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/lit/ - Literature

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19166265 No.19166265 [Reply] [Original]

I just got a job in a major bookstore chain. What am I in for?

>> No.19166274
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how about Nig Totaro

>> No.19166289

Why do you think any basic retail job should be vastly different from any other?

You'll stock shelves, assist customers, clean, take inventory, and be a good little worker. You'll show up on time, take breaks when told, and leave when your work is through. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

>> No.19166298

>this book is gay
Outing a book’s sexuality like that in public without even asking it first is extremely disrespectful, let alone the fact that if the book wants to come out as gay it doesn’t need James Dawson to do it for it.

>> No.19166299

Omg fuck I have to work??? I’m crying

>> No.19166326

Put one airpod in and listen to audible.

You will mostly be killing time.

Smoke weed halfway through every shift.

>> No.19166343

I've had jobs before, so I'm used to that. I was wondering more about the ethos of these companies, since even when they called me for scheduling the interview they asked me if I was comfortable giving my pronouns, and there seems to be a lot of stuff about "storytelling" to customers which I can't seem to translate from company jargon.

Hopefully I can get away with listening to something, at least when I'm stocking shelves.

>> No.19166407

selling garbage books to garbage people.

>> No.19166412

Don't listen to these guys anon. You will be having tons of sex with art hoes. You have literally made it.

>> No.19166416
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>> No.19166445
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Endless folk trying to buy gods greatest literature, you’ll put in a tireless back orders for that one terrifyingly good horror novel, call of the crocodile.

>> No.19166477

art hoes are literally the worse. nothing iss worse than some dumb butch who has less than surface level understanding of the art the consume. they try to mask it with pretentious language when talking about the subject but you can tell that they have no idea what they're talking about. and this applies for any medium of art be it literature, cinema, music, painting, etc.

>> No.19166522

I was told that you're forced to recommend awful books and people will constantly ask you for romance and fantasy book recommendations

>> No.19166729

what chain?

>> No.19166745

art hoes are a dime a dozen, may allah bless me with a lit gf if she exists

I will direct everyone like that towards hegel without elaborating

indigo chapters

>> No.19166937

>Getting incessantly hit on by homosexual college students.
>Having MILFs hound you for children's book recommendations and then forgetting you exist.
>Spending 40% of the day doing absolutely nothing.
>Never meeting a /lit/ person because serious readers don't shop at Indigo.

It's purgatory but easy work and every art hoe you'll see is bisexual and poly, so if you ever get a girl there, prepare to be cucked.

>> No.19166945

you're going to be told to shill reward membership 24/7

>> No.19166962

If you're really lucky you'll get to clean the bathrooms after the toilets flood with shit water.

>> No.19167309

Will you be saving 10% with our membership program?
Are you sure? You get free expression shipping on all orders and exclusive coupons

>> No.19167316

You know how like 95% of the books you see in bookstores are obviously dogshit? Well same goes for the people shopping there.

>> No.19167377

You niss understand the world we live in fren

>> No.19167408

You are not in for literature version of quentin tarantino op, stop dreaming

>> No.19167493

Is this the gay tranny aisle or something?

>> No.19167548

It's just like Black Books. You can be the weird Irish guy with the unkempt hair and drink all the wine and shout at the customers as you please.

>> No.19167682

I was thinking about getting a part time job at a book store but my problem is that I only read Classics or university press books which aren't sold at any bookstore so I think I would be rather useless.

>> No.19167687


>> No.19168120

Will you get first on the old magazines that don’t sell?

>> No.19168127

>they asked me if I was comfortable giving my pronouns

>> No.19168129

Mandatory vaccination.

>> No.19168138
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>Hi there, I'm looking for a book. The cover is blue. I think the author might be English.

>> No.19168140

uppity jannies that frown on too much customer interaction

>> No.19168453

Find a book or two for every genre. Thriller, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, romance and so. People are going to ask you for recommendations and it's good to know what to answer. Almost everyone will look for garbage books from some genre.
Especially girls, they'll ask if you can recommend them some romance books, or men ask for a gift recommendation (but here you just tell them Hobbit, LOTR or Count Monte Cristo)

>> No.19168491
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Sounds like this is what you're looking for

>> No.19168982
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Is that Call of the Crocodile?

>> No.19168989

judging by this picture, being a part of the depopulation agenda

>> No.19169064

You get to do "employee picks" right?
Lots of potential, anon...

>> No.19169494
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>they asked me if I was comfortable giving my pronouns
gl anon it sounds awful already lol

If anyone ever asks "recommend me something from x genre" they have with almost 90% no clue about it and you should follow >>19168453 advice so you don't have to waste brain power on them. Or you could just recommend them something you actually know from the genre if you feel generous.

>> No.19169509


>> No.19170176

School started so I guess Teenage girls buying fiction and YA stuff?

>> No.19170284
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>I was wondering more about the ethos of these companies

>> No.19171558
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>> No.19171602

tfw no hot dumb bitch gf

>> No.19171986

thanks for the advice. I should probably brush up on what books are popular nowadays since I really only know literature

true... I wonder what I should choose...

they're preparing for the christmas rush for the most part

>> No.19172128

Get ready to hock promo shit constantly and have your love of literature trampled on. I used to work at a major chain back when I was 20, and I couldn't wait to quit. Unless you've got a chipper attitude and a can-do spirit or whatever, it's not gonna be the right fit.

>> No.19172156
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I'm going to come in and ask you to try and identify the short story I read fucking forever ago and want to try and find to read again. You won't know what I'm talking about, and I'll leave without buying anything.

>> No.19172238

Sounds like you're going to be working with some cluster bs anon, better watch out.

>> No.19172311

Being overworked, shit wage, disrespect from your boss and customers, witnessing the decline of literature happening around you, and all around soul sucking disappoint.

>> No.19172331

I recently got a job with the HR department of a large public library system. I thought there would be at least some discussion of books in my job, but instead I just have to go through endless reports about fat middle-aged women bickering with one another while working at the library and trannies molesting children.

>> No.19173750


>> No.19173756

a world of hurt

>> No.19173770

>indigo chapters
sick. i need to look for some nearby positions
plz don't recommend hegel to normies