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/lit/ - Literature

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19139036 No.19139036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on these four.

>> No.19139040


I could take every one of them.

>> No.19139046

*sound of Ma and Card snickering in the distance*

>> No.19139061

Can’t we just read and write, then discuss some quality literature we care about? What’s the point of the endless memes and trolling? There’s other people on the other side of the screen. Stop wasting each other’s valuable time when it could be spent exploring the human condition with literature and philosophy.

>> No.19139069

>expecting serious, impassioned discussion
>on 4chan
You're in the wrong place. All that goes on here is maladjusted manchildren using big words to make themselves feel smart and unique and further their "I'm not like other people" mentality.

>> No.19139072

Shills from other websites milking /lit/ for attention

>> No.19139083

>on 4chan
I’m not very knowledgeable about art history or art in general, but /ic/ seem to have dedicated users that care about their craft and analysing it. /a/ also has that same strain; they even have story time for entire manga series. Why is /lit/ so comparatively non-dedicated to its board’s focus? We can’t even discuss William Shakespeare, the most widely read author on the planet, without people turning into a meme about “What, you egg!” or some other juvenile thing.

>> No.19139097

I'll give /ic/ credit, they're solid. This board falls behind because only about 5% of the userbase is actually interested in literature and discussing it, whereas the other 95% comes here feigning an interest in literature because they think it'll make them seem interesting to others. It's sort of like how 95% of the discussion on /mu/ is about the same 20 albums and the same 10 bands. It's not about genuine enthusiasm for music, it's about people adopting random media to incorporate into their self-image because they think it's "contrarian".

>> No.19139105
File: 326 KB, 850x1200, 01bfc9f8cb9401561de180ced92f6946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is /lit/ so comparatively non-dedicated to its board’s focus?
Because no one on /lit/ reads or writes and shit on those that do. It's extremely telling that the only writer that /lit/ managed to produce, F Gardner gets completely shat on by the pseuds because he's a "AnimeFag".

>> No.19139109

/ic/'s interest in art history is skin deep
its a board for concept illustration and porn drawing, which is why won't find threads threads there about 'contemporary art'

>> No.19139222

This is cope and you know it.

>> No.19139254

You're just a jew loving nigger. Go back faggot

>> No.19139280

john david card was the dude who was threatened with homelessness a few months ago. he shilled his stuff here and on /r/acidmarxism to get money for rent

>> No.19139326
File: 473 KB, 540x540, 1500125802548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a shit about whether Faggot Gardner is an "animefag" or not. In fact, (you) are the only person who ever mentions it. On the unlikely chance you yourself aren't Gardner, if you feel any need to defend the facile shilling of this obnoxious self-obsessed slug because he watches the same medium of entertainment as you, you need to get your fucking head checked. Look in the mirror and assuming you don't see the palid, gormless visage of Faggot himself, have enough self-respect to find a more worthy hill to die on.

>> No.19139368

Reading books takes a certain amount of concentration that just doesn't exist anymore. And reading fiction takes a certain mindset that is just as rare.
Both those things don't exist anymore, but a large group of people believe in the utility of reading. Either it helps you develop empathy, wisdom, or is just a better use of your time compared to social media. So you have a large amount of people who wish they were readers but who still can't read because they can't concentrate on reading for large stretches of time

>> No.19139565
File: 15 KB, 559x423, 653ztm9yjtg31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William Shakespeare, the most widely read author on the planet

>> No.19139628


>> No.19139679

Pseud mad. How about you write instead.