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/lit/ - Literature

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19168367 No.19168367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most blackpilled novel?

>> No.19168378


>> No.19168384

what even is the point of incel "ideology"
do they propose any solutions or is it just about self indulgent defeatist whining

>> No.19168389


>> No.19168432

You’ve actually touched on one of the strengths of the blackpill. All ideological solutions necessarily fail. The incel ideology is one of the few to be self-conscious and depressed enough not to look for solutions, and therefore it is closer to reality. The fact that it doesn’t claim to be able to solve anything is actually a mark of its truth.

>> No.19168473

You mean it's like
>I'm retarded, I can find friends or get a girlfriend, I have no hobbies, I'm not interesting, and I won't do anything with that because it just doesn't work okaay?!?!

>> No.19168595
File: 1.97 MB, 576x1024, 1630196668630.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why lift weights when it is about your face.
Undeniably true, and the main reason why gymcels will never be sublime beautiful. Now you can still ruin your face by being too skinny or too fat, but to be "bulky" is absolutely disgusting when compared to a beautiful face.

for further reading: My Diary desu (to be released in 2022).

>> No.19168817

The blackpill accepts reality as it is and it's unrelated to the incel ideology. It's just incels prefer to adopt it as a way to reinforce their believes.
The reality is that, as of now, men and women behave like apes in a state of nature.
They must be tamed by rigid cultural standards to not end up with statistics like "50% of marriages fail". Oh nice, so you are telling that apart from being an one sided deal which favours the woman more than man, my marriages also has a 50/50 chance to fail. It's basically letting a coin toss define your future lol

>> No.19168821

We wouldn't have this problem if people were religious

>> No.19168831

Why do people think that just because they don't personally like a philosophy that it isn't true?

>> No.19169014

Picrel is right. But only in the sense that I'm a fag who jerks off to twinks. I'm sure it applies less to women or bottoms.

>> No.19169020

the myth of sisyphus

>> No.19169065

Post more cute boys pls

>> No.19169973


>> No.19170072
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There you go fren

>> No.19170135
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>that armpit hair

>> No.19170211

Blackpill wasn’t even about inceldom originally, that’s just a side effect. The conditions that have given rise (the modern age) to these things, are largely the focus of the original blackpill, and “pill” discourse generally.
The industrial revolution brought about cities and cities brought about the proletariat; a class of people dependent on wage labour removed from original agrarian contexts.
The incels are just a class made from similar conditions, like the switch to production in the third world, service economies in the first world, women in the workforce, mass communication media etc, all drastically giving each ugly man less pulling power (literally), while liberating women culturally to not be bound by marriage and conventions etc etc.
I have a girlfriend and don’t even work, but I can understand their pain of someone who really tries and gets nowhere and is considered a threat to society, just like it was usually from above that concerns for the proletariat were voiced and revolutions were enacted.
Stop thinking that it’s just an expression of a personal conviction, it’s a way of seeing the development of the world, and and attempt to articulate one of its biggest problems.

>> No.19170290
File: 245 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p3fzz6jBqX1qgb3euo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All buddhist literature is a blackpill. All by the greeks too

>> No.19170376

It's official, this thread will be a /lit/ haven for softcore Twink porn. Don't tell the jannies.

>> No.19170449

Attractive people cope.
There’s a reason we aren’t ruled by models and actors, you lazybones learn to coast through life on your looks, you have the personalities of a brick and no skills whatsoever.
You are just pretty faces, your existence is to serve as attractive eye candy in the meaningful lives of the powerful and the wise like me.
People are only nice to you because they want to fuck you, and once you get old and lose your looks you’ll be replaced by a fresh batch of beaus and beauties.
Arab oil sheiks literally make Instagram models eat their shit!
Also there’s a positive correlation between physical attractiveness and chances of getting cucked.
Models get cheated on constantly.

>> No.19170471

holy cope

>> No.19170493
File: 254 KB, 894x1193, 752bdcf6-70ea-4800-8bc5-dc3d5cb963c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao keep coping m8

>> No.19170579

The powerful and wise literally use you as cocksleeves, when they notice the wrinkles forming on your faces I’ve rthe years they’ll drop you for a younger model in a heartbeat.
Better learn a skill because while power and wisdom tend to increase with age, beauty fades.

>> No.19170596
File: 47 KB, 700x350, donnie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but to be "bulky" is absolutely disgusting when compared to a beautiful face.
Completely true. There's a lot of guys who take the Mark Rippetoe approach and lift heavy while eating tons of junk. Are they strong? Sure. Are they attractive to most women? Fuck no. The increase in muscle and bodyfat gives them the apperance of a meatball with sausages for limbs and a thumb for a head. Their face gets round, so they grow out their goatee to not look like overgrown newborns. Then they post on forums complaining about not finding dates outside of chubby chasers.

>> No.19170607
File: 655 KB, 2000x2544, 1595794709790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks handsome people would post in a mongolian basket-weaving forum
Where do you think you are, my nibba. Neither you nor me will ever be pretty, but your post is still cope

>> No.19170617

Dude that look like the guy on the right gets tailed by dudes who look like the guy on the left.

>> No.19170643

Only in this imperfect world

>power and wisdom tend to increase with age
The power and wisdom of uglier, older men, which is different from that of younger, healthier, more beautiful men.

>> No.19170646
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, c4593b0f-4477-4d53-8080-e334ef7ad5b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting your own fantasies out of pure jealously

>> No.19170798

Nothing better than beautiful, skinny men.

>> No.19170832

omggg i didn't even remember that pic lol i took it so long ago so weird to find it here lol

>> No.19170860

Post eyes, armpit and benis or else kys

>> No.19170868

That's you? Cutie, give us some booty pls.

>> No.19170891

>I don't remember modelling for Vogue

>> No.19170900

Girls don't actually like this type of man, it is all gay men who love them

>> No.19170901

lol the pic wasn't took by vogue it was taken by my agency and later sold to vogue

>> No.19170953
File: 33 KB, 672x676, 1621774386496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attracted to cute women
>attracted to cute men
I love humans so much bros

>> No.19171368

This thread leads me to suggest Glamorama

>> No.19171386

you'd be surprised what some women find attractive.

>> No.19171390
File: 870 KB, 1080x1440, 54af6770-c32f-402d-8ae7-004d9217e5d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another one
Appreciation of human beauty =/= braindead celeb personality cult

>> No.19171394

yea women want a guy who reminds them of their dad and dad's are not exactly twinks.

>> No.19171397

In case you were too distracted, OP asked for blackpilled literature

>> No.19171406
File: 112 KB, 800x1418, 0539f2f9-f392-4620-9de6-f0f02665cd37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I thought you were refering to the discussion in the last posts. Have a twink as an apology

>> No.19171429
File: 175 KB, 700x1050, male-body-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd be surprised what some women find attractive.
I wouldn't be surprised. That's why I said "most" -- there have been multiple studies showing what women prefer on average. Plenty are available online. It's worth noting that preference heavily varies per country. Only Russia and the former Soviet Block prefer the bear look by a noticeable margin.

>> No.19171447

Looksmaxxing and the looksmaxxing movement is an attempt at a solution, at least on an individual level. On a social level the solution would simply be returning to traditional ideologies and cultural norms, which will never happen.

>> No.19171476

>Arab oil sheiks literally make Instagram models eat their shit!
Hot, any source?

>> No.19171479

Im not hearing a lot of LITERATURE discussion going on itt!!!!

>> No.19171480

tag the sponsor, newfag

>> No.19171485

returning to traditional norms (incels can never agree on what this is) won't get them laid. they will still be hateful losers that no one wants to spend time with.

>> No.19171486
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cute boys are literature

>> No.19171487
File: 28 KB, 297x400, lovers-of-the-sun-henry-scott-tuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder

>> No.19171488

there is none. it's a polcel fantasy. just like how they think all white women have a black fuck buddy.

>> No.19171489

>Every single one of this "men" looks deformed
What the fuck am I even looking at in the first place?

>> No.19171493

wtf is that really what aussie whores are into?? should i just move there

>> No.19171497

uh thanks

go gargle semen, catty bitch

>> No.19171500

Images modified and averaged to represent a particular country's prefrences. Nigeria's bulging face is the best.

>> No.19171507

looks like they said "here's a photo of a guy, make him look good according to your culture"

>> No.19171515
File: 92 KB, 867x1080, colombian-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a slight tan and head to Columbia instead. Cheaper cost of living, cheaper drugs and hotter women.

>> No.19171524

imma prolly get killed by them cartels lmao

>> No.19171533
File: 1.95 MB, 2320x3088, 1616424413392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe nobody posted the king of /lit/ yet.

>> No.19171538

nah, just don't fuck around with the wrong people or be a narc

>> No.19171551

Yeah, I understand that, but the results are just a collection of badly edited men
I simply will never believe that the average woman has "beer belly" has "peak male attractiveness feature".

>> No.19171559
File: 767 KB, 1280x1779, ladbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Henry Scott Tuke connossieur
Would kiss and gently suck

>> No.19171563

it's mostly just blac humoured whining. it has self-improvement offshoots though, fitness, pua, looksmaxxing. then there are those that go trad and believe it would be better if they lived a hundred years ago so they could have a comfy arranged marriage with a woman that didn't act like a total whore.

>> No.19171571

I don't think it's peak, I think it's just the best they could do with the source material. They could have just asked for them to send photographs of the ideal male form of their country. Instead, they wanted people to manipulate a specific photo. Granted, the guy they sent is a 4/10 at best.

>> No.19171629
File: 2.00 MB, 1077x756, agoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just people who didn't get laid in high school whining because they never had such a formative experience and will never be able to go back and rectify it. They dwell on the past so much it affects their ability to function in the present, which cripples their hope for the future. If they could just let it go and focus on self-improvement for it's own sake rather than for the purposes of getting laid, they'd be a lot happier.

>> No.19171668

>It's just people who didn't get laid in high school whining because they never had such a formative experience and will never be able to go back and rectify it. They dwell on the past so much it affects their ability to function in the present, which cripples their hope for the future.
>If they could just let it go and focus on self-improvement for it's own sake rather than for the purposes of getting laid, they'd be a lot happier.

>> No.19171690
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>united states only country with a 6 pack
fucking hate this country.

>> No.19171716
File: 173 KB, 707x1046, 1625516862101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random, unsourced, almost nonsensical "study" packaged into a pic with as little text and explanation as possible
>incel gets triggered
jesus fuck, calm down a bit, stop being so braindead and go admire some cuteboys

>> No.19171729

>>If they could just let it go and focus on self-improvement for it's own sake rather than for the purposes of getting laid, they'd be a lot happier.
Feel free to elaborate on your position. For what it's worth, self-improvement covers many different things. Physical fitness, mental health, financial stability, confidence/charisma, actually knowing how to groom and dress for occassions -- it all plays a part. If the incel in question is starting from nothing, it will take a while before they get to the point where they'll do well on dating scenes/fuck apps. They're not going to get there in a month so it's best they set aside the desire to fuck for a while.

>> No.19171733

Unless you're saying they'll never be happy regardless of getting laid, which is admittedly likely.

>> No.19171739
File: 28 KB, 631x513, apu glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go admire some cuteboys
I just look in a mirror when I want to do that, thanks anyway anon.

>> No.19171742

It's true though, largely because of movies and television.

>> No.19171763
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, 1617898401880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is true? that only in USA women want men with muscles? come on

>> No.19171773
File: 20 KB, 224x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like him except my deck bigger

>> No.19171793
File: 135 KB, 783x778, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is true? that only in USA women want men with muscles? come on
No, not at all. You're completely misinterpreting what I'm saying. You don't HAVE to be fit to get in bed with someone, but women overwhelmingly prefer those that are.

>> No.19171802

>"great" physique
What does that even mean?

>> No.19171810

I'm not copy pasting the entire thing, just read nigga

>> No.19171826
File: 65 KB, 517x768, superlative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When we asked men which male physique they thought looked the best, the vast majority preferred Zyzz’s body— a body that didn’t even register on women’s radar.
turns out it was Zyzz who was ngmi

>> No.19171833

>Brad pitt
>Anthony Ketis
attainable to most.

>> No.19171877
File: 22 KB, 402x500, anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show that you don't have to go overboard to be considered fit and attractive. This is plenty achievable and maintainable with a consistent training regiment.

>> No.19172013
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x3264, 16240207166701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're completely misinterpreting what I'm saying
It's called hyperbole. And yes, it is ridiculous to claim that this preference is characteristic only for modern USA because of TV. It is normal all over the world (in fact, the original post claiming that it is only found in the US version pic is wrong if you take an another glance at the whole chart), and has been so since forever. Do you think the ancient Greeks painted Achilles and Adonis as scrawny or fat guys? You're completely divorced from reality if you actually follow >>19171690's train of thought.

>> No.19172114

Partly this
The fat dude I went to high school with has found a girl, not a supermodel of course, but at least average. He is still fat btw.
Just saying

>> No.19172122

>This is plenty achievable and maintainable with a consistent training regiment.
He is a millionaire

>> No.19172124

zyzz had bitches constantly chasing after him and sending nudes but thats only because he was an eceleb

>> No.19172153
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Honestly at some point I think it just becomes some sort of self consciousness. You know those instacouple where both are ultrafit? At some point, someone who is super into this kind of shit wouldn't look twice at a hot woman who isn't obsessed with fitness.

In this sense maybe the women don't have literal schwarzenegger as ideal (they would fuck him anyway though)

>> No.19172178

I don't follow
that line of thought at all. You seem to be 100% insistent that I believe only women in the USA want fit men only because of television. Fuck no, it's more complicated than that. The average person living during the Ancient Greeks time was much more physically active than the average person today, so that's just an idiotic comparison to make. What I mean is that media plays a big role in reinforcing the idea that men need to achieve extreme physical fitness, much more than the average American could ever realistically commit to. They are actors with access to trainers, nutritionists and the best gyms money can buy. At the same time, the average person pushing oneself to achieve reasonable levels of fitness is an excellent goal that will help anyone of any nationality when seeking a relationship. Do you NEED to get fit? No, but it helps. Would building ridiculous amounts of muscle increase your chances over someone who is lean and fit? Probably not, except for girls who are specifically into that in the same way that some people are into heavyset bodies.

>> No.19172181

You don't honestly think you need to be a millionaire to achieve that physique, do you?

>> No.19172186

so are a lot of fat fucks

>> No.19172193

What if Zyzz was outwardly charismatic, but when it came time to get in bed he couldn't get it up due to nerves. Like some real life Johnny Bravo.

>> No.19172197

There are wagies in /fit/ with better bodies than him.

>> No.19172436

Lol I've been getting laid since high school but that is hopelessly naive. Have some compassion, some of us are disabled, deformed, and mentally ill. Self improvement is not the solution to everything. Minimizing pain in a wise manner is the correct path, which can include self improvement but also may focus on acceptance

>> No.19172449

the latter

>> No.19173172

If we return to traditional norms women will lose their rights and they won't pick their own partners. So as long as you're successful or have good relationship with a guy who has a daughter you can get married even if you're ugly.

>> No.19173200

None of you worthless pseudo-intellectual retards have answered the question in the OP, just posted pedo shit.

>> No.19173207

>Self improvement is not the solution to everything.
If you're not making yourself a better person each day then what are you doing? Also, self-improvement and seeking acceptance aren't mutually exclusive. I've made a lot of friends at the gym.

>> No.19173209

>If they could just let it go and focus on self-improvement for it's own sake rather than for the purposes of getting laid, they'd be a lot happier.
this is where you're wrong
you can't self improve not having laid in HS, because you're not in HS anymore. You can't self improve turning back time.
If you look at incels, all they do is self imrove, they self improve more than any normie. And none of it matters because they didn't have those fundamental experiences which they can never ever have anymore.
What people like you don't understand is that incels do literelly nothing but self improve and it all leads to nothing and it makes them absolutely miserable.
They're the real equivelent of Sisyphus, they work harder than anyone and don't get anything out of it, eternal circle of suffering without getting anything positive out of life. Just pure suffering.
And the worst part is you can see that their self imrpovement isn't even necessery. Most of them are already doing way better than most normies, They have better jobs, look better, have better physiques and hobbies, but none of it matters because they didn't have the formative experiences that are required so they will never feel a single joy in their lives.

>> No.19173212

>you're not making yourself a better person each day then what are you doing?
that's 99% of all human beings that live
what are they doing?
and I haven't made a single friend at a gym, no one talks to each other in gyms I ever went to

>> No.19173221

>On a social level the solution would simply be returning to traditional ideologies and cultural norms
I think that would have the opposite affect. Most incels have been "different" since they were bor -- whether because of physical or mental deformities, it doesn't really matter. And being "different" in the 50's was a good way to get your ass kicked. That's even more true the further back you go. A return to such ideologies would only exacerbate their problems. Unless that's the intent, in which case carry on.

>> No.19173229
File: 98 KB, 1200x630, incel at his computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you look at incels, all they do is self imrove
>incels do literelly nothing but self improve
>they work harder than anyone and don't get anything out of it
>And the worst part is you can see that their self imrpovement isn't even necessery. Most of them are already doing way better than most normies

>> No.19173232

>that's 99% of all human beings that live
Don't project.
>and I haven't made a single friend at a gym, no one talks to each other in gyms I ever went to
It's called making conversation. Sometimes you have to initiate. It's pretty obvious when a person doesn't want to talk but outside of those moments you can always chat. Made a lot of good friends that way. And if they aren't interested, just leave them be. It's no big deal.

>> No.19174160

post more Antinouses!

>> No.19174271
File: 126 KB, 861x1280, 58486897031e3eec8fb8d1f4bbff466d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twinks for life

>> No.19174734

Twink? Look at that delt.

>> No.19174756

No they don't have solutions because that's not what it's about. It's just terminally online losers finding reasons to perpetuate the cycle of negativity that runs screaming in their head 24/7, and anything that doesn't square with their inane and reductive view of the world, and of women, they instantly dismiss as cope because their brains have been turned to sludge from constant image board/echo chamber abuse and calling what you don't like cope is easier than challenging your cognitive biases. It's a really sad situation, but it's really just part of a larger trend of the internet destroying peoples souls and turning them into angry dribbling retards. It will get worse too. In a way I feel sorry for incels. Most of them are just lost souls, not potential mass murderers or even bad people necessarily. What they need to do, like most people, is get the fuck off the internet and into some sort of group therapy.

>> No.19174767

>control f
>no Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.19174799

Chad worship is extremely gay, go to /lgbt/ faggots

>> No.19175019

He has roid use gut. It's an adonis belt, not adonis handles. >>19172013 is a normal natty dude that isn't too difficult to achieve other than staying lean and not bulking if you're a fat ass.

>> No.19175253


>> No.19175281

Why do people hate tattoos? It makes no sense

>> No.19175297

why do people hate scars?

>> No.19175307

>letting a coin toss decide my future
Uhhhh.. you have some agency in what happens in your own marriage

>> No.19175317

You’re making some good points but there is a distinct advantage to being good looking. Tall people get paid more, etc. If you can be ugly and smart or handsome and smart it’s pretty much always better to be handsome and smart

>> No.19175352

How does one “move to Columbia”? Are there jobs that would be good/easy to get for white Americans? All the Mexicans that clean houses where I work love me despite the fact I’m a loser so there’s a chance I would do alright women-wise.

>> No.19175506

Kys normie trash

>> No.19175514

It's Zoomer Nihilism, really.

>> No.19175666

I could believe he juiced when he was younger, but he was much leaner back then. He's talked about getting out of the drug scene a long time ago and taking up healthy stuff instead. Maybe he considers steroids healthy stuff?

>> No.19175676

Because it implies injury or an operation?

>> No.19175686

You pay $100,000 and get a resident investor visa.

>> No.19175691

Just be a sex tourist

>> No.19175701

They don't, though.

>> No.19175702

Or you can apply with "useful skills", whic means business, STEM, medical, etc. You live there for a continuous 5 years and can then become naturalized. Learn Spanish, memorize their constitution and know basic geography of the area.

And yes, white men can easily get laid in South American countries. Same for Asian countries, too. You can be a 3/10 pulling in 9/10's.

>> No.19175704

I would guess you need money for that but maybe one day. I spent like 4 months in Ecuador when I was 18 and it was great. Was hooking up with a 26 year old the whole time

>> No.19175711
File: 93 KB, 1200x628, 1630131539988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That nails it imo.
I'm a 21 year old virgin myself. I dont partake in "Inceldom" and I'm relatively happy and content with life, but it will forever bother me that I did not experience these things as a teenager or even an undergrad student. It's like being left out of the party or inside joke. Like a pebble in your shoe, it's not the end of the world, but it's bothersome to think about.

>> No.19175722

Company I worked for had a 5 month project in Mexico. I kid you not, 75% of the guys that went down there came back with a girlfriend out of their league. No doubt some of them were just hoping for citizenship and money but still, one guy is still married to a 8/10 and has been living with her for like 6-7 years now. He’s a total dork who was living with an annoying 5/10 bitch and just completely upgraded. Love to see the success stories

>> No.19175752

It's good that you have the self-awareness to know that while you missed out on an experience and it bothers you, it's not the end of the world and life goes on.

I never partied or went to prom or any of that shit. Part of it was I spent my weekends working at a restaurant. The other part was social anxiety. Looking back, would I liked to have gone? Sure. But that ship has sailed. No sense in going to some stupid fucking incel site and whining all day. My life is okay and I'm happy with where I'm going even if I might regret some of my past choices.

>> No.19175780

Yeah, ultimately I'm confident that I'll get laid eventually and then all these anxieties will just disappear once it happens. Making friends has become pretty easy and I get invited to places, so at least am not a shut in gremlin. Ultimately I genuinely think Inceldom is caused purely by fear of talking to girls and being proactive in the pursuit of sex. I have friends who are short, round, wear glasses, and still managed to get laid, so it's obviously not an actual difficulty.

>> No.19175782

Moving to a first world country is a definite upgrade for most people. Think about it: hot foreign girl knows she can land an average white guy, no problem. They get in a deep relationship, get married and immigrate. The guy gets a 9/10 wife and the girl gets to live in a stable country with someone who will likely never attempt to leave them. Why would they? She's hot as fuck and the guy knows he has no chance of landing anyone in the US with a similar appearance. It's a win-win.

And despite what some people say in this thread and elsewhere, movies and television have a HUGE impact on how you're viewed in those countries. When I worked in China, everyone girl I met said I looked like Leonardo DiCaprio. I have roughly the same face shape and slicked my hair back. That's all.

>> No.19175812

Yea I think a lot of people assumed she would ditch him and take all his money, but they’re still happily married and I’m jealous in a way. Out of all the relationships only 1 stood out as predatory. Some of the girls even broke up with the dudes because it was too long distance. The poorest of the dudes was probably making 65k a year but to these chicks that’s like making more than double. Being able to afford a house and 2 vehicles is very solid even in Monterey (a richer part of Mexico). Last I heard she was a citizen now, cooks, cleans, and is working at a hospital towards being a nurse.

>> No.19175849

>all these anxieties will just disappear once it happens
To a certain extent. You won't become some charismatic playboy, of course, but it has been proven to make people better public speakers because it gets rid of that weird fear of "Do they know I'm a virgin?" some people have when they're in front of a group. In college, I had a friend who grew up wealthy but very sheltered. He apparently talked to some of my other friends about how he was a virgin and desperate to get laid. When I went to hang out with a girl I knew, she said she already expected him to be a virgin because his eyes would very obviously flick down to her chest when they spoke. Of course, he was also one of those guys that was "too good" to pay for sex and wanted to court/date/etc. It wasn't a marriage issue so I have no idea why he was simultaneously driven to fuck and yet intentionally set up obstacles for himself. The guy could have taken a first-class flight to Amsterdam to solve his problem. Last post I saw on FB he apparently married the first girl that dated him.

>> No.19175898

>Yea I think a lot of people assumed she would ditch him and take all his money, but they’re still happily married and I’m jealous in a way.
It's surprising how some of those things work out. My wife is an immigrant, but she finished her residency and became a cardiologist. Makes nearly 4x as much as me.