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File: 12 KB, 171x266, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19132109 No.19132109 [Reply] [Original]

Where the fuck do I start with this asshole? Who do I read to understand what the fuck he's talking about? I'm assuming I should read Anti-Oedipus, but who do I need to read to understand THAT? Who do I read to understand Nietzsche? Who do I read to understand THAT?

>> No.19132129
File: 326 KB, 497x845, 84D33348-EBB7-4544-8C8C-5C8AC5B0787C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right

>> No.19132141
File: 104 KB, 1258x630, 1684731104048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related for Deleuze.
you can just read Nietzche to understand Nietzche.
You can honestly just read fn though. Some shit might go over your head but like who cares? You can start piecing it together when you read the other guys anyway.

>> No.19132152

>Where the fuck do I start with this asshole? Who do I read to understand what the fuck he's talking about?
Mark Fisher, "Terminator vs. Avatar"
>What, then, is Land’s philosophy about?
>In a nutshell: Deleuze and Guattari’s machinic desire remorselessly stripped of all Bergsonian vitalism, and made backwards-compatiblewith Freud’s death drive and Schopenhauer’s Will. The Hegelian-Marxist motor of history is then transplanted into this pulsional nihilism: the idiotic autonomic Will no longer circulating idiotically on the spot, but upgraded into a drive, and guided by a quasi-teleological artificial intelligence attractor that draws terrestrial history over a series of intensive thresholds that have no eschatological point of consummation, and that reach empirical termination only contingently if and when its material substrate burns out. This is Hegelian-Marxist historical materialism inverted: Capital will not be ultimately unmasked as exploited labour power; rather, humans are the meat puppet of Capital, their identities and self-understandings are simulations that can and will be ultimately be sloughed off.

>> No.19132183

>Nick Land
Into the garbage it goes

>> No.19132297

Read Xenosystems blog posts. Most coherent. Read phyl undhu

>> No.19132305

Fisher is a retard. Read "A Critique of Transcendental Miserbalism" to see Land destroy Fisher's life's work in a single essay

>> No.19132307
File: 221 KB, 1055x1002, ECuAz03XsAcYYVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where the fuck do I start with this asshole?
His Twitter feed.

>> No.19132369
File: 1.26 MB, 800x3300, WhatDoILand2(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go, OP

>> No.19132378

It's drug-fueled schizo rambling about money and computers. You do not need to waste your time.

>> No.19132884

Shit chart missing extremely key texts and the entire context of his "turn" to NRx (hint: it was entirely consistent with his earlier philosophy)

>> No.19133161

what are these extremely key texts?
how was it entirely consistent with his earlier philosophy?

>> No.19133177

>No Schopenhauer