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/lit/ - Literature

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19164272 No.19164272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You aren't very smart if you think that selling your soul to STEM in order to get a good salary is a good idea. I'm a translator and I make a few dollars above minimum wage by first world standards, but I make money from translating literature and I live in a youth hostel in the country of the language I'm translating from, so I work like 5 hours a week and eat out all the time. Your time is infinitely more valuable than whatever money you can earn with it, so spend it pursuing leisure and acquire only the amount of money you need to do so comfortably.


>> No.19164283

But what if I really like STEM work and read novels in my spare time?

>> No.19164287

im a zoomerfag and i quit compsci junior year of highschool. i'm going to college soon and i'm completely directionless. sometimes i wish i would have just stayed doing computer science

>> No.19164290

More power to you then I guess.

>> No.19164291

But what if I want to spend my time pursuing a better world by helping people and/or the world + environment via STEM?

>> No.19164303

Don't forget to think of the expenses of having a family and settling down Op.

>> No.19164333

Congratulations, you figured out that working a minimum wage job you can easily support yourself if you're single and live in a shitty little apartment or room.

Now me, anon, I want a fucking a family and I want more than a communal shower, bathroom, and sleeping quarters. YOU aren't that intelligent.

>> No.19164336

This is true. I sold myself into debt slavery and it’s the single biggest regret I have.

>> No.19164339
File: 30 KB, 510x278, 4F0D6C78-5320-49B8-81FE-C7FE0F5629B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think math is interesting. My career is okay, and I don’t have to do gay shit like “coding”.

>> No.19164342

>wanting a family in this shithole of a world

>> No.19164344

Now let's run the clock forward to when you're 35 and you want to have children but time's running out

>> No.19164348

It’s a very smart move if you see what’s coming down the pipe for eldercare.

>> No.19164351

>wanting a family in this clusterfuck of corporatocracy
>wanting to watch them ripped from you by the jaws of evil

>> No.19164354

so what do bros? im not good at anything stem related but i dont want to be a poorfag in my mid 30's.

>> No.19164357

>wanting to live until you’re a geriatric

>> No.19164361

Programming sucks but it’s better than 99.99% of office jobs. I wish I could get a job doing it to be honest but all I seem to be good for is finance and accounting stuff.

>> No.19164367

>i dont want to be a poorfag in my mid 30's
Then save and invest your money. It’s that simple.

>> No.19164371

truck driver, listen to audiobooks, travel the country.

>> No.19164377

If you were able to kill yourself you’d have already done so. You WILL enjoy eldercare.

>> No.19164378

>pursuing a better world
That sounds cringe

>> No.19164379

I'm a neet because I don't want mindnumbing work.
I envy stemfags. (even if they're fellow neets)

>> No.19164391

stem scares me bros. i see what its doing to my brother and has already done to my dad. someone hold me

>> No.19164402

I enjoy my life right now though. Not gonna enjoy it in some shithole where they force you to do x, y, and z.

As soon as I turn 65 or start not being able to do things myself, I’m gonna buy a helium tank, thanks though.
I’ll be the elder care facility shooter if you try to force me in.

>> No.19164406

I thought most contemporary math research is being done through "coding" (LaTeX, Haskell, MathLab, etc.)?

>> No.19164411

>t. Dirty Jew

>> No.19164418

Only women have a biological clock. Men can choose to have healthy children at any age they want.

>> No.19164424

pajeets do any coding necessary. Cant risk having a valuable person do it and maybe develop transgenderism.

>> No.19164425

Working is humiliating regardless, you are a slave a tool for someone else.

>> No.19164434

>It's better to lie down and be walked over than to try.
See, I can greentext what you said into something "bad" and completely unrelated as well.

>> No.19164436

What has it done to them exactly?

>> No.19164442

crush their spirits

>> No.19164444

in what way? Like they're depressed all the time?

>> No.19164448

That’s the thing you’re missing though, you know how you will react and continue to fight the evils.
I’m not suggesting suicide unless you’re of an extremely weak mind.

However, once your kids grow up, you have no say over their lives. If you fail to stop them from getting drawn into the fields of propaganda that populate their world, they will be lost. And if you try to tell them as much, you risk alienating them.

Bringing someone into this world is a cruel and unusual punishment you are using to justify your twisted self-centered want for someone to take care of you when you’re old/pass on your genes.

>> No.19164452

basically. my dad has been that way all of his life and now i'm beginning to see it in my brother

>> No.19164455

Oh, you're an antinatalist. No wonder you were posting wildly retarded shit.

>> No.19164460

what makes you think the ones with humanities who're on a minimum wage are super cheerful? What you're seeing is what people is like in general

>> No.19164464

i cant make a judgement about people in humanities because i don't know anyone in humanities

>> No.19164488

>370 BC + 2391 years
>still not an antinatalist
Not gonna morally make it

>> No.19164504

Grass is greener on the other side fallacy

>> No.19164505

>i'm going to college soon and i'm completely directionless
I highly suggest looking into blue collar work then. If staying in an office all day depresses you, it might be worth your while to look into different fields. Otherwise, give college a shot and talk to an advisor about different career fields.

>> No.19164510
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>eat out all the time
you say this like its both a good thing and impressive, and I'm here to argue that both of those assertions are incorrect.

>> No.19164520

You also have to bring hope into this world anon.

>> No.19164566

If you're that concerned with "hope" just foster some children & get paid by the government to do it.

Most people who do it only care about the cash & leave the kids to their own devices.

>> No.19164600

Sorry anon, but unlike you i actually have a family to feed, soon anyway (about 5 months).
I have probably lost about 10 years of my life from stress alone while studying, but at least i'm not living a shitty lonely nomad life.
>Hurr durr, having children in shitty world
I don't live in muttland, so i wont have to worry about them getting shot, getting into lifelong college debt, not being able to get a mortgage, paying thousands for hospital services, or get raped.

>> No.19164613

Until the chinks come to cull your 2nd child.
Nomad life is the life of champions, just ask Marco Polo.

>> No.19164648 [DELETED] 

It's the curse of the starving artist. I'm not the anti-natalist in this thread, by the way.

>> No.19164687

James Joyce as well.

>> No.19164706

I thought I liked mechanical engineering but I realized that I don't have the slightest interest. This is my last year and I still don't know what mechanical engineers actually do. All of my classes and exams were online for the last two years, so I just cheated, otherwise I would've dropped out.

>> No.19164730

True, but some work is more dehumanizing and more undignified than other work.

>> No.19164738

> man with high time preference thinks he's winning

>> No.19164739

I would do anything to live a nomad life. I’m ready to quit my job and live off my meager savings, but I can’t because I fixed student loan debt from my STEM degree which would eat up my savings rapidly.

>> No.19164757

The state pays me just for existing, why should i ever work?

>> No.19164767

If you withdraw all your money from US based bank accounts, and move somewhere outside the USA, there's no way for them to force you to pay loans until you come back to the USA.
If you're gone for 30+ years, it'll be wiped.

>> No.19164784
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Medicine, probably as a GP (not an american or brit) is the only career I can see myself tolerating in the long run. Nothing else seems satisfying. I'll be late to the party, but I WILL be non-union equivalent Chekhov. That or I'll just be a loser, at least in my own eyes.

>> No.19164829

How am I going to move outside the US? Even if travel weren’t restricted due to COVID, there’s the visa problem to contend with.

>> No.19164887
File: 248 KB, 821x983, nft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sell nft's bro. This guy went from dead to broke to $69 million in 5 months.

>> No.19164898

If you go somewhere like SEA or SA, most likely, no one is going to give a shit.

>> No.19164911

but coding is just applied math?

>> No.19164971

Well I like mafs so that’s not a problem.

>> No.19164980

I'm about to finish medicine in one of the most prestigious unis of my country and all I think about is how much I want to just lay around reading books, go hiking and grow bonsais.
The only thing keeping me sane is the possibility of achieving a comfy job that will allow me to indulge in those pleasures by the time I'm 30, but if I could go back to being 18 I would jump straight into an humanities degree and simply try and figure things out on the go, instead of devoting thousands of hours to something that I'm not passionate about (realized this way too late, though).
Don't fall for the stem meme, you will regret it sooner or later.

>> No.19165008
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You've no idea how envious I am of you, anon. I'm in my mid-late 20s now, assuming I get in next year (which I'm relatively sure I will), I'll be a few years into my 30s when I'm done.

>> No.19165032
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i work an IT job in a mountain town and just hike/snowboard, read, cook, and grow exotic plants. my family is handing over the reigns to their estate soon too so i can eliminate the IT shit and spend more time with my wife and kids. nomad life is shite.

>> No.19165046

What's preventing you from taking control and going off grid?

>> No.19165060

no surprise that OP is a faggot retard

>> No.19165084
File: 64 KB, 450x600, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could use necromancy to summon this ancient MFer right now to smack the shit out of you and yell WRITING DOESN'T MATTER, BOOKS DON'T MATTER, STOP BEING A FUCKING IDIOT until you get it

if you fell for the "bohemian literati" meme you have been supremely trolled and your life is dust compared to somebody who does actual useful, big brained work instead of trying to be some kind of art ho/gigolo.

>> No.19165093

>yes goy, give us more children to indoctrinate

>> No.19165110

I was in the same dilemma a few years ago and I went to /biz/ and between buying chainlink/Eth and some stocks I'm on track to be financially independent by my mid 30s which would be my ideal time to have kids. Markets are hot right now but if you learn to understand the basics of investing (compound interest tier stuff) and then do some reading on major companies, investors, crypto projects, and set aside 1hrs wages every day you work to invest you'll be set to have some money when you're old and living "bohemian" isn't cool anymore. It won't get you rich overnight necessarily but for me it allowed me to reconcile living a fulfilling existence with my fear of being penniless and alone when I'm older.

>> No.19165118

>yes goy, let your race go extinct

>> No.19165141

Tell me, how has STEM made the world a better place in the last 50 years?

>> No.19165142

Well, it's a field with very good and extremelly varied job opportunities and I would say virtually all of my classmates are really excited about what's to come, but keep in mind that you will sacrifice a lot of you personal life and interests to pursue this. I simply know that I would be happier if I could have been a translator, a curator, a professor or whatever.
Apathy, sunken cost fallacy, knowing that starting a career at the same age my peers are deep into their phds means I'm closed off from the only good jobs avaiable in the humanities and the fact that leaving my career would broke my mom's heart (unironically making her be this proud of me is one of the best things I've done in my life).

>> No.19165163

lol go back to your cuckshed

>> No.19165168

Make sure to fill up your xanax and valium prescriptions

>> No.19165177

lol dood math's not hard you just need to study

>> No.19165181

The work-life balance of doctors is better where I'm from than in the UK and US, afaik. Certainly depending on speciality; I work in healthcare already and our MDs work mostly regular hours.

Besides, what's really stopping *you* from pursuing humanities as a hobby? I'm assuming it's about literature. A recent dual-language version of Shakespeare's sonnets (yeah, I know) which made a fair bit of buzz here was translated by an MD-turned-translator/writer - there's hardly a dearth of doctor-writers, just look at Chekhov or Döblin.

>> No.19165193

Damn, imagine being so far up your own ass that the only reason you think people don't like modern society is that they don't understand math.

>> No.19165208

squirm harder incel

>> No.19165217

I have a business degree. I work in finance for a government agency. I’m 28 years old. I would like to kill myself.

>> No.19165318

This. It's why I'm comfortable only making $20/hr. I don't need a big house, or a big truck, but I could make a small home if I wanted to and afford a Toyota.

>> No.19165330

Ah yes, my children being the final generation of whites before they are forcibly bread with subhumans sounds like such a good world to bring them into.

>> No.19165336

Imagine being so low iq that when someone asks you a legitimate question you don't know the answer to(or know but don't wish to reveal ergo living in denial) you get offended.

>> No.19165353
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Why are fags like this on 4chan? Wouldn't they prefer to be out in the woods or something? It's almost as insufferable as those guys who hate humanity but won't kill themselves and Marxists. Practice what you preach pussy.

>> No.19165354


>> No.19165356

He's some random anon trying to get (you)'s
He didn't write the post the other post was replying to.
I did.
Not much has been done, but if we go back 150 years, the sheer amount of medical knowledge we've obtained has been astronomical.

Which is why I'd prefer to go either bio-major and protect the environment, or go to med-school and be a doctor.
Modern society most certainly does suck, but it's not because of STEM. It's because of corporateeers applying the collective knowledge of STEM to their self-centered ideals.

>> No.19165365

Where tf do you live?
To get an apartment here and live without roommates comfortably you need to make $30+ per hour

>> No.19165373

I love physics, my love for literature is a hobby.

>> No.19165374

Im studying life sciences and relearning math on my own and learned that I love science just as much as philosophy. However for the same reason I wont do a humanities I wont do STEM, from what I see it sucks the meaning and love out of a field which is why the arts especially are so damaged lately. Not to mention many people in these careers do nothing but monkey work a majority of the time and are on creative leashes by company policies and bottom lines. I’ll never stop studying and remain a “hobbyist” while getting some sort of job that lets me indirectly or directly learn and study these subjects. Ill only return to university if its in europe so i wont go into debt and even then I still may dislike it. We can do more on our own driven by passion than an institution or company, and especially with trades I feel theres little excuse to trick yourself into re-entering the rat race. Peasants had better working hours than us.

>> No.19165377
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>he posts on his STEM machine

I was laughing at the idiocy

>> No.19165384

You say you live comfortably but you have no idea how the world works you're a glorified typewriter just like this keyboard I'm typing on.
Don't @ me

>> No.19165385

LaTeX is a glorified word processor, MatLab is more engineering than math, and, afaik, Haskell isn't being used for anything really important in math.

>> No.19165400

Isn't age increasing your chances of getting an ill offspring?

>> No.19165410

Only for women.
A 35 year old women is more likely to have downie children than a 67 year old man with a young woman.
The real trick is being high value enough to get a young woman once old.

>> No.19165415

You're not saying anything useful. No valuable criticism, no rebuttal. Just shit flinging teenage garbage.

>> No.19165416

Wouldn't want to have kids too old though. Don't want to retire when they enter college; would like to share at least a decade with them as a working adult.

>> No.19165426

You should be a STEMfag because it is essential to understand the universe. It is a part of being a philosopher and a virtuous person.

>> No.19165447

Being a semi or post retiree when they're a teen+ might be ideal though if you work a job that requires long hours.
Would get to spend far more time with them if you're not having to go to work everyday.

>> No.19165484

Maybe, but then there's the added difficulty of a 40 - 50 rather than a 30 - 35 year gap. My personal goal is mid 30s, if I do have kids (which I want).

>> No.19165527

good post anon, on the same track right now literally just started browsing biz a couple weeks ago

I may have wasted a lot of my youth but I'm finally satisfied with how spending my time, reading about economics and studying math everyday, pretty comfy

>> No.19165856

Yeah, you're probably right. I'm not impartial to a good technological advancement but seeing the permeation of technology into every facet of existence just makes me a little bitter at times.

>> No.19165874

Work is what you do to all you to do what is important. I make well above minimum wage working maintenance for a factory, live on the lake and spend the bulk of my free time writing. On top of that, my simple lifestyle means I save anywhere from 50 to 75% of my paycheck and have done so for nearly 20 years, I should be retired by 40 and free to dedicate all my time to writing. What will you be doing when you are 40?

>> No.19165896

I work the same 5 hours a week, make more than 10 times that, live in an awesome house with trees and cats like I've always wanted to, drive a sports car and spend some of the rest of my work time reading books for free.
Don't listen to him kids. Learn to code.

>> No.19165900

I think whether you study STEM or something else, one day you’ll wake up and you’ll realize that it never actually mattered all that much. Or you won’t, which is far more tragic anyway.

>> No.19165907

You're right but I can't stop now... Have kids and wife... gotta earn

>> No.19165976

But then I have to sell my soul to google or some other kikes who want to steal everyones information and sell it to the glowies.

>> No.19166025

Beeples been doing his shit for decades, its not as simple as 5 months

>> No.19166029

>Family estate
Yeah that would make nomad life seem a lot less appealing if you have everything given to you

>> No.19166044

All three are still used by mathematicians. You can call LaTeX whatever you want, it requires you to write special syntactical commands on the computer. Every mathmo nowadays seems to be addicted to languages like Python. I guess it really depends on what one qualifies as "coding".

>> No.19166049

You forgot that translation jobs will be pretty much non-existant in less than a quarter of a century.

One of the worst possible types of career advice you can give someone is to suggest a career in translation. It's almost as bad as suggesting a career in computing (not computers).

You have a situation you enjoy (for now btw, enjoy non-existant retirement with your current lifestyle in an ever-shrinking market), but most people would do well not to attempt emulating you.

>> No.19166052


>> No.19166067

Why will they be extinct?

>> No.19166084

How about the entire fucking field of computers beyond behemoths like Z1 and BARK?

How about genetics, gene editing and modified crops? By LOW estimates, this has served to prevent famines that would have othewise caused severe suffering and deaths of msore than a BILLION people.

How about laser technologies, that help with all kinds of messaging, measuring (especially telemetrical), and fabrication?

How about exploring maths more deeply, helping us in almost all other STEM fields when trying to survey and understand our universe better?

Without at least two of these, you would oikely either not exist, afford a computer, or even have the technology necessary to jack it to your fucking VR, weeb, dehumanizing pornography you like so much.

You're likely a troll, but if you're not, stop blaming others for your own lack of fuldilment and lack of personal enjoyment of life. Definitely don't have kids.

>> No.19166092

Only someone who knows zero second languages would say this.

>> No.19166097

Translating literature isn't really work. The reason the pay is so low is because people like it so much they do it for free.

>> No.19166102

Most translation, even instant, is becoming more and more automated and more and more (yes, succesfully) AI produced.

According to labor statistics in both western and northern europe, as well as in America and especially in China, translation is a market that is shrinking faster than almost any other profession.

>> No.19166105

I would work in IT or software development if I could get hired with no experience. But if you think I’m going to invest my off time to “skill up” and “get certs” to be a programmer you’re fucking nuts.

>> No.19166119

Only an American teenage narcissist without any actual agency in life, would say this.

I am a translator, editor, and a language consultant. I advice you to learn instead of clinging to your misunderstandings.

>> No.19166129

Hope your rate is cheap!

>> No.19166141

>I am a translator, editor, and a language consultant.
No, you’re not.

>> No.19166231
File: 84 KB, 609x424, watamote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join military out of high school
>become glorified tech support making a pittance like 20k a year but free room and board
>military pays for any and all certs I pursue only a few of which are mandatory
>leave with 50k saved up after 4 years
>get a government job with my already acquired security clearance and veteran priority hiring
>making 90k a year
>enroll in an online college, the military not only pays my tuition but also pays me 3200$ as a student housing allowance through the GI bill, this is more than double my mortgage
>facebook as any indication I'm the ONLY person in my graduating class who has their own home
>everyone else went to college out of the gate and are now living with their parents doing bitch work collecting interest on their loans
>many mocked me for choosing to enlist repeatedly saying the military was for retards or that I was somehow evil for joining
>they were right of course, but college is for even bigger retards and the greatest evil of our time
Today's America makes me believe in justice. The only thing we get is what we deserve.

>> No.19166260

Yes it is. All those translated books you see on library and book store shelves were not translated by teenagers living in hostels. Some are done by academics but a great deal (even many done by academics) are hired out by publishers. Generally you are not just a translator of literature, you are a translator and some of your work will be literature, some will be instruction manuals, some will be inter office paperwork for multinational corporations and so on, but if you make a name for yourself you can live off of translating literature. The pay is so low for OP and those like him because he never got the credentials or an agent to be able to get the jobs offered by publishers, which are generally much higher paying than other translation jobs but also much more demanding.

>> No.19166301
File: 70 KB, 680x586, 3 stages of a real nigga spiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a decent way to earn some good money from home outside of your day job?
the stock market has taken a massive shit this past year

>> No.19166328

Counterpoint: Working is for fags and having a higher income enables you to quit working sooner.

>> No.19166336

>the stock market has taken a massive shit this past year
You mean apart from hitting ATH every other week?

>> No.19166347

lmfao I remember being you
Simply didn't understand why people worked so much and needed so much money. I was 18-22 and all I needed was a bedroom, bathroom, internet, and food!
Get ready for the crushing weight of reality to hit soon. Get moving now. No you don't need to be making $500k a year and driving an S class Mercedes. But you need to be doing something that will create an actual decent and secure financial existence. It doesn't have to be "soulless" stem job, just something above poverty you fucking fool. Imagine not being a monk or something and making minium wage into adulthood. Its a hellish existence.
My personal experience, I went to community college, transferred to university, majored in history because I was good at it and thus could get a very high gpa, and then went to a good law school. Going to graduate next year and already have some jobs lined up if I pass the bar. So much relief knowing I will at least have money. I spent most of my twenties poor as shit and I hated it past late teens/early twenties

>> No.19166363

you mean when its not hitting all-time lows? yeah

>> No.19166385

bugman cope

>> No.19166392

>all-time lows
maybe the stock market just isn't for you, it's not profitable to trade based on delusions.

>> No.19166400

It didn't.

>> No.19166405

I made more money doing diy improvements on my house than I did at my day job. Got 105k over asking, now we're looking for another shithole to renovate. Selling your time for a wage is a good way to stay broke forever unless you're a lawyer or doctor

>> No.19166434
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last month i was higher than i'd ever been
this week i'm lower than i've ever been

>> No.19166437

>tfw commodity trader
I literally made money on aluminum by predicting a coup. One of my proudest moments. Its a boomer game so if you're retarded and careless like me you can make some fast gains

>> No.19166446

My dad is a custom cabinet maker/contractor and makes $600k+ a year. Pushing me to become an architect so we can do design-build-sell all in house and rake in the profits. The idea of waging a normal job never even entered my mind growing up because everybody in my family were successful from owning and running businesses

>> No.19166525

>if I could go back to being 18 I would jump straight into an humanities degree and simply try and figure things out on the go,

The grass is always greener anon. I took this route and the stress of the uncertainty of not knowing what to do and the feeling of having accomplished nothing is not fun at all. In fact, it began to be really bad for my health, so I am going back to school to do something that will actually get me a job. You may regret all the time you spent pursuing medicine and I am not going to tell you that you are wrong to feel that way, because everybody is different, but trust me - when you go to humanities route it is fun for a while in the first half of your 20s, but then you get into the second of your 20s and people will expect you to have your life together. Some people aren't bothered by that and power to them, but I personally get some gratification from 'participating' in society and the realisation that I had really nothing to contribute filled with me intense self-loathing.

>> No.19166558

Idk why STEM is mentioned. im a chemical engineer and i don't work more than 40hr/week. leaves me plenty of time to read, socialize and exercise.
business kids that end up in consulting or finance are pulling 80+hr weeks. now thats selling your soul for money

>> No.19166626

Thats you being a fucking faggot, not the stock market hitting all-time lows. I'm starting to see why you've lost so much.

>> No.19166634

Tell me more

t. Desperate worker who wants to secure my future for me and my wife

>> No.19166644


>> No.19166649

>chem eng
Hello fellow chad

>> No.19166661

There isn't much to tell. I have been interested in following geopolitics, economics, culture, history, infrastructure, ect. of states for a very long time, basically trying to understand civilization and all of its functions. I use this knowledge to track the trajectory of fragile states(many of which have their entire economy based on natural resources) and then make my trades based on what I think will happen. I don't recommend the commodities market unless you are very into this stuff. Its just people like me and huge financial institutions with inside knowledge/chinese nerds making algorithms.
The best way to make fast money as a normal person in the market is probably still crypto. For everything else, normal job + real estate + boomer blue chip stocks