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File: 380 KB, 360x496, 1632902548322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19157885 No.19157885 [Reply] [Original]

The philosophical and psychological implications of this image are many. Surely, you see them. In your best prose, discuss them. Let the games begin.

>> No.19158048

I accepted the invite because I was told it would just be a chill hang. My meal was 16 hot wings and honestly things seemed not too bad, cheerful even. Enter this efaggot with a fried brain. He can't enjoy pleasant retelling of how one's day went as a memory. If someone revealed an embarrassing but hilarious childhood story it would not count as a good day. Now I'm pressured to eat 4 slices of pizza so we could all remember how fucked up it was xD. Last time I had to smell like seaweed and old milk my entire shift because it would be living in the moment to jump in our river. One retelling is enough. I will smile in the picture and leave. I am the second guy left to right I would never be anyone else and if my job gets too frustrating I will kill the guy to my right not yours.

>> No.19158091

those pizzas are FUCKED

>> No.19158109

Kek teenagers eating pizza has philosophical and psychological implications?

>> No.19158120


>> No.19158130

>4 guys vs 2 xl pizzas
This is an uncomfortable image, and I just realized it’s because the cameraman or more likely camerawoman, probably a mother, counts his or herself as an outsider to this group taking voyeuristic interest in four adolescents eating pizza.
They’re smiling uncomfortably for the camera.
The idea of four guys eating two pizzas is fine, but the realization that they are being observed and the moment crystalized into a commodity to be viewed and shared on social media for “likes”, greater awareness of the kind of culture social media creates, and the kind of creature who would need to capture a moment like this make it uncomfortable.

>> No.19158138
File: 256 KB, 1200x1485, 35e2a0_8826286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The philosophical and psychological implications of this image are many
Pizza makes your ass FAT

>> No.19158229

- We will now move our attention to the next piece.
Excited murmurs swept through the crowd. Same reaction every time, the tour guide knew. He preferred The Frogs, their manifold expressions and wide range of experience, but even after seeing and talking about them a thousand times, The Lads never failed to impress. Their youthful innocence paired with silly smugness, their sincere naivety, looks that betrayed a lack of knowledge and yet oozed sensible confidence. It comforted him to know that some qualities are timeless.
- Much has been said about these young men. As we all know 'Let The Games Begin' was something of a cultural reset, but to assume that its impact was immediate and obvious would be wrong.
A few astonished looks and raised eyebrows graced the onlookers.
- Infact at the time of its inception its impact was hotly debated. Initially a so-called "snap" from friends to friends, its release to the public drew wildly differing interpretations at first. To many it was merely what it seemed to be, a silly joke between acquaintances, no further interpretation being necessary or even possible. And yet to others it was more. Others saw the varying looks, how similar and yet unique they were, each in their own expression. They saw the composition and recognized the golden ratio, how it swung from the lower extra-large pizza over the soft drinks and then through the heads of the four friends from left to right. Others recognized the symbology of the numbers. Three soft drinks, three white shirts, three dark-haired boys. Two pepsi's, two pizzas, two brothers, each of these sets of doubles interpolated by another. One red shirt, one set of blonde hair, one 7-Up. Four friends, four plastic thingies on each pizza, each pizza cut into eight pieces. And yet one may also simply say it is pure coincidence, or atleast back then that opinion was acceptable. After all, it clearly nothing other than a candid photograph of a few friends having a nice night-out, and communicating that fact to their other friends. Who these men were, we do not know. We may never know. But the elusive and yet writ-large theme of friendship being capable of overcoming all obstacles harkens back to a time when man was simpler.

>> No.19158242

>M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Motherfucking wax

>> No.19158321


>> No.19158336

Implants make your ass fat

>> No.19158374

Just guys being dudes.

>> No.19158456

Having sat in this dreary pizza parlour since his wife left him this morning, John thought it appropriate to accost any and all visitors to ‘pizza palace’ The stench of divorce, that putrid smell of cheap whiskey and womanly tears flooded the room, rolling across the tile floor like mist. It made sure all revellers took a wide berth.

The 4 spot ridden and anxious teens stumbled through the door in fits of laughter and joviality. Something about how one of them was gay or something. They found themselves splayed across one of the booths with two huge, XL pizzas infront of them and a Pepsi each. One of them said “this is epic”
“We’d be totally cracked if we finish all this”

Lifting his chin off the bar he couldn’t help but notice their youth. How the skin was tight on their face, giving particular definitions to the bad job they’d done with their shaving.
“These fuckers” he spluttered out, far louder than he had imagined.
“I’m gonna tell these kids what it is”
He slid off his stool, letting the clack of his ‘cowboy style’ boots announce his presence. After quickly twirling for his beer, he made his way over to their table.
“So what? Which one of you will eat the most. The faggot with the gay hair or the other guy who sucks dick. You two are two gay even for each other”
The boys turned simultaneously towards the dark leather clad figure, leaning purposely over the end of the booth. They needn’t respond for he had already thought of a tale to tell.
Sliding clunkily next to the boy in the end he began to tell a tall tale.
“ listen boys, one minute your having sex with an Italian red head with a pussy as tight as Nigerian mans wallet then before your know it she’s taking half the dog. If I were you I’d stick to been gay. You only have to worry about that aids virus thing? HIG? Who cares, back when I was a young man. Yeah, I fucked a few truckers. Who can turn down 100 dollars, plus a ride to Milwaukee. You might meet the love of your life there”
How should the boys tackle this speech? Adress the racism, how he was gay or the blatant drunkenness he was displaying. No one thought to respond. It was pointless, he went on.
“She really fucking can’t get over it, you understand”
“No, sir” one of them responded bafflingly.
“Yeah, I had sex with a dog, a male dog, so what. The dog aspect I get, but the male bit? That’s pure homophobia”
“Fucking Protestants, I knew I should have got her in the church”

End of story.

>> No.19158497

look at those thighs, she's probably doing squats non stop

>> No.19158937


There were two pizzas, smaller ones...

>> No.19160061

Fuck you nigger

>> No.19160426

these ugly niggas piggin out yo no cap

>> No.19160476
File: 34 KB, 620x349, welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19160511
File: 584 KB, 3840x2160, C83746A4-D68D-44F0-9108-13684F2B723D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>four plastic thingies on each pizza

>> No.19160573
File: 97 KB, 733x464, 1597632680321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19160611

This particular photograph displays a typically late-capitalist model of consumption. First, a look at the context: four young men who have arranged to meet together at this dimly lit chain restaurant to perform what can only be called a post-modern simulation of the archetypal feasting celebration. The most basic elements all remain, albeit in a reduced form: local delicacies, friendship, presumably music. Now all of this seems quite mundane until one regards the fact they've taken a photograph of this event. This decision caused them to pause before eating and create a display of the food first, posing together in a pre-meal ritual that in a different time would have been a prayer. They dutifully assume their positions and wear their grimaces, performing their role in the photographic ritual that removes the event from itself and creates an ironic, self deprecating atmosphere among its participants that surely pervades the meal from there on in. Is one truly enjoying the pizza or merely performing the act of enjoying the pizza for the everpresent audience? The difference becomes impossible to make out and not only does depersonalization result but also derealization as the event becomes a hyperevent under the sign of consumption. A note on the caption - the framing of conspicuous consumption (note unnecessary inclusion of the size of the pizza) as a combat adds to the irony created by the photo. Obviously the pizzas will offer little resistance, the only challenge to be had is assuaging the painful self-awareness created by the snapshot with ironic self-distancing from the event itself.
in simpler times this might have been an enjoyable evening with comrades, now it's a painful embarrassment that will permanently linger not only in your mind but in a digital cloud dedicated to stockpiling thousands of terabyts of normie cringe.

>> No.19160629

no one cares. please kill youreslf

>> No.19160788

yeah i don't like muscle bums nor implant bums. for me it's soft n chubby bums.

>> No.19160867

I thy bitch lord pizzas extra large cried the guys four they were taken roughly from behind

>> No.19160915

>Obviously the pizzas will offer little resistance
This faggot has never eaten extra large live dog pizza.

>> No.19161348

infinitely basado

>> No.19161359
File: 54 KB, 1024x995, 1610517710448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm. Squibbly.... DEHMFZ. However, through second order observation we come to see the ZDHHHHHHHH as being its own antecedent, thus KBSDHNVSNLKDNSDVLKN DVASDV.

In conclusion, I am a fat virgin with a small penis.