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/lit/ - Literature

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19151912 No.19151912 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or have there been no worthwhile books published in the last 40 years

>> No.19151995

Infinite Jest was published 25 years ago.

>> No.19152014

Obvious bait. What are five of your favorite books, with at least two of them being written since 1940? Can’t just give blanket recommendations without knowing your taste.

>> No.19152031
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How many books published in the last 40 years have you read?

>> No.19152083

When people look back at our time all they will see is
>self-help book #40,538
>pop-sci le space is deep XD
>YA oppressed woman vs evil men

>> No.19152123

The Secret History was published 29 years ago...

>> No.19152138

You are biased because there hasn't been enough time to recognize quality literature from today. You're acting like no other era has had these problems

>> No.19152886

Very brave anon, I'm sure no one else in lit feels this way

>> No.19153009

Hopefully you’re not mentioning this as if to counter OP?

>> No.19153046

Infinite Jest, The Border Trilogy (and The Road, and No Country For Old Men), and Vineland, Mason & Dixon, and Against The Day were all published in the past 30 years alone

>> No.19153055

Red Harvest was published in 2010 and it’s awesome

>> No.19153143

Blood meridian was only 36 years ago.

>> No.19153173

no other era had the internet

>> No.19153203

A bigger problem than what OP stated is that basically no new talent has emerged in the past 20 years. Sure there are still people making good work but they're largely veterans who were famous before the internet. These people are like well-known, stable brand names so they could put out whatever and get in the spotlight no matter what. They can get away with a daring new work, a flop or anything that isn't a groundbreaking masterpiece or some safe crowd pleaser. The big problem of this era is that no new talent is getting discovered because growth is completely inorganic over the internet. Your work is a non factor, all that matters is your marketability as a person which narrows things by a lot. It's all a bunch of disposable trained dogs.

>> No.19153262

>commentaire sur la société du spectacle
>Homo sacer I & II
>anti-tech revolution

>> No.19153324
File: 42 KB, 250x324, TheItalianWarAsSeenByAJapaneseSamuriCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading the Samurai Junger letters, published only last year

>> No.19153328

Try in the last 2021 years. All books are written just to hide the Bible.

>> No.19153534

>The Bible was written in the Anno Domini
based retard

>> No.19153540

Western Civilization died in 1945. The fact good books came out for 20 years after is only because those people lived before 1945.

>> No.19153557


>> No.19153581

How biased can I be though. Do you really think that good literature was always hidden by such a thick layer of garbage as it is now?

>> No.19153666
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he's got a point, Pynchon and others have been published pretty recently and are shooting on all cylinders

>> No.19153678

Many recent books (especially YA trash) lean towards making reading feel similar to browsing social media. They use cheap tactics in order to get that dopamine hit commonly associated with prolonged internet use.

Older (recent) books like The Great Gatsby have such surface level "substance." The obvious symbolism gives high school teachers a cop out instead of strengthening reading comprehension in students. This lead to garbage books with "deep meaning" to be successful. They provide people with the same satisfaction as using social media.