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19152508 No.19152508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Also, does anybody know where I can find this? Everywhere I look it’s unavailable.

>> No.19152517

Go back to /pol/, retarded incel. We do not take kindly to your kind here.

>> No.19152525

^ newfag

>> No.19152527
File: 150 KB, 700x394, 4x6ab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some right "wing" theory. Hold still.

>> No.19152535

blacked.com is essential right-wing theory in the sense that if you don't have sex someone else will

>> No.19152538
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you are a grunt with a schizophrenic view of reality

>> No.19152539
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Seethe, micropenis chudcel.

>> No.19152546

looks like you struck a nerve and got some people uppity
you must have posted something good, i'll have a look for it.

>> No.19152553

Wonder why they stopped selling that one on the presses website

>> No.19152555

anyway, it's on libgen

>> No.19152561
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>looks like you struck a nerve and got some people uppity
>you must have posted something good

>> No.19152566

For anyone who can't figure it out, OP is the author of that vanity press self published book, and is probably the others in the thread going "wow this book must be really good...."

This is how twitter "authors" shill their shit here.

>> No.19152569
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>wojak posting
>4 posts by this same IP
woe is me
anyway enjoy the book OP, i'll read it after this weekend is over.

>> No.19152596
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>2 posts by this same IP

>> No.19152603

every time

>> No.19152614
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Anonymous 10/01/21(Fri)12:15:30 No.19152596▶
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75 KB

>2 posts by this same IP

>> No.19152620

Any sort of political theory is ‘cringe’. Just read Nietzsche. The left-right dichotomy is just another manifestation of the Hegelian dialectic aiming to bring about a technocratic synthesis. Transcend it, disregard herd animal mentalities

>> No.19152621
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>> No.19152630


>> No.19152705

what a bore

>> No.19152710
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>> No.19152711

samefag tranny

>> No.19152722

Why haven't you formed a nomad war machine yet to capture the state using your schizo-hegelian immanence to stratiate the smooth spaces of the desert? I'm waiting. Or are you too territorialized by the sovereign, merely reproducing his signs?

>> No.19152723

why are trannies/faggots/leftists so bitter?
they tend to have this passive aggresive cadence, and when they're not using that, they outright villify you and start 45IQ wojak posting

>> No.19152735

You will never be a man.

>> No.19152758

What does this even mean tranny-kun

>> No.19152776
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>> No.19152778
File: 64 KB, 991x706, vgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to understand tranny-chan
you aren't really a tranny, right? you are just joking, right?

>> No.19152819
File: 252 KB, 645x770, ctr_polface724_RENAME_BEFORE_POSTING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fail to understand

>> No.19152831

I'm still not sure what your point is in this entire thread
i'll see if you can reply to me in earnest once without using a wojak

>> No.19152843

CA Bond started sperging out on Twitter against BAP and doxed one of his followers or something so Imperium dropped his book

>> No.19152861

If you just Google "Nemesis CA Bond" and go to the shopping tab there's one random book website still selling copies

>> No.19152868
File: 305 KB, 975x526, whistle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a literature discussion board. Please if you do not like the type of books being discussed in a thread do not post in that thread but rather hide the thread and instead post in threads about books you like or alternatively not post at all and read a book instead.

>> No.19152879

This. He's a schizo who doesn't even care about this stuff he's just shilling.

>> No.19152899

>"right wing"
>doxes each other so the "left wing" can ask their employers to fire them
What a bunch of absolute losers. Don't waste time on this stuff unless you've a net worth of $10MM, that way you can afford a downpayment on a congressperson.

>> No.19152917

That he was doxing people is exactly why he's been ostracized and his stuff has been taken out of print. He's a literal boomer so honestly he just knows not what he does.

>> No.19152937
File: 15 KB, 499x499, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a Nazi. Books for this feel?
>p-please go away
How about no, asspained trailer trash?

>> No.19152942
File: 10 KB, 220x229, right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting doxxed by a literal boomer
A right-wing classic.

>> No.19152943

If it happens frequently enough it's because it is supposed to. Your entire rebellion was manufactured to catch and neutralize you. And the opposing side too is merely a means of catching you, they have no intrinsic purpose to serve other than that. It is a confluence of elite powers managing hostile sentiment in the most efficient way possible, by allowing it to shoot itself in the foot.

>> No.19152944

>right-wing = nazi

>> No.19152956

I guess lefty threads are boring so you hang out here instead. It's ok... you can be that one lefty that hangs out with the rw guys because you secretly think libs are stupid.

>> No.19152968
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>w-we were j-just memeing this was all p-post-irony
Your grandchildren will take hormone blockers and there is nothing you'll be able to do about this.

>> No.19152973

None of your classifications matter. Every time you pay your utility bill or go grocery shopping you are reinforcing everything you larp as a revolutionary against.

>> No.19152977

dichotomy brain moment

If my children come out trans, then they come out trans. They will also have critical thinking capabilities unlike your cursed bloodline

>> No.19152979

pol schizos btfo

>> No.19152989

Non-sequitur? I'm not a revolutionary. A lot of lefties believe themselves to be revolutionaries so maybe you're projecting? Are your posts a revolution too? Please explain.

>> No.19152991
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>If my children come out trans, then they come out trans
the absolute STATE of modern "right-wing"

>> No.19152992
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>> No.19153001

I'm not a right-winger. You are just incapable of accepting disagreement as not being morally evil.

>> No.19153015

If you believe in anything politically enough to identify as an ismist, other than picking from your allotted electoral candidates or spending enough money to purchase new ones with your rich friends, then you are a some sort of larpist revolutionary who supports a cash agnostic change in government, wherein the powerful will for some strange reason cede power to the non-powerful because their arguments were just so kino

>> No.19153020

>thinking a tranny enabler is right wing

>> No.19153061

Can someone pull something out of their ass on why the "dissident right" was gaining intelligence in 2012-2015 and then completely fucking died in 2016?
>everyone jumped on the trump ship for a range of reasons and then just couldn't get off when it started sinking (immediately, when bannon was fired)
>the lesswrong blog and multiple other blogs just deactivated or something
>every half-decent right-wing youtuber suddenly decided to retire, all at once
>POLE added a flag roster sans the isreali flag, introducing a butterfly effect that made the board hospitable to no-fun-allowed boomers
>the generation of young, Christian-minded midwit but tech-savy latinos joined the internet
>white nationalism devolved back to WN 1.0
>total resurgence in Christianity, total loss of intellectual vigor and exploration
>4 years of arguing over which bureaucrat boomer is more based than the other, nitpicks of american partisan politics
>resurgence in the idea that a candidate who-can-change-things could be elected

What in the absolute shit happened here?
Why did everyone intelligent either leave or become obsessed with electoral politics?
Will we unironically ever recover from this dark age?

It seems like there was intelligence and intellectual exploration and then all of that died overnight.
I really believe that Trump killed the intellectual right wing. Not even what he said or did, just the fact that he existed and got elected put everyone in some goofy stupor.

The worst part of it all was the "serious business" attitude. It's all serious business now and there's no fun allowed and everyone who doesn't believe in the nu-right package of beliefs is a shill or concern troll.

On a greater level, I think the sjws finally wigged everyone out and the nash equilibrium of zealotry was reached. Having fun and experimenting with ideas was obviously not a dominant strategy. 4chan aligned with christian and republitards to fend off the sjw menace and how their stuck with the screeching golem.

>> No.19153117

I think you have more in common with these larpers than you are want to realize.

>> No.19153141

>red team bad blue team good

This is just 00s rationalism repackaged, and 00s rationalism was pathetic.

>> No.19153163

Trump killed belief in peaceful transition to a new right wing state. Most Americans still had some holdover views unconsciously instilled in them about democratic transference of power being necessary to institute a new order; I imagine this, in all those who are anyway sensible, has now been destroyed. The right can now be bifurcated between those who, failing to stomach anything beyond tradition governmental orthodoxy, are deciding to kowtow to the powers that be; and their opposites, those now becoming increasingly radicalised and, presaging the inevitability of a minority majority, are attempting to destroy the democratic process that they see as solely aiding the left.

Personally I see no hope for anything actually to happen. Grifters will grift, cronies will crony, and nothing shall be done to prevent the untiring advance of current trends, firmly dissolving all prior beliefs in a unified American social contract. It all goes down from here desu.

>> No.19153190

Because Michael Anton was right and Trump was the Flight 93 president. He stormed the cockpit but when he succeeded it turned out he didn't know how to fly a plane anyway. Now the permissive social media environment that allowed him to storm the cockpit in the first place is gone. Any candidate who tries to use Twitter like Trump did will just get banned. You can barely push for a Ron Paul tier platform on YouTube anymore let alone something actually right wing. The novel right wing intellectuals didn't disappeared they just all got deplatformed.

>> No.19153230

>"dissident right" was gaining intelligence
Updooting Moldbug articles and posting Nick Land maymays produces about as much political momentum as terminal discordians telling each other to read Kropotkin over and over again. /pol/ and co died with spread of cheap broadband and 4G and hordes of underage edgemasters and senile schizos they brought with them.

>> No.19153244

A very romantic way to put it.

>> No.19153245

Unironically read Marx, an understanding of his insights and errors is essential to understanding how the right can create a better society and how it can prove that such a right-wing society is better for the peoples of the world. The biggest problem facing the right today is that right-wingers in general do not read. They instinctually KNOW something is very very wrong, but they cannot articulate WHY traditional cultures are being eroded, why the things that matter (culture, history, etc) are maligned, why birthrates are low, etc. Right-wingers have a better intrinsic understanding of how the world is working and how it isn’t, but until serious intellectualism makes a comeback on the right, it’s all just impotent seething on /pol/.

>> No.19153288

>produces about as much political momentum
doing absolutely nothing besides shooting the shit with memes, theorizing, making fun of tards, and doing something unique for the hell of it made the right-wing the most culturally powerful it had ever been with young people

It's exactly this serious-business "we must build political momentum" shit that ruined everything.
Momentum for fucking what? Nobody is going to do jack shit. Occupy wall street along with a couple hundreds of other events happened... nothing changed, everyone got mad that they were super serious but nothing serious happened.
On the right, charlottsville et. al. occurred, Trump came and saw and left. Nothing happened. Now everyone is mad.

There is absolutely a difference between nick land maymays and leftists lecturing each other. The former is a zen art form and the latter is serious business masquerading as quiet desperation.

It's about art. Hitler was an artist. Coincidence? Please. The right went from an impressionist painting to an autocad file of a chair.

>> No.19153304

>Because Michael Anton was right and Trump was the Flight 93 president. He stormed the cockpit but when he succeeded it turned out he didn't know how to fly a plane anyway.
Bullshit. Trump revealed how corrupt the land of the “free” really is and how every major institution is in bed together.

>> No.19153336

>This is just 00s rationalism repackaged, and 00s rationalism was pathetic
What does that even mean? Is it or is it not a fact that you can destroy any 'right wing' dissident by publicizing his identity so that 'left wing' monitors report him to his employer? You've got a belief x about some issue, and the only pragmatic purpose of this belief is to identify you as someone who should be stripped of his income and social network so he is no longer of any political relevance. There was no chance of the position taken being implemented by the state or by business interests etc. It's just a flag to identify you as someone in need of containment and/or expulsion. Like avoiding a coughing person. That's all you're doing as a right-wing extremist, coughing. And your puppet opponent is someone with a letter of marque, they've license to forcibly administer you cough syrup.

>> No.19153351 [DELETED] 

meddling with boomer affairs killed the bubble: it invoked hordes of poisoned-monad bearers. and they came and they scoomed. and they made it what they are. yet the ashes glimmer with the lesson: that is why esotericism. that is why auto-reference. 4chan, you a big boy now: mentally arrested frog your sunthema. but good boy points are no prestige points, right? I mean, the right: never about the wordly succ ass full of fuck you or whatever, I mean, right? ha-ha. damaged frog looking towards the horizon of the sea. it glimmers uncanny. sea gods, nymphs and some dead tree: rejoice, frens, for Mem is the Kabbalistic letter.

>> No.19153389 [DELETED] 

meddling with boomer affairs killed the bubble: it invoked hordes of poisoned-monad bearers. and they came and they scoomed. and they made it what they are. yet the ashes shines with the lesson: that is why esotericism. that is why auto-reference. 4chan, you a big boy now: mentally arrested frog your sunthema. but good boy points are no prestige points, right? I mean, the right: never about the worldly succ ass full of fuck you or whatever, I mean, right? ha-ha. damaged frog looking towards the horizon of the sea. it glimmers uncanny. sea gods, nymphs and some dead tree: rejoice, frens, for Mem is the Kabbalistic letter.

>> No.19153404

nah, just read Hitler and make fun of libtards. RWers are legitmately too dumb to engage with ideas without getting suckered by them. This is how you end up with nazbols and guenonites.

>> No.19153415

Identifying as le epic Paleo Anprim Marxist Trad National Socialist Bolshevik and believing in a particular policy position are not the same thing. You're implying that the only reason people believe things is for some sort of strategic gain because you're a retarded 00s rationalist. It may surprise you to realize that most people who say they believe in X unpopular thing...actually believe it to be true. Now how you present yourself is one thing but sitting here and saying that you have to believe what the regime believes because disagreeing with the regime means they'll succeed is retarded.

If you storm a cockpit and get there and shrug and say "BBBUT IT'S TOO COMPLICATED TO FLY RIGHT BUT AT LEAST WE KNOW THAT NOW" you've failed.

>> No.19153459

>nick land

>> No.19153465

>You're implying that the only reason people believe things is for some sort of strategic gain because you're a retarded 00s rationalist.
Are there any beliefs you have that you disagree with? No, you agree with them because you see a benefit to pursuing them, if not a personal benefit then a benefit for something you personally care about.
>It may surprise you to realize that most people who say they believe in X unpopular thing...actually believe it to be true.
I don't doubt that people believe the things they believe in. That doesn't make the things they believe in less retarded.
>sitting here and saying that you have to believe what the regime believes because disagreeing with the regime means they'll succeed is retarded.
Dumb election tourist. I am saying that having a "political agenda" or identification with one is for elites or people in their employment as extensions of their power. You being a hermit and spouting opinions that if traced back to you would reduce your capacity to action those opinions is just derangement plain and simple. All that does is identify you. At which point, more powerful people with more powerful opinions say "hey fuck you guy you" and the next thing you know you can't even use credit cards and have to move out of town

>> No.19154655
File: 2.15 MB, 2398x3000, 1598337034980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually not heard of this one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Here is a list of based websites/publishers to buy books from:

https://heritagebooks.org/ (Christian books)
https://oeralinda.nl/order/ (Newest Oera Linda English translation by Jan Ott)

For my fellow Dutch bros:
https://winkel.forumvoordemocratie.nl/collections/boeken (Check zomeraanbieding voor some deals)

Pdf downloads:

>> No.19154801

>Bodhi Mantra

>> No.19154884

Just buy it from Imperium Press?

>> No.19154893

The answer is ironically that Demographics is Destiny applies to political movements as well as countries. Nrx and the early alt-right were pretty intelligent and thoughtful, but then there was a flood of low IQ schizos. The human capital is more important than the ideas. I would post that great "Red pill 2013 vs 2020" image but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.19154906

Sorry I don't support the FBI.

>> No.19154930

I would like to take this moment to affirm that (you) are in fact retarded.

>> No.19155489

These are not honeypots (as far as I am aware)

>> No.19155498

>They will also have critical thinking capabilities unlike your cursed bloodline

If they did, they'd question their trans position and settle for being homosexual.

>> No.19155509

If they are homos, then they are homos. If they want to wear dresses, then they'll wear dresses. And if they ask me to put them on hormone blockers I'll tell them that they can do that once they're an adult. But if they want me to use other pronouns, I will.