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19137067 No.19137067 [Reply] [Original]

is making friends after fighting even a thing irl? even the oldest work of fiction known has it as a main theme

>> No.19137077

Tis in Iliad too. Happened between Hemingway and Welles.

>> No.19137089

It is. I had a severe fight with a friend once. We sorted things out eventually, kissed and sucked each other peenors

>> No.19137119

Yea. You didn’t have any brothers I’m assuming.

>> No.19137139

Only in the past where displays of male comradeship didn’t get you labeled a homo.

>> No.19137218

Happened in the puberty years in school all the time. It was a shit test of sorts: if you fight (back), you are not a bitch, and if you win & make friends, it's even better and a display of masculinity.

>> No.19137231

This is/was common among men. You can still see it in very young boys, I've heard researchers observing kids found that boys who fight would become better friends after while girls who fought would maintain a grudge.

Our feminized society and beta culture probably stops this from happening in boys now, and especially in men.

>> No.19137412

so the lesson there is that chicks should fight with their fists more often?

>> No.19137432

I've had many instances of making good friends after initially being enemies. Sometimes after a fight, sometimes after each man just standing their ground and gaining each other's respect.
Is this really true of women? I must be sad to be one.

>> No.19137447
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>is making friends after fighting even a thing irl?
Yes —for some it is even 'the' thing.

>> No.19137450

becoming friends after competing is a thing irl. physical fighting happens much less outside of bars and parties than it did in the good old days but some of my best friends from high school were on rival track and cross country teams. people who are interested in the same activities as you and around the same skull level in those activities often have similar values and ways of communicating, so they male good friends.

>> No.19137451
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only now you found out that female bullying is more psychological than physical?

>> No.19137484

Yes. Less common in the west nowadays due to weird cultural attitudes about masculinity (especially with it being corrupted to almost always be labeled as homosexual).

>> No.19137490

That attitude is more feminine than masculine

>> No.19137503

Used to be an aspect (or a subset) of a classic virtue: magnanimity

>> No.19137514

definitely, nowadays you can't even lift without being labelled as a homo by people that claim lifting is for homos because chicks aren't attracted to muscles anyway

>> No.19138110

I don't think it's exactly that modernity has lost it's values, it's that these classics became classics because they were a little gay.

>> No.19138138

fuck off fujo, /a/ is over there

>> No.19138155

I hope you, specifically, are forced to live in a world without homoeroticism.

>> No.19138163

Back in high school, girl-girl fights were way more serious than guy-guy fights (guy-girl fights never happened). In a guy-guy fight, there would be fists thrown and whatnot, but enough other guys would jump in and defuse the situation once one guy had clearly lost. In girl-girl fights, people would just watch and film it even when it was clearly over and one girl was just abusing the other.

>> No.19138228

I took my 5 year old to a birthday party last weekend. Some older kid kept punching him in the bouncy house. Then his fake titted mom made his ass apologize. Then like 10 minutes later my kid retaliated and cracked the little fucker on the head with a plastic golf putter. I made him apologize and told him not to hold grudges. Later they sat next to each other during the magic show and both heckled the magician. It’s a real thing and you’re gay for having to ask.

>> No.19138238

Depends entirely on what you're fighting about. If it's over a woman, you'll be best friends in an hour. If it's politics, they will do everything in their power to kill you

>> No.19138263
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In a recent program (a few months ago), the new conservative talk radio host Jesse Kelly explicitly made the point that boys often get on better once they've fought, and that the activity defuses future school shootings, etc. Now that I look at Kelly's portrait he has an obvious case of gayface (despite having a family). His voice itself is a bit weird so all this suggests to me that Kelly, himself a veteran of the marines, may be one of Gorky's "fascist homosexuals".

>> No.19138277

All the friends I made in middle school I made by getting into arguments with them and insulting them, usually after being provoked.

>> No.19138347

Not really. More like a truce or something.
Also, in the age of guns, fighting with fists is retarded. Duels are way more manly since life is on the line, and also Russian roulette can be manly too.
This. I remember his name and will get revenge one day. He probably forgot, but I haven't.

>> No.19138386

When I joined the boyscouts when I was 14, one of the first things I did was get in a fight with an eagle scout. We never punched each other but he could have kicked my ass if he wanted to. Then we just forgot about it and he showed me duh wey

>> No.19138491
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just admit you are a lonely morbidly obese hambeast chick that gets off to gay porn and can't keep your degenerate fetish to yourself and needs to preach about it to everyone

>> No.19138496
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>I hate you
>this cannot mean "I love you"

>> No.19138743

maybe, as some kind of brotherly love(which is often the kind of love in ancient greek tales that kike translators claim to be homofaggotry)

>> No.19138795

All otakus deserve this

>> No.19138832

You deserve a world without homoeroticism.

>> No.19138862

everyone does

>> No.19138875

its a sign of respect towards one another, it shows that not only will you fight back in a fight but you're not a coward. this type of thing happens all the time irl from early on in school to bars, if a mutual respect is achieved between and if neither party has disrespected the other, then they can come out as bro's

>> No.19138916

Just you helots.

>> No.19138935

>In girl-girl fights, people would just watch and film it

Key thing here being that in most fights the crowds that gathered would tend to be of the same sex as that of those fighting. You get lads who would film it but you're right that others would jump in to prevent 'excessive' abuse (except where melanin enhanced creatures are involved). Girls are have aversion to conflict and violent situations as bystanders in general so other than the social media corrupted ones who would film it for giggles others would NOT get involved. You see this same response in outside of the school too.

>> No.19138988

I don't think it's just about fighting, what makes men friends after fighting is showing respect on later occasions. That's the thing for me at least, one of my best friends, I didn't befriend him until two months after our fight, when he responded to the one who verbally attacked me in my absence; I'm not a contemptible person who returns such a favor with meanness, and eventually we started hanging out together until our bonds became strong.

>> No.19139056

now it gets that label because the globohomo jew knows that when men band together through comradery they become the only thing powerful enough to stop their NWO antics

>> No.19139088

Problem isn't fights but long-term bullying and ostracisation. Fights are actually a good outcome, at least for boys.

>> No.19139117

Fights are great at establishing mutual respect, which can form the basis for a long and sturdy friendship.

>> No.19139120

when the boys solve their problems physically they are less likely to hold long term grudge

>> No.19139126

>friends after becoming enemies bla bla

OP was asking about fights…
Yes OP. I used to do Muay thai a lot back in the day and usually i had the upper hand when sparring with people. I later moved and started at another muay thai place where i knew basically no one. Long story short, there was this one guy i never really talked to and we eventually ended up sparring. He handed my ass to me in a very professional way, and the funny thing is i didn’t feel resentment or a will to win and beat him but rather i just realised he’s better than me and that i have a lot to learn from him. I told him i’ve never felt so chanceless before and he said i had good boxing skills. After this, not only did we strike up conversation every time we saw eachother but there was a sense of… just a calm knowing of the physical status order. And all you primitivists chill now - i wouldn’t say hes my superior in anything else, only that knowing (not guessing) another person’s fighting ability calms the question of ”can i beat him?” and thus friendship can commence.

>> No.19139401

ironically, your comment is one that has practically nothing to do with the topic. of course people will make friends in fighting gyms while beating each other up regularly.. but that's clearly not what the thread is about

>> No.19139409

Yes. Mostly you come to respect the fact that the other person is feeling the exact same as you, and throwing everything out, and risking as much as you do. It's weird but it's like seeing yourself mirrored in the other person. I can think of few experiences where the possibility of feeling what another human being feels are as open and as intense as in fighting. Sex is the only other thing that comes to mind. Art possibly being immediately behind those.

>> No.19139413

Would you ever bottom for him? Since he was dom and you were sub? I think he'd like that

>> No.19139434

like a gain their respect kind of thing? I think so, i remember starting at high school the kids that would have a go at the older bad kids would end up hanging out with them but I've never seen it between people the same age - it always seems to be a bit of a see a younger you in the person thing

>> No.19139451

>Would you ever bottom for him? Since he was dom and you were sub? I think he'd like that
Always fags derailing the thread

>> No.19139535

I wrote long story short for a reason. He was one of the people at that place that was hard to get to know and talk to. Anyways, like someone else wrote, a physical confrontation creates mutual respect. Just wanted to give an actual example with some detail rather than people just restating the same facts.

>> No.19139623


>> No.19139625

It sounds like you are dumbgay

>> No.19139837

that's true, but the context of training and sparring together is very different than being in an actual aggressive physical confrontation and then making friends after. but alright, I get your example

ok fag

>> No.19139873

It's what makes guys guys
Why do you think we play sports while the incels look down into their books and the girls are busy with their Byzantine intrigues?
Robin Hood, and every quest story, you have to best the best before they join you

>> No.19140166

My dad can watch movies with men mutilating and beating the shit out of each other but he can't stand the sight of two girls fighting. One day we were driving and there were two slags on the sidewalk and one of them had grabbed the other by the neck and was pulling her hair or something, and my dad physically cringed. I think there's something innately wrong about females being violent to one another from a biological perspective.

>> No.19140168

Boys should grow up learning both fights and verbal negotiation skills. Men, however, should always favour the latter.

>> No.19140255

The only high school fight I vividly remember was two girls that had rolled from the grass/mud onto concrete patio. The girl on top then grabbed her opponents hair and repeatedly slammed her head into the concrete until her foe went limp.

>> No.19140266

>verbal negotiation skills.
How I can learn these?

>> No.19140429

so am i the only one that organised the school fight club? kek i almost got threw out of school for that

>> No.19140441
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Read Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics and Rhetoric) desu

>> No.19141100

we are all really impressed

>> No.19141167

the similarity to the training/sparring situation i think is that in literature it's common that two champions fight one another for their tribe/land/whatever faction. They don't really hate eachother but rather are forced to fight because of political reasons. And since they don't really dislike eachother personally the mutual respect thing happens and given that the conflict is somehow solved they have the opportunity to become friends. But yeah, there's of course a big difference between actually fighting someone and sparring.

>> No.19141180

This. The state of friendships today is terrible, it seems that there are so many lonely men who could never make any good friendships because they weren't properly socialized when they were younger, likely cause of technology (video games, tv) and helicopter parenting and not wanting their precious little boys to learn outside of their field of vision.

Women in particular don't help also, every friendship of the past is labeled as homosexual, Achilles and Patroclus, Alexander and Hephaestion. You can even see it in today's media, anytime that there is a friendship between men, filthy fujoshis swarm toward it and rave about how gay they are, as seen in shit like Hamilton, with him and John Lauren and Marvel too.

>> No.19141182

I've never experienced this. I've experienced renewed respect for already existing friends after we've fought, but I've never fought some person I wasn't friends with and then became friends with them.

>> No.19141369

>Achilles and Patroclus
Even the ancients themselves raised their eyebrows at that particular coupling; I agree with the rest of your point however.

>> No.19141561

oh nonono

>> No.19142049

ive had this happen multiple times. typically someone i know is a massive dickhead, but years later will change and i can't bring myself to hold a grudge, especially when having them as a pal is would be even better.

>> No.19142085

Yes this is basic human nature. Hegel covers this with the concept of Recognition imo.

>> No.19142211
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>On the morning of the 3rd of December, the day after the battle, the Emperor mounted his horse and went round all the places where action had taken place on the previous day. Having arrived at the mere of Satschan, Napoleon dismounted and was chatting round a fire with a number of marshals, when we saw, some hundred paces from the bank, a large slab of ice on which lay a poor Russian sergeant, who was unable to help himself because of a bullet wound in his thigh. Seeing the large group on the bank, the soldier raised his voice and pleaded for help, saying that when the fighting was over we were all brother soldiers. When his interpreter translated this, Napoleon was touched and ordered General Bertrand to do what he could to rescue the wretched Russian...

>The Emperor came to congratulate the two of us on the courage with which we had undertaken the rescue of the wounded Russian, and calling for his Mameluke, Roustam, whose horse was always loaded with provisions, he poured out for us a tot of rum each, and asked us, laughing, how we had enjoyed the bath.

>As for the Russian sergeant, after his wound had been dressed by Doctor Larrey, Napoleon gave him several gold coins. He was wrapped in warm coverings and put in one of the houses of Telnitz which was acting as a dressing station; the next day he was taken to the hospital at Brunn. The poor lad blessed the Emperor as well as Roumestain and me, and wanted to kiss our hands. He was a Lithuanian, that is to say, born in a former province of Poland, which is now part of Russia. As soon as he had recovered, he announced that he wished now to serve no one but Napoleon. He was sent back to France with our own wounded and subsequently joined the Polish legion. In the end he became a sergeant in the lancers of the guard, and each time I met him, he gave me a warm greeting.
t. marbot

i noticed that especially jews are uncomfortable with such stories "ew, former opponents shaking hands later? pilot veterans meeting after the war? cringe! kitsch!". the air cavalry colonel in Apocalypse Now is made to look like a psychopath when he shows a similar gesture towards a wounded vietnamese but abruptly switches attention to something completely different.

>> No.19142238

Based excerpt.
Trannies will never understand.

>> No.19142320

Yes, especially if you get into combat sports. You end up respecting the guy you're up against usually and that goes for almost all fights.

>> No.19142335

Nobunaga and Ranmaru is another classic one.

>> No.19142417

best books with loyal bros and real niggas?

>> No.19142498

Had an old “friend” call me up when drunk to say that my political stance was shit since there “is no truths, only rhetorics!”
After he went on to accuse me being having done things and been to places - which he knew to be true, but he said anyway since it was in line with his and his female friends feminist agenda - I refuted them since they are not true - from which he says that he “knows them to be so”, clearly stepping away from his former tenet.
When I refuted that as well, he changed topics to POP MUSIC and how certain bands gigs were like the sermon on the mount, from which I replied that he shouldn’t judge lest he be judged - and he asked me where that quote came from.
Worst part is that he tried having this “talk” with me in person before, when we were out drinking, but something black came over him, like the curtain fell apart, when he tried this manipulation: in the instance he tried pulling this shit he - became - drunk as of his mind couldn’t handle what dishonor he was trying to bestow upon me!

The worst part is the hypocrisy. These are the men who cannot say a thing to your face, at the peril of actually showing who they actually are.

>> No.19142509

>which he knew to be true
Which he SAID he knew to be true

>> No.19142523

I can attest to this. Parents refused to let me walk 10 minutes from school to home: they rather I spent 50 minutes using the bus to get home.
And they get scared when I use the bike.

>> No.19142541

>The worst part is the hypocrisy. These are the men who cannot say a thing to your face, at the peril of actually showing who they actually are.
I only do it to further fuck with a person. I got real deep in one fucker.

>> No.19142545

A single male can impregnate multiple females in a short span of time, but a single female can only bear offspring once a time. Which means that male competition is good for the species due to promoting survival of the fittest while female competition is bad for the species because it results in less viable wombs to give birth to the next generation.

>> No.19142555

Yeah I fought my best friend in grade school a lot out on the playground until he said he was going to invite me to his birthday party once, not a meme

>> No.19142621
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It is true; nobility in general is united by the magnanimous image that is visioned in exalted, combative flames.

>> No.19142648

Yes. Throughout my teenage years me and my one close friend had like 3 legit fights but then we'd hang and be laughing later that day. Sometimes you fight with your bros, women don't understand this.

>> No.19142663

Catfights are hot.
Your dad sounds like a complete “le old-fashioned gentleman” Boomer

>> No.19142672 [DELETED] 
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Forgot pic

>> No.19142750
File: 806 KB, 750x1062, 38AC452B-E8BA-4187-8E26-82D5E71E9C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know women have a higher pain tolerance than men?
No wonder hey can go at it so vigorously.
The reason guys break up catfights is because it would reflect poorly on us if we just stood and watched but every red blooded straight male finds it hot.

>> No.19142753
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so that's why they enjoy having the shit beaten out of them so much

>> No.19142758

What a stupid thing to say. Women fall out with their close friends far more often than men.

>> No.19142811

call me a homo if you want but I'm not into catfights in fiction. When it's two guys beating the crap of each other I can focus on the action alone but when it's two chicks the smut aspect of it becomes a distraction

>> No.19142871

yeah, someone spit on my arm after i fouled him in basketball, so i spit in his face. we didnt talk for a few years, but became friends later on

>> No.19143027
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To be fair most catfights are very amateurish, the girls just flail around trying to hit each other awkwardly.
Doesn’t help that most catfights are between hoodrats so it’s doubly trashy.
But when both participants are attractive...

>> No.19143031

It is if you're a man.

>> No.19143037

the lamest part of it is that the first move is always hair pulling which is the most coward shit they can possibly do. Meanwhile most guys always follow the unspoken rule of avoiding dirty moves like kicking the nuts or poking the eyes

>> No.19143065

It is. There is nothing purer than the sense of comradery and respect you feel after fighting someone. It can take a few days or literally years to kick in but it'll eventually happen. That's how my best friend and I solidified our friendship.
I also remember beating up a guy I didn't know and laughing with him about how retarded we were to fight under the rain in a parc in the middle of the night. We were completely drenched and exhausted but talked like we were old friends going through shit together.

I haven't felt that in years. I kind of miss it but nowadays everyone carries a knife.

>> No.19143348

my headcanon is that the gods sent Enkidu to deal with Gilgamesh not because he needed to be taken down but because he needed a friend

>> No.19143603

Achilles and Patroclus were depicted or described as an erotic pairing by Aeschylus, Plato, Aeschines, among others (notably, Xenophon, in response to the discussion in Plato’s Symposium, argues against this interpretation). A letter in antiquity attributed to Diogenes has him telling Alexander to spend less time between Hephaestion’s thighs. There is something a little odd and pathetic about blaming whatever male friendship problems that are supposed to exist on homos, especially since relations between men in Protestant Anglo-Saxon world have been frigid since long before the emancipation of homos.

>> No.19143608

>Meanwhile most guys always follow the unspoken rule of avoiding dirty moves like kicking the nuts or poking the eyes
Maybe in LARP "fights"

>> No.19143706

Diogenes was both the first and biggest shitposter that ever lived so everything said by him should be taken with a grain of salt

>> No.19144179

Homer never described them as lovers and his version was the first one though

>> No.19144191

Most responses in this thread are just plainly wrong, maybe in literature and mythology yes, and you also see it with generals like Hannibal and Scipio, but outside of that if two tribes really hated each other they would seek the other's destruction, rape their women and take their people as slaves and pillage their land.
War back then was brutal and disgusting, there was no camaraderie.

>> No.19144204

no one here is talking about war, only about personal quarrels between two guys

>> No.19144256

In the ancient context, homosexuality was an expression of masculinity, in a modern context it's a perversion of masculinity. Irregardless of which you consider right, it's obvious why the attitudes of being labeled a homo would be different between the two

>> No.19144325

Not everything we consider ‘canonical’ about Greek myth is in Homer. The point I’m making is not that Achilles and Patroclus actually *were* in an erotic relationship (whatever that means, since they are fictional), but that the idea that they were isn’t some imposition of modern values, but was common in antiquity. Both interpretations can be considered valid insofar as they have ancient antecedents. Aeschines believed that the pederastic nature of their relationship was implied in Homer’s version and that the implication was obvious to any educated Greek - whether that was true or not, or whether it accurately reflects anything about Homer, is impossible to say with any certainty.

>> No.19144333

>In the ancient context, homosexuality was an expression of masculinity

excuse me sir but you sound full of shit

>> No.19144340

>"you're le wrong"
>refuses to elaborate
>shits her (him) self
So... This is the power of retardation...

>> No.19144352


>> No.19144412

that anon also didn't elaborated why ancient people were super cool with faggotry. At best sodomy was only tolerated between rich and powerful people that could get away with stuff the average joe couldn't

>> No.19144465

>supposed to exist

Do you not believe that there isn't anything wrong today with male friendships? Especially with the advancement of technology that we've seen over the last couple of decades.

>relations between men in Protestant Anglo-Saxon world have been frigid

Can you provide an article or something going into detail about this? Have friendships between protestant Anglo-Saxon men have been so absent of brotherly love?

>> No.19144654

I don’t know much about the topic but in Kipling’s stories of his boyhood the schoolboys constantly mock affectionate displays of friendship, such as those in Tom Brown’s Schooldays, as “was beastly” (ie homosexual). I also remember some Victorian or Elizabethan English writer cautioning contemporary readers of Shakespeare not to be offended by the “unseemly” expressions of feeling directed toward another male in his sonnets saying it was a different time or something. I don’t think it’s necessarily unique to our time, you’ll see what’s considered the acceptable range of intimacy etc. between non-married men and women shift back and forth and sideways over time too. The Greeks did not seem to need, like us, a strict distinction between philia between males and philia into which an element of eros is added

>> No.19145884

Yeah, happened to me with one of my old friends multiple times. We fought a couple of times, not just in arguments but physically too, but after a couple of weeks we eventually talked and got over it. We never actually addressed the topic, it was more like a silent, mutual agreement that we were both cool with each other again. Not entirely sure I would have called it a good way to end the confrontation, but better than remaining seething at each other for the rest of time. Probably the reason we didn't keep in touch.

Also I suppose with my brother.

>> No.19146334

>is making friends after fighting even a thing irl?
Happened for me.

>> No.19146377


>> No.19146601

I have found my best friend after a brawl.

>> No.19146637

how is this not gay wtf?

>> No.19146640

I wouldn’t know because I’m not gay but I’ve been told this happens in basically every anime.

>> No.19146650

Stop thinking in boxes

>> No.19146662
File: 164 KB, 1024x771, FF1B0177-3C18-46FE-AC4D-783325B6C64B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok what if you and a dude fought and he beat you up and won? you respect him right? he showed who the alpha dog is right? what if he raped you? would be willing to be friends after that?

>> No.19146672

>the ancients
Such as?

>> No.19146682

Plato was an enormous faggot.

>> No.19146710

Come on. That was the equivalent of a 4chan anon telling another 4chan anon to stop being such a fag.

>> No.19146723

Plato, Aristotle, Aeschylus, your mother.

>> No.19146729

It’s not even that. Plato was a faggot, he was living centuries after the Homeric era. It’s exactly like how moderns project homosexuality onto Renaissance era artists.

>> No.19146740
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>> No.19146744

>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
4chan Pass users can bypass this block. [Learn More]
Which one of you niggers did it

>> No.19146803

If you’re in the Lower Mainland we’ve been blocked on LTE for more than a year. I thought it was because I was using it to harass the janitor on /pol/ but I’m fairly sure from some of the banned LTE IPs that I cycled over the years that there was a guy posting illegal images.

>> No.19146817

Not everyone is from your shit country schizo dog

>> No.19146842

I’m just saying it’s a possibility.

>> No.19146862

I’m not from Canada but the point still stands, punishing everyone collectively by blocking image uploads just because one nigger decided to post CP is beyond retarded.

>> No.19147401

you're a woman, aren't you?

>> No.19147985

Some theorists believe it’s to make you buy a $20 4chan pass

>> No.19149509

>be white boss baby anon (1st or 2nd grade)
>live in kind of a hood area
>have extremely outgoing leader personality from childhood
>have one best friend
>change school
>want more friends
>meet extremely huge Italian guy, standing a solid foot and change taller over everyone else, and chubby Asian kid
>decide they will be my friends
>approach them with my friend
>”Hey! You hate those girls too right? Be my friends.”
>”Sorry baby anon, I’ll have to decline. As you can see, I already have a friend.”
>”I understand, but in that case I’ll just have to fight you. If I win, be my friends!”
>”Huh? I’d like to see this. You’re on!”
>defeat him in one-on-one combat
>we become eternal brothers
>He would later save my life, by catching the arm of someone trying to stab me in the head with a weapon

I don’t think anyone was seriously expecting me to take on this giant kid, least of all him, but it really did happen like this. I spun him around Mario 64-style and chucked him on the ground. Afterwards, the four of us became super close bros, formed baby’s first gang and ran a Yugioh card racket. We are probably the reason they put single boosters into those annoying plastic and cardboard sheathes... Sorry Earth.

I don’t live near them anymore but, anytime we talk, it’s just like the old days. ZERO homo.

>> No.19149547


I’ll also add that he did like the proposal before turning me down, which is probably why this worked out, but really did turn me down anyway for that exact reason. Sometimes you just have one bro that you want to stick it out with, and you’re good. I could empathize at the time, but I could not accept those results. Afterwards, they were suitably impressed. This elaboration may be necessary for people who just don’t fucking get it.

>> No.19149562

Not everyone is gay or a woman. I know, incredibly hard to wrap your mind around

>> No.19151662
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This is currently the thread on /lit/ that fits the hat the best. Congratulations.

>> No.19152872

>male friendship, deep appreciation of male attributes and psychology
>"lmao that's gay"

Genuinely having a hard time with modernity and jewish/christian shit.
The solution is obviously to stop giving a shit about being called gay and just become "Ok haha I'm a little bisexual haha" but I'm still not pleased about it.

It's too bad the only foils to the judeo-christian industrials are china and japan. Not sure you can really call upon the chinese spirit of bromances.
Hunter x Hunter was pretty cool though.

Not about physical fights but sometimes I've had aggressive arguments on the internet which somehow de-escalated into acknowledgement or memes, usually after one side concedes to one of the other's points (but not the entire argument).
I've never had a high-aggression pick up game that turned fraternal unless we were mostly evenly matched.

>> No.19153342

>Enkidu NO, do not join the party! The animals won't approach you anymore...

>> No.19153406


I actually think this is a perfect summation of the point. Every kind of male status competition is a weak proxy of the ur-competition - physical violence. Guys in the workplace, guys at parties - there's always some degree of one-upmanship and status jostling. It makes sense that if you can straightforwardly say 'No question - you're stronger than me' then it puts all those questions to bed and allows a sort of calm bonhomie to prevail.

>> No.19154254

colorful friendships that look gay in weebshit are 100% made on purpose because manga authors are aware of how fujoshis love that crap though

>> No.19154343

what in the absolute fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19154372


>In that legion there were two very courageous men serving as centurions, Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus, who were rival commanders. These men were constantly competing between each other to determine which of them was best, and every year they strove bitterly with one another for the highest honors. Once, when Pullo was fighting fiercely near the fortifications he shouted, “What are you waiting for, Vorenus? Or are you awaiting some other opportunity to prove your courage? This day will determine our dispute.” After he had said this, he advanced outside the camp fortifications, and rushed against that section of the enemy that appeared to be most crammed together. Vorenus did not remain inside the rampart, but fearing the opinion of all the others, he chased after. A small space having been left open, Pullo launched his javelin into the enemy host, and struck down one of the enemy who was charging at him. While that man had been slain by the blow, the enemy protected this man with their shields, and all together they hurled their spears at Pullo to prevent his advance. Pullo’s shied was transfixed and a javelin stuck in his belt. The javelin bent his scabbard and prevented his right hand from trying to remove his sword. As the enemy surrounded the hindered soldier, the rival Vorenus hastened to help and relieve his struggling companion. The entire enemy multitude immediately whirled from Pullo to Vorenus, who was fighting ferociously hand to hand with his sword, and, having killed one, he pushed the others back a little. Then, pressing his advantage a little too eagerly, he stumbled and fell down an embankment. Pullo then came to the rescue of the surrounded Vorenus, and, after having killed many enemies, they both returned safely within the walls of the camp to the highest praises. Thus fortune dealt with the two in effort and in battle, that these rivals were each other’s salvation, nor was it possible to decide which of the two excelled the other.

>Caesar, The Gallic War 5.44

That is near to what you think, If you assume that Caesar was not writing fanfic on his own legionnaries

>> No.19154383


I feel like that homosexuality was gossip in antiquity and some friendship was depicted as "they fuck" even if not.

>> No.19154392

Based on this thread I guess we can conclude that male friendships born from quarrels are perfectly normal and natural, and the only reason they are perceived as gay by some is because in our modern era we have more introvert asocial men that had few or none meaningful friendships with other men in their lives so they assume if two non-blood related guys are close as brothers it can only mean they are clapping each other's cheeks.

>> No.19154399

I met my best friend through high-school after we got into a fight and had detention together.

>> No.19154415


"antiquity" is very long, a catchterm for centuries and centuries before another catchterm called middleage. So the fact that in antiquity someone had an opinion on characters depicted centuries before is like using the opinion on a character in 20 century to describe the same in 19 century

>> No.19155222

i chuckled

>> No.19155244
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there's a handful of good ones

>> No.19155651

HxH is gay though. togashi loves fag and tranny characters

>> No.19155679

In some cases, yes. But I don’t see how artistic depictions of one’s cultures archetypical heroes (done for the stage during a religious festival) can be considered “gossip”. It seems strange that anons can put a high value the philosophical and artistic output of classical Greece most of the time and then turn around and say, when it comes to the homoeroticism of that culture, that the culture is bad or degenerate
Except primary sources from the Renaissance describe Renaissance artists like Donatello, Caravaggio and Leonardo as pederasts, and there are explicit erect cock paintings from Leonardo’s studio

>> No.19155689

the only weebshit that has bromance that never feels homoerotic are 80's shonen manga like Fist of the North Star, Saint Seiya(the manga where the main characters are blood related), Kinnikuman, Sakigake Otokojuku, Rokudenashi Blues and City hunter. It was during the 90's the whole industry shifted to become focused on apelative fetish crap.

>> No.19155705
File: 33 KB, 314x500, 42FF2283-6419-4BB1-8B6C-E212AB3D4DB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homoeroticism is traditional in Japan so you can’t really complain about it. For them homophobia is a modernist Western aberration

>> No.19156005

what a surprise, a fujo that learned history. Doesn't change the fact that shit like this was just a small niche though