally what the fuck does that have to do with anything you've just said? Situationally advantageous given a chosen purpose and "good" as an abstract concept are completely different things and you just blurted out that bit about evolution anyway, it has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

>> No.19174904

whatever i like.

>> No.19174908

Like I said, peak midwit.

What you deem good for yourself and others is INEVITABLY a moral judgment.

>> No.19174912

low-iq cope, every even slightly sophisticated worldview starts with the premise that life is shit. Even these religions you retards love so much stem from that premise, but you're too dumb to actually read about them.

>> No.19174914

seems like nihilism desu senpai

>> No.19174917

>the premise that life is shit
and that life can get better you disingenuous moron

>> No.19174919

No it's not, it's a situational judgement. You're just spinning yourself in circles without my help, that evolutionary nonsense lead you nowhere but back to the original claim in a way that didn't even make sense lol

>> No.19174923

>everything is nihilism
you're perfectly entitled to believe that nonsense, my dear.

>> No.19174924

By being destroyed, you poorly educated faggot. The literal only exception in major religions is Judaism.

>> No.19174926

Nihilism is the laziest philosophy out there. It readily cedes to darkness all that necessarily cannot be known, and inverts faith for no reason. Instead of belief in a positive, life-affirming, humanist outcome on the basis on nothing, Nihilists choose belief in negative, life-denying, misanthropic outcomes on the basis of nothing. Inb4 >but the world is fucked the evidence is all here.
First of all, those observable conditions are part of the finite, observable world. Using those observations to justify a belief about the infinite unknowable realm of knowledge is simply unjustifiable and illogical. What is necessarily true of X says nothing of what is possibly true of Y when there is no logical connection between X and Y, as there exists none between propositions in the finite and the infinite - they are disjoint. Second, >the world is beautiful in a million obvious ways
Why not choose to incorrectly base your beliefs about the infinite on these, life-affirming truths, if you're so hellbent on being categorical with regards to the unknown? I think it is psychosomatic. People disposed to low mood will become nihilists, people who are manic will be come bloomers, both for no good reason. The enlightened path is to reject both of their faulty logics, and choose for yourself what faith to follow, on your own terms, consciously on the basis of nothing but belief.

>> No.19174933

No, Taoism is also very life-affirming. As are some strands of Hinduism.

>> No.19174940

Redditors can only think of the reddit version of these things. If you weren't a redditor you'd understand that most nihilists (and most of any group) just kind of go out and live their lives lol

>> No.19174944

>situational judgment
everything is a situational judgment lol. the bible and other texts clearly acknowledge that murder and killing a person are absolutely not the same thing
>evolutionary nonsense
oh wow you really are incapable of thinking outside of your comfort zone, eh? Morals have evolved (think evolution), and they have evolved (evolution) because the biological organism that produced abstract ideas (the brain) needed a way to judge things in a way that best helps itself and those it cares about. 'good' is a moral judgment, and you're just too dogmatic to even consider that fact

>> No.19174946

>t. doesn't understand what a moral principal is

>> No.19174947

>a positive, life-affirming, humanist outcome on the basis on nothing
Books on this?

>> No.19174949

Taoism isn't really a major religion, it's debateable it it's a religion at all. "Some strands of Hinduism" is obviously not major either, the mainstream hinduism we hear about is pretty similar to buddhism but with more colorful bullshit.

>> No.19174952

>nihilism is a catchall term without any merit
what a surprise!

>> No.19174953

Fear and Trembling, Søren Kierkegaard

>> No.19174954

>by being destroyed
You clearly don't understand the difference between physical and ideal, but that's okay

>> No.19174960

Clowns like you cannot engage with alternative opinions, they can only dispose of them by deciding the person who expressed the opinion is a redditor or a basedjack. It's a defense mechanism, you're a coward.

>> No.19174968

>that fact
It's not a fact, it's a statement lol

Morals are declarations of external values. "I want to eat a sandwich" is not a moral judgement. Even if you think it is, that's not a very profound definition and it's kind of pathetic to use it as a bait and switch with actual morals like "you need to do with society tells you, you just do okay!"

What you're saying about evolution is just hot air and you're not smart enough to see how it doesn't fit into the philosophical discussion here so I'm done acknowledging it lol

>> No.19174970

wtf i love objective morality now

>> No.19174974

>redditor thinks everyone is a political compass meme
no surpise here

>> No.19174976

>he's textblind
you poor poor sod.

>> No.19174979

if you want people to walk on egg shells around you then I suggest you go back there
there's the proof lol

>> No.19174986

what a pathetic attempt at an insult lol

>> No.19174987

>"you need to do with society tells you, you just do okay!"
I never said that, and the fact that you think I did underscores the fact that you're a disingenuous midwit

I'll try to explain it in a way you may be able to grasp.
>"I want to eat a sandwich" is not a moral judgement.
That is correct, on the surface of it. However, eating a sandwich because you're hungry presupposes that it would be better to not be hungry because starving is bad. You eat to survive, you like and dislike things for the same reason. It's not my fault that you don't understand that humans value both physical and mental survival.

>> No.19174990

You're the only one doing the presupposing there, I eat a sandwich because I want to eat a sandwich.

>> No.19174992

what a sad life it must be to not see any value in living, and yet, while continuing to live, trying to convince others of the same

>> No.19174993

Well if suicide matters why chose life or suicide? By choosing life over death, you're saying it values more implicitly dumbass. It's the paradox of Buridan's donkey. A donkey is in the middle of two equal piles of hay. It wants to eat. Which one does it decide to go to?

You sound more like an absurdist.

>> No.19174995

>disingenuous midwit
as I figured, thank you for the confirmation

>> No.19174996

What an absolutely retarded statement. I am already alive so that is the default choice if I don't bother to make my own choice.

>> No.19174997

>if suicide *doesn't matter

> You're the only one here who thinks meaning matters anyway.
By the way argument from consensus from consensus is invalid. Who cares what you all think. Not an argument

>> No.19175004

>pathetic, low-iq autist
as I figured. thank you for the confirmation

>> No.19175005

Ok so your continued existence is a vote of confidence that you prefer life over death. I really don't know why this is so hard for you to grasp.

>> No.19175006

no you're invalid

>> No.19175010

Are you seriously telling me you go to the doctor not because you want to stay alive, but because "duhh I just felt like going to the doctor for no reason"? Are you really telling me your eating habits have nothing to do with survival?

>> No.19175011

You are currently not eating. Not eating is default. Do me a favor and don't bother to alter that default state. Imbecile.

>> No.19175012

No it's not, I've already explained this (both of those replies were me)

>> No.19175014
File: 112 KB, 1300x1017, 3837233-happy-laughing-police-officer-isolated-on-white-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh, really? No harm done then. Sorry about the misunderstanding. You free to go."

>> No.19175023

They have nothing to do with morality, it's very simple. You just have a retarded and useless idea of what morality is and can't handle the fact that I don't agree with you lol
mmmm, no

>> No.19175027

Your mom's invalid poopy head
So a nihilist can believe life is meaningless while still believing life is worth living? But this supposes that something meaningless can have value.

>> No.19175033

>nothing to do with morality
Pursuing survival is always done out of the judgment that staying alive is better than suffering death. Again, good and bad are moral judgments

>> No.19175040
File: 103 KB, 1300x957, angry-african-american-policeman-shouting-and-aiming-by-handgun-P0F2TF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use none of dat college talk with me, whyte boi! Dis one's fo slavery!

>> No.19175045

Yeah, situational value to me. Not Value (tm)

>> No.19175050

No they're not, cry about it all you want. We just addressed that particular example, anyway.

>> No.19175055

you haven't addressed anything. You deny that eating is a function of survival for whatever reason lmao

>> No.19175061

>punctuates all comments with "lol"
You know you have to be at least 18 to use this site, right?

>> No.19175062

this thread confirms that nihilism is for edgy retards who have no foundation and should, again, be cast into a well.

>> No.19175066

It *can* *indirectly* be a function of survival, which has nothing to do with morality. These are all just external analyses, we don't know what actually motivates someone else or even ourselves.

>> No.19175070

Okay try it, I'm packing heat and I doubt you have a well in your mom's basement.

>> No.19175071
File: 65 KB, 208x172, 123813055_1260045301054835_6446518570119507927_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It *can* *indirectly* be a function of survival
It is. You intake fuel through eating. Are you really this retarded?

>> No.19175079

come now nothingman, get into the pit, it's where you belong.

>> No.19175083

>We don't know what motivates us
. . .
>t. unconscious

>> No.19175085

Killing someone is the ultimate refutation of any argment. In fact, the argument itself loses all meaning within the greater context of life and death itself. The only important outcome is who lives and who dies.

>> No.19175089
File: 25 KB, 310x326, a8c52db91dc98c30c99715de33e49e71--frog-meme-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm packing heat
Oh no. Please don't shoot me through the internet mister big strong heat-packer

>> No.19175091
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why live?

>> No.19175096


>Suppose two men at cards with nothing to wager save their lives

>> No.19175101

It's a function of a lot of different things you fucking simpleton. That's why you end up with people with obesity and anoerxia, it isn't just to fuel yourself.

>> No.19175102

>Unironically quoting trite eastern """philosophy"""

>> No.19175107

Says the guy who threatened to throw me down a well

>> No.19175115

The post was amusing. Stay on topic anon

>> No.19175119

who are you quoting?

>> No.19175121

survival is literally the most basic and fundamental of all activities, across all beings and species. Eating disorders are mismanagement. They show to other people what happens when you mismanage your food intake, thereby again aiding the survival of the group and individuals within the group.

>> No.19175122

>Can anyone refute this
by killing them first obviously

>> No.19175126

The easiest way to refute a nihilist is to simply not care about them.

>> No.19175130

That wasn't me. I just found your post amusing. Also I wouldn't threaten you like that you newfag. Me, I would curse you

>> No.19175133

quite foucaultian

>> No.19175139

Any real nihilist wouldn't care about being "refuted" in the first place

>> No.19175142

*shoots you*

>> No.19175148

you're so textblind. i bet you can't even discern styles in the lit you read. no wonder you're a nihilist.

>> No.19175155

rude :(
I will now come for you in your dreams

>> No.19175156

A real nihilist cares about what he naturally cares about, he only doesn't care about things other people demand of him for abstract reasons. If you're bothered by being refuted, that's a personal problem.

>> No.19175161

I have guns in my dreams too

>> No.19175162

this generalization turns functionally every person into a nihilist
>if you break [law] that means you're a nihilist hehe

>> No.19175163

So what's the criteria to be a nihilist

>> No.19175169

thank you for sharing your beliefs

>> No.19175171

we'll see about that

>> No.19175176

I shared them because I deemed it morally right to do so, and I know you did the same :)

>> No.19175202

thank you for sharing your beliefs

>> No.19175206

you already thanked me for this. may I ask, what purpose did you see in repeating yourself just now?

>> No.19175208

I do not follow.

>> No.19175209

Of course there is no refutation to this. Nihilists are degenerate edgemasters and are nihilists in name only. Most are incredibly far left or behave like Prebysterian nannies screaming and virtue signaling at every angle. Similar to atheists in a lot of ways.

>> No.19175212


You must understand that a lot (and I'm pulling this out of my ass) of nihilists are simply depressed. In fact, I often refer to nihilism as the depressed man's philosophy.

>> No.19175222

Very simple, not believing in absolute morals or meanings to life. If you're a theist you're not a nihilist, you're also not a nihilist if you found some sort of absolute way to demand liberalism or humanism or whatever. You still are a nihilist in an undeclared way if your belief system just comes down to "well you don't really *have* to do it but I feel like you should".

>> No.19175232

wasting your time

>> No.19175234

surely one can be both a theist and a nihilist then. I believe gods exist, and I believe more strongly that you're free to do as you please

>> No.19175236

So agnosticism, apathy or skepticism is nihilism?

>> No.19175237

The average nihilist doesn't talk about it much at all, you're missing an important detail.

>> No.19175238

Funny that you value my time so greatly. What purpose do you see in wasting my time?

>> No.19175257

every non-retard is a nihilist

>> No.19175258

It can be, those are loose terms that don't cover everything a person might think.
Well there is a higher question of how "don't sin or you'll go to hell" is fundamentally different from "don't stand in lava or you'll burn up" in a universe where both are actually true, and how pleasure from being in heaven is a real meaning to life but pleasure from orgasms are not. This discussion is way above most people here though.

>> No.19175260

That's because they're in a constant state of hypocrisy.
Nothing matters so they pursue... ? I think real nihilists like Epstein or Stalin or some pedophile cults in Southeast Asia may actually live out their beliefs... but the average self-proclaimed "nihilist" is just a whining edgemaster.

>> No.19175269

none of your business

>> No.19175271

uhuh. How fortunate that life has blessed you with not being a retard

>> No.19175273
File: 13 KB, 360x450, existential quality assurance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, look at all these talking monkeys combining different symbols to convey meaning and thinking the universe gives a shit.

>No, it can't just be a howling void! What about God! What about muh enlightenment!
Pathetic. Get fucked kiddos. Welcome to oblivion.

>> No.19175278

what's the matter? not capable of formulating it? not even capable of giving me the "I just want to" cop-out? kinda sad desu desu

>> No.19175283

Your view just makes no sense. If just living for passing thrills violates "not caring" then how the hell does living for communism, a cult, or clandestine sex not?

I've seen a lot of retarded views in this thread and yours objectively takes the cake

>> No.19175290

i hereby invoke nihilism

>> No.19175294

I cast "what for". You must wait another turn.

>> No.19175300

>The literal only exception in major religions is Judaism.
Didn't Judaism start off with the view that there is no afterlife and we just rot in the ground? And isn't Ecclesiastes the ultimate expression of original Judaism? The concept of a positive afterlife was added when Christians started pressuring Jews into better marketing their religion to the masses.

>> No.19175302

I agree, hence me mentioning it. Personally I think it's possible to sus these things out and come to a consensus

>> No.19175304

I'm sorry you got left out

>> No.19175311

It's not worth talking to someone with such a retarded attachment to positivity.
>"How can you say life is worth living if you don't deny the fact that we die at some point?! I don't like these feelings!"

>> No.19175313

It's fine. I'm quite happy with my beliefs. They make life more enjoyable

>> No.19175321

Douglas Adams really got it figured out with the whole "42" thing but most people missed it because they were too stupid back then and too edgy to appreciate something reddit likes now. We don't really have any idea what we're asking when we ask for "the meaning of life", it's an incomprehensible question asked by people who are too weak to accept that what we're dealing with day-to-day is pretty much what life is made of.

>> No.19175325

Well the reality of the situation is there are very few nihilists who can be called nihilists. Mikhail Tukhachevsky another famous Bolshevik was also an example of a nihilist. These people may wear exterior team jerseys for the simple reason to subsist, but their wanton acts of unhesitatingly destructive aims without any conception of building guide them towards the nihilistic attitude of life.

>> No.19175327

keep telling yourself that and maybe you actually will be happy some day

>> No.19175331

We are the universe. We are the center of it and the sun revolves around us. Science is fucking useless and basically that makes me love life thinking this way. I am the center of the universe haha, the world moves around me when I want it to haha. Holy shiet imagine being you.

>> No.19175343

I bet he liked getting his cock sucked though

>> No.19175349

Lets use the word "egoism" instead since it's less vague. You can be a nice egoist if you sincerely are nice given your own brain chemistry and so on, you're only """supposed"""" to be an asshole as an egoist if you really are an asshole deep down. These don't just mean "switch from being good to being bad", they mean following yourself.

>> No.19175350

yeah i guess but he wasn't fanatically inclined to this. yeah he built his temple of moloch and brought in elites to practice ritualistic sex with children, but i really dont think he possessed any kind of high aspiration. he didnt write anything of value, he didnt profess anything, he didnt try to achieve a defined goal. he just scammed people, fucked kids, and was killed by his handlers in jail before he could rat them out

>> No.19175358

Your weak and shallow sarcasm would be more respected back in reddit.

>> No.19175361

I am quite happy. I have enough money to live somewhat comfortably, I have good friends with which to talk about the things that interest us, I take joy in having these kinds of discussions. Tu quoque, fili mi?

>> No.19175374

Yes the fact that you felt the need to desperately convince me is very convincing

>> No.19175382

I'm just describing my situation, since you falsely judged me. What about you? Are you happy in life?

>> No.19175403

happy enough not to cope by saying I'm entirely happy

>> No.19175422

Reading comprehension is not our strong suit, is it? I said quite happy.

>> No.19175431

Which I do not believe

>> No.19175433

So you assume that I actually meant 'entirely' happy? take your meds

>> No.19175625

It's not sarcasm, I legitimately think this. Science can tell me I'm wrong but 100% of my life has been this experience and it will be until I die. The earth is a good as flat to me, the sun is just a tiny dot and you dont even exist outside of this thread.

>> No.19175637

okay then based

>> No.19175857

an animal will fight for it's life if you try to kill it, doesn't mean it believes in a higher power or deeper meaning

>> No.19175864

wilkommen to yore eogon illusion weed

>> No.19175881

life has no negative value either, we have biologicaly wired instinct for survival, suicide is too much of a bother.
It's also completely pointless because you die anyway in the end, why rush it.

>> No.19175914
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fuck off, being a nihilist doesn't mean you don't care about your life, you just know that life it futile and that it has absolutely no value other than the value that you give it yourself.

that is also why you don't want to die per se being a nihilist.

>> No.19175946

the solution to nihilism is egoism. charity is selfish and the 'selfish bastards' are short-sided idiots that didn't hide their selfishness and power level.

>> No.19175955

According to who?animals have love and family

>> No.19175978

instincts aren't values

>> No.19175986

By killing the moral nihilist you will have proven that all morality is just rhetoric for our will and dispositions. It is a continuation of the justification you are doing for your will, just by means other than debate.

>> No.19176031

>morals don't exist and nothing matters
>nuh uh, morals are real and human life matters
>oh yeah, well watch me eschew morals and meaning to kill you. Hahahaha! Try and say morals and meaning don't exist now!
>be proven right in death

>> No.19176093

animals literally have ceremonial funerals for their dead, show grief, have idiosyncratic languages. you're blinded by this empty philosophy that will only serve to rob you of meaning. the fact that nihilists in this thread have suggested they come up with meaning of themselves is as they call it these days 'massive cope'. the meaning is there, you're just so narcissistic that if it is not evident to you, it can't have come from the universe itself. meanwhile everyone with any sense at all comes to the conclusion that there is indeed intrinsic order and meaning to the world, and these void-hunting and banal critics are insulated pockets within a clear orchestra.

>> No.19176104

no, the morals and meaning are confirmed by weeding the field of tares.
>i defy all morals! they don't exist! fie on all meaning! HEY WHY ARE YOU KILLING MEEEEEE

>> No.19176296
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Bro, you're a bag of meat that has to keep expelling feces or it will die. We're all just shitters.

>clear orchestra
everything breaks down into meaningless noise eventually

>> No.19176300

Nihilism doesn't make sense because nihilists don't actually embrace the void. You can't make anything out of it if you actually exist, you can't praise it or get something out of it. You will meet it eventually, and you will be absorbed into it for all eternity. Work something out before the endless rest.

>> No.19176332

everyone shits, yes, but you're so embarassed by this thing we all do that you're willing to demolish meaning and life and passion and beauty for it. you think by attacking the large you shall make up for the small. go and heap the earth over yourself, you are already dead.

and what would you know of music, you who refuses to listen?

>> No.19176344


>> No.19176416

That all nihilists should die

>> No.19176418
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Silly poopy monkey. You think that because you have language the world must have intrinsic value. Laughable. See >>19175273

>> No.19176422

everybody dies at some point, so the universe is an objectively good place.

>> No.19176473
File: 42 KB, 918x689, 1HY0161_002_lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so embarassed by ordure, anon? is it because you suffered some social trauma surrounding it? maybe you have walled it off, like you have morality and meaning. think hard now.
language is not alone the root of meaning, but it is one of its many scions.

>> No.19176481

>why rush it
I don‘t get this argument. If I suffer, why should I not kms? „Nothing“ is better than suffering. Just because life is pointless doesn‘t mean death is equally pointless if it gets rid of suffering, no?

>> No.19176518

we’re not ones suffering, moralfag

>> No.19176523

it's just that no matter what you do, you'll end up in the exact same situation

>> No.19176527
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>why are you so embarassed by ordure, anon?
I'm not, I'm just willing to admit what I am. An animal. I find that reminding people of their more repulsive bodily functions tends to dispel any notions of man being a divine creature, or that we exist for a reason.

>> No.19176534

Whats the connection between shitting and absence of divinity?

>> No.19176546

Self contradictory. You have to communicate meaning to even make that statement. How can you suppose the universe is careless if you aren't capable of real knowledge?

>> No.19176551

Yes the end result might be the same but why not go there directly instead of enduring another 50 something years of suffering?

>> No.19176564

Eternity is greater than any finite quantity. Whats an extra 50 years compared to the endless void? Why NOT rush it?

>> No.19176571

because those 50 years won't change anything, they don't matter. Also it's not like if life was constant suffering.
yeah, exactly, 50 years is literally nothing, not worth making a fuss about

>> No.19176584

Being an animal does not sever me from meaning. Besides, shitting is an act with many benefits, the vultures and the goats and the horses cultivate the land in so doing their duties, and eventually we will find use for the endless stuff we produce if there isn't already some reasonable purpose out there. Waste itself does not preclude divinity, as >>19176534
mentions, but i made no attempt to lean on divinity to justify meaning. With or without god, meaning exists, morals exist, firmly, though likewise god just so happens to be the cherry on top.

>> No.19176596

what are these morals?

>> No.19176605

killing nihilists is an ultimate good, for example.

>> No.19176610
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>our relationships, goals, and purposes and desires

>> No.19176615

well everybody dies, so this must be a perfect universe

>> No.19176621

was there any doubt that it was? that's self-evident.

>> No.19176631

you do you, i guess