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19166786 No.19166786 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite female writer and your favorite work from them.

>> No.19166794

I would if you hadn't posted that filthy jezebel whore. All whores go to hell!

>> No.19166800
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Even this one?

>> No.19166802
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>> No.19166808
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>> No.19166811

Jane Austen

>> No.19166814
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>warping reality around her with photo editing software to create favorable curves
WHORE detected!

>> No.19166825
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>> No.19166846
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Carson McCullers and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

>> No.19166859

The Ol' roastie seethe

>> No.19166889

the solution is anal sex

>> No.19166919

i mean she makes a fair point.

>> No.19166934
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>> No.19166944

I'm still thinking, give me a few days.

>> No.19166949


>> No.19166950

Yeah, that she should be pregnant. Instead she's childless and seething about her non-committal premarital sex on Reddit. Also, copper IUDs exist.. Tell your gf you degenerates

>> No.19166963

Condoms, birth control, and abortion should all be criminalized.

>> No.19166966

>pills that can be used any time
>intrusive surgery
lol okay. and isnt it her boyfriend that doesnt want her to get knocked up? you should criticize men for not wanting to be fathers.

>> No.19166980
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>> No.19166985

no, women are the deciders. shitty men will always exist, it's her showing poor evaluation on who she chooses to date

>> No.19166986

IUD is an outpatient procedure. Copper IUD has no effect on hormones and can be removed at any time. I called the men degenerates. Okay? Go back to your polycule and hit the dab now you useless zoomer

>> No.19166987

I've never actually read a book written by a woman

>> No.19167011
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It’s just a girl with green hair, you degenerate

>> No.19167015


>> No.19167017

I literally don't know any female authors I like

>> No.19167023

Just get with a different guy, fucking whore.

>> No.19167069
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Do better.

>> No.19167080
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Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae

>> No.19167082

How many girlfriends you have in your life?
The meet market sucks

>> No.19167088
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Did someone call in the Made-for-BBC Brigade or something?
If so I'm reporting for duty.

>> No.19167099

> Pseud, Lies made to please fagedemia.
Try again sweety.

>> No.19167104

Redpill me on this. I bought it recently on a whim, started it and read 20 pages, and put it down. I didn’t dislike it but I wasn’t feeling it either

>> No.19167110

Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights

>> No.19167115

Anna Kavan, Ice.
She's the only female author I've read. It was pretty good.

>> No.19167150

It is an exploration/commentary on modern life, academia, and social interaction told through a fragmented narrative. While it is mostly set in academia/upper class, it applies more broadly and much of what it speaks of are things which most people can relate too, assuming they can see past the superficial. It is an interesting work which leaves you largely lost as to it's purpose through much of the novel and at times seems like just a collection witticisms and mildly interesting but pointless stories, things do not really start pulling together until the last quarter or so and some fragments can only be seen for what they are in retrospect. A very interesting structure and technique which works wonderfully and one of the best uses of fragmentation I have read.

>> No.19167162

How did you find Samantha?

>> No.19167170

never read a female author in my whole life, don't even own a book written by one

>> No.19167172

copper iud's are severely painful, and might affect women differently. IUD's are finnicky pieces of work, but they really are the safest thing around. If they work out for the women, then she's set until she wants to give birth (as it doesn't affect her fertility, supposedly).

>> No.19167184

This or Lydia Davis. Or like
Also Anne Carson

>> No.19167195
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>> No.19167221

Why did this pose become popular with zoomer youth?

>> No.19167237
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>> No.19167264

do you have more of this woman?

>> No.19167715

Margaret Weis. Sure she didn't write alone, she had Tracy Hitchman as Co-writer. Still.

>> No.19167720

George Eliot, author of the greatest English language novel ever written

>> No.19167724

Frankenstein is one of the few books by a female author that I liked.
Which makes me suspect that her husband really wrote it.

>> No.19167734
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Ursula LeGuin
Hainish Cycle

I like it when an author goes into the psychology of aliens.

>> No.19167739

I can only get so erect.

>> No.19167741


>> No.19167749

You’re an idiot

>> No.19167777

proto dfw vibes

>> No.19167784

Carson was a lesbian incel.
I just can’t bring myself to respect a lesbian who in her entire life never once managed to score any pussy.

>> No.19167792
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I think it’s a question of focus.
Male writers seem to focus on creating things I love and enjoy.
Female writers seem to focus on taking things I love and enjoy away from me.

>> No.19167919

I don't think any woman has ever written anything interesting.

>> No.19167930
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Lesbian Workout 5

>> No.19167939

women need to realize that lying to appease someone then quietly resenting them doesn't make you a good person

>> No.19167981

anyone else turn gay because of women

>> No.19167999


>> No.19168084

I’m kind of hoping trans women start writing. Maybe then reading women will be interesting.

>> No.19168097

me, I brainwashed myself to like dick because of how unpleasant women are as people. if you can even call them people am I right king.

>> No.19168130

I've tried for a long time but I can't get rid of my attraction to them no matter what I do.

>> No.19168133

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. Woolf is superior to Joyce in every way, and is the greatest of the modernist novelists.

>> No.19168379

I read the whole thing a few months ago and there was no explicit and detailed sex. Reader beware!

>> No.19168393

>Reddit spacing
Didn't read

>> No.19168395

>I like it when an author goes into the psychology of aliens.
Any other examples?

>> No.19168813

really dont care what you have to say

>> No.19168833

Alice Sheldon (aka James Tiptree) - Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
some the most lyrical and brutal fiction I’ve ever read

>> No.19168837

>dyed hair
>shitty tattoo's
>lgbt globalhomo shirt
how much more could go wrong

>> No.19168994

Gillian Flynn - Gone Girl, because I love jigsaw plots.

>> No.19169004

Tiptree, oof. I read some of her short stories and god damn they were bleak. Flannery O'Connor and Shirley Jackson are also good/bleak, but non SF.

Other good SF female authors are CJ Cherryh's Alliance-Union universe, C.S. Friedman's Coldfire trilogy (very good sword-and-sorcery, the two male main characters are bros) and Lois McMaster Bujold who wrote the Vorkosigan books. But the last ones get worse as they go on bc she starts shoehorning weird fetishes into them.

>> No.19169009

I know this poster and used to be in discord servers with her. I wonder if she ever found a healthy relationship or if her mental health is any better.

>> No.19169088
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i dont read female writers

>> No.19169112

Anna Karenina

>> No.19169124

Do we need to pit a disclaimer on every OP?
“incels need not respond”

>> No.19169128

ywnbaw, i just havent found any female writers i like

>> No.19169133

>i dont read female writers
>i just havent found any female writers i like


>> No.19169138

lol ywnbaw

>> No.19169143


>> No.19169175

based Simone Weil

>> No.19169183

quads are just proto dubs

also checked

>> No.19169496

Flannery O'Connor
Complete Stories

>> No.19169522
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Lispector. The Passion According to G.H.

>> No.19169595

Wittkop - The Necrophiliac

>> No.19169923

Beloved by Toni Morrison is very good. Similar sensibilities to Gabriel García Marquez, but different narrative style and themes.

>> No.19169948


Women unironically make good historians, at least when they're not pushing contemporary wokeshit. This is because women are fine being helpmeets by recording the important things that other people did.

>> No.19169982
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>she makes a fair point
It's baseless assumption "backed up" by a one-sided anecdote

>> No.19170076
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On the subject of birth control: I find it to be a tiresome and contrived remedy. A folly of man to repudiate the natural and chronological order of human biology; and woe to the men and women who fall prey to this lustful avarice; they who invite D’endrrah to cast shackles upon their womanly wombs, just as she sits upon Deimos, womb of Mars, now and from then, for eternity everlasting until the ever obsidian tides of cosmological end sweep us, once and for again. That is why I deny my Jewess the hormonal chastity belt. We consummate primal as our forebears have for time unto millennia, and yes, I rebuke the pseudo-foreskin of a condom as well.

>> No.19170103

Get an IUD.

>> No.19170124
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>> No.19170151

That's not a very flattering pose or pic

>> No.19170965

Sylvia Plath, The Colossus

>> No.19170999

>unironically reading non-Catholic female authors
anyways read Flannery O'Connor

>> No.19171006

This is kinda bizarre, it seems like the roastie makes a good point, and her argument is cogent, but her premise is flawed. If she's on birth control to merely to please her boyfriend and she doesn't actually want to be, she isn't being nice to him, she's being sycophantic. Did she ever tell her boyfriend that she doesn't want birth control? If he still refuses to use condoms after being told she has the agency to leave him and be single or find a new relationships where the man wears condoms. She is under no obligation to continue a relationship with someone who requests that she do something she doesn't want to do. See how quickly women deny their own agency, their own ability to make free choices if they can use it as hollow justification to complain about their own bad choices. I kinda feel bad for her, she's going to be angry at perceived slights her whole life, but lacks the self reflective ability to understand why.

>> No.19171019

who's this quasimodo looking bitch

>> No.19171032
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>imagine only being known for writing short stories

Carson could never...


>> No.19171158

>women suffer in silence
that’s a line stolen from people who advocate for men, because they truly do suffer in silence. you can’t suffer in silence as you simultaneously nag about it. modern women are fucking garbage.

>> No.19171178

O'Connor is widely known for her novel Wise Blood. You're such a retard McCullersfag.

>> No.19171251

I literally finished reading Wise Blood a couple days ago anon and I was extremely disappointed with it. I was told McCullers was a second rate O'Connor but it was nowhere near as good as anything Carson has ever written, I have no interest in reading about religion which was probably why I found it so boring but still i expected much more from it.

Her short stories are much better though, but I don't think they make her any better than McCullers.

>> No.19171307

role dale
harry potter

>> No.19171374

the necrophilac - wittkopp
holy the firm - annie dillard
swan - mary oliver

amy hempel, flannery o'connor, lydia davis for short stories

>> No.19171384

ah and emily dickinson too for poetry

>> No.19171438


>> No.19171531

this why men are now mgtow.

>> No.19171798

Anyone here read Iris Murdoch?

>> No.19171814
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>> No.19172684
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>> No.19173096

virginia wolf, to the lighthouse

>> No.19173108

Read virginia woolf

>> No.19174286

yeah you don't know how a copper IUD will end up influencing you. and it's more difficult to remove than just stopping with pills

there's no perfect contraception sadly. Many people who think they're depressed bc of hormonal contraception probably just hate their lives

>> No.19174331
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>> No.19174434

Yeah, I'm still attracted to their bodies if I focus but I don't date them

>> No.19174590

i'm on board with feminists to the extent that they make observations about the world being arranged in ways that benefit men and disadvantage women, which i rationally cannot deny, but then they usually don't seem to have the courage to admit that these rules are largely perpetuated by women themselves, either for comfort or out of inertia or for the ability it gives them to compete with one another for status (ie standards of beauty and behavior that theoretically exist "to please men" but which if a woman fails to meet them it's other women first and foremost that will squash her down). this "i'm suffering for you in silence" shit is a prime example: bitch, then don't.

>> No.19174601

Unica Zurn - Dark Spring

>> No.19174623

that's a lot of paragraphs of silence

>> No.19174639

>but then they usually don't seem to have the courage to admit that these rules are largely perpetuated by women themselves
They do tho, that's basically what the concept of "internalized misogyny" is meant to highlight.