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19164261 No.19164261 [Reply] [Original]

I regret buying this shit

>> No.19164274

Why lol

>> No.19164289

you're outta your mind

>> No.19164308

I don't like reading in it. It's not much different than reading from a phone or a computer.

>> No.19164403

>better for your eyes
>less distracting
I actually like my Kindle very much. I still prefer physical books, but Kindle + libgen is much cheaper in the long run.

>> No.19164462

Yes I know it's cheaper but I havent read much since I bought it desu. I should buy some physical books too. At least with the Kindle I can read a little and see if I like it and they bit physical only for the best of the best

>> No.19164465

it's one of the best purchases i have ever made. kys retard

>> No.19164523

I bought a kobo and it's one of the best purchases I've made. I'm not autistic about muh feel and smell of a book, free books and some of the available features are well worth it.

>> No.19164532

Turn off the backlight shitdick.

>> No.19164567


>> No.19164632

>I regret buying this inexpensive thing

>> No.19164653

Turn that shit off. It actually looks like you're reading from paper with the backlight off. Avoid using the backlight if you can because it defeats the purpose of e-ink.

>> No.19164661

nigger who are you replying to?

>> No.19164678

i told you retards you'd be better off just buying the entire Wordsworth catalog. e-readers are a total meme.

>> No.19164695

Do I just read in low brightness? Thats what turning off backlight means?

>> No.19164712

For kindles you can't turn it off entirely. Setting it to the lowest however is essentially the same in daylight. Even at night, setting it to half of the maximum is fine for reading and you don't need an extra light.

>> No.19164714

The biggest problem with electronic text is glare, e-readers don't solve it. Phones are large enough now that they became obsolete.

>> No.19164723

How much would I get if I sold a used one

>> No.19164843

I got the newest kindle model a few months ago and you can turn the backlight all the way off.

>> No.19165295

If you're out in the sun a lot, it's worth it. If you never leave your bed and just scroll on your phone in a dark room all day, then it's not worth it because you'll have to use the backlight, thus defeating the purpose of a ereader

>> No.19165346

Yeah I got one several years ago, and I can turn the backlight all the way off, I don't know wtf that other retard is talking about

>> No.19165376

Since buying Kindle I started reading almost autistically, doing nothing else in my free time but reading. It's so comfy. Reading from my phone was so tiresome and buying books is a pain.
Now I can download any book I can for free and just read.

>> No.19165397

I love mine :)
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fDBzQkWeQ5g

>> No.19165550

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought the backlight is fine for your eyes because its not the blue light that phones typically use.

>> No.19165563

I need the backlight on at all times. -t. has shite vision

>> No.19165600

amazon hardware is fucking trash, I will never support their devices

>> No.19165606

so what eReader should I buy, smartass?

>> No.19165610
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I haven't used mine since I learned the extent of the spyware, that every tap you make and word you highlight is noted and given to amazon. Does anyone know how to use one without an amazon account, or preferably with no internet at all?

>> No.19165629

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Good luck with the Kindle. Btw when you a buy a book on amazons products you only own it or 5 years. After which they revoke your access to it. That's what you get for using amazon products. Should've got the kobo instead, which actively encourages you to mod it. Kobo straight up does not give a shit what you do with their product once you get it. And it can actually take most formats, like epubs, while kindles cannot. Not gonna make it. Everyones gonna cope about it but this is objectively the best reader for price vs function: https://ca.kobobooks.com/collections/ereaders/products/kobo-libra-h2o

>> No.19165640

Get a Kobo

>> No.19165648

Just put it in airplane mode

>> No.19165658

>best reader for price vs function:
>cant handle pdf files properly
lmao @ ur life

>> No.19165688

you can turn off all of the tracking in your settings.

>> No.19165709

>epubs, while kindles cannot.
calibre automatically converts them when transferring to the device.
>best reader for price vs function
wrong paperwhite is so cheap and capable that it wins by a mile.

>> No.19165723

haha very funny anon

>> No.19165730

My e-reader is the best purchase I have ever made. I've read dozens of books and saved hundreds of dollars.

>> No.19165846

I never leave my house

>> No.19165851

Take your meds

>> No.19165865
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How do you choose what books to buy physical and what books to read in ereader?

>> No.19165869

I bought a full keyboard kindle in 2011 for $100 and I still love it. It's probably saved me $5k over its lifetime, thanks to the IRC ebooks channels and libgen.

>> No.19165882

>it defeats the purpose of eink
With an LCD, OLED, etc. screen, light goes through the image towards your eyes, with an e-ink screen light bounces off the image. Frontlights and backlights are different.
Granted, some of that benefit is negated since the Kindle Paperwhite doesn't have fucking orange lighting, but for more expensive Kindles (or many Kobo devices) the difference becomes even more apparent, especially if you don't have the brightness set to some retardedly high value.
You can still sideload books on a Kindle, and run KOReader on it provided you've got the right software version on it; I agree that the Clara HD is a better device (it easily punches above its weight) but with the sales that the Kindles have, especially how easy it is to find them "used" (read: opened, turned on once) it becomes more of a toss-up
t. owns a Paperwhite, Clara HD, and Poke 3
I just think e-ink shit is neat
It handles them fine, albeit a bit slowly; that gets mitigated if you install KOReader
I read almost everything digitally aside from
>prayer books/liturgical resources
>books with page-facing translations
>books where it would be significantly cheaper physically instead of digitally (which is rare)

>> No.19165890

Wtf are you talking about? There's no glare

>> No.19165915

At night I use mine on the 5 setting. This is on a Kindle Paperwhite 7th generation, I'm sure it varies on other ones. Basically I'm setting it to just the level where I can see the text clearly without difficulty, nothing more. It's vastly better than early Kindles which didn't have a backlight. Who wants to have to hunt for a light source?

>> No.19165969

5 USD and below = buy physical
old and rare texts about interesting stuff = buy physical

>> No.19166673
File: 81 KB, 1480x833, 617F376C-8C13-4F2A-A9D0-69066B36282D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPad Air 4
>even bezel
>full color
>ultra high resolution (“retina”)
>super fast
>all-day battery
>built in reading apps
>install whatever other reading apps you want on it

>> No.19166703

none of this shit matters for an ereader. Your dopamine machine isn't impressive with an "all day battery" when my ereader can last over a week.

>> No.19166724

My Kobo might be one of the best things I've ever bought.

>> No.19166748

gf got me tablet (android not apple garbage) and it makes reading much more comfier than reading on my phone or pc

>> No.19166930
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Is the writing program worth a damn yet?

>> No.19166932

no e ink = useless

>> No.19167179

It's for books that you want to read but don't want to keep on your shelf. I read Stephen king novels on it lol

>> No.19167186

Which is what?

>> No.19167216


>> No.19167882
File: 42 KB, 300x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never regretted buying this. It even allows you to sideload KOReader out of the box, and I charge it maybe twice a year (Wifi off).

>> No.19167905
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>Reading the scarlet Venetian voluntarialy
>Thinks his opinion on anything matters

>> No.19167931

>your book is out of battery
>your book has some kind of technical issue
>you book is bricked for some reason
hmm idk bros

>> No.19168510

>Emits blue light
womp womp

>> No.19168641

What are the benefits to KOReader versus stock Kindle (or Kobo, although I don't have one) firmware? All I do is read books and I can already do that just fine.

>> No.19168692

buy some used Kindle 4NT or Kindle 4 Keyboard, much better thinner more durable, with buttons too

>> No.19168903

Faster page turning.
Way more customization options.
It gets regular updates.
It just is plain nicer and the way eReaders are supposed to work.

>> No.19168930
File: 12 KB, 255x255, pepe thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faster page turning.
>Way more customization options.
it's text on a page, what do you need to customize? genuine question.
>It's FOSS
this doesn't change the experience of using the software
>It gets regular updates.
so does the kindle stock firmware
>It just is plain nicer and the way eReaders are supposed to work.

>> No.19169048

Thanks kindlebros for leading me to jailbreak mine today. Already use every single day so worth the time to improve the experience imo.

>> No.19169157


>> No.19169322

Jew alert lol

>> No.19169364

these things are like $30 right now if you have a student prime account.

>> No.19169444

kindles suck dick.

>want to navigate to page in physical book
>flip there in two seconds

>want to navigate to page in Kindle
>10 button presses with lag for a fucking text reader lol

they could make kindles MUCH better than they do, but why don't they? bc you faggots will buy them anyway lmao. retards.

>> No.19169491
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Italian-American and six foot tall.
You poltards really need to stop snuffling around looking for your boogeyman. Seek help

>> No.19170264

How often do you really skip around a book?

Most books start at the beginning and then you read them through until the end. Or did you not get that that's the way they're supposed to work?

I'll take that and a more covenient form factor with a built-in light and never having to buy books ever, thanks.

>> No.19170615

>Still emit blue light, just less

>> No.19170698

It's not even just about blue light. It's about the fact that without a backlight, an LCD display has such low contrast that it's essentially unviewable, and when you can see it, the viewing angles are shit. Think of a Game Boy color. That's what you'd be dealing with.

E-ink displays have the benefit of a significantly higher contrast ratio and equal viewing from all angles. That's because they are functionally identical to paper. They move physical pigment using electromagnets across a membrane so it is literally ink on a page that's electronically controlled. This causes no eye fatigue. An LCD screen will never come close.

>> No.19170720

I tried to read Pale Fire on a kindle and it was extremely retarded of me. That's the only real issue I've run into.

>> No.19170731

Haven't read Pale Fire yet but it's been on my Kindle forever. Why did you have a problem? Is it formatted weirdly?

>> No.19170743

>How often do you really skip around a book?
y'all bitchass niggas eva read David Foster Wallace or nah. shit is wack on a kindle fr.

>> No.19170786
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Yes? I'll take the Kindle any day.

>> No.19170792

>he thinks toggles matter
LOL Jesus anon

>> No.19170812

Kindle is NOT the way it was intended to be read. If you don't think that matters I'm not gonna try to convince you, pseudbro.

>> No.19170822

This, wallace very much intended the reader to constantly flip back and forth throughout their time with his opus. This creates a subtle game of tennis wherein the physical pages act as ball, an entire layer lost on anyone reading on a kindle.

>> No.19170823
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noooooooooooooo you're reading it wrong!!!!!

>> No.19170856


based dumbass who listens to fiction audiobooks on 2x speed and sees no problem with it

>> No.19170857
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nigga my phone is with me all the time and it fits in my pocket. i have 5 minutes to spare, i'll read a bit. need to look up a word or concept, there's the internet. check on crypto and stocks. listen to music. its all there.
>muh blue light
>muh eye fatigue
>muh face when

>> No.19170864

I have never listened to an audiobook.

>> No.19170880

but you'd see absolutely no problem with it.

>> No.19170889

No, it's not the same thing. You're literally comparing 2 different forms of text on a page, one which is electronically controlled and the other which is permanently fixed, versus a fucking recording of someone reading the book aloud to you, complete with their own intonations, pacing, and often them doing voices and other awful things.

>> No.19170961

You'll see. The poem is readable on it's own, but once you get the index it becomes stupidly cumbersome to reference back to the poem.

>> No.19170971

>paranoid schizo about reading books

>> No.19170988

I buy physical copies of longer books or ones I may deem more important.

>> No.19171014

major midwit moment here. Why don't you just read the book on a giant projector with a pink background and the font is all comic sans? Also, why don't you put sissy hypno on in the background while you're reading it? literally makes no difference. retard.

>> No.19171050

>Why don't you just read the book on a giant projector with a pink background and the font is all comic sans?
Why, what an absolutely silly question. Because the aesthetics would be awful. Not to mention I don't have a projector, let alone a giant one, nor do I have a projection screen. And the ergonomics of reading off a projected image would be pretty strange. Even if I had this setup, I wouldn't choose pink as I don't care for the color. I also don't care for Comic Sans. I like more traditional serif fonts for books.
>Also, why don't you put sissy hypno on in the background while you're reading it?
I prefer silence when I'm reading, and I am comfortable with my masculinity so whatever "sissy hypno" sounds like would surely be an irritating distraction.
>literally makes no difference.
No, these things would make a difference. Your absurd level of false equivalence that you think makes a good point instead only highlights the degeneracies lurking inside your psyche. Seek help.

>> No.19171083

>Because the aesthetics would be awful.
just like a kindle.

>And the ergonomics of reading off a projected image would be pretty strange.
just like a kindle.

>Even if I had this setup, I wouldn't choose pink as I don't care for the color. I also don't care for Comic Sans. I like more traditional serif fonts for books.
More to the point, does it even matter what aesthetics YOU prefer? It's about the AUTHOR'S chosen aesthetics, and that includes the MEDIUM the author chose. If you change the medium, you are changing the experience. you didn't actually read the book, my guy. It's like listening to a pop song on 2x speed. but you'd argue that you didn't change the lyrics so it doesn't matter xD. retard.

are you autistic, my guy? That would explain a lot.

>> No.19171102

OK confession time, I just haven't actually read Infinite Jest. But I hate reading physical books. Every book I've read so far has been fine on Kindle. I'm willing to accept that there are some books that are better on print but damn I'm going to have a rough time reading IJ if I have to read that fucking book. The text is tiny for my shitty vision and the whole experience of trying to hold a book open is vastly inferior than the one-handed chad experience of an ereader.

>> No.19171126

Can't get it for a decent price, find it or any other inconvenient = pirate
Can get it cheap, find it anywhere or anything else =pirate

>> No.19171127
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>damn I'm going to have a rough time reading IJ if I have to read that fucking book
Precisely, he never intended for it to be a comfortable read.

>> No.19171141

Heh. I wonder if the hardcover is any better.

>> No.19171196

Cringe at all these non kobros

>> No.19171215

reference books are good for physical, things where you might want to flip around a lot and keep on your desk near you while you work.

>> No.19172384

Khoy vey?

>> No.19172675

There isn't even any high quality evidence that blue light fucks you up. Even the studies that do show something admit that it only takes people an extra 5 minutes to fall asleep.

>> No.19172724

which one?

>> No.19172744

>etards pay to be spied on
>pathetic info retention
Absolute meme.

>> No.19173115

My /Kobo/ Clara HD is arriving this Friday or early next week. Very thrilled to have a dedicated digital reading device.

>> No.19174486

Do anyone have one of those large 13" readers? Are they good for reading 1000 page textbook pdfs?

>> No.19174501

I don't know what version of paperwhite I have but it's a piece of shit. Never have I found a device that doesn't have a fucking off button. No "screen off" doesn't mean off because the battery still drains. Im convinced people just buy these things then use them once then never again because that is such a terrible design flaw and yet I see nobody talk about it.

>> No.19174785

turn the brightness all the way down fuckwad

>> No.19175159

On Kindles at least, really increases your options. PDFs and other non-Amazon formats actually have support, you can adjust text size and spacing, auto-collate pages and a bunch of other stuff. Actually makes reading textbooks on a kindle possible.

>> No.19175239

turn the wifi off retard
and batteries drain without being used

>> No.19175266

Thanks dad, it worked.

>> No.19175550

Hey anon, have you ever wondered how devices with an "off button" continue to keep track of the time while off? Is there more substance to your complaint here than "it doesn't have an option for deceiving me into believing it's become completely inert"? The battery life itself is way better than anything you'll find on a non-ereader device.

>> No.19175568 [DELETED] 

>implying a wop is any better

>> No.19175581

lol imagine literal weeks of battery life not being enough for you

>> No.19175777

So let me get this straight: if I invest 100 euro/dollaridoo into a Kobo Nia, I can download books for free from sites like Libgen, whilest not giving any money to the faggot authors?

Are there any downsides besides the intial costs?

>> No.19175784

new kobos just dropped today

yes. you wont be able to manage PDF files properly because of shit software & hardware

>> No.19175835

Physical for non-fiction
eReader for fiction

>> No.19175928
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its better than physical books in every way. but I don't want to read from this because im not a zoomin future boy.

>> No.19175951

is there any e-reader that doesn't require always online connection? I don't like internet of things.

>> No.19176000
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I wanted a Kobo, I live in south america.
All we have is kindles.

>> No.19176044

you don't ever have to turn airplane mode off on your kindle if you don't want to. just load books via usb.

>> No.19176100

I have never connected my kindle to the internet.

>> No.19176152

My mistake. She's hot but too much woman for me anyways. I don't frequent /pol/ either, jackass.

>> No.19176172

You're not gonna be able to read a PDF with an e-reader properly unless you drop $900 on a BOOX brand e-reader or something else huge. A tablet works but isn't e-ink. PDFs are meant to be read on a laptop, tablet, phone, or projector, anyways.

>> No.19176182


>> No.19176681

My poor old Kobo touch is slow as shit

>> No.19176704

does kindle have this (>>19175777) capability, like can i download free ebooks onto it? or is it locked to the amazon environment?

>> No.19176796

they aren't connected to amazon servers and stuff? like, here am I reading my kafaeske, suddenly *uh oh something unexpected happened* Amazon servers are down I can't read.

>> No.19176807

of course, you can put whatever you want on it faggot i had to type a captcha for something that couldve been answered by google

>> No.19176833

lol I got a Kobo here for cheap
But Kindles are way more common, yea

>> No.19176868

ofc not

>> No.19177203

>PDFs are meant to be read on a laptop, tablet, phone, or projector, anyways.
according to who, you retard? when e ink screens have a decent refresh rate, e readers will be just like tablets

>> No.19177318

I'm not buying any e-reader until a cheap one comes out that is good at displaying pdfs.

>> No.19178193

you have two options. you can purchase books from amazon, which will then download to your kindle over wireless. once they're on the kindle, they stay there and you don't need internet access to use them. you just have a DRM'ed file on the kindle. the other option is sideloading books via USB. these can be something you purchased/downloaded off the web. epub format tends to convert best. sometimes you can also find kindle .azw3 format. then you plug in the kindle via usb and use calibre to send them to the device. this can all be done without wireless ever being turned on, and you will have DRM-free ebooks on your device. either way, there's no need to be connected to wireless to read. it's just there if you want to have amazon sync the pages of what you read across devices with books you've bought from them. or, if you want to look things up in wikipedia using the lookup function (there are built-in dictionaries though, so no need to do this.) or use the goodreads integration on your device. etc.

>> No.19178204

it's basically impossible though. a pdf is a formatted document. the page can be any size. unless the page size exactly matches the size of the device, you'll either have text that's too small because it's been scaled down or you'll have to pan around a page. ereaders work far better with free flowing text that can be reformatted to fit the page, which a pdf will never be. what's the obsession with pdfs anyway? is the formatting of what you're reading that important that you'd really want to pan and scroll around to view it? I'd rather just have something physical at that point desu.