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/lit/ - Literature

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19146117 No.19146117 [Reply] [Original]

lads, I took Theater Appreciation this semester and just finished Fences, and I fucking loved it. The issue is, that’s the only required reading for the whole course. I have Death of a salesmen next on my list, but I checked the wiki and couldn’t find a chart for /lit/ core plays. What’s your favorite play, Anon?

>> No.19146150

Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams
Long Day's Journey into Night Eugene O'Neil

>> No.19146180
File: 1.34 MB, 1368x3433, drama 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are people unable to state who the author is of some lesser-known book with a generic ass title?

For meme-tier /lit/-core, you only need the Greek dramatists (three tragedians and Aristophanes, a comediographer) and Shakespeare.
Other historically notable and worthwhile dramatists are:
Plautus and Terence (defined comedy for many centuries)
(medieval era had fairly little theater)
the English Renaissance - Marlowe, Kyd, Ben Jonson...
Spanish Baroque - Calderon de la Barca, Lope de Vega
French Classicism - Corneille, Racine, Moliere
afterwards - Goethe (not only his Faust!), Chekhov, Ibsen (the latter two are especially important and influential for modern theater, also read about Stanislavsky), Pirandello, Brecht, Ionesco

for a very detailed overview, refer to pic related chart (1/2)

>> No.19146186
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>> No.19146188

>favorite play

It's not my favorite, but if you liked Fences, you would also really enjoy Ma Rainey's Black Bottom and The Piano Lesson. Both are excellent. And I would imagine they make for very good theater (I'd love to see a good production of any of these but haven't had the opportunity.

Glengarry Glen Ross is a terrific play, and so is Edmond. (I happen to have seen good productions of both of these - great stuff. I thought Edmond played *much* better on the stage than on the page, btw.)

Not a big fan of Death of Salesman. It has some good scenes and moments, but feels dull and dated, and ultimately I don't care too much about any of the characters.

>Glass Menagerie
Great stuff. I happened to read Karl Malden's autobiography recently; he has a fascinating account of Brando and Kazan and the rehearsal process and staging of Streetcar.

>> No.19146445


>> No.19146452

what game is that?

>> No.19146470

>Why the fuck are people unable to state who the author is of some lesser-known book with a generic ass title?
Because literate people can recognize these titles instantly and OP is correct to filter people he can't from his thread.
Fences is pretty fucking hilarious I have to admit, you should check it out—it's about nigras.

>> No.19146502


>> No.19146741

>Angels in America
ya, im just gonna go ahead and disregard both of your charts

>> No.19146760

Most anons have never been to the theatre in their life .... yet they will pretend to be learned experts on the matter.
V. Cringe

>> No.19147332


This is the artist I believe

>> No.19147551

imagine the smell

>> No.19147598

god i wish that was me

>> No.19147964

Ya, Bloom put it in his western canon, so go complain to him instead.

>> No.19148108

my faves
The Visit by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Dark of the Moon by Howard Richardson and William Berney
Our Town by Thornton Wilder

>> No.19148118

>taking the western cannon seriously
Please don't tell me you do this

>> No.19148129

I do take it more seriously than I take edgy opinions of a /lit/izen

>> No.19148241

>edgy opinions of a /lit/izen
It's literally a well known fact in the theatre community that it sucks ass

>> No.19148255

Who are you calling lad, guy?

>> No.19148280

cool, I don't give a shit about whatever theatre community you're talking about, and anyway the chart is overall really good (I don't actually know much about 20th century drama after ww2) and if one single play is enough to discredit it, that's your own loss

>> No.19148317
File: 3.73 MB, 1410x2250, lit's Top 100 Works of Theatre (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know back in the spring we had a poll for the Top 100 /lit/ plays and it came out pretty good, pic related.

Top-tier suggestions. I would also submit The Emperor Jones and Days Without End, both by O'Neill. As well as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Williams.

>Why the fuck are people unable to state who the author is of some lesser-known book with a generic ass title?
Fences is a very well-known play.

>> No.19148460

>don't actually know much about 20th century drama after ww2
Okay, so you have no idea what you're talking about, got it
>and if one single play is enough to discredit it, that's your own loss
It's generally okay, but has some overall baffling selections. To take it as some word of God official list is just retarded. It's the opinion of one man that anyone is free to disagree with. Why don't you actually read and make your own conclusions instead of parroting a chart and seething at anyone that says otherwise