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/lit/ - Literature

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1916376 No.1916376 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone dying
>everyone hating each other

What the fuck happened to him in his childhood? This is worse than Bret Easton Ellis in America Psycho, or Margaret Atwood in pretty much any of her books.

>> No.1916381

/r/ing that pic of him with those black girls

>> No.1916388

>everyone dying

All of this was extremely common before the eighteen hundreds.

>everyone hating each other

This is still common. Fuck off retard.

>> No.1916397


Not in my country it wasn't.

>> No.1916405

Where do you live?

>> No.1916407



no. go away.

>> No.1916423


A better place than the person who said that to me, apparently.

>> No.1916438

>fantasy 'novels'
>book series

What did you expect from such a combination? Literature? Something good? Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.1916440

So writing about those things means you're supporting them somehow? I wouldn't have thought I'd find proponents of censure here.

>> No.1916447

He's just an angry manchild. He writes fantasy, what do you expect? My friend likes him and linked me to GRRM's blog where he whines and bitches about his book making it out to some people early.

Reading it, he reminded me of the high school kids who listened to metal and sort of stayed inside the school during lunch.

>> No.1916935

> I wont say where I live, cause people will rip it apart with evidence that makes me look like a retard.

>> No.1917339

If you're going to post ad hominem attacks because you have nothing of value to say, could you at least make it more interesting than a joke about high school losers? It's just embarrassing for everyone that has to read over your post. Thanks in advance.

>> No.1917376

There has not been a single depiction of pedophilia in the first four books. Only two minor side characters are clearly pedophiles (Septon Utt and Rorge) but their actions are never even described, only implied.

You are full of shit.