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/lit/ - Literature

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19149395 No.19149395 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19149416

first for zyzz

>> No.19149419

I find the fact that /lit/ hates females authors to be rather absurd. But then again, the vast majority of /lit/ anons are pseuds.

>> No.19149451

Marx was correct about some things but it doesn't matter because socialism is shit and communism is shit too. A society that is brought up and expected to stand with the poor losers of society is one that produces nothing of value in way of moving humanity toward greater heights. Communism by definition is impossible. There will never be a moneyless, classless society. The only way that could be achieved is if society was comprised of 100% robotic entities and humanity would be dead at that point.

>> No.19149475

>Marx was correct about some things
>communism is shit
you can't have these opinions at the same time, try again

>> No.19149480
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based. what books would zyzz read, brahs?

>> No.19149481
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For the past year I've been growing out my mustache. It's quite bushy and full.

Now once a week some dude will compliment it. Like, in the past month three guys have told me "Nice mustache." I guess that's good? Dunno, I've never been complimented on my looks before.

>> No.19149502

Yes you can. Marx lays out a lot of points in order to garner an emotional response from the working class. But emotions don't produce greatness, they don't insure anything actually. So Marx can be right when he makes a point about selling your time and being exploited but that doesn't make his solutions ideal or preferable. Marx is a professional manipulator and kind of a hack when you think about it.

>> No.19149555

Everything is so fucking awful. Every fire I put out two more sprout in its place. With age comes the repercussions of old actions. Fuck money. Fuck people. God I just want to sleep forever but I’m too much a coward.

>> No.19149605

so a weird thing happened. i have never given out or used my icloud email address ever. literally the only people in the world that know what it is are apple. so last week i updated to ios 15, and since i have icloud+ they suggested i turn on the "protect my email" feature that stops email trackers supposedly. i do use my iphone email app for work too and sometimes get spam from contractors and sales people, so i'm like ok sounds cool. today i get spam in my icloud account for the first time ever. not my work account, my icloud account that only apple knows. that feature that was supposed to protect my email got me fucking spammed! apple is so far gone. took ten years from jobs death, but it's over now man, that place it rotten. they also just had a vulnerability in apple pay where people could charge stuff on visa cards from a locked phone, and of course all those imessage zero click hacks that arab governments were using to spy on activists. screw apple man!

>> No.19149624

i really don't know what to do. i am so unhappy with myself. i am unhappy with where i am in life. nothing went as planned. i feel trapped.

and yet, i have no reason to be unhappy. i live much better than i ever did. i adapted, i evolved, i rose to the challenge at the time. but i don't know what to do if I should give all this up. i don't want to abandon everyone and everything but i just feel so unhappy and i don't know why

>> No.19149651

i know how that can be. i definitely feel trapped in my job, but it's a better job than most chuds on here will ever get so i don't want to be ungrateful, but on the other hand it doesn't pay shit and some of the people are obnoxious as hell. i feel like the only way to get out is to quit or get fired, otherwise i will just stay there forever shopping around for a more comfy job instead of just getting out. my boss likes me though because she knows i'm the only person around who knows how to program. we have some people that are handy with excel, but they can't really automate anything like i can. of course the reason no one else can code around here is because people who can code are working somewhere else making way more money.

>> No.19149662

same bro but i havent even so much as kissed a girl yet. and the first girl i went on dates with just played me. its fucking suffering

>> No.19149688
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I finally blocked this girl that has been dominating my life and just as I did so I realised she's been seeing some guy behind my back the whole time. I'll never hear how or why. I'm finding it almost too much to deal with lads. Help :(

>> No.19149695

i hope there are some good albums tonight. the singles from the new pond album are good so that should be decent, idk what else drops on the 1st.

>> No.19149720

i can relate. had a similar experience in college. not much else i can say than it's life experience.

>> No.19149725
File: 80 KB, 471x517, A12D7719-DB2D-4224-9C2B-DDEB6D2C5394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read book
>try to summarize it in my journal
>realize I went on a long ass tangent

>> No.19149726

Hahaha fag. In ten years you will either look back on this and think "haha what a fag I was, glad I cut that bitch off" or you'll look back on an additional several years of acting like a simp fag and getting jerked around and crying about it like a little pussy. Part of taking a shit is learning when to stop looking at it and just flush it away.

>> No.19149778

dude that literally happened to me a few months ago, it happens. just be glad you got out without too much damage. you'll find someone else who actually enjoys being with you

>> No.19149794

Think she has BPD or something at the very least because she did an extremely good job of convincing me she loved my company. Can't sleep thinking about it

>> No.19149814

she could have legitimately liked your company and also liked fucking the other guy.

>> No.19149820

t. roastie, jesus the sick ugly awful shit that comes from your twisted minds

>um im a guy
yeah yeah shut up bitch

>> No.19149827

I've spent the last couple of days hanging bone chimes around my property in an attempt to ward off the rabid Jehovah's Witnesses I told I was Catholic last time in an attempt to discourage, and who have been even more insistent since.

>> No.19149830

Christ that's fucking worse! And she only went cold for the first time a few days ago, it's obviously when it started

>> No.19149832

Why didn't more Greek and Roman historians' works survive? The little snippets we have are so kino. Will someone 2000 years from now mourn the scarcity of 21st century shitposts available?

>> No.19149837

this is exactly what happened with me. she did a very good job of talking and having a good time all the while coming up with a bullshit excuse to leave early and not take the relationship further right? or she'd just stop messaging for days or weeks on end?
its good that you recognize this cause now you can move on. imagine having kids, or being married while dealing with her fucking behind your back

>> No.19149887

Yeah although she talked totally non stop for months with me until literally this week. Really intolerable to have lost her like this, I literally opened Instagram to block her then put two and two together. Wish I'd never seen it, could have lived in ignorance while still blocking her. Just have to assume God has a reason for showing me :(

>> No.19149902

Correct. The truth is that man is incapable of forming utopia. All attempts to do so are just the Tower of Babel in microcosm, and will have similar results. All attempts to form a timeless utopia should be laughed at, derided, and fought against

>> No.19149940
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r9k tards need to clear the fuck out

>> No.19149960
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Yet another night drinking alone. I don't even like alcohol that much, but talking to the bartender girl is pretty much the only social interaction I get. Today I told her some of my stories about eating shit from back when I used to skate/bike.
Also, I bought The Path to the Nest of Spiders the other day, but it still is on the bookstore's plastic bag.

>> No.19149968

one of the more embarrassing posts ive borne witness to on lit

>> No.19149974

You can admit a man can have a few good particular points while thinking the whole ideology is shit.

>> No.19149978

I hate niggers.

>> No.19149984

Holy shit, shut up and move on. It's just a whore

>> No.19149986


>> No.19149995

This whole general is cancer

>> No.19149996

Yeah basically every guy experiences this nowadays post-highschool. When it happened to me I could kind of tell she was seeing someone else (she invited a guy to the same party i came to her with). The worst part was that despite not being totally enamored with her and the relationship being fairly young, I was still probably the most enraged I've ever been in my life after I found out. Perhaps it was primordial paternity uncertainty but it could have also been the dramatic way I found out. After scrolling thru and finding the guys finsta I spotted a picture of her (from the neck down) in bra/panties. This was probably 2 weeks after I saw him at that party with us.

Shake down these bitches. Fuck em.

>> No.19150000

>Durhurhurhurhurrr. Look at me. I’m a contrarian bitch

In a sea of r9k bots a litizen gives a good post and you call that embarrassing?
Go back

>> No.19150009

Strong tranny vibes. Anyone else confirm?

>> No.19150014

If you asked me from 5 years ago what he thinks of me now, he'd be okay with it. If you ask me from 4 years ago what he thinks of me now, he'd be crushed. If you asked me from 3 years ago what he thinks of me now, he wouldn't be surprised at where I'm at now.

It's crazy to me how badly everything fell apart in one day in November 2017. I woke up one day on the up-and-up, and when I went to sleep I was in ruins. I feel bad for not recovering either. It's not like I was maimed or physically injured or assaulted, I should have been able to bounce back quickly. But I am weak, and sticks and stones aren't the only things which hurt. Words ravaged me pretty badly.

>> No.19150018

>Erythin iy done lyk ith a tranny
Confirmed for being from r9k.

>> No.19150025

It wasn't a good post, nice get.

>> No.19150029


>> No.19150031

Can confirm. Definitely a seething tranny

>> No.19150033

in the wise words of thaiboy goon,
>have you ever had the feeling going through your mind
>that you're on the grind and you're about to cry
>some are doing crime
>some are suicide
>I just want you to know that these bitches go 4 nothing
>go for nothing
>them bitches go 4 nothing

>> No.19150041

Alright alright. Where the fuck else could I vent at this time of night

>> No.19150066


>> No.19150067

OP is a faggot

>> No.19150072
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I lose 8 hours of my life to a thankless job, so that I may be allowed to spend the other 8 actually being alive, being a person, not being a mere function in someone else's machine, not being a tool for someone else's dreams, yet I find that I can no longer live, for everything that is human has been slowly closed off from me. My life has been reduced to a continuous nightmare. I can't wake up.

This world is undifferentiable from a very bad dream. Like a dream, none of it makes any sense, yet worse is that I'm supposed to behave as if it did.

Does "community" even exist? When in spite of all the sloganeering of "diversity", "inclusion" and "empathy", the first impulse of the "citizens" of this state, when for the very first time they felt their lives under threat, was to use their stimulus to empty the pantry of every aisle.

And the "politics"? Left or right, up or down, it's all one big circus and you're the clown of the act.

This country is an illusion. It's a shopping mall, a glorified economic zone. Its religion is hedonic nihilism. Its clergy are rappers, actors, and sports stars. And those who fail to live up to its hedonism are the heretics and the outcasts.

I'm fortunate enough to realize that I don't have to do anything here. There is no bullet to fire, no book to write, and no gospel to preach. The open secret is that we're all sitting on a time bomb: infinite growth in a finite world. Good luck to those who choose to march on, but I'm calling it quits soon enough. It's not worth it, not for anything nor for anyone.


>> No.19150073

No. I deny the charge.
You’re an insecure shut-in who hasn’t read anything today but 4chan

>> No.19150093

I just don't see what the big deal is. You dodged a bullet and shut down a whore. Why are you so upset? How long did you even know her?

>> No.19150099

Now that's therapeutic

>> No.19150102

Shit be whack yo

>> No.19150105

Yeah not that long. I'm just too sensitive, hopefully this is the end of that and I can start being more guarded with these cunts. Appreciate your words anyway

>> No.19150106
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>Does "community" even exist?
Not online. We have to go outside and help establish it. The video reminds me of an Adam Curtis doc. It’s the Matrix, but we can pull the tubes out easily enough


>> No.19150117

I need to be strong, I need to be a man if I want to change my life.

>> No.19150143

I just came back from a toastmasters session. First time I've ever been. Decided to go on the spur of the moment because I struggle with social anxiety related mainly to public speaking. I just feel like my mind goes completely blank and I can't think of anything to say during the moment. It's tough, it really is. Going to push myself to keep going though - hopefully I'll eventually become more confident :)

>> No.19150144
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I'm not a homosexual dad, stop it! It's just I appreciate the bare form of male beauty. Philosophically, it alone and the noise women spatter produced the tradition of true understanding and the quest for it. You would too, if you weren't such a coward. NOOOOO, don't tell the neighbors how useless I am because I don't want to give you grandchildren!! Can't you see the world is so terrible place for a child?

>> No.19150149

i really wish i never existed in the first place. dismissing myself now would only cause too much trouble, things should have been nipped at the bud. i had that chance too, but i decided to pussy out. i wonder how better things would have been if i pulled it sooner

>> No.19150150
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>> No.19150156

Do you have my house bugged or something?

>> No.19150179

Stop talking yourself into this degeneracy, fool.
I mean find a way out of it or not, just stop spreading this nonsense here. It’s supposed to bring others to the same stupid conclusions, is it?

Wake the fuck up

>> No.19150200

I never knew you were so based actually

>> No.19150203

Butters has been getting more based lately

>> No.19150210

How does anyone beholden to an ideology ever pursue the act of creation? You would be a hypocrite not to create which conforms fully to your belief but such a restraint challenges any freedom at all only leaving the narrow avenue to imitate what your forbearers already have done or risk heterodoxy, At which point you are not even imitating but merely re-duplicating which is a redundant uselessness. In creating outside of the avenue we introduce innovation which pushes a new or unknown but ideology or dogma or rule knows no "unknown" for something either qualifies as within or without. Yet we cannot create with ourself as out only measure becuase even in a void where no outside bias can poisin the purity of our own self adherence we only create a re-duplication of ourselves. So if we hold no rule, no rule of no rule is there anything to determine besides the arbitrary manipulation of what forced upon us first? can there be no grace to separate us from providence and if there is a magical dimension a such which freess us from determination why would we even care for the intital concern of creation when we should focus all exertion into the other dimension. The only solace would be a vain hipe that the creation itself is the dimension for which we search which would redeem and justify the original pursuit from all nihilistic reproach. An unfalsifiable belief which can be carried to death

>> No.19150215
File: 987 KB, 1412x2000, 5D34F064-5BDB-4803-A4F5-6C0B8481A6E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone smarter than me articulate in words why I love Tolstoy’s prose much more than other writers. I can’t pinpoint what about it that’s so special.

>> No.19150226

>just don't be depressed lol

>> No.19150232

I'm having bad cravings to smoke weed but I know it is very bad for me. I just want to anesthetize myself

>> No.19150241

>want to read heidegger
>realize that i'd have to read everything before him

>> No.19150285

>want to read anything
>realize I have to read everything

>> No.19150298

Started with the Greeks in March, getting there bros.

>> No.19150307

You care very deeply about what people consider classics and have severely and permanently limited your scope of literature, possibly for life.
You'll never find out that your favorite author is some chilean woman born in the past 30 years for this reason, but that's ok.

>> No.19150349
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Tim Dillon is my favorite podcaster/comedian right now.

>> No.19150375

Why? Heidegger's point is that the question of Being has been forgotten since Plato and Aristotle. Just read a little of those two and you're good to go.

>> No.19150456

a lot of amateurs and academic failures gravitate towards absolutist philosophical systems
the older and irrelevant, the better

>> No.19150513

>read a little of those two
anything in particular regarding works?

>> No.19150519

ya Hussayn

>> No.19150577

No that’s definitely not true.

>> No.19150737

I’m so tired and I want to sleep but I simply can’t, I’m gonna be working up until the minute my studio starts. I really enjoy this major but holy fuck, architecture just takes up my entire life’s time, no time for hobbies or reading

>> No.19150751

Why modern architecture so soulless?

>> No.19150766
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This for sure.

>> No.19150816
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How do I get into writing fiction? I keep trying to write down my ideas, but I always feel like my methods are counter-intuitive. What am I missing here?

>> No.19150819
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Happy Birthday 4chan!

>> No.19150828
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>> No.19150862

Same. Never a woman complimenting which is odd. I go for the full moustache with a very short trimmed beard

>> No.19150939

it was part of my tax return. i got a big fat one this year i decided to splurge on books

>> No.19150951

My sister is binge reading Jose Saramago's books. I googled it and learned that the guy is an anarcho-communist, should I be worried?

>> No.19150988
File: 98 KB, 400x634, 4A7143F6-8A3D-4BDE-B569-E861CD6FFBC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You should be an anarcho-communist

>> No.19151017

Free speech no more, costs 17 dollars.

>> No.19151093

I really envy those small youtubers who solo sail across the sea in a small boat, could you imagine sailing in the middle of the Atlantic, surrounded by nothing but the sea and the starry sky while you indulge yourself in your books away from society?
I wish I could afford such a lifestyle, unfortunately even if I somehow afforded a decent boat and managed to get a hold of the huge learning curve involved in sailing, I'd still need a constant income to afford food and supplies

>> No.19151109

How could you possibly not be overcome by thalassophobia in such a situation? And if you're at all prone to any sort of motion sickness, protracted periods of time spent at sea sounds like hell on earth. Nine meter swells are one thing in a large ferryboat. They're another entirely when the height of the waves is greater than the length of your boat.

I have the misfortune of living on the oceanside. The sea is far less romantic than it seems.

>> No.19151122

I mean if those people managed to do it I don't see why I couldn't, I also feel like thalassophobia would only affect people who aren't used to living alone to begin with, I don't think there's anything in the sea that requires being scared of, and I also think most people do not mind dying doing what they enjoy so in a sense it might help overcome it.
as for motion sickness I admit I've never been on a small boat so I wouldn't know how it feels compared to some large ferryboat, but my assumption is that it's not so bad if you keep your attention on the weather and only seek calm water to sail on, then again I don't know anything about this stuff beyond the basics so take it with a grain of salt.
overall I guess this too is just a case of the grass being greener on the other side.

>> No.19151165

How's your swimming?

You get what weather comes your way. Boats are not very fast. There's often a sizeable swell out in open water, even on days that seem calm on land. That only gets worse in inclement weather. If you get at all sick in a car, especially on winding roads, you will almost inevitably get seasick. Not 100% guaranteed, there's the odd person who doesn't, but the chance is very decent. Motion sickness tends not to let up on vomiting, and in long distance seafaring with often persist for days into the voyage. Or, if you're one of the especially unlucky, the entire trip.

Going on 27 years long exposure to the ocean has taught me to be cautious of it and all the things that dwell there (my worst ever experience was with a stingray in knee-deep water.) Don't get me wrong, some people love being at sea so much they're perfectly happy to make that their entire livelihood. I have an uncle who was a fisherman his entire working life, but that was with a crew, with a series of immediate tasks to perform whenever he was at sea, not with only his own company and books for purpose.

>> No.19151277

the world is run by former schoolgirl prefects gone governmental middle manager
I just wanna skin animals and wear their pelts

>> No.19151294

I realized today that i’m a republican. I believe the republic form of government is the best.

>> No.19151298

Im going to start with Plato. Starting with First Alcibiades and then Gorgias.

>> No.19151303

Is the Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky translation of Anna Karenina acceptable? Or should I really seek out a better translation?

>> No.19151312

i sucked a man in reno
just to watch him cum

>> No.19151352

...why? what a retarded thing to say.

>> No.19151361
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hi v_v

>> No.19151365

>I'm finding it almost too much to deal with lads. Help :(
I suggest tucking in comfily and marathoning TP.

>> No.19151372

lmao. are you going to try especially hard to decorate for Halloween this year?

>> No.19151382

how pathetic are you, for continually posting in a thread you think is cancer?

>> No.19151405

Anyone know how I can learn to make good typography (soulless but good quality commercial stuff is enough)? Is /ic/ a good board to ask this?

>> No.19151421

eating good thai food... sister is adopting a dog... it's a good day

>> No.19151427

plato is based as fuck, have fun anon

>> No.19151434

long ago I was in a relationship and I was kind of jealous, and I got the idea that one of my friends was making a move on my girl (I don't think this was true), and we got drunk once just him and me and I told him flat out "If anything happens between the two of you, I'll kill you." I don't really feel any guilt about this, and I can't really tell if I should. We were old friends and I was almost certainly just paranoid.

>> No.19151440

this is normal but you just got to get to the point where there's no doubt that she's yours alone

>> No.19151445
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ay anon who called me an autist for not knowing how to interact with kids:

I held eye-contact with and smiled at a 1 year old for like 25 seconds today, and it felt fine. He didn't really look like he was thinking much, then for a little moment he kind of leaned back and looked bewildered, and then he looked away. It felt like it was a good thing.

>> No.19151448

sorry that's not the right word, more like a little overwhelmed but not in a bad way

>> No.19151451

that 1 year old is gonna have that memory at the furthest reaches of the back of his mind for the rest of his life

>> No.19151487

>have horrible tale to tell therapist
>debilitating guilt
>think "oh my God, am I really going to tell them this, what will happen when I tell someone this, this is my death"
>lay awake all night before the meeting
>unironically at one point repeating to myself "Jesus walked willingly into torture, Jesus walked wilingly into torture, Jesus walked willingly into torture"
>gathering strength to tell her, so we can do what's right

>tell her the story
>she finds it relatively unremarkable
>"that was what you had to tell me?"
now all that remains to do is figure out who diddled me to make me have this completely wack sense of guilt

>> No.19151520

Is he a good starting point? Perhaps i should start chronologically with pre-socratics.

>> No.19151534

>she finds it relatively unremarkable
Therapists hear a lot of horrible things every day, it's not surprising if she was unfazed.

>> No.19151536

My ex keeps calling me and asking me to meet up. We already had two long talks(tm) and she just doesn't want to accept that I dumped her. I'm about to get back together with her, ironically enough, just to get her off my back. Falling for the gf meme was a mistake.

>> No.19151537

Usually i have the GPS on my phone off, but yesterday i turned it on cause i let google maps work out a way around a new construction site for me. Today i came back home from the gym and got a notification from Google on how i would rate my gym visit. Since when is this a thing and if thus has been a thing for longer why have i never heard of this before

>> No.19151542

I read the republic and the statesman. he is a particular kind of autist, but I like platonism, and he's a very good author imo, it makes for an entertaining read. as for how to start and everything, I have no idea, but I thought the republic was a fine starting point

>> No.19151545

oh you meant relative to the oldies: I don't know, I had not read them

>> No.19151550

It's been a thing for years. If a business is marked on google maps (that is almost every single one) google can tell if you are there and they sometimes ask you to rate them.

>> No.19151553
File: 209 KB, 1244x1013, Tumblr_l_106780245970815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have unhealthy obsession with grey eyes. I saw someone with the most beautiful grey eyes I've ever seen on the internet and can't stop thinking about those for 2 years. To think of it, my high school crush also had greyish eyes. I think LOTR also did this to me.

>> No.19151554
File: 374 KB, 1233x697, reki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now all that remains to do is figure out who diddled me to make me have this completely wack sense of guilt
I got diddled by some older girls on multiple occasions between the ages of six and twelve. But I never told anybody because I didn't want to seem ungrateful of the sexual attention.

>> No.19151599

>you can die at any given moment
i cant seem to make peace with this thought.

>> No.19151660

that image is actually incredible, lmao. it's like a caricature manifested into reality

>> No.19151670

are you seriously implying someone can't read Tolstoy and love him without pretense? what an absolute retard.

>> No.19151712

When I hear that faggot rollin
I hang my head and lie

>> No.19151731

why don't you just fucking ask already instead of asking about asking

>> No.19151732

tell me about some of the looks you exchanged with strangers when you were 1

>> No.19151742

What if we do find life on other planets but nothing akin to us? What if all we find are another group of animals and insects, and we're the only 'intelligent' beings?

>> No.19151748

I think I want to join my country’s military.

>> No.19151756

It makes me really sad that I will probably never meet an intelligent lifeform from another planet. I look up at the stars with pain and tears in my eyes knowing that they are too far away for us to know about these things in my lifetime. All I want to know is what's up there, what are they like? Are they similar to us? What is their family tree like, their language, culture, literature, ect. I would give almost anything to know.

>> No.19151781

if life is ever found elsewhere, this would be extremely likely. but the idea of finding anything truly habitable to life, or even life itself, considering the spatial and temporal near impossibility of getting anywhere in space, is a fantastical pipe dream even if it comes out of scientists' mouths, and a massive cope for existential anxiety, especially for the secular mind.

remember that likelihood is meaningless and reality does not conform to mathematical odds. chances are, even given all of the incomprehensibly vast universe, there is nothing. nothing. only stars scattered across a black void, so far from one another our species may never get away from our own. you have to entertain that possibility, too, when dreaming about space.

>> No.19151785

do it right now. I considered doing it..back like 7 years ago, holy fuck. I wish I'd just gone for it. if there are any women in your life trying to discourage you, ignore the cows.

>> No.19151797

Isn't there like a bacteria or microscopic insect that can survey in space? This only my layman speculation, that if it's anything out there, it's most likely insects or crustaceans

>> No.19151798

We can't even reach a consensus on whether animals from our own planet are intelligent or not. Even if there are intelligent aliens within contacting distance, the chances of us even recognizing them as intelligent are extremely slim. Solaris and Roadside Picnic are more realistic first contact stories than something like The Day the Earth Stood Still.

>> No.19151800


>> No.19151820

I am fully committed to tulpa tier daydreaming and I feel like it will bring me relief but holy fuck my life is so horribly wrong I also want to be Christian but this is all in stark contrast with who I am and I don't know if any of what I am doing is forgivable

>> No.19151825

/lit/ moderation are faggots

>> No.19151830

I want to blow my brains out

>> No.19151890

We expect aliens to be somewhat like us if they are conscious, which just feels wrong. That said, I don't know what other kinds of consciousness could look like. The only thing I think will be similar is life based on carbon and water.

>> No.19151979

just found out that SsethTzeentach, le funni gamer man who plays autistic simulation games and old 90s RPGs and commissions hentai artwork of himself with video game characters, has a MD in Immunology and Biochemistry and has a very impressive academic background. What the fuck, man

>> No.19152093

fungal spores can, I believe

>> No.19152124
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My moralization is rising as i wrestle control of my reality away from the demonic elite and define it on my own terms.
Everybody should read Don Quixote. It was written 400 years early

>> No.19152220

>we're breaking up
>no we're not
>okay honey

>> No.19152221

So does that actually cause harm or is the >niceeeee meme real?

>> No.19152259

I obviously won't get back with her, just my way of saying how frustrating it is.

>> No.19152289

it can probably cause harm, but there's a world of difference between that, and the sexes being reversed(or a homo doing it). I think the cultural double standard that some people ree about isn't actually a big deal. but again, I'm sure there are cases when it does cause harm.
for more anecdotal examples, I was groped by an older girl too when I was like 10 or whatever. I only wish she'd groped me some more. can't imagine interpreting that as a traumatic experience without a lot of unverifiable mental gymnastics

>> No.19152337

Threatening to kill your friend on a paranoid hunch is not "normal"

>> No.19152464
File: 6 KB, 150x229, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am developing the suspicion that gay men and white women are quietly destroying the art scene in my city. The only artists I respect here are old people, minorities and immigrants, the latters of which are quickly get co-opted and tokenized by the gay men and white women, effectively neutralizing their careers, and tempting them with their pseudo-bohemian lifestyles. They might be "bohemians", but they are bohemians who don't create art. That, too. I think there is some sort of conspiracy happening, where 90% of the artists in my city don't actually create art. In a way I like it. I like that these boring retards are going into graphic design, fashion, and entrepreneurial works. I don't know why.

So, what the fuck is going on? Why is nobody painting any more? Why are the museums in my city giving up?

Pic-sorta-rel, I met an artist who looks like a young Uma Thurman. She told me she tricked herself into thinking she was an artist for ten years, before admitting she has never liked anything she's painted, and she's likewise dating another failed-artist-turned-interior-designer-turned-twitch-streamer.


>> No.19152564

what the fuck happened to /mu/? it is completely overrun by kpop fags.

>> No.19152597

I'm a furfag but I hate porn and every time I try to get into the fandom I am appalled and I leave

>> No.19152628

Just use LaTeX you retard

>> No.19152660

use LaTeX; it's not hard to learn, just watch a couple YouTube videos and use a good font (usually, tried-and-true fonts used by big quality publishers like Penguin, Everyman's, LoA, etc, are good, so serif fonts that have been around for a long time like Minion, Garamond, Janson, Galliard, Ehrhardt, etc, are your best bet); for getting started, instead of downloading an app to code LaTeX, use Overleaf, which runs in your browser and comes with most of the basic packages installed

>> No.19152667

Since 1945 "being an artist" has meant LARPing as a bohemian while your dad subsidizes your rent, and since the 1980s it has also statistically meant being some whiny token minority or Jewish lesbian, because they are the most shameless and lacking in self-awareness that what they're doing is pathetic.

>> No.19152668
File: 27 KB, 853x480, 28-days-later-zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda fucked that rabies is an actual zombie virus but that for some reason when it infects the human brain it is unable to take control and instead just outright kills the host.

I wonder if, were it the case that we never got rabies under control, there would be the possibility of a variant of rabies that is naturally selected to infect humans and zombify them like it does other animals. This variant would have much greater evolutionary fitness than one which just kills the human host because instead they'd just be running around biting other people in a rage.

>> No.19152731

Dude you should actually get into sailing instead of youtube. You get paid to move yachts across the Atlantic/Pacific/between islands by people who own them. Most of them have jobs and can't spend three months getting it back to where they want it moored when their holiday is over.

>> No.19152750

Oh and in all likelihood rabies is completely incurable perhaps even in principle. Although there is a vaccine. I wonder if you'd still have anti-vaxxers making a fuss about taking it to prevent a zombie outbreak!

>> No.19152756


>> No.19152769

I hate God's creations.

>> No.19152800

I wonder what God would think about me

>> No.19152854

"that nigga gay"

>> No.19152858 [DELETED] 

my city has all kinds of rad af art shit popping off, maybe your city just sucks.

>> No.19152864

in honor of 4channel dot org's 18 birthday do you think they will add support for webp finally?

>> No.19152889
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>> No.19152907

Im actually envious of other people genius whenever it's literary, musical or artistic. I'd rather live till 30-35 but feel the purpose whole time. I guess the grass is greener on the other side.

>> No.19152919

It's hard being an immigrant. This girl really likes me but I had to break it up because I realised a long term relationship wouldn't have been possible unless I lost my own historical and cultural identity. On the one hand, although Ive many friends from diverse backgrounds and count my self lucky for being able to enjoy the English language and it's riches, I realised you eventually need to assimilate and lose a part of your historicity as well. Forcible displacement like refugees would have it better. My home country is well off do there's really no clear reason why I'm here. Im conventionally successful and feel a duty to contribute to society but there's a real sense of unease. Immigration is the most Normie thing to do ive realised and I still miss that girl.

>> No.19152938

there will be no geniuses until this civilization is over. the mozarts of today are working dead end jobs while numbed by SSRIs

>> No.19152945

October 1st and I'm still a degenerate. Disappointing. Sad.

>> No.19152953
File: 60 KB, 964x912, 2dpwzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my 2nd dose of the vaccine. Coerced, not by choice btw. Already starting to feel dizzy and off. I will probably spend all night and all of tomorrow in a lot of pain. People say the coof is hard on the lungs, but i swear the pressure, pain and dizziness in my head is much worse than anything i have felt in my lungs. I really hope booster shots arent a thing in the future. I really dont want to put up with this shit every time our "benevolent" leaders force it down our throats.

>> No.19152957

wouldnt true genius emerge no matter what?

>> No.19153038 [DELETED] 

i got the jnj and i had really bad flu like symptoms for a day, but the fucked up part was my balls had a dull ache for like two weeks. felt like they were being squeezed by a really tight rubber band or something. i will not be taking any boosters.

>> No.19153088

It’s based as hell and I love AOC for doing it. You just know some communist seethed when he saw it.

>> No.19153102

I hate that literature is becoming female dominated. No, I do not want books written by females nor YA books

>> No.19153108

one thing that is a little hard to absorb is that she told me that it is impossible that I would be responsible for my ex becoming suicidal after I cheated on her. It's a long story and I don't want to get into the details, but she told me "You understand that you can not be responsible for this, right? That it's to do with her family having failed her when she was a child, right?" And I think I just looked at her and kind of went ".. no, I don't think I do". And she asked me how I was receiving her telling me tihs and I replied that it would take some time to absorb. I have viewed myself as being solely responsible for throwing that woman into inhuman horror for 10 years. It's not unlikely I've avoided future relationships for fear of doing this again. I basically talked her out of suicide.. actually i did talk her out of suicide, she has told me, a few days after she caught me cheating. It is very strange to imagine that I would not be solely responsible for her having felt that way.
>inb4 you should kill yourself
yes, yes

>> No.19153116

Anon, tis ever and so with literature. It's always been female dominated and orientated, and that's why you need to read Greek to get anything they got no girls allowed from.

>> No.19153118

I really need a word to describe a survivalist loner that doesn't carry the connotations of impropriety and age that terms like "hermit" and "recluse" do, without being as narrow as "mountain man" or similar.

>> No.19153121

>no girls allowed from
they held the girls back from understanding it

>> No.19153126

do the most beautiful trees heavy with fruit grow in the desert?

>> No.19153142

I just try to filter out the names of women but that's really tedious

>> No.19153161 [DELETED] 

sneed but in reverse.

>> No.19153162

Only God is so self-sufficient. All of us rely on each other, on some level. Until we don't, that is.

>> No.19153179

Can civilization collapse already? I don’t want to it to collapse, but this “sword of Damocles” present where we all know it’s going to collapse but it keep stumbling on is even worse. Just let the hammer fall already, so we can begin picking up the pieces.

>> No.19153201

And the plebs
It can't be that tedious. The majority of sci-fi is male but I have no problem walking past those shelves like they're written for females and plebs.

>> No.19153237

I am halfway drunk. Should I get more alcohol in my system? My only limiting factor is people figuring out that I'm drinking way too much. I bought a bunch of alcohol today and I've already finished it. If they come visit me they'll know. I am starting to hide the bottles I have finished. I think this is a sign of alcoholism, getting to the point where you have to hide your alcohol consumption

>> No.19153256

Alcoholism is defined by a reliance on inebriation to continue "normal" functioning (that inebriation degrades functionality is of course the whole reason alcoholism is treated as an illness or disorder in the first place). If the people around you react negatively to your consumption of alcohol to such a degree that it impairs your ability to functionally interact with them, congrats, you are an alcoholic.
Alternative litmus test: if you understood this post coherently, you aren't drunk enough yet.

>> No.19153272

Once you say that you can stop anytime while consuming tons of alcohol then you're an actual alcoholic.

>> No.19153273

A lot of people I know think it's very strange for someone to drink by himself.
If you disagree with that but you don't want them to think of you as an alcoholic and so you hide your alcohol consumption from them, that in itself doesn't make you an alcoholic.
Are people who occasionally drink in countries where alcohol is frowned upon/illegal, alcoholics?

>> No.19153290

>Alternative litmus test: if you understood this post coherently, you aren't drunk enough yet.
Not a good test, I can engage in rather complicated topics before passing out.
I think I am close to having a problem, which means I likely have a problem already. Money limits the amount of alcohol I can drink so I see poverty as a blessing. That's my idea so far.

>> No.19153297

Also I think addiction is anything you do despite thinking you should not do it. If you think you shouldn't drink one more beer but you do it anyway you're an alcoholic. Perhaps I am too strict.

>> No.19153371

this sounds a lot like having a kind of decision-making monologue in your head. who's to say what you truly prefer?

I hope you don't fall into alcoholism btw. If would cause a lot of suffering I think.

>> No.19153379

There is nothing to do. Life is just looking at screens in between sleeping.

>> No.19153388

>If would cause a lot of suffering I think.
Can't be any worse than where I'm at.
Is unadultered pain a better quality pain?

>> No.19153402

barn animal

>> No.19153413

I hope you won't have to have any pain anon. things can always change.

>> No.19153421

I hope so.
Have a song

>> No.19153424

If the shot is fucking you up this bad, you have the constitution of an old woman and you definitely need it. I had barely any adverse reaction to it, just some mild soreness in my arms and legs.

>> No.19153438

hey guys

>> No.19153443


>> No.19153449

oh the piano-solo on this one man. I remember playing it for a chick just wide-eyed, waiting for her reaction, and she didn't get it at all.. desu I remained sexually attracted to her

>> No.19153487

The Mozarts of today are child prodigies making youtube videos about music theory and technically impressive but sterile jazz fusion music

>> No.19153496

Skrillex was the last Mozart (rip)

>> No.19153514

Wouldn't Frankenstein's monster be like his son? Often inventions are called the children of the respective scientist. So, calling the monster Frankenstein would be accurate because Frankenstein is the family name.

>> No.19153520

captcha: sssad

>> No.19154169

sounds to me like your therapist is a retard.

>> No.19154171


>> No.19154177

what if you actually CAN stop anytime and it's not a delusion? what does that make you?

>> No.19154188

Are we just growing up slower on average? It feels like 20 year old zoomers still act like they are 15, most easily felt in interests and humor, when my generation was that age my parents felt the same way, that we are a few years behind. The further back you look, the more mature people feel for a given age. Are we just getting more and more retarded or what?

>> No.19154189

>If the shot is fucking you up this bad, you have the constitution of an old woman
unfortunately this isn't true, some adverse reactions are known to be especially prevalent among young, healthy people.

>> No.19154199

not to mention you can mistake a 40 year old woman for a teenager at a distance. fashion is now dictated by children, which I would assume is an inversion of how it used to function

>> No.19154234

does anyone remember the name of that fat booktuber who got bullied by anons here? I'm pretty sure her videos were still up

>> No.19154240


>> No.19154249
File: 40 KB, 403x392, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not born in the nineteenth century (preferred)
>not born in the sixteenth century
>not born in Ancient Greece as part of the aristocracy
Why is this allowed?

>> No.19154283

well guess what buddy, there are no good English translations of Tolstoy. enjoy

>> No.19154290


>> No.19154291

I don't know. I think it had made me a bit more avoidant of intimacy in the future. On the other hand, having my virginity taken early on meant I didn't have to worry about it like most other guys. Though who would have believed me anyway?

>> No.19154371

they don't think it be like it is but it do.

>> No.19154497

I have an experience that some people might consider sexual assault, but
1. It was a woman and I’m a guy, I could have said no
2. She was younger than me so it’s not sexual assault because you can’t get assaulted by people younger than you
Maybe that’s just a cope. It did fuck up my sexuality for good though. Maybe that’s why I have a femdom fetish

>> No.19154558
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, c64ccc3d004ae58d6b63a950a48c243e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anyone to speak to about my problems. Journaling helps but to a very small extent, it's not the same thing as talking it out to another human soul. It's so smothering. And yet I listen to everyone's problems but I feel that if I tried to talk about mine they would either not care or give generic answers that will make me feel as if I wasn't listened to at all.

It's so smothering.

>> No.19154676

Someone describe Tolstoy’s style in a short paragraph.

>> No.19154920

well that's why we're here babe

>> No.19154931

No. We don't really do Halloween in my country.

>> No.19154951

If it's a situation you could have easily gotten out of then yeah it wasn't sexual assault and you're just being a pussy.
Tells us the details of how it happened so we can judge it better.

>> No.19155043
File: 464 KB, 1280x1341, 9F91412C-8877-4316-9C05-BFDAD43DEBF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Christian form of government? Which style of government would be ideal for Christianity?

>> No.19155049

I’m living with my parents. I don’t actually have to live with them, but I work remotely so I don’t have any particular place to go and in fact don’t know where to go.

>> No.19155156
File: 610 KB, 1080x1525, Distributism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19155261

Thanks fren.

>> No.19155274

that's what a therapist is for

a friend your health insurance pays 140 bucks/hour for

>> No.19155277

Read the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. It's free access on the Vatican website.

>> No.19155280

woah it's like, not capitalism, but not commie-ism either......damn

>> No.19155306

Apparently William Blake is less well-known than I thought he was.

>> No.19155333

i feel like he's more well known by art people than book people

>> No.19155355

I feel like I’m going to actually go insane this time.

>> No.19155413

I asked ten different friends I consider at least relatively well-read/cultured and only one knew who he was. I didn't think he was someone your average person on the street would know...but I thought English majors would at least recognize the name. Like, on that iceberg meme I'd only put him on the second level of deepness.

>> No.19155420

Odd, we read a lot of his work in high school.

>> No.19155425 [DELETED] 

your immune response is what makes you get sick, so if you didn't get sick from it you probably have a really weak immune system lmao either that or you already had it and so had antibodies already thus making the vaccine pointless

>> No.19155622
File: 50 KB, 604x516, 88f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you... For now...

>> No.19155638

I failed gods tasks, I asked for answers instead of reasons and when it became apparent I couldn’t handle them - was discarded into this how-many-years-until-death snow globe with the rest of you

>> No.19155668

Maybe 20 years ago when jiggaboos from wealthy immigrant families still conformed to European culture as the standard of culture. Now they only conform to California pop culture and twitter and the only white thing they studied in undergrad was trust fund WASP cock.

>> No.19155724

bearing the brunt so barely bereft did beacons berate their own beget. sons sonically signal success so souls subside in surreptious subservience. indentured inert, inoculated, inept so ingrates engorge with inimical intent. criminal creations cravenly cremated so cruelty crushes crawling cretins.
horse and donkey rode: mules beaten

>> No.19155755
File: 80 KB, 680x677, AAAAAAHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you want the Truth

>You CAN handle the Truth
>These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.



>> No.19155857

>tfw 4chan is finally legal
>tfw 4chan is finally old enough to post on its own site

>> No.19155945

trying to pick a historical figure to emulate. maybe i will become d'annunzio...

>> No.19155960

can't stop thinking about cute ladyboys

>> No.19155966
File: 339 KB, 1280x1814, 85D85585-8C51-499D-A64E-D8086B530E16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of pretending I don’t believe in these ideals.

>> No.19155980

I really dislike some of my immediate family. All they do is try to put me down, satirize me or something I do, push back against everything. Now, that I think about I don’t think my family has given me a word of encouragement ever.

>> No.19155988

At leas two of these inhibit at least the other two

>> No.19155994

the sugar demon has got a hold of me and is fucking my ass right now

>> No.19156000 [DELETED] 

failsons don't happen in a vacuum, they are the result of family culture

>> No.19156002

accept your format. This is who you are and if people judge you they aren't your audience

>> No.19156012

same but i wish I didn't. Being hateful feels uncomfortable. Something I like about them is their comfort in themselves and somehow that makes me comfortable. Of course I'm still on edge for potential physical defense but when I walked into a walmart filled with them I felt this attitude like none of us were bullshitting

>> No.19156016

Fight Club is edgy and pretentious in the same way that the Catcher in the Rye is whiny and pretentious.

>> No.19156019
File: 55 KB, 120x80, 1508736768355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me you know russian

>> No.19156043


>> No.19156049

Is this really it?

>> No.19156052

freedom from want inhibits everything

>> No.19156056

>You care very deeply about what people consider classics and have severely and permanently limited your scope of literature, possibly for life.
I am okay with this

>> No.19156096

mods deleted the rape thread. we're not allowed to talk about anything on this board.

>> No.19156106


>> No.19156124

There’s already a board for their vile behavior. Stop shitting up the LITERATURE BOARD

>> No.19156131

What are the best novels with heavy Christian themes?

>> No.19156135

The books of the bible

>> No.19156149

I need more.

>> No.19156164

Here's Craig with the weather

>> No.19156175

I really can’t decide what kind of day job I want. I’ve made peace with the fact that I don’t want and indeed never will have a career. So it’s not like I’m going after a career, but just a day job. I still don’t know what to do though. I just know that what I do now is not cutting it.

>> No.19156198

you are the eternal janny. the enemy of art and beauty. i will rape you.

>> No.19156203

CS Lewis's Narnia series

>> No.19156206
File: 285 KB, 700x630, BAA17C8C-CAB7-4342-84D2-0644D05B7484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t understand Levin’s schizo theory of agriculture labor in anna karenina.

>> No.19156224
File: 178 KB, 4928x850, 102C8F51-BF6C-4951-BE7D-AA85232AD7A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will rape your liver and paint a little picture for you

>> No.19156260

The overlap between older parents have children with autism, environmental factors exacerbating autistic traits, autistic people disproportionately identifying as trans, and trans as the product of social contagion is very amusing. All these things are connected in ways that people are terrified to probe into. I wonder how much longer we can ignore it?

>> No.19156344

There's a woman I know that reads garbage young adult, fantasy and thrillers. I'm thinking about gifting her Wuthering Heights from Emily Bronte. Do you think it's a good book for her, or is there no salvation for people with trash taste in books?

>> No.19156351

Plenty of women read Victorian greats or Jane Austen alongside YA nonsense. I have no idea how they manage to ignore the immense gap in quality but I guess people here do much the same with anime. As for gifting it to her you should only do it if you are subtle, there is nothing less pleasant than someone giving you a gift because they think you're "beneath" them and the gift will lift them up to your lofty heights. It will make her resent you and resent the book.

>> No.19156373

I-iiiiiiii...... L-lo-looooooove g-god s-so-soooo m-m-uch b-b-br-bros......

>> No.19156384

what does nihil mean

>> No.19156405

don't bother

>> No.19156452

I'm horny
I wanna have sex
I'm tired of porn

>> No.19156461

I wanted to go to the gym, so I drove to one. There was a keycard reader on the door so that only members could enter the premises. Apparently the gym owner wants people to register online, wait up to 30 days to receive a keycard in the mail, and only then show up to spend 30 minutes on a treadmill. Thinking this an absurd business practice, I went to another gym near to my home only to find that the same practice was in place in another gym. Having lost all interest in attending a gym at this point, disgusted with the fact that I could not simply walk in, provide payment in cash, and use the equipment not ten feet from me, I went home.

>> No.19156502
File: 419 KB, 3200x3008, winter carnival - andrew wyeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been talking to this guy for a few months (far longer than I normally would but I like him a lot) and it's gone to shit. We've been on multiple dates, he's charming and funny but we never seemed to get any further than that even though it was clear we had affection for each other. No sex, just kisses and handholding like we're children.
I finally gathered the courage (or got tired of waiting) and pushed the subject of us getting together, then he dropped more than I really wanted to hear. To make it short: his last girlfriend died a few years ago. They were together for five years and apparently she's the only relationship he's ever had, they even lost their virginity together. Then at the end he apologized, saying he knew he really shouldn't have gotten close with me the way we had. He feels guilty to her ghost and doesn't believe he'll ever be able to truly love another woman again, at least not in the same way. He apologized once more and said that our time together reminded him too much of his time with her and that he doesn't think he can properly give himself to me, that part of him laid buried with her.
I don't really know how to respond, I probably won't. It's a lot of pressure and we're just going to end things anyway, but I can't help but be sad. He was a really great guy, why is it that every decent human being is unattainable? Why are they always too late to have? I'm also hurt that he never said a thing to me about her before, despite us talking for so long. I confided in him so much yet he never told me a thing about her, and looking back, he never really told me a thing about himself at all. I almost feel betrayed, as selfish as it is.
Anyway, that's what's on my mind. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.19156546

I didn't think any women used /lit/

>> No.19156553
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>getting cucked
>by a ghost

nah but that's something 70-80 year olds do after being married to someone their entire life. IMO you should break through this barrier, either through discussion or a mini-skirt.

>> No.19156555

>Why are they always too late to have?

Very hard to settle down past a certain age a woman.

>> No.19156560

Morton Feldman is overrated.

>> No.19156593
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>I feel that if I tried to talk about mine they would either not care or give generic answers that will make me feel as if I wasn't listened to at all.
It's sad but that's why places like this are a thing. At least try and talk about them though. If you talk about them to more people eventually somebody is bound to listen. Even if they don't it might help to just say it anyway

>> No.19156681

I've been trying to make my style more consice. More focus on brevity. The focus of my essay I wrote on the book had only to do with one aspect only. I ended up writing extra details on the author's background for three paragraphs.

>> No.19156731
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How have my fellow incels coped with your entire philosophy falling apart the first time you held a girl in your arms? I'm in a sort of crisis of faith

>> No.19156737

Tits or gtfo

>> No.19156741

Keked out loud

>> No.19156749

New to this board. Is /lit/ full of leftists who hate fascism?

>> No.19156760

Opera is the superior form of theater. I had no idea. At last I see.

>> No.19156761

And psueds who hate leftism because loltradition

>> No.19156770

Everyone hates her >>19156761 and the opposite of what she says is generally true.

>> No.19156781
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I'm rapidly falling out of love with Japan. I moved here from Burgerland right before the pandemic got really bad, but even with things opening back up again and landing probably the best job I've ever had (career wise at least) I find myself dissatisfied. Their overly polite and work obsessed culture is slowly getting under my skin. This place feels like a country sized amusement park. It's a psychological pressure cooker that churns out either soul broken salary men, or half insane otakus. I've thought about skipping out on my current job and moving to somewhere in Northern/Eastern Europe (my current job will give me a certification that will allow me to work in pretty much any first world nation I desire) but I'm 27 and I don't want to be an isolated nomad forever.

I'm hoping I'll feel better after I go home for Christmas, assuming the two week quarantine for returnees is lifted by December. I'm finding myself slipping into the same mindset I had before I moved here were I'd subconsciously cut myself off from making deeper connections with people because in the back of my head I'm already packing my bags to move on to the next place. No place feels like home, just a space I inhabit.

>> No.19156785
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Do you guys think it's worth staying in the US for a career in the tech-sector? A lot of the negative memes about America are true, but the salaries here are killer.

>> No.19156813

Come up with your own philosophy, you can recognize other works but never follow them strictly

>> No.19156816

Maybe try and find some other people to hang out with. I've never been to Japan but I'm sure there are plenty of nice people to hang out with who aren't workaholics or geeks.

>> No.19156819

U.S dollar is still very nice

>> No.19156825

Somehow I get how you feel. There was a video of a black guy from America who became a salaryman in Japan, and just by that I seemed to get a good idea what it's like working there. How do I put it? It's like trading your freedom for stability. Everything about Japanese society looks super regimented and narrowed to a tee, very orderly and clean and safe but also like metaphysically boring and kinda unsatisfying. If you watch one of those videos about working for a big Japanese company, it's faintly reminiscent of Google and how they have these cute workplace items like sleeping pods to make the place seem amicable and lax, but the work can actually be very taxing, and the stress of the job stays buried inside you because it feels uncouth to whine about a place that looks so calm and pleasant on the surface, and that's actually a big reason they design the place like that.

Anyway, I was watching that video about the black salaryman and it seemed like kind of a boring role, once you get over the exotic glamour of living in Japan. If you're in tech, you can choose to live in the US for the money I guess, or just find another place you want to live. But it sounds like your problem isn't really Japan. If you're not allowing yourself to get close to people, that issue will follow you to any country you choose to go to.

>> No.19156834
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You guys are reminding me of the film 'Kumiko the Treasure Hunter', about a young woman working a soul-crushing and repetitive office job in Tokyo. I really loved his movie.

>> No.19156835


>> No.19156838

Tech work is unfulfilling

>> No.19156839

Fantasm of crystal illume
The spectral delusions of my
Paradisal mental gloom,

I sing not of the earthen eye
Made resplendent by humanly
Acquired riches lacking I,

Songs from an ancient wrinkled sea
Engraved with sigil-vowels wrought
Writhing through the essence of me,

These songs I sing of sun and naught
But one and not the many grey
Beguiled illusions born from thought,

Shimmers molten forms casting stray
Unknown and eldritch living lights
Into an infinite array,

And with each light I see I write
Aleph in the soul of my soul
Adorned with omegas of night,

Look upon this the inmost scroll
Where writ are the words of idols
Bound eternally to extol,


>> No.19156841

I don't actually know what it's like to be a salaryman or officelady in Japan, but from what I've heard it's not very fun. I feel sorry for them, working yourself to the bone and having to keep all of your feelings on the inside.

>> No.19156864

There was a post I read once by a tourist who received a lasting impression from looking at the sea of faces during commute and remarking that everyone seemed to wear the same expression of apathy and unhappiness.

>> No.19156867

*kisses you*

>> No.19156878

I'm gay. I'm the biggest gayest faggot that ever did see a bum and think "I'd like to put my dick in that bum". Sodomy is my MO, poopy on dicky my driving force. Doesn't matter to me, as long as it gets my dinky oh so fucking stinky. Rolling around with shit on my dick, places to go, following my rainbow of dick into butt.

>> No.19156882

That's sad. I have heard that the Japanese can be a bit cold to outsiders. I've never been to Japan but I've met and hung out with some expats and tourists here. They were all so jovial and friendly, very funny people. I guess it's different when you're away from an oppressive society like theirs.

>> No.19156897

>Wuthering Heights
>not Pride and Prejudice
ngmi with those infantile creatures we call 'women'

>> No.19156907

This reminds me of another attack on jap culture that I pasted from somewhere (probably here, hopefully not reddit)
I live in Japan. This article is bullshit and completely off the mark. Yet more proof that these university professors have no clue what they're talking about.

>In order to understand why people here aren't having babies, let's first discuss a few important points about Japan:
>Japan is an incredibly gynocentric society that puts women on a pedestal in almost every aspect of life. Free entry to clubs (while chumps pay $40), various discounts everywhere from movie theaters to bars, ladies nights multiple times a week etc. Women here are literally never expected to pay for anything, even if they have a good job and make a lot of money. I've been on dates with women who had decent careers and still expected me to foot the bill. There is simply an expectation that women don't pay, period. Regardless of how much money they have (note: some will pay for themselves but it's rather rare. It's usually inversely correlated with their looks).
>Sex happens almost out in the open and there is no societal shaming of any kind going on. They even have special hotels ("love hotels") that couples rent out for a few hours at a time solely to fuck. This freedom causes women to ignore the bottom 90% of guys and rotate the top 10% among themselves. Japanese Chads are getting more pussy than ever, while beta Taro is relegated to the porn section of his local DVD store. Japanese women ride the CC far more than western women, and it's not uncommon for Tokyo girls in their 20s to have lay-counts in three figures.
>Japanese women are extremely cold hearted and calculating, and I'd dare say a lot more logical than western women. That causes them to see every person and interaction in their life through the lens of "How does this benefit me and what am I getting out of it?". They are notorious for collecting armies of orbiters that they never fuck and who they only use for favors and services. It's so ubiquitous that there was even an article where Japanese women bragged about it and talked about the nicknames they have for such guys.
>Japanese women feel entitled to a guy's money once they start dating him. Whereas western couples tend to pool their salaries together and split expenses more or less evenly, Japanese women will confiscate their husband's salary in its entirety and hand him approximately $10-15 on a daily basis, all while they stay at home watching Korean dramas and yak with their friends in expensive cafes. Japanese men often joke that they have two employers: their boss and their wife.

>> No.19156915


>To put it simply, many are just unpleasant and rude humans with a perennial bitch face and no ability to be nice to people. When they're nice, it's simply because there's some form of value flowing their way. They tend to be miserable most of the time, and one misstep with them leads them to ghost you in the most brutal manner. Japanese women are notorious for ghosting even their HUSBANDS(!).
>Japanese men can be serious workhorses but they aren't dumb: they've seen their fathers slave away and burn out, many being driven to suicide, and they have put two and two together. The end result is the realization that the juice simply ain't worth the squeeze anymore and that it's far easier to stay single and enjoy their money and hobbies as bachelors, as opposed to selling themselves into a lifetime of thankless servitude for a bit of pussy (that the woman will withdraw anyway after she gives birth, they are notorious for it).
>But for those of you who think that men opting out will change the way women act, the answer is that it won't - at least not in the short term. In Japan most men have started to opt out, and yet women aren't really noticing it. Why is that? It's because these men are invisible to women in the first place. Women are fucking only top-tier men and don't even notice the bottom 90%. They're having a better time than ever. The only party that's been hit by it is the government -- it translates to less tax revenue and less future tax slaves for them.
>Some of these women eventually manage to jump off the carousel and snag an obedient beta before they hit 30 (whom they will keep as a personal slave for the rest of his natural life), but I've been noticing an increasing number of women who don't leave the carousel on time, become unable to pair-bond and otherwise develop mental issues, and redirect their motherly instinct into pushing baby strollers full of dogs every day. The dog epidemic here is absolutely insane. Even 6-7 years ago few Tokyoites had dogs, but now the city is full of washed up kooks pushing dogs around all day. The streets of most residential neighborhoods are littered with dog shit and it's mostly post-wall women who own them.
>That's Japan for you. It's not some technological utopia like the western media likes to portray it. It's a society in terminal stages of collapse. Robots won't help it. AI won't help it. Racial homogeneity won't help it. They simply lost the ability to relate to other people and be humane to each other.

>> No.19156920

That's mostly due to the language barrier. The Japanese I've spoken to online are pretty friendly and open, but I also met them through anonymous sites. In real life the reason most are closed off probably is just because you're not in the social context to meet people most of the time. That's one thing I hate about city life honestly, when you're in a big city you have to dehumanize strangers in a way, they're not real people akin to the guys you call friends, so unless you're in a bar or doing some kind of recreational activity then people will greet you with that robotic "PR human" countenance. We do that to stay sane I guess.

>> No.19156923

are you agreeing or disagreeing with the greentext

>> No.19156929

ups sorry I just pasted it from my google drive, i didnt even read the first line and forgot in which context it was. Anyway the greentext is kind of based so I guess I agree with it although I've never been to Nippon as they say

>> No.19156950

What are you doing here brother? What am I doing here?

>> No.19156982

I studied Japanese history, language and literature in college and although I still love the language as well as the traditional, postcard side of Japan, which is rapidly dying, getting acquainted with post-WWII Japan made me completely disillusioned. I have never visited the country so I may be wrong but I feared that it would be like what you described. The language itself is rapidly becoming bastardized, with lots of mangled English words shoved in for convenience. As you said Japanese society feels like a very regimented, stiff culture with little room for sincerity. Sadly the end of WWII put the entire country in a state of PTSD and everything since has been about dealing with the Japanese identity vs. inevitable Westernization, and making the Western industrial life "Japanese". Somehow this resulted in some kind of capitalist dystopia where you are supposed to literally live for a corporation and make it your family.
However I have also met young Japanese people who differed quite a lot from the mold. I can't describe them exactly but they felt like the healthiest, most well-adjusted people I have ever met. In those cases the typical Japanese soft-spokenness politeness felt like a product of their interior state rather than affectation. But again, these people were tourists in my country, and I did not know their life history, so maybe they were adjusting their behavior or their lives were exceptional cases. However I dropped out and decided that Asia wasn't for me.
I'm not even gonna talk about the environment I met in college, it was 99.9% cringe weebs who wanted to translate/draw manga.
Lovely movie. Bunzo is cute.

>> No.19156989

Try kratom

>> No.19156994
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>> No.19156998

What's that?

>> No.19157005

New thread

>> No.19157006

the protagonist of God of War

>> No.19157011

I thought his name was kratos.

>> No.19157018

Read Rudolph Steiner

>> No.19157019

I enjoy these threads they are comfy
do wim hof. it does feel no joke like getting high for several hours after you have done cycles of breathings and submerged in the cold. preferably outside, while it is not too cold.

>> No.19157035


>> No.19157064

>However I have also met young Japanese people who differed quite a lot from the mold. I can't describe them exactly but they felt like the healthiest, most well-adjusted people I have ever met. In those cases the typical Japanese soft-spokenness politeness felt like a product of their interior state rather than affectation
You remind me of a random Japanese streamer I stumbled across years ago who was doing some art project on his floor, and he seemed so blissful and relaxed that it really left an impression on me, it seems like a Japanese thing to me, it's hard to explain but I felt like I understood a little what people mean by zen watching someone who was truly content living in the moment. This is a fleeting sensation I'm trying to pin down but it feels uniquely Japanese, as if there's some seed in their culture that maybe used to be more common but still manifests now and then since it's so deep.

I think post-Meiji Japan is effectively a big experiment in syncretizing traditional Japanese culture with the Capitalist model of society, sort of how religions used to spread but each society came up with their own take on it. Yet it seems like Japanese society is a pretty harmonious and happy system that's interrupted by the increasingly strict demands of the modern economy. And although Japan appears the same on the surface due to all the exotic images and relics of a previous age, this hyper-focus on work and consumerism is driving out the soul of the culture, which is a spirit heavily based in close observation of nature, close family ties, and finding some kind of peace in the moment, i.e. zen. I feel as if that soulful and lively part of Japan bears a heavy burden from having to sustain one of the world's largest economies, and that perhaps everyone would be happier if we traded away the consumer electronics for something different entirely.

Not like Capitalism is some evil intrusion on them, of course. Honestly it's much the same phenomenon that happened to us, except the West now changed its mind about Christianity and swore it off completely. But really, we might be suffering a similar fate.

>> No.19157066
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wind that whistles
at night
for a fragile heart
in a world falling

>> No.19157229

it doesn't mean anything :^)

>> No.19157235

you should print out this post and plaster it on the doors of the respective gyms

>> No.19157247


>> No.19157299

>Northern/Eastern Europe
Why do you think its a good idea?

>> No.19157494

From what I gather love hotels are popular cause city apartments are small and shitty. I lucked out and got a relatively big apartment on the cheap but I live in the middle of bum fuck no where and all my neighbors are senior citizens. The bit about dogs is totally true. Folks here love their tiny dogs, carrying them or pushing them around in strollers like actual babies. Though I've seen an equal portion of men and women with them. The technology thing is a flat out lie. Japan is basically stuck at an early 2000s tech level or lower aside from smartphones being fairly ubiquitous. Internet cafes were common before Covid hit. The pandemic was the primary reason why the school I work at was able to push for getting laptops for some of the advanced placement students. They focused all their technological development into their toilets and train system.
I'm gonna be honest. I'm a simple man that wants a big booba gf. I was ready to accept a small or flat chested girl here in Japan if it meant getting away from the hamplanets in America, but I was not prepared for no one here (male or female) to have an ass. Also, as far as I understand, English as a second language is more common in that part of the world, so I won't need to rely on google translate to pick up chicks.

>> No.19157950

then that's just what you do! Sounds like you're making the next Moby Dick, dumbass! Stop trying to change and learn to master it