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19169783 No.19169783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ recommend any good books about the sexual abuse scandal inside the Catholic Church?

I have Philip Jenkins Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis but it's from 2001, am wondering if there's a more up to date one?

>> No.19169812

I am interested in if there is a turning point can be located for when the Catholic became a sex trafficking ring. Is there a long history of this going back a thousand years? Was it something that only happened last century?

>> No.19169905

It was due to the protestant, Jewish, and masonic infiltration of the Church. It's been a long, slow but insidious process. The culmination occurred during Vatican 2. It's always NO priests that do the satanic gay shit

>> No.19169925

if the allegations are true cardinal mccarrick is a sick fuck. i refuse to donate any money to the church until they purge all of these bastards. really they should call them to rome and then execute the fuckers instead of coddling them and going broke paying out millions to all the poor bastards they raped. get an inquisition going and employ time tested medieval tactics to root this shit out.

>> No.19169959

The church is in dire condition. While we shouldn't abandon the church, we should be supporting TLM mass and traditional Catholicism. Avoid NO mass at all costs, pray for "pope" Francis, pray for the church, pray for your enemies. We are seeing a massive attendance at traditional churches and if it keeps going up for a couple decades, we could be seeing a comeback of the Catholic Church supremacy

>> No.19169970
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Randy Engel wrote a series of books going through the history of it in minuta.
>The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church

>> No.19169977

It's funny that in comparison to other jobs like schools or police or whatever, the statistical percentage of pedo priests is low as fuck, but people keep talking about it because church bad lol
I'm not even Christian btw, I'm just not retarded.

>> No.19169991

Who do you think is in charge of this? It's always the same fucking answer.

>> No.19169993

David F. Pierre has a series of books debunking the media narrative. It's all political theater and moral panic.
Start with "Sins of the Press" and "The Greatest Fraud Never Told". Commission reports like these are designed to find accusations, no matter how dubious, and use them as leverage to attack the church. In Pennsylvania there were only 2 accusations out of over 300 that were actually credible enough to go to court. Also consider how the media and the legal establishment will railroad innocent men like Cardinal Pell just to support a narrative.


>> No.19170003
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Interview with the author and a gay Catholic man on the book series:

>> No.19170027

We needed Pius XIII, we got Francis II.

>> No.19170487

The vaticans report on McCarrick and the Pennsylvania report are both horrifying enough.


Great stuff.

>> No.19170726
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God bless you brother.

>> No.19170740

Do you have source for this? I believe it, I'd just be interested to see the sources.

>> No.19170754

No, he only came here to what-about.

>> No.19170813

The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons, by Karen Terry et al., prepared by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice

In most jobs the abuse is around 6%; between Catholic clergy is around 3%. The abuse is much worse between protestant churches, 3x more than the Catholic ones in the US.

To have a comparison, a 2004 report from the U.S. Department of Education indicated that one out of ten public school students experience some kind of unwanted sexual advance from an educator. Two-thirds of those students say the advance involved some kind of physical contact. According to the report’s author, “more than 4.5 million students are subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school sometime between kindergarten and twelfth grade.”

>> No.19170904

This is an obvious one. I'm surprised no one has mentioned it
In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy by Frederic Martel (2020)

>> No.19170909

what is NO mass?

>> No.19170915
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That's probably true, but this has happened before. Aka St. Peter Damian and his Liber Gomorrahianus in the 11th century.

>> No.19171242

novus ordo as opposed to the Latin mass

>> No.19171275

>Book about a fag trying to shift blame to conservatives.
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.19171293

The Penn report was politicized bullshit. The Jew attorney general included known false accusations

>> No.19171295

This is the blackest white pill I have ever fucking seen.

>> No.19171347

clergy are only thrown under the bus if there's internal politicking in the church, and it's a big way to keep higher-ups in line. otherwise stuff is unreported

>> No.19171358


>> No.19171369

There's plenty of letters dating to 200-400AD about monks suddenly being "cured" of their homosexuality and pedophilia by going off to a monastery. The Jesuits, Franciscans, and Dominicans have been dodging claims, mostly from each other, about this for... well, as long as they've been around.

>the massive incredibly wealthy global NGO dedicated to preserving its own interests is good at dragging lawsuits out well past the deaths of the supposed perpetrators
Damn bro, I hope Bergoglio sees this.

>> No.19171380

NO has nothing to do with it. The rollout in the 70s in the US was a shit show, but the council was legitimate. Condemn V2 and you condemn Nicaea. Sedes are just protties.

>> No.19171391

>Believe these unproven accusations thrown around by Jewish lawyers about long dead priests dug up long after alleged incidents
The Cardinal Pell episode should have proven to you how dubious this whole campaign is.

>> No.19171409

>There's plenty of...
So nothing but vague accusations.

>> No.19171428

McCarrick was basically Baron Harkonen with seminarians on his cock.

>> No.19171442

Jews have ritual baby dick sucking in Talmud and muslim refugees rape kids for sport but we're supposed to care about a handful priests from the 60's who may or may not have done anything.

>> No.19171483

V2 has explicit protestant, Jewish, masonic, and modernist exploitation. Read Catechism of the Church if you'd like many theological, philosophical, and practical reasons to completely avoid the new mass. It is an easy inferior, wicked corruption of a once perfect mass. (Which at least you can still attend.)
Also you can very easily condemn v2. It was a pastoral council, it had no doctrinal matters, it was not done under the same conditions that would make it infallible. It is very much fallible and blatantly anti-catholic

Also , not a sede. Sedes are schismatic and that is a sin

>> No.19171509

I don't see why a Christian would have any problem believing vague accusations.

>> No.19171518

Boystown and the Franklin Credit Scandal.

>> No.19171532


>> No.19171562
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Been reading this off and on for the last couple months.
They’re into all kind of crazy shit including stolen gold, art, human Jewish bank accounts and insurance proceeds and all kind of deals with some very murderous people. In hindsight,
I’m glad my parents were so prejudiced against them

>> No.19171573
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>> No.19171586
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ITT: Retarded TradCath LARPers trying to convince people the reason why there’s a pedophilia problem in the Catholic Church is because they switched to doing mass in English instead of Latin in the 1970’s, despite that obviously having nothing to do with it and despite the fact pedophilia has been a problem in the Catholic Church for hundreds of years at this point

>> No.19171590
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Pedophilia isn't a problem ergo there's no "pedophile" problem.

>> No.19171595
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Kill yourself

>> No.19171596

what are your thoughts on pedophilia?

>> No.19171778

Say what you will about the Muslims, but they wouldn't let this happen in their religion

>> No.19171782

Muslims engage in legal child marriages.

>> No.19171788

Muslims not only rape little boys but camels and goats too

>> No.19171806
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>The Cardinal Pell episode should have proven to you how dubious this whole campaign is.

Reminder that millions of dollars were transferred from the Vatican's finances to someone in Australia right around the time Pell was charged. Reminder, also, that Pell was personally selected by Francis to reform the Vatican's financial dealings.

You can read about some of it here:


>> No.19171812

nice rec thanks

>> No.19171820

Sedevacantism does no good in restabilizing the Church and is just purity spiral bullshit. I don't have an actual defined ideology on it yet but what I think Catholicism needs is
>greater emphasis on monasticism and the different orders of priesthood and their roles in society rather than just handing off everything to parish priests
>more of an emphasis on sui iurus churches and making it known that there are multiple cultural and liturgical traditions and not just one monolithic "Catholic Church"
>more deacons as a response to fewer priests
>emphasis on the intellectual Catholic tradition that avoids just placing everything on Aquinas and Scholasticism as the be-all-end-all, because it only truly speaks to a very specific kind of person even if it's philosophically sound
>greater focuses on hospitals, charity, and art/culture
>actually educate Catholics on the real presence of the Eucharist already

>> No.19171836

It's literally in the Quran that Muhammad (pbuh) fucked a 9 year old you fucking idiot

>> No.19171874
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people have always stuck their finger up eachothers bum, touch pee pee and so on it was just passed off as weird not traumatic or worthy of bringing down institutions in the past before cancel culture

>> No.19171902

When you have lacan, foucault, and baudrillard defining the French nation then its not just the catholic church, it's France

>> No.19171939

In other news, there are a lot of anime fans in my uni's Japanese Club

>> No.19171959


all you need to say

>> No.19171975

The outrage towards the Catholic Church is based not so much in the number of pedo priests but in the fact that the Church actively conspired to protect them and cover up their crimes.

>> No.19172022

uhmmm the republic of Rome was founded on wanting to avenge a rape dipshit, also catholic pedo rumours have been going back for atleast 3 generations. It's always been an open secret.

>> No.19172154

The outrage comes from the same media and activists whom actively cover up abuse by jews and fags. It's not sincere, it's demoralization

>> No.19172160

Most of which turned out to be groundless, but people like you just believe whatever mr kikenberg tells you.

>> No.19172184

Shut up faggot. The accusations spike around Vatican 2.

>> No.19172189

Because we can haven't fried our brains consooming msm propaganda.

>> No.19172200
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>Shut up faggot. The accusations spike around Vatican 2.

>> No.19172219

>I don't need facts, I have funny frog pictures

>> No.19172224

>Believing midwit jewish current events books

>> No.19172244

It's misdirection to distract the public from homosexual pedophilia and the mossad/israeli child sex trade that operates all over world but especially in hollywood.

>> No.19172258
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What's a good POV story about this kind of thing?

>> No.19172259

As did the Israelites with the express approval of Yahweh

>> No.19172263

The author is a (((journalist))) who writes pop history for boomers about "le ebil nazis". Tells you all you need to know about who keeps pushing this narrative

>> No.19172296

muh pastoral council lol, when the catholic system suits you its infallible and beamed direct from the holy spirit, when it doesnt that’s no problem just look up a legalistic cope!

>> No.19172397

Any good reading material on Irish and Canadian Catholic orphanages in the 1800s/early 1900s?

>> No.19172448

Jews are behind the heavy push of this narrative.

>> No.19172471

Face it, the Catholic church is an organization composed of closeted gay men. The Catholic Church is dying not because more people question religion, but because young men can be openly gay in modern societies. Most priests and monks are closeted gays, but now if you're a young gay man there is no reason to enter the church if you can openly practice your perversion instead.

>> No.19172524

>the protestants, jews, and masons made catholics diddle kids
why are tradcath copers like this

>> No.19172540

It's good that gays are being purged from the clergy, actually. I'm glad that one bishop was outed for using Grindr, I hope that happens more often.

>> No.19172544
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A good angle of approach would be analysis of children's literature (endorsed and condemned) - Diamond's research indicates that exposure to hypersex-normativity at a young age may be formative.
>Stephen Kershnar: Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis (2015)

>> No.19172568

>but now if you're a young gay man there is no reason to enter the church if you can openly practice your perversion instead.
Unless you're a closeted/repressed Catholic gay who's trying to avoid hellfire, then taking up orders is a way to cleanse your soul and stay celibate. Until it explodes in fucking kids and your lover in the Vatican helps cover it up.

>> No.19172644

But it's true man. Whenever it is a doctrinal council, the pope has to prove his points judiciously, he can't just make shit up. You're being dishonest if you can't see the difference

>> No.19172656

The church of Satan has shown its fruits. All this mess happened in NO priests, who can often not even be called real priests

>> No.19172693

I think pope Benedict xvi wrote something about it. He said the sexual revolution of the 1960s had a big influence on this issue.

>> No.19172701

>Face it [paragraph of demoralizing jewish propaganda]
You're ignoring the statistics. Abuse spiked after Vatican ii because of gay infiltration but declined after the gays were kicked out.
Read Bella Dodd. There was an organized campaign to infiltrate the church.

>> No.19173042

Protestants fuck kids at the same rate as Catholics but no one ever talks about it.
>In addition, a small scale study found that 4% of Anglican priests had sexually abused minors in western Canada and other religious leaders and clerics engage in this type of behavior as well.[7] Despite a higher offender rate among public school teachers and similar offender rates in other religions, the media’s incessant coverage of the Catholic priest scandal leads to the public misconception that Catholic priests are responsible for a majority of child sexual abuse cases, when this simply is not true.

>> No.19173971

Protestants don't have a massive global NGO dedicated to farming out little boys for Jews to cover up for them.