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File: 153 KB, 620x310, GRRMs response to people who are asking for him to finish his series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19172596 No.19172596 [Reply] [Original]

So. The year is going to end in a few more months, and we still have TWOW nowhere in sight.

Has the fat man given up? Is he even tending to his "garden" anymore? We know he's been working on other projects as well. It seems like he abandoned his ASOIAF garden at this point.

Let's be honest. He can't wrap this fucking shit up. Wanna know why?

>Arya plotline is a mess. It literally can't work without a time skip and GRRM has decided not to work with that. She can't become an assassin as fast as he did in the show but maybe GRRM will just say fuck it and throw in magic asspulling to get her to be a faceless man.
>Dany's plotline is a mess as well since it needs a timeskip to work.She also has a lot of business to settle in Essos. She's gotta quell the rebellion in Mereen, and also will have to head to Volantis along the way. Dothraki crossing the sea in general is a headache in itself as well. Shit, she's even gotta spend time with them and try to gain them as an army as well, that's gonna take a while in itself.
>Sansa's plotline needs a timeskip as well since she also can't become a good manipulator in a small timeframe. She needs to hang around the vale for years, taking a lot of lessons from Littlefinger

A chunk of the plotlines need timeskips to work, and it's true that a lot of other plotlines needed to play out normally in order to work, which leads to a problem that George can't really get to where he wants because he fucked up and put in plotlines that are incompatible with how he planned out the series.

The fat man's garden has grown out of control. He knows it, his smartest fans know it, and I'll bet that even D&D knew it when they figured out that they'd finished the tv series before even TWOW releases.

>> No.19172603

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, not glorified television writers.

>> No.19172699

wow you are a newfag, I was here before the show came out and GRRM threads were a staple

>> No.19172713
File: 218 KB, 1200x1200, GRRM shilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not new.

Just pointing out that GRRM's a lazy fat fuck is all. Had to do an occasional reminder.

Also another reminder:

This dude was out there shilling for Hilary Clinton in 2016 rather than working on his books.

>> No.19172716

You mean back when the fat man was still a writer (albeit of genre trash) and not just a has-been?

>> No.19172758

Literally don't have her be a super-assassin. Preston Jacobs is insane, but he has a great video on this. Her training has been absolutely dogshit, and they've mostly been teaching her what she needs to know in order to fuck up Narrow Sea politics as horrifically as possible. Lean into that. Arya's story is about revenge... But ASOIAF is about how revenge is a bloody, unnecessary cycle that just leads to more violence. Use Arya as the vehicle to learn that, specifically by not teaching her to be an assassin.

Have her fail. Exactly WHAT business does she have to settle in Essos that she can't just engulf in fire. Have her do exactly that, and then promise to learn from her mistakes and do better. The Dothraki thing was ALWAYS fucking retarded anyway. Have Victarion just offer her an easy out, and then head over to Westeros. Her storyline becomes a 'Will She/Won't She' thriller where we get to see whether she'll actually LEARN, or if she'll just make the same mistakes.

Why the hell would Sansa WANT to be a 'good manipulator'? All Littlefinger has done is plunge the country into war TWICE. Sansa needs to learn he's behind everything, and then just tell Lord Royce or someone else. Hell, tell LITTLEROBIN. Sansa walks away with a better understanding of Westerosi politics and her naivety taken care of, but she doesn't need to be a machavellian schemer.

See? I just solved all those plotlines. GRRM isn't hopeless, and he hasn't written himself into a corner or anything. He's just dumb as fuck and lazy.

>> No.19172774

>has been

>> No.19172803
File: 356 KB, 936x938, 1370107434982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they weren't
stop larping as oldfag it's fucking pathetic

>> No.19172834

GRRM threads were actually a staple tho

>> No.19172836

>400lb man has problems with uncontrolled expansion

>> No.19172840

no they weren't

>> No.19172861

The moral of the story is that "gardening" is dumb and ineffective.

>> No.19172864


>> No.19172871

The style of a man that never got past the anal expulsive stage.

>> No.19173006


>> No.19173013

>and we still have TWOW nowhere in sight.

>> No.19173065

Yeah they were, newfag. This board was fucking enthralled with him. Every day there would be GRRM threads.

>> No.19173075
File: 193 KB, 1091x1200, 43A6C023-11EB-49AD-8A23-8752595FE6C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the time between the last book and this august, JK Rowling wrote the entirety of Harry Potter.

>> No.19173082

Isn't it a bug-story with the message of "THERE IS NO TRUTH LOL! THIS IS EPIC!"?

>> No.19173083

>get her to be a faceless man.
faceless woman*

>> No.19173106

Good. Trump was a fucking clown.

>> No.19173111

GRRM is the worst thing to ever happen to the public image of fat people.

>> No.19173312

complaint levied only by childish genre fags. GRRM is actually extremely moralistic

>> No.19173395
File: 121 KB, 1242x739, A50E5F4A-24A1-43A5-AE58-51CF084F99E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah this shit exists
>wonder if there’s any news
>I guess I can check some asoiaf communities
>just a flamewar and seething over the concept of brienne of tarth again
Humanity was a mistake.

>> No.19173602

Damn he is so fucking repulsive to look at

>> No.19173620


>> No.19173740

>legitimately concerning about a song of ice and fire
If you didn't notice by the 3rd book that this saga is a complete scam, you deserved to be scammed.

>> No.19173784

>and I'll bet that even D&D knew it
whoaa slow down there

>> No.19173820

Anyone who still cares about this series is an utter fool.

Besides, it was going to shit even before he stopped writing. Both Feast and Dance are clusterfucks.

>> No.19175128

I don't measure a man's value by his net worth, lmao, and neither should you if you have any real brains in your head.

>> No.19175201


I can see a big time skip happening between The Winds Winter and A Dream of Spring. Maybe Spring is set something like 30 years later to show how different Westeros is. I think Winds is going to wrap up just about every major plot point that was began in A Feast For Crows.

>> No.19175324

You do know he's never going to publish another book, right?

>> No.19175333

Good on him. It's too bad his best efforts weren't enough.

>> No.19175355

MI5 wrote that shit dawg

>> No.19175366

one of the few good things he did, given how incomparably shit trump ended up being

>> No.19175381

Do you think that (sh)(k)illary would have been any better?

>> No.19175394


>> No.19175440

Howso? I don't know that she would have necessarily been worse, but I think that the chance we would have ended up in some kind of war or conflict with China/Russia/North Korea would have been significantly higher, and I would definitely be paying more taxes than I am now, while my family and friends would continue to face all the same snobby derision that they do now (maybe it would be slightly more covert).

>> No.19175883
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, House_Velaryon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll write a couple more spin-offs and then croak

>> No.19175901

There's rumors he'll announce TWOW during an upcoming conference he attends at the end of December.

>> No.19175929

What pisses me off the most is the fact that that fat fuck keeps releasing other books, be it ASOIAF spin off or other series (such as Wild Cards), and, well, fuck TWOW, I'm a rich obese mofo now. But, well, I stopped caring (seriously, I did, lol) a long time ago

>> No.19176079

This. He could solve a lot of writing issues just by not trying to solve every in-world issue, or just pulling out something actually unexpected like letting a plot armor character like Dany just die 3/4ths of the way through due to her being an incompetent child.

Just imagine the series where in the last 1-2 books all the "they can't fail" characters just start dropping like flies.
Arya tries assassinating a Lannister and gets caught, tortured, raped, and murdered by the king's guard.
Dany fucks up in the East so bad she just has to abandon it to a pile of burning rubble, shows up in Westeros and just turns into another Khal and eventually gets stomped into the ground by Cersei's forces because nobody wants her there. Sansa's story just never gets her anywhere, and she ends up dying the pathetic princess she always was.
Cersei ends up ruling Westeros, takes over Dany's dragons, and defeats the Night King. The final scene is her sitting back on the Iron Throne, sipping a cup of wine and thinking of all the pathetic fools she beat, killed, and watched die from their own weaknesses as she rules the lands with an iron fist.
Imagine all the triggering from the TV series over Dany burning King's Landing x10.

Yeah, it's a trilogy with a shit-tier follow up. There's like 200 good pages between the last two books, if that.

>Two more conferences

>> No.19177039
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 1605053828471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177046

I am convinced at this point that the "elite" in the entertainment industries are purposefully ruining things for you to degrade you. Whether it is the new james bond, ghostbusters, star wars, game of thrones, or many many others since i don't pay much attention to tv and film any more, they all end up turning to absolute shit, so much so that it really does seem intentional. reading the reviews for all of these, most of them are saying "you ruined the whole series for me," "this destroyed my childhood" etc etc. I don't think they are that incompetent, I think it is intentional, to turn you into a miserable, demoralised, mentally ill slave.

grrm is no different, he is paid off to not finish the series, or he is subhuman trash that nobody should respect. but the latter doesn't really make sense, since he admittedly wrote some good books in a reasonable amount of time up until book 5. it has been 10 years since then

>> No.19178112

believe in the process

>> No.19179482

I've made peace with the fact he will never finish it. You should too. He literally made a troll post a decade after dance was published.

>> No.19180906

>I've made peace with the fact he will never finish it. You should too. He literally made a troll post a decade after dance was published.
No, he hasn't made peace with it. He can't bring himself to admit it, though.

EVERY single one of his interactions with anyone having the slightest interest in GoT carries an undercurrent of "wtf, fatty?" I'm not saying people are freaking out with him. But I am saying it's like knowing he is, for example, a pedophile. Every single time you interact with a known pedo, it's in your mind "yep. That guy's a pedo." He's not GRRM. He's "GRRM, most famous procrastinator of the age."

That's not fun for him. But as I've written before, I'm certain he knows he can't deliver a finale that will exceed Season 8 by much. He's decided he'd rather live with "the guy who never finished, but if he had it would've been better than the show" than with "the guy who finished and it really wasn't much better than the show."

>> No.19180958

He can't at this point anyway. He's going to die of a blood clot or something within like three years.

>> No.19180965


>> No.19181133

>elites are degrading us on purpose
Elites are just degraded already. It's always like this, they are the first to get to the decline part of the civilization cycle because they're the softest, most distanced from harsh reality. They get all sorts of degenerate neurotic nonsense building up, and it spills out into mainstream society. If the people in that part are now soft and ammoral enough from their own luxury and easy times, it finds fertile ground.
Sure, it can be both, but I'm guessing the lion's share is just already corrupted elites (who think they've got it right) spreading their corruption to everyone else.

>> No.19181157

Honestly, there's no way she could have handled the pandemic more incompetently than he did - also, the world wouldn't have had to witness that truly embarassing thing at the Capitol. Trump was fun and all but it showed that for as much as you can criticize and hate PC culture, electing a complete idiot won't make a country better.

>> No.19181213
File: 124 KB, 640x417, moresco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the elite
The elite are just rich people wanting you to buy stuff, and like all people wanting you to buy stuff (of all colors and races), they actively hate you and will do their best to deceive you into buying as much of their shit as possible. They believe you that your tastes are predictable and that grounds them in the belief that you are ultimately stupid, which is why they hate you fiercely. Their attempt to sell you shit is a giant patronizing act from people trating you with the same mindset as an overprotecting and invading parent, i.e. people thinking that they know what is best for you - you, a likely 20 year old who is most likely capable to take decisions by himself and his aware of his own tastes. It is absolutely intentional. Never trust sellers of any kind, the baseline is that they always despise you, hate you, and want to cheat you. They never want to offer you anything good, they just want what you can give them in return for whatever shit they are marketing as good to you.

>> No.19181259

>the world wouldn't have had to witness that truly embarassing thing at the Capitol.
Why is a one-day protest/riot in Washington DC more embarrassing to you than weeks of protests/riots in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Portland, et al?

>> No.19181413

Because they didn't invade the seat of the United State Congress in an act that resembles an attempted coup while claiming that they were doing a "revolution", maybe

>> No.19182214

Didn't the people in Seattle's CHAZ claim that they were creating their own de facto micro-nation? How is that any less coup-like or revolutionary than the capitol rioters?

>> No.19182640

god i miss the >implying days before it actually became a problem and extremely fucking overused. Funny shit

>> No.19183871


>> No.19184090



>> No.19184219
File: 458 KB, 845x925, 1627509513801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am an ultra coper that truly believes the winds of winter will eventually come out
i think too much time has passed and it just has to eventually, i really believe that
with that being said, a dream of spring is never going to be released, and the series will never be finished

>> No.19184267


>> No.19184301

Martin will die in the new year. Dubs confirms.

>> No.19184443

He has the luxury of open source fan theories to pick and choose from. There's no excuse.

>I am convinced at this point that the "elite" in the entertainment industries are purposefully ruining things for you to degrade you.
Bingo. No art, only 'entertainment' and cooms.

>> No.19184599

fat man cute man