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/lit/ - Literature

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1913105 No.1913105 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, feeling depressed as fuck and vocaroo threads always cheer me up, so can we start a vocaroo thread?

>> No.1913107

Isn't that a /soc/ thing?

>> No.1913111

/lit/ related vocaroo.
a dialogue, monologue, verse stanza, or even poetry would be fine.

>> No.1913115
File: 62 KB, 264x275, Le Friod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would contribute, but have cold.
bumping for op.

>> No.1913122

I'll just find my mic and read some Kafka...

>> No.1913128


Guess where I'm from?

>> No.1913139

damn, I sound bad today.

>> No.1913144


Can't really make out what you're saying.

>> No.1913155


>> No.1913156


Northern Ireland, yeah.

>> No.1913161

>mfw I only listened for a second and only knew you were Irish because of Across the Universe

>> No.1913162

Knew it, my godfather's from Londonderry.

>> No.1913165
File: 46 KB, 284x257, Sara-cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy

>> No.1913166


Londonderry is actually the name for it, since it was a plantation town. The general area is called Derry.

It just goes to show how petty the disputes are over here...

>> No.1913168
File: 65 KB, 176x186, quin13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was that coffee.

>> No.1913170

To top it off, his dad was a high-up in the RUC.
Made for an interesting growing-up, I imagine...

>> No.1913174

Come on guys, post some /lit/ vocaroo... I want to hear some different American accents.

>> No.1913172

I know Londonderry is the actual name for it.
My reaction was to the fact you called it Londonderry.

>petty the disputes are
Typical loyalist.

>> No.1913175


Me a Loyalist? Hahaha. You could not be more wrong.

>> No.1913177

Don't we all?
I would, but I am not American, nor is my voice something people want to hear.

>> No.1913178


little freestyle for you guys

>> No.1913179



>> No.1913180
File: 65 KB, 226x200, quin15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of interest do you have a soft Edinburgh twang or more of a harsh Leith accent?

>> No.1913185

I would buy my accent sucks and is too deep. Plus my microphone is terrible.

>> No.1913187

plz elaborate

>> No.1913191


Never tried using vocaroo before. Here goes.

>> No.1913192

I'd say it's more of an inbetween. It isn't harsh, but then I'm not what you'd call a soft edinburgh twang either.

>> No.1913193


You sound a bit like Jon from Game of Thrones. Good accent.

>> No.1913198
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sure, what the hell

>> No.1913204


>> No.1913241

Reading a chapter from Down and Out in Paris and London.

>> No.1913258

Forgot my link

>> No.1913290

Here's a couple lines from Life and Times of Michael K


>> No.1913299

You guys make my penis feel funny.