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/lit/ - Literature

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19171020 No.19171020 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, what percent of your library have you read?

>> No.19171028

2/3, as god intended

>> No.19171030


>> No.19171035

Only the Big Nate books, so about 40%

>> No.19171084

Almost all of it except for a few books that i'll read when the time comes.

>> No.19171097

I don't keep books around. When I'm done reading a book I throw it away, fuck the clutter and fuck pointless book fetishism. A very rare exception are those ultraspecial books that I plan to reread many times in the future, usually poetry collections. So my shelf is 95% unread.

>> No.19171144

Around 1/5

>> No.19171159

3700 books, about 300 read, so less than 10%

>> No.19171181

Just checked and the calculator said 0.866025403784438646763723170075294

>> No.19171523


>> No.19172837

That's 87% which is pretty good. Better go get some new books before you run out.

>> No.19173109

I have two books in my Kindle right now and I've completed one, with the other being 49%.

>> No.19173159

A decent amount, because I acquired most of my library as a result of my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I got my Bachelor of Arts in Great Texts of the Western Tradition, and I am almost done with my Master of Arts in English Literature. So I had to read a ton of books for school.

>> No.19173249

About 200 read/13 not read

>> No.19173368

I have around 250 and read around 160.
I could read it all in a couple of years at most, but there is a dude selling second hand classics at a great price that sits around my uni and I buy a couple almost every time I see him.

>> No.19173907
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10%. I only keep in the bookshelf the books I have read so if they ask me I can talk about them. The 90% are piled inside a wardrobe waiting for me.

>> No.19174093

amen. digital doesn't count, because it's basically the internet.

>> No.19174099

Around 60%

>> No.19174135

About 50%, but it was closer to 95% not too long ago, off loaded well over a thousand books, took like 3 months worth of very regular trips to the little free libraries near my house. Most every day I filled up my bag and seeded the little free libraries. I enjoyed it quite a bit and took a few trips to "exotic" little free libraries to spread the wealth. Really enjoyed the one at the marina about 10 miles away, I got a copy of The Wapshot Chronical at that one, sat down and spent the day reading and watching boats, had a nice picnic, met some boat people and went for a sail.

>> No.19174213

That sounds great

>> No.19174252

oh shit I though i was the only one that hasn't read all the books he had. Now I feel better and I can go buy all the books I was delaying until I read the ones I already have!

>> No.19174264

I think this quote came from Borges, though I'm not sure, and I am paraphrasing heavily.

>When people come to my home and see my library the first thing most of them ask is How many of these have you read? I think they miss the point entirely. The breadth of my library is not a symbol of any achievement or learning of mine, but is instead a symbol of my endless curiosity and hope. So many books to read, how can one not want to read them all?

>> No.19174322

Probably like 0.0000001% percent, the library at my university has a couple million books at least.

>> No.19174349

About 50%.

>> No.19174353

incredibly autistic

>> No.19174945

like 60 percent unread. i get most of my books out of alleys or at super cheap used bookstores, so some of them are not ones i am gonna get to for a while. desu alot of the books i read i check out of the library to 1. support my library (i pay loads of fines bc i never turn them in on time) and 2. to give me a deadline of when i need to finish the book.

>> No.19176080
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>> No.19176149

Less than 1%, and I'm proud of having read that much

>> No.19176165

idk like 90

>> No.19176189

Optimistically 44%, realistically more like 36%

>> No.19176202

About half.

>> No.19176205

maybe 15% but i have a couple thousand books.

>> No.19176387
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I compulsively hoard pdf of books on my computer in preparation for apocalypse/war so the knowledge won't be lost.

I also do this for 2000's-early 2010's youtube videos, ytmnd, and pre-2000 anime series.

I spend more time archiving than actually enjoying the media I download. I don't regret it.
If war breaks out and you see a shitton of anime and book files being torrented from one IP address somewhere in Europe, please remember me, and don't forget to make archives and copies of the things you love.

>> No.19176442
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So far 13% out of 50, mostly about violent crime.

>> No.19176448

I do this, but with physical books, and movies.

>> No.19176517

>I compulsively hoard pdf of books on my computer in preparation for apocalypse/war so the knowledge won't be lost
Based anon. But are you prepared for EMPs?

>> No.19176541

Not yet. I'm working on it, though. I know I need mylar bags, wrapped inside a box lined with aluminium foil on outside and inside, stored inside several layers of insulation like cardboard, foam, and plastic, stored inside of tupperware or a metal trash can. But otherwise, my knowledge on preparing it for EMP is minimal. Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.19176791

>Do you have any recommendations?
Unfortunatelly not, anon. I know even less about it.

>> No.19176966

Around 20% I'd say. I got to down during corona times to keep reading but I kept buying books which interested me. Now I am forcing myself to get back into the rythem and read about one book every one or two weeks

>> No.19176972

The only books in my library of about 200 or so that I haven't read are the ones on my night stand awaiting to be read. I don't buy books I have no intention of reading because I'm not a pseud.

>> No.19176996

About 1/3rd. I go through phases where I compulsively buy books. I'm sort of a schizo who feels the need to get all the books I want sooner rather than later in case they get canceled or allowed to go out of print. Same with sheet music.

A lot of art museums have been selling priceless works of art to private sellers to make room for shitty period blood macaroni pictures. The era of great works of art being made accessible to the plebs is coming to an end and I am doing my best to hedge against it.

>> No.19177021

Depends on how you count but more than half in any case. Some of them are reference books that aren't for reading start to finish and I got a load of translations for free at a flea market that I probably won't ever read and get the original language editions instead at some point.

>> No.19177136
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>King James Bible
>Shakespeare's Complete Works

>> No.19177138
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>read: 500
>library: approximately 10,000 (accounting for some being audiobooks with multiple files)

>> No.19177142

poast your folder size

>> No.19177315

25% maybe at a guess.

>> No.19177414

50%. There is this one book I have only read halfway.

>> No.19177517

Very wise brother, preparing for the inevitable is sure sign of an enlightened mind.

>> No.19177523

Like 2%. God, I'm literally lowfat milk but for reading.

How do I become full fat, /lit/bros?

>> No.19177687

Throw away half your books.

>> No.19177725

99%. Don't have a lot of books. The 1% are books that are later down the line of a series I'm working on and got a stupid good deal on.

>> No.19177877

About 60%, it would be more like 90% but my parents bought me full collected editions for Aristotle Plato and Spinoza and im only a few hundred pages into Plato
>fiction excluding books I did not buy myself nor specifically request as gifts when people asked
>fiction total

Added onto this my mother passed away recently leaving my hundreds if not thousands of books so technically I have read less than 5% of the books i own, even though that’s not because I overbought.

>> No.19177892

Very based anon, keep at it.

>> No.19177963

~30% if you include books I have no intention of reading (gifts, books from my parents, etc. many times, something that I had no interest became attractive after another read, so I keep them around, as long as I have space to spare).
60~70% if you only consider books I bough/intend on reading.

being over restrictive about buying new books is as schizoid as buying too much. your plans can perfectly change between the moment you bought something and when you finally read it. even more if you take into account things like book sales or that something may get out of print and its price skyrocket (very frequent in my country).

>> No.19178014

how many times someone actually came to your house and commented on your library?
that literally never happened to me. no one ever pointed to one of my books and asked for a review. the only conversation I ever had about my library itself was actually about my sorting system. I frequently lend some of my books to my friends, and it's completely irrelevant if I had read a particular one or not.
in any case, I keep my unread and read book separated. it also solves your problem. "no, I haven't read any of this books. this is my to-read section". simple as.

>> No.19178041

this compulsive "anti-cluterism" is just as fetishist as those collor-coded bookshelves. not keeping books is fine. not keeping books for the sake of not keeping books is pure asceticism.

>> No.19178057

I do the same but for jav

>> No.19179366

>When people come to my home and see my library the first thing most of them ask is How many of these have you read? I think they miss the point entirely. The breadth of my library is not a symbol of any achievement or learning of mine, but is instead a symbol of my endless curiosity and hope. So many books to read, how can one not want to read them all?
Incredibly /lit/ cope

>> No.19179744


>> No.19180239

Most. Ignoring Livy and my Ciardi translation of the Divine Comedy