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/lit/ - Literature

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19139986 No.19139986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

explain your bullshit

>> No.19139992

If modern literature is so good, what's today's Platon, Dante, Kant?

>> No.19139993

women and minorities literally ruin everything

>> No.19139997

Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Sargon of Akkad

>> No.19139999

Shut the fuck up pocker

>> No.19140013

That sums up half of the regular posters on /lit/ quite well.

>> No.19140024 [DELETED] 

you're reading comprehension is quite low

>> No.19140030

oh, excuse me.
your reading comprehension is quite low

>> No.19140042
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>Sargon of Akkad

>> No.19140104
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Life is finite and relatively short. We all have to make decisions as to how we spend our paltry amount of "free" time and it's only rational to apply a conscious selection bias that would result in higher statistical chance of finding something that would be of utility to oneself. For whatever reason women and minorities struggle to produce noteworthy literature in non-negligible quantities and trudging through masses of contemporary literary works at any given time is ardous work of searching for needles in haystacks. So it's entirely unsurprising that people opt for the surest path and there is nothing inherently wrong or immoral about it. Also dilate.

>> No.19140121


>> No.19140128

>women and poc
there you go, that's why they're shit

>> No.19140151
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this is your brain on utilitarianism

>> No.19140174

why do judeo christians just can't live without reading other judeo christians?
why would you care so much abotu reading books made in a judaic society, it's fucking insane. Plus all the books are the same after a while. it's not like the jews have new ideas at each generation.

>> No.19140182

I've read a number of books from the last 10 years, most of them by women or "PoC," and most of them were bad. You explain that.

>> No.19140193
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At least I have a brain unlike deontic NPCs.

>> No.19140195

so glad that I was born white

>> No.19140293
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>> No.19140321


>> No.19140344

Literature is meant to help us develop a richer understanding of human life. Braindead buffoons like yourself only care about race, gender and class and view every single piece of literature through this lens. And if criticism of a text is to be reduced to largely predictable results before we even begin to read it, what is the point? When we find conventions of race, gender and class that are to be expected of the period in which a text was written we learn nothing. Analyzing a book by only observing what it says about race, gender and class will tell us nothing about one book that isn't true of others from that same period. That is the essence of bad reading. By reducing everything to issues of race/class/gender you dispose the pursuit of literature.

Victim-centered literature being written today to illustrate politically correct precepts will die out for lack of an ability to excite or inspire. The real difference between the Western canon and the politically correct books chose by race/gender/class critics is that the latter are ideological choices imposed on unwilling readers by a cultural elite and only the former are backed by a long history of appreciation and interest on the part of a genuinely diverse reading public. Subversive, offensive writers enter the canon, not safe writers. The race/gender/class critics who want to reshape the canon according to their political beliefs share Joseph Stalin's view of the uses of literature. These critics think of themselves as liberators, but they follow in the footsteps of dictators.

>> No.19140376

I don't understand that image. As though if someon read BIPOCBBQ books would suddenly think, "My God, modern books are wonderful!"

>> No.19140394

Or you just read acclaimed literature whoever authored it. With your method of selection you're gonna miss good works by women and PoC's and read a lot of trash written by white men, so you probably lose an equal amount of time anyway.

>> No.19140423

there's just too many classics

>> No.19140452

didnt read

>> No.19140579
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At least read the fucking phenomenologists/existentialists my guy. Sartre, Mearlou-Ponty, and de Beauvoir are responsible for genuine paradigm shifts that affect the way pretty much every educated person does philosophy today. Sartre’s plays are also excellent, and de Beauvoir’s memoirs are some of the best-written I’ve ever read.

>> No.19140598

I believe it's because almost all the smart people go into STEM

>> No.19140651

Ive read Sartre and de Beauvoir's philosophy without it affecting me in any way. Guenon, Memevola, MacIntyre, Foucault, Schmitt and Berdyaev are 100 times more interesting. French existentialism is a joke.

>> No.19140653

based retard

>> No.19140657

ESL detected

>> No.19140670

>placing evola and guenon in the same league as foucault, berdyaev, macintyre, and schmitt
what this site does to your mind

>> No.19140680
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>Ive read Sartre and de Beauvoir's philosophy without it affecting me in any way.
Ok, explain what “existence precedes essence” means and why it was a shift away from Aristotle.

>> No.19140685

you're missing the part where we read the dust jacket and reviews and the first few pages and it was an obviously intellectually bankrupt piece of shit full of neolib jargon and race narrative

why would i read a whole book of what i know to be garbage. i don't each literal shit out of dogs' assholes because the smell enough to tell me it's bad.

>> No.19140689

>there are people who are not monolingual angloniggers
Incredible observation.

>> No.19140818

I don't really have a problem reading a nig or a spic once in a while, but:
>people who are/were into journalism
>people who are/were into show business
>people affiliated with lgbt
>people affiliated with activism and NGOs
are absolutely out of the question. I'll stop reading 200 pages into a novel if I find out the author is tied to any of these.

>> No.19141045

Name some authors you read

>> No.19141089

why yes I like Novalis

>> No.19141115

>good works by women and PoC's
Name 10 such instances. Also, naming things like ancient Middle Eastern/Indian writings or East Asian classics don't count.

>> No.19141118

The problem is that your selection process is faulty. There are mountains upon mountains of complete and utter trash written by white men out there.

>> No.19141126

>name 10 good works by women or PoCs
>b-b-b-but not these, that would ruin my argument

>> No.19141148

Pride and Prejudice
The Waves
7 Books from Harry Potter saga

>> No.19141151

obviously. compulsory education institutions are beginning to teach students that the arts are a waste of time.

>> No.19141153

So fucking retarded

>> No.19141161


>> No.19141177

The sun had not yet risen. The sea was indistinguishable from the sky, except that the sea was slightly creased as if a cloth had wrinkles in it. Gradually as the sky whitened a dark line lay on the horizon dividing the sea from the sky and the grey cloth became barred with thick strokes moving, one after another, beneath the surface, following each other, pursuing each other, perpetually.

I hope you read this post and explode

>> No.19141202

You didn't answer though
Not even him

>> No.19141203

Je ne peux pas dire que je me sente allégé ni content ; au contraire, ça m’écrase. Seulement mon but est atteint: je sais ce que je voulais savoir ; tout ce qui m’est arrivé depuis le mois de janvier, je l’ai compris. La Nausée ne m’a pas quitté et je ne crois pas qu’elle me quittera de sitôt ; mais je ne la subis plus, ce n’est plus une maladie ni une quinte passagère: c’est moi.
Donc j’étais tout à l’heure au Jardin public. La racine du marronnier s’enfonçait dans la terre, juste au-dessous de mon banc. Je ne me rappelais plus que c’était une racine. Les mots s’étaient évanouis et, avec eux, la signification des choses, leurs modes d’emploi, les faibles repères que les hommes ont tracés à leur surface. J’étais assis, un peu voûté, la tête basse, seul en face de cette masse noire et noueuse, entièrement brute et qui me faisait peur. Et puis j’ai eu cette illumination.
Ça m’a coupé le souffle. Jamais, avant ces derniers jours, je n’avais pressenti ce que voulait dire «exister». J’étais comme les autres, comme ceux qui se promènent au bord de la mer dans leurs habits de printemps. Je disais comme eux « la mer est verte ; ce point blanc, là-haut, c’est une mouette », mais je ne sentais pas que ça existait, que la mouette était une «mouette-existante» ; à l’ordinaire l’existence se cache. Elle est là, autour de nous, en nous, elle est nous, on ne peut pas dire deux mots sans parler d’elle et, finalement, on ne la touche pas. Quand je croyais y penser, il faut croire que je ne pensais rien, j’avais la tête vide, ou tout juste un mot dans la tête, le mot « être ». Ou alors, je pensais… comment dire? Je pensais l’appartenance, je me disais que la mer appartenait à la classe des objets verts ou que le vert faisait partie des qualités de la mer. Même quand je regardais les choses, j’étais à cent lieues de songer qu’elles existaient: elles m’apparaissaient comme un décor. Je les prenais dans mes mains, elles me servaient d’outils, je prévoyais leurs résistances. Mais tout ça se passait à la surface. Si l’on m’avait demandé ce que c’était que l’existence, j’aurais répondu de bonne foi que ça n’était rien, tout juste une forme vide qui venait s’ajouter aux choses du dehors, sans rien changer à leur nature. Et puis voilà: tout d’un coup, c’était là, c’était clair comme le jour : l’existence s’était soudain dévoilée. Elle avait perdu son allure inoffensive de catégorie abstraite : c’était la pâte même des choses, cette racine était pétrie dans de l’existence. Ou plutôt la racine, les grilles du jardin, le banc, le gazon rare de la pelouse, tout ça s’était évanoui ; la diversité des choses, leur individualité n’était qu’une apparence, un vernis. Ce vernis avait fondu, il restait des masses monstrueuses et molles, en désordre ; nues, d’une effrayante et obscène nudité.

>> No.19141210

Nick Land.

>> No.19141216


>> No.19141238

>Sartre, Mearlou-Ponty, and de Beauvoir
Uhh last I've checked, they're all dead

>> No.19141245

It's a matter of opinion, but I've read de Beauvoir's memoirs, and I found them really unremarkable.

>> No.19141312

Holy Cringe

>> No.19141365

LGBT or PoC books are not really books but paper by products of theNGO industrial complex and the therapeutic managerial state. they exist not to be read but merely as a simulacrum of ideologically correct literary production, much like the old literature of the soviet people's republics.

>> No.19141392

>much like the old literature of the soviet people's republics.

>> No.19141397
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why did this make me hard
i don’t even understand french

>> No.19141406

Because everyone knows that by PoC's they mean modern black pypo and Latinx. And by women they mean women, most of whom can't write for shit.

>> No.19141418
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>Name 10 such instances.
Everything Joyce Carol Oates ever wrote (significantly more than 10 books, so that by itself could be the list).
Willa Cather’s Great Plains trilogy.
The Making of Americans.
Dorothy Parker’s poems.
Dorothy Parker’s short stories.
Emily Dickinson’s poems.
The Bible, if you trust Harold Bloom.
My Year of Rest and Relaxation.
Sylvia Plath’s poems.
The Bell Jar.
Audre Lorde’s Cancer Journal.
Pic related (not mind-blowing, but very fun).

>> No.19141435

That’s fair, memoir is a tough genre to judge because you have to both be interested in the author’s personal life and like their stylistic choices. I was personally impressed by how many different threads she could work with at once, but I know some folks who would have preferred a structure that emphasized one thing at a time.

>> No.19141482

who did this?
very hot

>> No.19141505

A couple of years ago some french femanon read that excerpt from La Nausée by Sartre and posted on /lit/, I found it very valuable
So I added a musical background (Beethoven's 9th Symphony 4th movement beginning) to make it sound even better
I like listening to it from time to time, tickles my existentialism

>> No.19141555

you are a god amongst men
any idea where i can find the original thread? maybe i could find more vocaroos from her

>> No.19141559

kys NOW!

>> No.19141569

Dumb argument. Bell curve. Of course there will be some amount of trash by any group, but where is their average and variation of quality compared to other groups?

>> No.19141580

Except for Dickinson everything you listed is midwit tier at best, including the Bible (but Bloom was wrong about that).

>> No.19141586

Not picking more than one book by an author just to make things harder.
>Carson McCuller's The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
>George Eliot's Middlemarch
>Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
>Virginia Woolf's The Waves
>Complete poems of Emily Bronte
>Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human
>Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Paul Beatty's The Sellout
>Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man
>Yu Hua's To Live

>> No.19141678

Thanks for the compliment, unfortunately I lost track of that thread, and I didn't find other speeches from her. There is a community in /soc/ which is 'female sexy audio', you may have fun there. Good luck

>> No.19141712 [DELETED] 

'Platon', Old Greek Πλάτων.
Only E*glish speakers would deliberately pervert and reduce it to 'Plato'.

>> No.19141724

'Platon', Ancient Greek Πλάτων.
Only E*glish speakers would deliberately pervert and reduce it to 'Plato'.
Indeed, I am not a native speaker of English.

>> No.19141835

Vaush, Zizek and so on and so forth *sniff*

>> No.19141864

Latin America has produced some damn good literature and it's a fucking shame anglos will only know about "muh bipoc left" bullshit.

>> No.19142014

This other vocaroo comes from a French text called 'Anticipation' that's pretty famous in FSA (female sexy audio in /soc/). Lustier than the previous, with Beethoven in the background as well, hope you like it


>> No.19142025

>seething paco

>> No.19142032
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Vaush is unironically the most pathetic internet personality I’ve ever seen.

>> No.19142033

>purposefully speaks English poorly
idk if this is based or retarded. I'm leaning towards the latter.

>> No.19142055
