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/lit/ - Literature

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1913769 No.1913769 [Reply] [Original]

Various books by Mario Vargas Llosa, Roberto Bolano, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Junot Diaz and Isabel Allende. There's the awesome tier stuff like 2666, The Feast of the Goat, Oscar Wao and The House of the Spirits, then a dozen more good tier books such as (for example) Last Evenings on Earth. The recurring themes of poverty, religous strangeholds, war and linguistics are very enjoyable, and there's something exciting about storytelling set in poor countries. Who's with me on this?

>> No.1913772
File: 77 KB, 522x483, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly sure you've made this thread before buddy. It's okay! I've got your back!

>> No.1913788

I've made a dozen threads about hispanic lit before, but not quite this one. Do you like it?

>> No.1913789

You've made this thread before.
And again I'm going to reply to you that you have missed out on most of the best authors, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Ernesto Sabato & Manuel Puig. Seriously, spend less time on here bragging about your tastes and actually make your tastes better.

>> No.1913793

Who the fuck is she man.

>> No.1913795

That's Björk you uncultured swine.

>> No.1913798

>People always seems to forget Juan Carlos Onetti.
I was working on an English translation of one of his shortest stories just yesterday. Do I commence dumping?

>> No.1913805

>storytelling set in poor countries

as a hispanic-fag, I feel the same way towards stories set in old, huge empires.

>> No.1913806

This is so very right. sunhawk, please read more and make less threads.

>> No.1913819


I read for an average of 5 hours a day, which seems like a lot.


I have a fear of trying new authors. I'm not sure if I'll like them.

>> No.1913824

5 hours is quite a lot man. I read 4 hours a day max.

Although yesterday I was visiting my Gramps in the old folks home so I didn't do any reading

>> No.1913829


It helps to be unemployed (like most of this board), and not have enough money to buy loads of games and DVDs.

>> No.1913836
File: 100 KB, 682x450, brownbearandtomharperlaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual media

>> No.1913845

Could you put it into a text file and upload it if its not too long?

I bet you don't even read spanish.

>> No.1913853
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>and not have enough money to buy loads of games and DVDs.
He puts rent and food before games and DVDs.

>> No.1913852 [DELETED] 
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>reading hispanic literature in English

>> No.1913855

Also, to contribute to the thread, I enjoy hispanic literature. One Hundred Years of Solitude was my first "big" book I ever read.

Also 2666 is pretty tight.

>> No.1913888


Thank god I was born wetback.

These writers really make me happy to know that I was born a beaner.

>> No.1913953

>Implying any of those authors are Mexican.

lol no.

>> No.1913957

Mexicans can't into literature.

You need actual south-americans.

>> No.1913967

Oscar Wao is so fucking funny. I absolutely love when I end up picking up the Novel From Last Year That Every Borders Employee And High-Circulation Magazine Loves and it turns out to make me laugh a lot (call it the Zadie Smith Effect)

>> No.1913969



>> No.1913976

Only the first of those is undebatably true.

>> No.1913978

>thread about hispanic literature
>no Casares, Cortazar, Borges, Arlt or Sabato

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.1914000

lol. did amerifats infect you with "MY COUNTRY IS #1" syndrome or some shit?

>> No.1914007

Gorostiza, Azuela, Yañez, Villaurrutia, Maples Arce, Owen, Novo, Rulfo, Paz, Fuentes, Poniatowska, Pitol, Garro, Castellanos, Dávila, Arreola, Pacheco, Volpi, Revueltas, Elizondo, Arredondo, José Agustín, Alfonso Reyes, Ibargüengoitia, Valadés, Monterroso, Cuesta, Altamirano, Díaz Mirón, Zaid, Juan García Ponce, Muñoz, Chumacer, Pellicer, List Azurbide, Carballido, Usigli, Gutierrez Nájera, López Velarde, Nervo, Tablada...

>> No.1914014

>Dat feel when your continent appeared to be at the brink of an economic boost during the 60's while becoming a beacon of artistic achievements when suddenly something went bad and we got civil wars and foreverunderveloped.gif

>> No.1914022


This probably stupid of me to say, but the only people who make me proud to be Hispanic are a few musicians, painters and these writers.

I must be one sad human being ?

>> No.1914024

Being proud of your ethnicity is idiotic.Why would you be a sad human being?

>> No.1914397


Why you mad at my undeniably factual statements.
Fuentes' entire body of work>Bolanus' body of work.
Fuentes' magnum opus>Bolanus' magnum opus.
Rulfo did with one novel and a collection of stories more than Marquez has or will ever do.(Marquez himself has admitted as much.)
Come at me brah.

>> No.1914407 [DELETED] 

Because does are the only reasons that make me proud to be hispanic, the rest makes me feel shame for being hispanic.

>> No.1914408
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Because these are the only reasons that make me proud to be hispanic, the rest makes me feel shame for being hispanic.