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/lit/ - Literature

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19134390 No.19134390 [Reply] [Original]

Share quintessential Church Father writings for the young Christian female.
Do they even exist in the modern world? Any books explaining how to convert them to Christianity?

>> No.19134411

>Do they even exist in the modern world?
If they're in America I haven't seen any. At most I've seen born again evangelicals who apparently found Jesus after they got one too many dicks. I'm not here to talk about who the real Christians are, but we can certainly agree that genuine religion is practically dead in the modern West.

>> No.19134415

My dick

>> No.19134428

Do females actually know how to read?

>> No.19134433
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Why ask here?. All the Christians are LARPing and 95% are males under 17 years old.
The other 5% are the fat, middle-aged janitor and a couple of transsexuals

>> No.19134438

Anything by marquis de sade

>> No.19134456

>You're not a real Christian if you've led a life of unrepentant sin before.

>> No.19134472

Yes, I do think Christianity is mainly a fat LARP here. It's just a cope to deal with the fact that you were a disgusting whore, degrading your body and permanently defacing your mind. Same with tradlarpers addicted to porn begging Jesus to take their vices away.

>> No.19134486

There is only going to be tall 6'5"+ thick beautiful amazon women and small adorable 3'5" cute shota supersoldier men in the future.

>> No.19134495

>addicted to porn begging Jesus to take their vices away.
I did this and it actually worked though.

>> No.19134512

>I did this and it actually worked though.

>> No.19134521

Ah yes, I remember that passage in Matthew where Jesus talks about coming to save the righteous and not sinners.

>> No.19134557

>Ah yes, I remember that passage in Matthew where Jesus talks about coming to save the righteous and not sinners.
The fathers of your church banned men from becoming clergy if they were raped during childhood. Why do you think they would do something oh so bigoted? Because sin leaves imprints on the flesh, the mind isn't the soul, and traumatizing events like that can and do have long-lasting repercussions. I'm not obligated to see a whore any differently just because she claims to be born again, that is between her and God. When these narcissists want to be treated differently is where the problem begins.

>> No.19134616

What is she thinking about, bros?

>> No.19134701

That's good to hear, anon. I also hope God will help me get rid of my lust.

>> No.19134714

While I agree, I would not dwell on it too much. You can accept these people if they really want to turn to God, just be wary of what evil still lurks within their hearts. It's not merciful to let their spill over onto everyone else.

>> No.19134730
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Christian women are generally more interested in practice than the intricacies of theology.

>> No.19134774
File: 162 KB, 595x397, ZHenyi-Mironositsyi_595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why ask here?
Where else would I ask?
I'm hoping an anonymous Christian female would answer here.
I don't really have any other way to ask this.

>> No.19134789

Female Piety by John Angell James
A Widow Directed to a Widow’s God by John Angell James
A Help to Domestic Happiness by John Angell James

>> No.19134806

The only "Church Father" is God and His writing is the Holy Bible.

>> No.19134812

Women are drawn to the cosmetic displays of piety
That's also why nuns don't have to study theology and philosophy

>> No.19134819

That's islam, literally worshipping symbols on paper.
In Christianity prophets work together with God in writing Holy Scripture. So the apostles are also church fathers.

>> No.19134820

Jesus didn't write anything directly tho

>> No.19134841

God told the Apostles face to face not to call anyone father, that the Father is their father, so you can take that up with Him.
Yes He did through the Holy Spirit.

>> No.19134850

>not to call anyone father
I guess I should call my dad 'male parent' or something cringe like this now? Words have different meanings in different context. Christ also said not to call Him good and that only God was good. Do you now not call Christ good?

>> No.19134883

>Jesus didn't write anything directly tho
>Yes He did through the Holy Spirit
That's not directly tho

>> No.19134921

>the Holy Spirit isn't everywhere in everything at all times

>> No.19134997

>noo the holy spirit made me directly do a crime because he was there!!!!!

>> No.19135028

The human authoring participants were willing.

>> No.19135694

undeniably based

>> No.19135765

read "the perfect wife" by Fray Luis de León. Also St. Thérèse of Lisieux's life, St. Teresa de Ávila's life...

>> No.19135772
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>> No.19135799

I'm sure such a thing exists, try maybe finding family owned book shops that sell religious books online in which you can directly talk to them? Or perhaps you should just read whatever is available, given that it mainly has to do with a lifestsyle that isn't necessarily only for men.

>> No.19135920

Not Church Father, but St. Teresa de Avila's Interior Castle and Way of Perfection should be required reading for all women. Sts. Catherine of Siena, Hildegard of Bingen and Thérèse of Lisieux are also all great reads. People in this thread are fucking retarded, most of all this anon >>19134812. That might be a problem for Protties, but all four of the women I mentioned are considered Doctors of the Church and have had considerable influence within the philosophy of mysticism in Catholicism.

Seek Christ.

>> No.19135970

>St. Teresa de Avila
She was in extreme prelest though. Not a good example for women.

>> No.19135987

>Christian literature for females
Women shouldn't even know how to read, women knowing how to read is jewish feminism

>> No.19136010

>Do they even exist in the modern world?
Women aren't stupid enough to fall for that shit.

>> No.19136022

I tried to get a baptist girl interested in The Confessions...

Protestants and their solo scriptura and solo fidae lunacy are a tough nut to crack.

>> No.19136024

we're gonna need a bigger basedjak

>> No.19136267

Indeed. Just look at their posts here on /lit/, they are zealots.

>> No.19136270

was trying to say basedjak

>> No.19136275

soi jak

>> No.19137608

>St. Teresa de Avila

She has profound insights into psychology, the daily living out of the Christian life, and theology. She was an amazingly gifted writer.

Let me add the name Sr. Faustina, whose diary, published as Divine Mercy in My Soul, is an absolutely profound work.

>Share quintessential Church Father writings for the young Christian female.

You could read any of the Church Fathers, and get as much out of them as any given man. Recall that the Fathers wrote over a thousand years ago -- to a very different world and culture. Perhaps Augustine speaks most clearly to us - to our hearts and minds, in a living voice - most especially in his Confessions.

St. Catherine of Siena, Dialogue with God the Father is another amazing book.

>> No.19137655

>Do they even exist in the modern world?

Of course they do. For instance, there are a number of young Catholic women in this list of bloggers:

>> No.19137745

>Any books explaining how to convert them to Christianity?

Catholic women conversion stories:

Atheist to Catholic: One young woman’s unexpected conversion

Why do young 'nones' convert to Catholicism? Detroit-area researcher has answers


The Catholic Conversion Process Among University Students
>This exploratory study used a qualitative research methodology to investigate the spiritual and life experiences of undergraduate students who convert to Catholicism.

G.K. Chesterton, The Catholic Church and Conversion (1926)
>Fifty men on shipboard strain their eyes for land. Five, then ten, then twenty, make the land-fall and recognise it and establish it for their fellows. To the remainder, who see it not or who think it a bank of fog, there is replied the detail of the outline, the character of the points recognised, and that by the most varied and therefore convergent and convincing witnesses--by some who do not desire that land should be there at all, by some who dread its approach, as well as those who are glad to find it, by some who have long most ridiculed the idea that it was land at all--and it is in this convergence of witnesses that we have one out of the innumerable proofs upon which the rational basis of our religion reposes.
>The cynic enters, and so does the sentimentalist; and the fool enters and so does the wise man; the perpetual questioner and doubter and the man too easily accepting immediate authority--they each enter after his kind. You come across an entry into the Catholic Church undoubtedly due to the spectacle, admiration and imitation of some great character observed. Next day you come across an entry into the Catholic Church out of complete loneliness, and you are astonished to find the convert still ignorant of the great mass of the Catholic effect on character. And yet again, immediately after, you will find a totally different third type, the man who enters not from loneliness, nor from the effect of another mind, but who comes in out of contempt for the insufficiency or the evil by which he has been surrounded.
>The Church is the natural home of the Human Spirit.
>There is only one explanation of the phenomenon [of conversion]. There is only one explanation which will account for the ... infinitely varied quality of the minds attracted by the [Church]; and that explanation is that the Catholic Church is reality.

>> No.19137891

Women should cover their heads in church

>> No.19138710

>St. Catherine of Siena
>Sr. Faustina
>>St. Teresa de Avila
All textbook cases of prelest, anon...

>> No.19138784

I think officially the rule only applies to married females, since it is a symbol for the angels of her submission to her husband, that's how they did it in Greece afaik

>> No.19138786


>> No.19138791

>Sr. Faustina
didn't she say that a special picture of Christ could save you for sure if you venerated it?