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/lit/ - Literature

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19158643 No.19158643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you typically buy used or new books?

>> No.19158653

I want to plant my seed inside her uterus (is this the correct organ?) if you know what I mean.

>> No.19158656
File: 88 KB, 420x420, 1633010250926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New. I'm not a poorfag.

>> No.19158661

New because unironically mommy's money pay for all my books and what's her tiktok/insta

>> No.19158663

imagining a girl who makes reading her personality as my penis shrinks into a little nub

>> No.19158666


>> No.19158674

I wipe my ass with the pages from shitty books
You think I’m joking
But I’m not
A homeless guy knows I read so he gives me trash books (from the trash), I’m looking forward to wiping my ass with a biography of Winston Churchill

>> No.19158676

A little bit of both, but these days I mostly just pirate eBooks. It's really easy and saves a lot of money. It's nice to have physical books sometimes but I don't really give a shit about having a shelf to show off or anything.

>> No.19158705


Maybe they should also point out that she reads only trash fiction and YA novels so she loses money and stays dumb as well.

>> No.19158718

I prefer used books. I don't like to go out with the intent to buy a specific book. I like to browse around for something that seems interesting. That way you never know what you'll get exposed to.

>> No.19158720

I just started buying used books, since i can get really nice editions for really cheap

>> No.19158733

>visible bra
>tik tok
>dat smug pixar face
>hunger games
women are a fucking joke, bros

>> No.19158760

my secret to making them tolerable is to view them as an aggregate, not as individuals. as individuals they are a sick mockery of everything good about humanity (men), a mockery of ambition and self-respect and duty and many other essential parts of being a human (man), so a man naturally feels "ugh jesus christ" when dealing with them. but as an aggregate, like a unified force or field, their playful childish stupidity is just a fact of nature, like the wind.

wind can be annoying too, but you don't get mad at individual air particles in wind, you just go "oh it's a really windy day today" or "oh no the wind isn't cooperating and it's a stagnant muggy day" or occasionally "oh no a hurricane." but you never see all the billions of individual air molecules misbehaving, you just shrug and accept the flow and flux of different wind behaviors as part of life. that's how i try to view women, a big stupid breeze that is sometimes pleasant and refreshing, just as often annoying or simply background rustling, but never my enemy. just a feature of the world.

>> No.19158770

about 50/50
if i want to buy a specific book i will buy it new
if i want to browse a selection of books and find something interesting, i'll go to a second hand store

>> No.19158776
File: 484 KB, 750x882, 1594133718401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are fucking disgusting all they can do is tell others to fuck off and do smug faces. Women have no real defense mechanism outside of that - compared to men - who can punch a bitch.

>> No.19158790

Kinda just pirate everything and buy afterwards if i like it.

Also don't buy any new books whatsoever, normies will recommend me some random new self help book but I never take any note of them.

Generally I will only buy books I would be okay with lugging around on my back or recommend my younger brothers to read understanding the time required to finish reading it.

one exception of this is buying books I cant find pirated versions of

>> No.19158792

>tik tok
Where does it say tik tok, you stupid fucking nigger. Kys.

>> No.19158800

Used. Because it’s cheaper and the cover art is much better

>> No.19158802
File: 17 KB, 281x360, 360_F_448773364_c0EPEFg9mXlSzENQYgcK240KwJtnGLGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how beautifully poetic. but leaves me with a kind of lonely feeling too. does this mean soulmates don't exist? because how could a woman ever understand you on that level.

or maybe this is why ppl turn gay?? tho that can't be it, wouldn't wanna be with a gay guy who acts like a woman...

>> No.19158810

Also quick tip to get discounted books in good condition on amazon is just buying "very good" or 'Like new' Usually amazon sellers will not list a book in any of these conditions unless they are practically brand new because a bad review fucks your seller account its not worth it for the extra dollar or two you make for the condition bump

even most 'good' condition books will be in pretty great condition

>> No.19158811

as if the platform matters you dumb cunt lol. The bitch is performing for simps on the internet, doesn't matter what app it's on. she's a whore. How much money are you sending this bitch every month, simpbro?

>> No.19158815

Ewww imagine all the snot, spit, earwax and dead skin on all those pages.

>> No.19158819

>makes a false statetemt
>it doesn't matter bro!
This is /lit/

>> No.19158820

thanks for telling us how you treat your books, anon. you filthy ass nigga

>> No.19158824

You're being pedantic. No difference between tiktok or insta my guy. you simps are gonna be throwing money at her either way.

>> No.19158825

What a great comeback! Now tell us again, how you love to touch other people's bodily fluids.

>> No.19158833

>my guy
Please buy a rope, and hang yourself IMMEDIATELY. You're a burden for everyone around you and you'll never ever be happy.

>> No.19158834 [DELETED] 

nobody finna sell no nasty ass books you stupid ass nigga lol

>> No.19158835

Yeah, this helps

Source(s): Dude trust me, bro

>> No.19158837
File: 56 KB, 645x716, df5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize at least some of your used books were previously owned by cute girls who at least sometimes sat on them, stepped on them, or touched them with their squishy boobs
>tfw qt 70s waifu who previously owned this doubleday reprint and rested her foot on it

>> No.19158847

Typically new, what I want has rarely been available at used book shops

>> No.19158851

i bought anais nin erotica from an oxfam, i wonder if anyone fapped to it

>> No.19158852

step away from the keyboard and touch grass, my guy. you needa get some fresh air or something, no cap.

>> No.19158857

based woman respecting simpcel

>> No.19158876

Whatever you say, sister

>> No.19158887

you're over reacting my guy
that's why you're so sad and miserable all the time
take a minute to cool down before you start projecting again

>> No.19158892

One post wasn't enough? I'm living rent-free in your little head.

>> No.19158898

Please buy a rope, and hang yourself IMMEDIATELY. You're a burden for everyone around you and you'll never ever be happy.

>> No.19158900

If I can get it used I will get it used, if I can't I'll get it new.

>> No.19158901

multiple people are calling you out for being a bitch, you mad homo?

>> No.19158903


>> No.19158907

tell me how i know you have never touched a vagina

>> No.19158916

I knew a thread like this would attract simps but damn y'all be pathetic fr

>> No.19158922

inceldom is lot worse than simphood. Women get killed because of the former while the latter at most drinks onions

>> No.19158930

A woman doesn't have to understand you, you just have to understand her and she has to be your woman.

Women will get hurt when they realize that you're not sharing everything with them but that's because they don't know it's not what they actually want.

>> No.19158933


>> No.19158934

Women are killed far more often by non-incels. The issue is MEN.

>> No.19158944
File: 13 KB, 300x249, 1633054094359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I endear myself to people who aren't aggressively normalfags like me?
>I know, I'll respond to everything different, weird, unconventional, or unique with "pussy is the only value; this does not acquire pussy, and is therefore valueless"
Pathetic gender.

>> No.19158945

most simps are incels too. they just lack self-worth and have given up on being a man

>> No.19158948

Man, sure is getting desperate up in here

>> No.19158967

> 'I'm not an aggressively normalfag'
Almost everyone here is just like you so I don't know why you're thinking yourself special because of an incel rant

>> No.19159038

no qt3.141592653587 reads books about esoteric hitlerism

>> No.19159044

based beyond human comprehension

>> No.19159065

another lovely thread about books

>> No.19159079

All this seething when any healthy male just sees an attractive girl.

>> No.19159088

you're pathetic my guy

>> No.19159104

Always used epubs on libgen.

>> No.19159131

i don't see how you can hate women unless you still buy into the egalitarian lie on some level

yes, they are retarded and not the same as men. how profound. yes, they have been corrupted and their femininity destroyed as a whole. the same is true of men overall too. ultimately this is all the fault of weak men (and jews, which are weak men). if you were a superior male you would be able to craft the female to what you want her to be, not be overcome by her and run away like a little boy. keep playing your computer games and jerking off to psyop jew porn.

>> No.19159137
File: 58 KB, 750x926, 67067147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies are just next-level incels

>> No.19159141

if by used you mean on amazon or ebay, then new on libgen/zlib/tpb/amule
otherwise used with all the pages it if's for me
otherwise new if it's extra rare and only available not used
otherwise new if it's a gift or some art book

Buying books is generally not a power move in the ereader era, also known as ereaderera, arara

>> No.19159156

It's mainly a problem for those of us who still want a partner who is a true equal. It's a bitter pill to swallow that women are second class citizens, mentally and spiritually equivalent to male teenagers, and that we're just supposed to accept this and treat them like the chief domestic of the household, just above children and pets.

Maybe if I hadn't been raised by media that presented women as adults it wouldn't be so jarring that none of them seem to be adults. But I was raised by that media so in my heart of hearts I do want someone I respect in a companion.

Ultimately I support D.H. Lawrence style sex segregation so that women can go back to being women and men can go back to being men. As part of that, I think we should give women every opportunity and tool they could possibly benefit from for purposes of self-cultivation. If they surprise us and prove they are full humans, then the goal of feminism will be achieved, and we won't need to artificially force it. But if women proved they truly are just inferior, more childlike versions of men, I have to admit I'd be sad.

Anyway, I hate women.

>> No.19159168

Why does hierarchy make you sad? are you some form of jew?

I was also speaking in general. It is possible to find women who are the way you say they are, but imo that is usually worse.

>> No.19159186

I find that reading books on e-readers sucks tho. So fucking clunky lol. They need to improve the e-reader experience, a lot.

>> No.19159198

No, I'm Aryan which is why I love freedom and want to recognize freedom in every other being, even down to the animal and mineral souls of nature. At the level of instinct I assume it can't be part of anything's essential nature to be enslaved. Freedom is the essence of creation, so the notion of a creation that was created solely to serve is a contradictio in adjecto.

I identify that kind of complacency, plus "I got mine, so why do I care that the slave caste doesn't?" indifference to one's neighbor, with oriental and semite attitudes. Hierarchy to me is rooted in merit. I think the converse bias of the Aryan soul (every folk-soul has its good sides and its blind spots) is that meritocracy always or necessarily wins. The purely negative side of the Aryan soul is the blond beast, which is indifferent to the freedom in others in a different way. Semites and other orientals often accept unjust hierarchy out of complacency disguised as a respect for cosmic order, but Aryans accept unjust hierarchy out of self-focused prometheanism and the only partially articulated assumption that everybody is ultimately responsible for their own self-liberation.

I agree it's usually worse in practice if a woman isn't basic. The few women I've met who break the mould were very unhappy because it seemed like everything about their "material" self rebelled against the spark of freedom in them. But I hope they were signs of things to come rather than odd freaks destined to suffer, for the same reason I have faith in freedom being the real nature of reality.

>> No.19159199

sauce on boobas?
is she on tiktok?
how old?

>> No.19159252

Is the nature of women biological or societal? If it is societal then there is still hope to cultivate women to behave on a similar level to men.

>> No.19159261

True freedom is found within a proper hierarchy. Women function best directly under a man and over children, men function best under god and over a family. Otherwise outside of this hierarchy they usually become slaves to other things and are ruined, unless they are truly worthy. That is not to say that all hierarchies are good, most of them now are jokes. I think this is part of what you were getting at though, why does it make you sad then? I still don't understand. Also you must overcome these feelings like a true Aryan, and reintegrate them into your superior transcendent self.

>> No.19159266

shut up hippie

>> No.19159283

50/50 obviously
some things are just hardwired evolutionarily and others are due to social conditioning i.e. brainwashing

>> No.19159294

biological at the core, why would you want to make women like men? this has already been tried and is an abysmal failure, that is the whole point here

>> No.19159297
File: 186 KB, 1200x800, 408370CE-2CFD-43FE-9503-8C40F01A1CF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don’t “turn gay”, silly goose

>> No.19159366

i think it is possible to. or at least the latent gene in some people is triggered by something, such as abuse or sex/porn addiction or some other mental illness.

>> No.19159429

Fuck you nigger

>> No.19159471

Based "Fuck you nigger" poster

>> No.19159493
File: 301 KB, 1280x954, 1615402209765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gay is 100% a choice for 99% of gays. And that's a good thing. A king choses, a slave obeys.

>> No.19159534

buy some used kindle 4NT or kindle 3 keyboard, they have buttons, and use them in landscape mode

>> No.19159538


>> No.19159558

Chill my guy fr fr

>> No.19159582

I hate w*men so much, it's unreal bro.
Eve was the worst punishment that G-d could bestow upon Adam.

>> No.19159593

All the people saying they hate women itt are sad. Hope you guys get help.

>> No.19159903

Pot calling the nigger black huh my guy.

>> No.19159914

Hope you don't get cheated on.

>> No.19159941

I don't buy books at all

>> No.19159948

New exclusively.
I don't want some old piece of shit some nigger may have touched or taken into the toilet with them.

>> No.19159986

visible bra lines ugghhhhhhh sexo sexo sexo

>> No.19160020

>All the people saying they hate women itt are sad
Why might that be?