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19146762 No.19146762 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to read
>pick book with 750 pages
>read 350 pages on the first day
>never finish it
I'm honestly trying but I can't even bring myself to read another fucking page. Even if I force myself, nothing sticks. It's pointless.
It's not the book's fault. I'd like to finish it but I just fucking can't-
Any books about this state of mind?

>> No.19147204

No books, but every behaviour needs to be reinforced in some way. That means creating a routine around reading. You can't just tell yourself youre going to read every day and that's that. Pick a key time. For me it's right before bed. It means I can get excited to go to bed tired (sad, I know) after reading something I really enjoy. I was reading Brave New World before bed recently and was actually looking forward until the end of the day. Just need dat routine yo.

>> No.19147328

My motivation right now is more about finding out why my brain acts as it does. I want to do one thing but my brain wants to do another. You're giving me advice on how I can circumvent my brain's wants. That's fine, but I'm more interested in why it is like this in the first place.
I actually had to force myself to stop reading because I had other shit to do as well. Now after a break I can't force myself to read even if my life depends on it. Those are the moments that make me think that I'm actually a soul trapped in a human body.

>> No.19147342

Holy shit are you me?

>> No.19147354
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>> No.19147362

Your brain acts that way because your natural instincts are geared away from struggle and towards comfort. Its like being a potato couch and asking why cant your body run semi marathons every day or being a antisocial incel and asking why cant you talk to women with ease. Its because literally everything in life takes training to achieve, even reading

>> No.19147402

>Your brain acts that way because your natural instincts are geared away from struggle
Where is the struggle? I've already read 330 pages. I haven't gotten any ptsd from that. Actually, it was a nice change from my usual days. Why can't I read another 20 right now?
This should be easy peasy but for some reason, it isn't.
It's the same with programming, I have an engineering/software idea, do half of the project within a week but never finish it. Something's fucked here. I suspect that my motivating factor is the unknown and once I've done a good chunk of it it's no longer unknown and my motivation is gone but that's just a guess. I can't be the only one who has this problem.

>> No.19147423

I'll reword and condense my post. You're a good old fashioned lazy fag and you need to purge it by working.

>> No.19147437

your mistake is waiting for motivation or inspiration in order to act
you've already had plenty of time to think and convince yourself of the righteousness of your action

tl;dr stop bitching and take action

>> No.19147450

Try reading less? I never go over 150 pages a day, been doing me just fine for years. DO NOT SPEEDREAD

>> No.19147508
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Zoomer brain. It's over.