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File: 53 KB, 1305x319, norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19152133 No.19152133 [Reply] [Original]

Norm Macdonald's essentials list. based or cringe?

>> No.19152143

All the books he tells you not to bother with are great.

>> No.19152146

Not a bad list at all
Good balance of stuff

>> No.19152148

based, as always. rip norm

>> No.19152154

I don't know why he reccs P&V.
Magarshack, Ginsburg and Maude are all better options provided they wrote translations of what you're looking for.

>> No.19152155
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stopped reading right there

>> No.19152164

P&V is almost always the most faithful translation.

>> No.19152172

i'm a bit surprised that a hollywood comedian was this patrician

>> No.19152182
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>> No.19152205

He's always been one of the few good ones

>> No.19152245

>he fell for the P&V BAD meme
think for yourself, retard. out of all the russian books i've read, p&v has done the best translations

>> No.19152260

What to read while waiting for your cheeseburger?

>> No.19152269

where exactly did he write this? Why would Norm give a shit about math

>> No.19152271

Okay pick a page from War & Peace and let's compare Maude's translation to P&V in terms of faithfulness. And we will take for granted that Maude autistically translates any French.

>> No.19152278

>he fell for the meme
>think for yourself, retard
>says the man defending the most egregriously marketed and advertised translations yet
Do you speak Russian at a native level?

>> No.19152292

Why would someone who doesn't speak the original language feel confident in recommending a translator?

>> No.19152469

If you read different translations you will naturally prefer one over the other.

>> No.19152540

>The Wings of the Dove
>The Ambassadors
Damn, very based. Respect. The rest is pretty much high school tier though.

t. Jamesanon

>> No.19152557

Oh wait the birthday hat blocked the "don't bother with" LOL

>> No.19152562

a true comedian

>> No.19152577

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.19152592

It’s on the website for his bookclub. He had a math club too. He was probably following Tolstoy in that interest.

>> No.19152853
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I read P&V translation of Crime and Punishment and enjoyed it. Here a comparison of a couple of translations of TBK.

>> No.19152870

>dont bother with
fucking kek
these lists should be more commong than
>what to read list

>> No.19153135

P&V is generally the best in terms of faithfulness to the original text. People who claim otherwise won't respond to this >>19152271 because they actually have no idea what they are talking about and just repeat what they have read on this board.

>> No.19153153

BASED. Henry James BTFO.

>> No.19153349

I agree with all the ones that I have read on his Don't Bother list. Is Howard's End really bad? I was planning to read that one

>> No.19153390

Its not widely known but Norm was a math genius.

>> No.19153399
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>> No.19153526

I've heard this floating around before, does anybody have proof?
Even a mild interest in math would mean a lot to me (idk why).
> t. mathematician who loves Norm.

>> No.19153553

doesn't mean you could accurately judge which is more faithful to the original

>> No.19153564

I haven't read anything past my highschool assigned reading: the list.

>> No.19153585

Any proof on this claim. I am very doubtful that he was a math genius

>> No.19153598

>When I was a young boy, I studied high math because I was put way ahead in school. So I was doing college when I was 9 years old, I was very good at math, very shy. And then the professor of calculus said "the next theory we're going to learn if A, then A equals A." If A', then A equals A, and he said "what do you think the name of this theory is" and I said "is it the pointless theory?"

>> No.19153608

why should you be doubtful.

>> No.19153627

Cause I have strong intuition about people and have watched a lot of Norm material and interviews. I would be surprised if he went very far in his math studies

>> No.19153757

I really dont think your intuition is very strong than hahah, but whatever. Perhaps you should put your stock into something else because you are way off.

>> No.19153913

So your only proof is a Reddit comment? Norm was being hyperbolic or sarcastic in half of the answers in that AMA. He said his favorite comedian was a tie between Opie and Anthony lol

>> No.19153984


>> No.19153991

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

>> No.19153999

>recommends P&V
thanks i hate norm now

>> No.19154001

Very good list. Especially glad he calls out the pseud books.

>> No.19154100

Garnett BTFOs the rest as always

>> No.19154759

I have the feeling that he studied mathematics, and he was obviously a smart dude, but he probably wasn't a "math genius"

>> No.19155519

Well, it's the most literal

>> No.19155618

slaughter-house five isn't that great

>> No.19155627

Whats the point of telling people what books not to read. Meanwhile he lists like 4 works of fiction

>> No.19155629


>> No.19155660
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>> No.19155677

It's not that uncommon for people to have a gift and then squander it. Take Felicia Day for example. She is a brilliant mathematician and a talented enough violinist to get accepted to Julliard, though she declined. What did she do? She settled for a career of mediocre fame as a gamer gurl icon.

>> No.19155678

God, I miss him, bros...

>> No.19155811

Still making me laugh. Rip.

>> No.19155850


>> No.19155932
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>> No.19157258

who said faithfulness to the original is part of the criteria? Any translation is inherently not faithful.

>> No.19157838

Is this where he got his ideas from?

>> No.19158037

i am a sick man .....
lol Penis&Vagina Shill's are fucking hilarious.

>> No.19158040

Explain to the folks at home his ideas.

>> No.19158192

See Global Rule 2

>> No.19158279

>Don’t bother with … The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Love you Norm, but that’s my favorite novel you fat bastard!
(However, he is right about most the other novels)

>> No.19158344

I've read Norm's writing before, it's pure tryhard amateur pseud.

>> No.19158379


>> No.19158383

nah dude, he literally tries to be epic as shit like his favorite short story writers. but it comes off as a cheap imitation.

>> No.19158491

again, filtered, if you dont know what Norm is trying to do there you are an absolute pseud, probably a nigger too.

>> No.19158527
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>guy is dead now.... therefore GOOD!

>> No.19158534

>Gabe’s still in Vegas and I’m here at the back of the World Famous Comedy Store on Sunset Boulevard. Adam Eget is hovering around me, his tremulous right hand running through hair four days unshowered, his left hand steadying itself on my shoulder, his rheumy eyes looking somewhere at my shirt. There’s a guy up onstage and I think he’s saying some pretty important things because people are clapping a lot while exchanging sad and knowing nods.

What he's trying to do is the worst Hemingway/Hunter S. Thompson impression ever

>> No.19158593

again, you are not getting it AT ALL, stop with the show buddy. We all understand you are a pseud and you should stop before it goes too far.

>> No.19158604

Norm must be a real revelation for you bro. much better than everything you read before him*, right?

*hunger games and harry potter

>> No.19158608

kys zoomer tard.

>> No.19158616

>He said his favorite comedian was a tie between Opie and Anthony

classic norm

>> No.19158623

t.filtered this is just pathetic hahahahah

>> No.19158627

What a retarded challenge. You don't even ask for the original Russian to be posted, just P&V vs. Maude. How the fuck do you plan on figuring out which is more "faithful"?

>> No.19158635

bro norm sucks lol. If you've read anything besides twilight and 50 shades of gray you'd realize it.

>> No.19158655

keep it up, sport.

>> No.19158665

>dying to increase book sales

what a gimmick

>> No.19158678

you never read a single thing this nigga wrote until he died lol. And now all of a sudden he's your fav author or something? shiiit, so this is how NPCs think lol

>> No.19158693

He was always good

>> No.19158745

its over for you, always was

>> No.19158761

yeah bruh, if you don't consider an epic le edgy comedian to be among the literary greats, you be a pseud no cap.


>> No.19159009

he still doesnt get it

>> No.19159110

its not great but its a fun short read. american fiction has always been shit.

>> No.19159184

Do you have a dent in your skull? I asked for a page of War & Peace without specifying a translator, implying from the original text, and then we would compare the translation in relation to that. Telling that no one has cared to accept this.

>> No.19159711

Lol is this from Pierro Scaruffi's website?

>> No.19159736

does "muddleheadedness" sound and look as stupid and awkward in russian as it does in English? if so, then the translators have done a fantastic job transcending mere semantic fidelity and have managed to translate an inept and convoluted expression very effectively

>> No.19159758

>don't bother with
>Orwell, Huxley, Burgess

I honestly didn't give a shit about Norm Mcdonald but this is based
People put way too much stock in these sensationalist doomsayers

>> No.19159769

It's alright, but I wouldn't call anything except perhaps Les Misérables essential.

>> No.19159862
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>it's much more than good
esl retard

>> No.19159895

McDuff is the one that flows the best. Garnett is, well, not bad, but it doesn't feel like it has a good sense of logical progression.
Avsey feels too colloquial and contemporary American-ish.
McAndrew doesn't have much of a feeling to it.
P&V feels too unnaturally Russian for a text that's meant to be read in English.

>> No.19160133

no he got em at ralph's

>> No.19160210

I always liked him you reprobate faggots. I knew he was a math prodigy before he died, too. Therefore, you are all shit compared to me.

>> No.19160236

Do you own a doghouse?

>> No.19160307

maybe the worst gimmick a comic ever had

>> No.19160329
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I'm pretty sure that that's intentional. If you've ever listened to Norm you would know that he likes to play around with cliches, tropes, and old jokes like that. See:
> I says to him—I says...
> I said you dirty dog!
> Good God!
> My uncle...
> I'll know about it, You'll know about it, Andy Richter the Swedish-German will know about it...
> It was like a broken calculator... It just didn't add up.
> Firstly, I'm thankful for the fine ladies who Iive across this country and leave pies upon their windowsills so an old chunk of coal like me might have a meal from time to time.
> It’s funny how something as small as the news of a teenager being slaughtered and tossed in a ravine can be enough to lift the spirits of an entire set full of important Hollywood people.
> Death is a funny thing. Not funny haha, like a Woody Allen movie, but funny strange, like a Woody Allen marriage
> The plain truth is that Adam Eget is an alcoholic and that’s why he doesn’t drink. Me, I’m not an alcoholic and that’s why I do drink. Life sure is funny that way.
This seems to be the same sort of thing except he's done it within the novel form (think of it as part way pastiche and part way parody).
The other anon you're talking to might be a fag but he's probably right about you being filtered.

>> No.19160692


Theres a story that Colin Quinn tells about him and Norm getting on an elevator and two guys are discussing complex arithmetic. After listening to their discussion for a couple of seconds, Norm joins in at their level and Colin is left standing there not understanding a word. Thats the only story i know about it.