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19158227 No.19158227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why be an antisemitic conspiracy theorist when you can just be anti-capitalist? Are you dumb or something?

>> No.19158237

>Hitler, swastikas, funny jew memes
>seething umm ackshullying about the labor theory of value

>> No.19158248

Communism was pushed by the jews though

>> No.19158254
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>> No.19158258

Jewish antics predate capitalism.

>> No.19158259

Anticapitalists are often antinationalists, so I see no difference between allying with antinationalist A and allying with antinationalist B.

>> No.19158262
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>> No.19158263


lmao. 10 bucks says the conclusion is
>they hate us cuz they anus, but we're a noble people so we let them
some kind of martyr shit guaranteed

>> No.19158266

Marx was antisemitic and said that the essence of capitalism was the essence of modern Jewishness and vice versa, that essence being "huckstering."

>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
>An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible.
>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations.
>Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities.
>The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew.
>The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

Marx was an atheist who saw all religion as irrational tradition, so he wasn't insulting the Jewish faith, he was saying that Jews as essentially casuistical, eternally haggling, transnational merchants with little sincere religious feeling (most were half-atheistic "cultural Jews") were naturally the first class to become the bearers of capitalist behaviors. The "practical" spirit of "real Jews" (as opposed to the tiny minority of sincere religious Jews) was a mirror for capitalism, and now the Christian West has been converted to the same "practical," hence "Jewish" spirit. According to Marx Christianity is being Jewified too, i.e., turned into a pharisaical, casuistical, practical religion, yet another surface veneer for a world whose fundamental logic is "money."

>> No.19158267


>> No.19158268

>racism, carefully planned genocide, blimps
>anti-racism, millions dead thru sheer incompetence, tractors

>> No.19158274

You will never be a woman

>> No.19158278

Capitalism is a symptom. Jews are the root cause.

>> No.19158281

It's hard not to think this when you read Werner Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism. They invented and pioneered so many central features of capitalism, including undignified advertising tactics and trying to manipulate the customer instead of just making a quality product.

Engels said that Sombart was the only professor in Germany to really understand Marx.

>> No.19158282

>poorly formatted pdf, basic spelling errors, zero annotations, banned from amazon, blames everything entirely on a single ethnic group
>bestseller, critically acclaimed, taken seriously by academia, can buy it in barnes & noble, boring nuanced argument about systems

>> No.19158284
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>“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
>This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

>> No.19158290
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Real head scratcher

>> No.19158294

If Anti semitism is the socialism of fools, anti-dutchism is the socialism of geniuses.

>> No.19158295

Hannah Arendt articulated it in The Origins of Totalitarianism.

>> No.19158296

I love how this is crudely, yet unambiguously Bare Weiss.

>> No.19158301

>If Anti semitism is the socialism of fools, anti-dutchism is the socialism of geniuses.
I think nations that trade a lot turn jewish over time.

>> No.19158315

"Bestseller" lists are rackets mostly concocted by and mostly featuring Jews
>critically acclaimed
Mostly by Jews
>taken seriously by academia
Another hijacked Jew institution
>can buy it in barnes & noble
Owned by Elliot Management, one of the world's biggest hedge funds, founded by Paul Singer (Jewish vulture capitalist). This is a list of the other managing partners: Jonathan Pollock (Jew), Gordon Singer (Paul Singer's son, Jew), Steve Cohen (Jew), Dave Miller (?), Jesse Cohn (Jew), and Zion Shohet (Jew).

>What soon gave me cause for very serious consideration were the
activities of the Jews in certain branches of life, into the mystery of
which I penetrated little by little. Was there any shady undertaking,
any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one
Jew did not participate?
>In my eyes the charge against Judaism became a grave one the moment I discovered the Jewish activities in the Press, in art, in literature and the theatre.
>The fact that nine-tenths of all the smutty literature, artistic tripe and theatrical banalities, had to be charged to the account of people who formed scarcely one per cent. of the nation--that fact could not be gainsaid. It was there, and had to be admitted. Then I began to examine my favourite 'World Press', with that fact before my mind.
>The deeper my soundings went the lesser grew my respect for that Press which I formerly admired. Its style became still more repellent and I was forced to reject its ideas as entirely shallow and superficial. To claim that in the presentation of facts and views its attitude was impartial seemed to me to contain more falsehood than truth. The writers were--Jews.
>Thousands of details that I had scarcely noticed before seemed to me now to deserve attention. I began to grasp and understand things which I had formerly looked at in a different light.
>I saw the Liberal policy of that Press in another light. Its dignified tone in replying to the attacks of its adversaries and its dead silence in other cases now became clear to me as part of a cunning and despicable way of deceiving the readers. Its brilliant theatrical criticisms always praised the Jewish authors and its adverse, criticism was reserved exclusively for the Germans.
>I had now no more hesitation about bringing the Jewish problem to light in all its details. No. Henceforth I was determined to do so. But as I learned to track down the Jew in all the different spheres of cultural and artistic life, and in the various manifestations of this life everywhere, I suddenly came upon him in a position where I had least expected to find him. I now realized that the Jews were the leaders of Social Democracy. In face of that revelation the scales fell from my eyes. My long inner struggle was at an end.

>> No.19158317

Capitalism didn’t eat my foreskin.

>> No.19158324

bari weiss is a moron but isn't a white privilege sjw type

>> No.19158330
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All the former and currently existing socialist countries were and are nationalist. Right-wing ideologies are the ones that are incompatible with nationalism.

>> No.19158335

only pinko libtards simp for other people's nationalisms

>> No.19158342

Most nationalists on this board, me included, are anti-capitalist. Capitalism is fundamentally opposed to nationalism.

>> No.19158348
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>Bare Weiss

>> No.19158354

This. Organic socialism is the natural conclusion of nationalism. The only people who think otherwise are victims of a psyop promoted by western finance after WW2 to convince people that "markets" are the real ontological base of human society. Nobody would have cared about this or bought this bullshit, except they did a good job of making "MARKETS LET THE FREE MARKET DECIDE I WANT MY BORDERS DISSOLVED THAT'S FREEDOM!!!" somehow the polar opposite of Soviet communism.

>> No.19158358

Antisemitism and anticapitalism are synonyms. It's only idiots who don't know anything about the history of capitalism who don't understand this.

>> No.19158363


>> No.19158373

Nationalism is retarded

>> No.19158386

t. Jew

>> No.19158411

>All the former and currently existing socialist countries were and are nationalist.
Mostly true, but I'm talking from a Westerner point of view. Socialist countries tend to go nationalist, but they're almost never intended to do at the start.
That's the thing, how many anticapitalist Nationalists there are compared to capitalist ones or internationalist socialists. Simply put, the movement gets submerged by the sheer mass it would have to ally to in order to have a chance.
Secular jew.

>> No.19158412

>Hey I'm anticapitalist too, want help organizing? I can get my whole big family in the labor unio-
>Noooo we don't want you, you aren't the right kind of anticapitalist, only university educated rich people, and it's VERY problematic that you have a big family, you should consider sterilizing yourself or at least a few of your kids with gender transitions and being less patriarchal, btw destigmatize mental illness, being fat and unhealthy, and constantly doing recreational drugs!!
>B-But I wanted to help out with the socialism, I'm a worker, I'm looking to join a union? Don't you want to help this country overcome the depredations of capitalism?
>Sorry pal you're just not a REAL socialist like me and my trust fund friends, so we don't need you. It's also super problematic that you only want to help this country. Why not help every other country at once?? There's a crackerjack initiative in the Senate, put forward by several corporate lobbyist groups, to remove the national borders and allow for an unrelenting stream of scab labor from the third world, you should focus on supporting that. What the fuck is a "union" btw?

>> No.19158685

you can still make funny jew memes without actually hating jews

>> No.19158706

>Why be an antisemitic conspiracy theorist when you can just be anti-capitalist?
what's the difference?

>> No.19158739

>conspiracy theorist
it's all so tiresome, bros

>> No.19158746

Why does 4chan always claim Jews are leftists, when they are overwhelmingly zionist rightists?

>> No.19158758

OP btfo in his own thread

>> No.19158771

Bruh communism is antijew

>> No.19158791

This is Jews 101 bro, Jews are BOTH nationalists and anti-nationalist leftists. They are leftists when it comes to your country, nationalists when it comes to their own. Once you've seen it, you can see it in every prominent Jewish publish intellectual. Even Jewish "conservatives" are open borders crypto-leftists who hate nationalism only when Europeans or Arabs practice it.

"As a Jew, he wished to be in a society in which he
felt safe, although the nationalist entity he desired for Jews would not
necessarily be the kind of society that he would wish to reside in as a
Jew in exile. While in Germany before the rise of the Nazis, he may
have hoped for a time to see the land of his birth become such a haven,
but when forced to emigrate, he transferred his hopes to Anglophone
societies. In England, where he found temporary employment at
Cambridge in 1935, Strauss came to idolize Churchill, the adversary
of the Nazis and, perhaps even more significantly, the personification
for him of Anglo-American democratic practice."

"But whether deutsche Kultur was to be admired or demonized may have
been less important for Strauss than a more practical concern. Given
what he considered his Jewish marginality, it seemed best to promote a
“liberal democratic” society in which he and others of his kind would feel secure."

"What Strauss privileged were “liberal democratic” values, and he
scolded his fellow academics for not rallying to this political cause
with suitable enthusiasm. The other loyalty that Strauss passionately
expressed throughout his life was to Jewishness and the Jewish state."

"The cure for this problem of discrimination against Jews, Strauss
indicates in the preface, was “political Zionism,” a solution that he
backed in principle. What had to be done at the same time, however,
was to make life tolerable for those Jews who, like Strauss, did not
embrace the Zionist option. Their alternative was “liberal democracy,”
by which the writer meant something more fortifying than freedom as
that term would be understandable to nineteenth-century European
bourgeoisie or contemporary libertarians."

"This sanitized or virtual Right has found a powerful voice in Harry
Jaffa’s Claremont Institute, a foundation that combines a generally
interventionist approach to dealing with America’s undemocratic
enemies abroad with generally progressive positions on racial and
immigration questions."

>> No.19158808

Yeah no

>> No.19158828
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>> No.19158870

why be an antisemitic conspiracy theorist or an anti-capitalist when you can be nrx and piss both of those retarded groups off?

>> No.19158875

Ok like, give me money.

>> No.19159300


>> No.19159485

“ The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state”

>> No.19159512

This. Stalin did it all the time.

>> No.19159553

because capitalism is intrinsic to human society and not even successful communist revolutions can change that. capitalism isn't going anywhere

>> No.19159562

I'll let you in on a secret Goy.
Jews don't care if they live in communism or capitalism as long as they get the top positions in the system.
When the kremlin and Washington diplomats spoke over the red line, they didn't speak Russian or English to each other.
They spoke Jew.
Although later on the Soviet Union became an anti semitic entity when the Russians regained some control that they had lost over their country previously

>> No.19159592

I see a pattern.

>> No.19159613

>nrx is anticapitalist
Friendly reminder your movement was started by a kike smart enough to realise that libertarianism is incompatible with democracy but not smart
enough to realise libertarianism is incompatible with not being 14

>> No.19159646

Mencius Moldbergstein's entire thing is progress is being impeded by democracy and that elites (Jews) should step up and rule openly again without any occult voting rituals.

>> No.19159663

'oxymoron' gets overused
but 'free market nationalist' is one.
this is why neolibs are laughing rn

>> No.19159682

He was hilarious when he was on Hyperpodcastism. Very well spoken and thoughtful guy until someone mentions his ethnicity and WW2, then he starts sperging out massively.

>> No.19159727
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>According to Marx Christianity is being Jewified too, i.e., turned into a pharisaical, casuistical, practical religion, yet another surface veneer for a world whose fundamental logic is "money."
In a sense, yeah, but that practical spirit becomes the general spirit of the whole society -- of the Christian nations. And none of this is detached from real life, which means that unless you're (a) a feudal lord (b) a knight (c) a priest or (d) a peasant, you're probably engaged in economic activity that hundreds of years ago was reserved for Jews because it was disreputable. Do you run a business that sells stuff on the market? Well, bad news, that makes you a "Jew" now, in terms of your social position.

You're going to get a "pogrom" going you'd pretty much have to take out the whole western world. Or you'd have to neck yourself.

>Capitalism didn’t eat my foreskin.
For the anti-Semite, the Jew is a cipher. They're everywhere and nowhere. And while they are real people, for the anti-Semite, the Jew is simply a reminder of what they're missing. Circumcision is just a reminder of that fact.

Meanwhile, for the Jew, their neuroticism is simply a desperate attempt to account for the anti-Semite's hatred. For the anti-Semite, their anti-Semitism is a desperate attempt to emulate the Jew's particular talent for self-loathing. In this sense, Jews and anti-Semites are the same people.

>> No.19159766

He has this cop out that Hitler was dumb because some people said he was boring in table talk or whatever, and he knows his grandparents were communists.
He knows the truth about what his people committed during the 20th century but he will never admit it ot talk about it.
As far as I'm concerned his time of intellectual significance has passed anyways.

>> No.19159773

That's a mighty fine conceptual essay about how X is really Y by opposing Y because not-Y contains Y and X is the mirror of its own shadow that disappears in the light of the full moon and so on and so forth, but at the end of the day, 0.2-2.0% of your country's population has up to 500,000% overrepresentation in finance, media, culture, higher education, policy-making, lobbying, and every other form of decision-making.

Whatever neato epistemological upsy-downy inside-out quandaries antisemitism may or may not lend itself to, the kernel of antisemitism is and has always been "uhhh bro why is 74% of the 'Committee on American Art' made up of wealthy Jews from New York..?"

Antisemitism is a rational response to a mundane problem.