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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 151 KB, 1200x1635, 20210927_173815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19130787 No.19130787 [Reply] [Original]

You have a duty to read in public.

>> No.19130803

I've never actually been in a starbucks

>> No.19130831

On a kindle, of course, where you can keep thousands of books without the need for pesky storage problems.

>> No.19130926


i have a library take care of storage, plus then most my books are free.
well, other than the overpriced coffee and sandwich once a week, which i feel is fair.

>> No.19130950

my 8gb kindle is capping out at about 3300 books. shoulda bought 32gb.

>> No.19131069

She fantasizes about being raped. She fantasizes about being raped.

>> No.19131082

Rough sex isn’t rape.

>> No.19131085

Can you elobarate on this duty? And where is it best to read in public for maximum gains/profit.

>> No.19131089

>going out in public

>> No.19131093

"raped" by a sweet handsome boy, sure

>> No.19131134

It is though, and that's a good thing.

>> No.19131139

God I wanna slap her face with my cock till she begs for me to slip it in, but I refuse and beat her with my 9in cock until she’s unconscious on the floor of the train. Then I slip it in.

>> No.19131158
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>> No.19131231

Please find resources to help kick your porn addiction. You deserve better.

>> No.19131310
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Would you approach someone in public if they're reading a book you like?

>> No.19131393


>> No.19131394
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it probably wouldn't work out either way

>> No.19131402

is it normal for libraries to have a cafe? i've never seen this before.

>> No.19131439

I talk to people reading books just because I know it interrupts them.

>> No.19131481

The only two books someone has approached me while I've been reading them are The Bible & Atlas Shrugged

>> No.19131498
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dubs decides what book I read in public next

>> No.19131533

On the Jews and Their Lies

>> No.19131535

Idon't go in public

>> No.19131541


can only speak for here in England, public libraries never used to have them, now i think it's most common.
for my mid-smallish town i'm lucky with the library. the highstreet these days is all closed stores, poundlands, and shitty bars like Weatherspoons, but the library is nicely kept and one of the last nice places in town, so its a little sanctuary for me. lots of good seating, nice staff, quiet, well stocked, and yeah the cafe is passable at least.

>> No.19131565


>> No.19131568

yes it seems to upset a lot of zoomer women that you aren't paying attention to them

>> No.19131579


>> No.19131591

Any idea on what he's reading?

>> No.19131607

Ok, one is Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The other maybe a Bible?

>> No.19131633

do it faggot

>> No.19131641


The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren
the Bible, God (idk)

>> No.19131642

sounds nice. maybe i should check out other libraries in my general vicinity.

>> No.19131715

In my area they have vending machines at best

>> No.19131732
File: 111 KB, 800x400, barnes-and-noble-cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it normal for libraries to have a cafe?
It's becoming more common in my experience, although I think it's partially an anti-homeless measure where it's popped up. It's more common in larger chain bookstores. Back in college, the larger libraries on campus were connected with cafes, but the majority of the library didn't allow food/drink.

>> No.19131809

barnes and noble went extinct in my area. maybe it's just my local library, I know of a couple others that are located in nicer cities. i'll have to check them out now.

>> No.19131826

>It's becoming more common in my experience, although I think it's partially an anti-homeless measure where it's popped up. It's more common in larger chain bookstores. Back in college, the larger libraries on campus were connected with cafes, but the majority of the library didn't allow food/drink.
While some people might treat it as a library, Barnes & Noble is a bookstore, with the in shop Starbucks/cafe, as a way to get people into the store and make more money.
Either you go into B&N to browse books, and you purchase overpriced coffee drinks or deserts, etc., or you pop in to buy coffee, and read B&N’s stock of books while you eat.
Some smaller booksellers and comic shops have done similar to attract customers into their stores who otherwise might only stop in quickly and leave, or who might just shop online.
Retailers of other goods have done similar.
There’s a real estate developer in my city who owns a small chain of coffee shops to help attract buyers for his condos and apartments.

>> No.19131828

mine doesn't even have that.

>> No.19131832

how is it anti-homeless?

>> No.19131855

Libraries, especially in big cities, attract a lot of people that are homeless. Makes sense - you get free Wi-Fi and AC. I'm fine with it, but since space is limited, some people object to it. But if you introduce a service that's not free (like a cafe), you get greater justification to move those people out.

I think adding cafes and other "perks" to libraries are more to attract people than to keep homeless out.

>> No.19131856

I hate you so goddamn much

>> No.19131871
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>Whatcha readin'?

>> No.19131903

>So is that book any good?

>> No.19131912

damn it do be like that

>> No.19131964
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I dunno! Maybe once I can finish a page in peace, I can report back to you on the findings!

>> No.19131995

based but also I like it when people ask me what I'm reading so jokes on you.

>> No.19132004

same especially if it's a sexy lady

>> No.19132005

Treat others and you would like to be treated, therefore leave them alone

>> No.19132016

I want to be that guy who reads Camus in public :^)

>> No.19132027

All sex is inherently rape due to women's nature.

>> No.19132033

Is that the Russian translation of 50 Shades of Grey?

>> No.19132037

Is Kindle or Kobo better?

>> No.19132046

I cannot focus in public at all. I am too busy maintaining my public appearance and keyed up from the trauma caused by gore webms on 4channel to think hard.

>> No.19132078
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Working out
Working out the mind

>> No.19132095

Clean restrooms

>> No.19132099

They are trying to get other revenue streams

>> No.19132103

Seems like dubs are antisemetic

>> No.19132150

I'm neither a neet, a bugman, nor a woman. I'm not so desperate for attention I larp as an interesting or smart person reading something desperate for someone to compliment me

>> No.19132164

Technically, Martin Luther's book is anti-semtic towards Judaism as a religion, and not as a "race" - he recognized that Christianity has roots in Judaism, and he also hated Roman Catholics, Anabaptists, and nontrinitarian Christians. He just thought their beliefs were wrong.

>> No.19132192

Wouldn't know firsthand but apparently Kobo has better pdf support

>> No.19132195

you're desperate for an english lesson

>> No.19132196

i enjoy reading in public
this will end when i get a car

>> No.19132208

I'd be glad to talk about a book I'm reading if someone asks me about it.

>> No.19132213

I am drunk

>> No.19132214

>Would you approach someone in public if they're reading a book you like?
Only if I liked the book they're reading, if they're just reading in public in general that's not enough.

>> No.19132220

Why is "danger hair" a thing? Not that this chicks hair seems all that artificially colored.

>> No.19132478
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But with a kindle you will never turn your house into a musty labyrinth of stacked books and papers. Also, you'll look like a complete tool

>> No.19132483

post yourself doing it faggot

>> No.19132499

I use the Kindle app to read my illegally pirated ebooks (which I've emailed to my Amazon account).

>> No.19132516

Owning a kindle in the first place should be illegal so this is meaningless to me

>> No.19132589

Why would anyone look down on someone else for reading a fucking kindle
It’s not like it’s a 3ds

>> No.19132615
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There's just something about reading a physical book in public that carries a sort of mystique.

>> No.19132618

Because they are gay and sterile. They reek of urbanite midwit

>> No.19132648

You're thinking of a kindle. Physical books usually have the author and title plainly visible.

>> No.19132666

No one looks at a person with a kindle and is enraptured by the mystery of what they're reading. Seeing someone's physical book tells us a little story about them, from which we can imagine a whole personality. not so with the plain brick

>> No.19132676
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I don't mean
>mystique from who the author is/what's the title
I mean
>mystique from "what can be so compelling that she's reading from a cumbersome book," "where'd she get that," "I wonder what that book's about"

e-readers are fine I guess, but I could technically read a book on my phone too. A physical book excites my imagination.

>> No.19132687

I know what you meant fag. I was making fun of you for being a pretentious pseud.

Have sex.

>> No.19133372

the reddit devil reveals himself

>> No.19133626

Fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19133632

i need to build up to being in public first

>> No.19133635

I hate reading in public - everyone feels entitled to come up and ask you if it's a good read and they all have the same story. "Oh, I gotta read more." One day I was in the break room reading an Arden Shakespeare copy of Macbeth and a manager asked me if it was a good story. It's fucking Macbeth.

>> No.19133656

>I've only been hate fucked; men hammer me down as if I were their self-esteem and they were face to face with every regret.
>t. butters

>> No.19134246

there's the translation in the pic

>> No.19134257

I play librivox recordings loudly on my phone, no earbuds. The whole carriage must enjoy Pope's Iliad

>> No.19134335

>he doesnt comfymaxx by covering his walls in bookshelves


>> No.19134344

You are also incredibly insecure.

>> No.19134693

The fuck does that mean? I don’t respect “non-binary” faggots I’m just a bad writer

>> No.19134720

>not doing both for atleast an hour

>> No.19135154

I read books on my phone so I look like anyone else. Not because I want to. It's just what I've got.

>> No.19135179

I'm not driving 30 minutes just to look pretentious infront of people. Sorry.

>> No.19135231

Why the fuck would I want to do that? All I do at home is read.

>> No.19136026

>driving 30 minutes
Americucks on reaching public areas in a nutshell

>> No.19136038

Maybe someday a woman will approach me and ask me about a book I'm reading...

...and interrupt my train of thought with her stupid feminine babbling.

>> No.19136061

Two middle-aged men started a conversation with me once when I was reading the Penguin Atlas of World History (volume 2)

>> No.19136075

Were you sending them provocative signals?

>> No.19136101
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When I was a teenager I used to read in the subway. One day two bullies sat next to me and made fun of me being a book nerd. Then they spat in my face and threatened to beat me. I ran away in panic. From that day I never read in public anymore.

>> No.19136138

I live in the forest, not a suburb. Before I moved it would have only taken less than 5 minutes to walk to the closet public park from my home.

>> No.19136192

Qt sitting next to me on the train was reading over my shoulder once when I was reading a book about Charlemagne. Wish I'd started a conversation with her.

>> No.19136764
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>> No.19136895
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fucking kek

>> No.19137047

>reading for the aesthetic
kys pseud

>> No.19137096
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I read manga in public because fuck you

>> No.19137135

>read in public
>get angry when people try to socialize with you
if you want to be autistic like that you should wear giant headphones so people think you're listening to music

>> No.19137935

I do it when I'm on public transport so that I have somewhere to look at. I never take my phone to work so my options are
>staring at the window
>staring at the ground
>staring at people
>closing my eyes and risk napping
A book is a much better alternative
I was once reading Chekhov's Sakhalin Island and a random guy approached me saying he read it during his sociology class or something. I just nodded, agreed, and went back to reading
Pretty awkward

>> No.19137983

I was reading Murakami at the park, just trolling for bitches, right? Somewhere across the East River where all those nerd whores flock, you know they were like hipsters and then hippies or something and now they're nerds and Jill off to big titty hentai and shit, these tight little waist, and of course next thing you know, and it literally just happens this way these days, I've got two of those art hoes bending me over their creative workspace , one rimming me while the other prepares this intimidating strap on, and I'm staring at their sketches there below me just browsing and, I mean, I'm pretty impressed like they really got something good here and my God they're entering me, or one of them I don't know. I'm wondering about the themes in that fucking Murakami Nobel but we haven't even gotten to discussing /lit/ yet so I'm rolling my eyes in disdain and checking my nails at their petty attempt at ass play.

>> No.19138158

get a pocket knife

>> No.19138161

>Pocket knife for defense
Idiot. You get a gun.

>> No.19138164
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Is it ok to read this edition of Infinite Jest in public or do I need the typical blue edition?

>> No.19138193

not everyone lives in burgerland

>> No.19138201

people stare at me when i go out in public and i dont like it, so no

>> No.19138205

What movie?

>> No.19138206

Don't get a knife then. You'll escalate the situation and injure yourself, others, and just end up a bloody mess.

A gun, on the other hand, is the great equalizer. With practice it can slay the mighty, humble the proud, and defend the meek. A knife, by contrast, is a tool with a strictly utilitarian purpose. It can be pressed into a weapon, but it takes a truly skilled warrior, and a man unafraid of imminent death to wield it even moderately.

>> No.19138465
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For non-person-vs-person interactions, a knife is much more useful.

>> No.19138469
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Is it?

>> No.19138480

I carry a multi-tool with me all the time, but I do not consider it a weapon.
No, I carry a gun.

>> No.19138484
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If you don't read while commuting or exercising, you are wasting your time.

>> No.19138497

Extremely based. Fucking do it. >>19131498

>> No.19138507
File: 37 KB, 358x599, discus chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body glows at 1000 watts
>couple of watts left for appreciation of world classics

>> No.19138534

yeah what he said

>> No.19139183

get some pocket sand

>> No.19139186

I wonder if anyone has ever ran a marathon while reading a book

>> No.19139424
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That's why I love my kindle. Nobody bothers me, I can just read whatever I want in peace, without anybody bothering me.

>> No.19139439

I have it was filled with libtards drinking soi lattes. Ordered a black coffee, tasted like muddy heated up water.

>> No.19139447

libraries exist retard.
Some do, most don't except things like campus libraries and large central libraries. I imagine in Muttistan they have a McDonalds in half of them.

>> No.19139449


>> No.19139453

depends where and if shes cute or not.
probably not.
Sometimes spend time in the pub reading if nothing else on and fancy a pint.

>> No.19139462

I wish it were a 3DS

>> No.19139477
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is it a good story though?

>> No.19139485

>Seeing someone's physical book tells us a little story about them
I hate this fucking IG generation
If you're in public pay attention to what is going on around you and talk to people. You're already jerking off to flat surfaces 24/7

>> No.19139493

>Seeing someone's physical book tells us a little story about them
>tfw reading Nabokov
oh fugg

>> No.19139629

>the fu in the sei

>> No.19139706

>hit a squat set
>read 10 pages
>hit another set
>5 sets, 50 pages

>> No.19139734

I've been to three. One in Scotland, one in London, one in California. Only the one in California had people in it as customers. I think the US just doesn't have coffeehouses/pubs to hang out in, and doesn't have any coffee culture whatsoever, so it can work under those circumstances. I don't think they actually go there for coffee, because everyone in California seemed to be orderin some cream and syrup mixture that would make the Viennese blush.

>> No.19139781

>two tank tops
Just show us the sweaty tits already
>self made book

>> No.19140445
File: 8 KB, 277x182, read-n-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's at least one guy

>> No.19140459

>reading in public
>guy gives me a nod
>i nod back
>a fellow lit shitposter for sure

>> No.19140700

>"reading in public"
>looking at others, rather than the book
you are a /lit/ shitposter since you weren't actually reading.

>> No.19140723

This. Most women desire being dominated, not raped.

>> No.19140798

I'ma a bloated powershitter and even I think this is too long to rest between sets

>> No.19140959

You're either reading too fast or resting too long.

I mean I only rest a minute or two in between sets - maybe a bit longer of a rest between different exercises, but it wouldn't be enough to read 10 pages of most books. And I think you do need to be reading 10 pages or so uninterrupted for it to be enjoyable. As much as I'd enjoy reading a book while working out, watching a movie (or even listening to an audiobook) would be a lot easier for most workouts.

>> No.19140981

You don't ever lift your eyes just to ponder on something you just read?
Not even him btw

>> No.19140985

there is no ponder, just read

>> No.19140988


>> No.19140992

Yes I read Proust on the tram what of it

I've only ever been approached when reading Mann, and only by boomers

>> No.19141033
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>Most women desire being dominated
Prove it
>not raped.
Prove it's different

>> No.19141077

>desire to be dominated
>Prove it's different
Well for one, consent.

If I forcibly injected heroin into someone's arm, they might have a "pleasurable" response to the drug, but that doesn't mean people secretly desire that.

>> No.19141111

Also, arousal during rape is possible, but not to be expected, it can also be painful and humiliating.

Sexual "dominance" is distinct from rape - I think that's more related to how our society in general is not very physical or affectionate, and some seek to "make up" for that in their intimate lives.

>> No.19141139

>pull out thomas sowell's basic economics
>women around me scurry away
what am i doing wrong bros?

>> No.19141150

the girl in the op has a duty to have sex with me

>> No.19141196

>Well for one, consent.
This is, in many cases, a false concept
Sure, if I throw a girl in a van, punch her head and fuck her, there's no consent, ok

But what if I a girl accepts a date with me, we drink wine, hold hands, she invites me into her home, she lets me see her in her bathrobe, she bites my ear while giving me back massage, she sits on my lap, pinches my nipples, she lets me use her breast as sleeping pillow and then somehow refuses to kiss me?
Come on. Consent is mostly a joke.

>I think that's more related to how our society in general is not very physical or affectionate, and some seek to "make up" for that in their intimate lives.
I don't think so, the only difference between "sex" (not even "dominant") and "rape" used to be - Is the woman your wife or not? Hell, you could literally rape a woman and then marry her.

>> No.19141239

>But what if I a girl accepts a date with me, we drink wine, hold hands, she invites me into her home, she lets me see her in her bathrobe, she bites my ear while giving me back massage, she sits on my lap, pinches my nipples, she lets me use her breast as sleeping pillow and then somehow refuses to kiss me?
>Come on. Consent is mostly a joke.
Consent can be revoked at any time lol. I've been in a position where I was already having sex, and then asked to stop before I got to cum.

>the only difference between "sex" and "rape" used to be - Is the woman your wife or not?
Riiigght, back when we were allowed to murder people for adultery and blasphemy, yeah?

>> No.19141250

Anyone fucking hate this trend of photographing people without their permission? If Marx was right about anything, it's that we've become so alienated from each other as human beings that we readily treat others like zoo animals. Someone photographed her to gain attention on social media, bolstering their own status and contributing to the data mining machine of this alienated world. It is utterly revolting.

I'm trans, btw.

>> No.19141253

>Consent can be revoked at any time lol.
Yeah, and this makes no sense. You know this perfectly well.
>I've been in a position where I was already having sex, and then asked to stop before I got to cum.
>Riiigght, back when we were allowed to murder people for adultery and blasphemy, yeah?
Not an argument

>> No.19141286
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Sometimes I like being photographed, even by strangers, when I'm looking good or wearing something nice.

incel vibes

>> No.19141316
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>> No.19141329

Its consensual "rape"

>> No.19141336

I do it because my commutes are long not for some cry for attention. Why do faggota project so much here

>> No.19141415

>no argument
>Sometimes I like being photographed, even by strangers, when I'm looking good or wearing something nice.

>> No.19141424
File: 27 KB, 995x229, isis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonstrably false

They attacked """israel""" and later apologized

>> No.19141428 [DELETED] 

lol there's this psycho antivax chick at my work who looks like that, she has no kids of her own but is deeply concerned that other people's kids are getting autism from the vaccines

>> No.19141447

>source: israel

>> No.19141471

He was sucking them off whilst reading.

>> No.19141488

obviously fake

>> No.19141508

You know what you must do

>> No.19141513

>missing the point so hard
Antisemites are invariably stupid, holy hell

>> No.19141528

so what's the point

>> No.19141601

It's possibly real, but if so, anon has deluded himself into thinking that if he had said he liked the book that the conversation would've progressed any further than small talk.

>> No.19141605

>How did he know you had an oral fixation?

>> No.19141911
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anon was reading this

>> No.19142044

>writing blowjobs as two words

>> No.19142137

>What is she reading?

>> No.19142220


>> No.19142242

you're a faggot

>> No.19142388

the idea is to read the books

>> No.19142520

the concept of even an 8gb kindle would be mind-blowing to a person even just a century ago. If you told someone from the ancient past you could carry 3000+ books with you on a "tablet," they would fucking kill you

>> No.19142610

Rape is just any sex without consent. It doesn't have to be rough at all.

>> No.19142619

>Yeah, and this makes no sense.
The concept is very easy to understand. I don't even get how you could think that doesn't make sense.

>> No.19142643

Yes, but not by (You).

>> No.19142676

dude's a clear fed lol

>> No.19142687

>Ooh I haven't read that one! I did see the movie though!

>> No.19142696

They wouldn't kill you they'd accept it as magic or divine action. It may as well be magic to 99% of people (including most of this board) who have no fucking clue how computers work and just accept such things as a natural consequence of Technology - an ethereal, ever-present force which moves forward on its own without human aid.

>> No.19142703

>I don't even get how you could think that doesn't make sense.
Explain this
>>I've been in a position where I was already having sex, and then asked to stop before I got to cum.
So, how is it? If I mentally decide to withdraw consent and then (always without uttering a sound) consent again, I can report whoever I'm fucking for "10 seconds of sexual assault"?

This is beyond thoughtcrime

>> No.19142784

Obviously people can't read minds, but if someone verbalizes that they don't want to have sex (or even that they want to stop having sex!), you can't just decide to keep going. What about that is confusing to you?

>> No.19142819

They do this because to be raped means that she was just so attractive that a man physically could not contain his lust for her and pursued her with maximum aggression, that shit is crack to women, women have been getting raped for millenia so it only makes sense that they would evolve to like it (they will be aroused by it and even orgasm while claiming they don't like it for the society virtue points)

>> No.19142823


>> No.19142828

>So, how is it? If I mentally decide to withdraw consent and then (always without uttering a sound) consent again, I can report whoever I'm fucking for "10 seconds of sexual assault"?
Why do you people always come with ridiculous strawmen like this? I legit don't understand how the simple concept of someone either agreeing to do something or not agreeing to do it is so monumentally difficult to grasp for fags like you.
The scenario you describe is bullshit, because you have to actually make your lack of consent known to the other party. When you're within a specific sexual act there's implied consent to continue that act and it is incumbent upon you to make yourself known in that case.
It's not sexual assualt unless
-you perform the act against the explicit wish of the other party
-you recklessly ignore an obvious lack of consent
-you knowingly exploit someone's lack of ability to form consent (ex. sleep, drugs)
-you abuse a surprise moment

Really isn't that difficult.

>> No.19142838

Orgasm is a natural physical reaction you cannot prevent. It does not mean the woman liked it.
The first part of your post is correct, but fantasies are not reality.

>> No.19142844

see >>19141077, >>19141111

>> No.19143016

I feel like the male fantasy "to rape" is much more prevalent in our society than the female desire "to be raped."

>> No.19143082

You must be really attractive if people are doing that to you. I read in parks all the time and no one approaches me except Christian evangelists looking to invite you to their church. But they speak to everyone anyways, so it doesn't count.

>> No.19143089

I hate women so god damn much.

>> No.19143100

Women don't approach men randomly for no reason.

>> No.19143101
File: 237 KB, 698x805, little fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't just decide to keep going.
It's the other way around: someone can report me to police for a "retroactive rape" - it wasn't rape when I put it inside, but it was for 5 seconds when I was already there. The interesting thing is that you literally have 0 evidence to provide to pursue the crime, it's all in the mind of the "victim" after all.

When you say
>if someone verbalizes
That's not the case: it doesn't need to be a verbal request to be a "valid" "no", it doesn't need to be non-verbal either - it suffices to be THOUGHT of.

>i-its a stromen!
That's an extremely disrespectful thing to say. Would you say the same thing to someone who was raped (=agreed to have sex and then realized s/he didn't really want to)? Are you denying these people's experiences' and their word's validity? That sounds a lot like victim blaming desu

What if my consent is a quantistic wave function? If you deny this, you are literally denying 1)my self determination 2)the whole concept of "consent" [if it can't be withdrawn at ANY moment, how is it consent?]

>I legit don't understand how the simple concept of someone either agreeing to do something or not agreeing to do it is so monumentally difficult to grasp
It's not simple, and it's never just "agree or not". There are thousands of things to which you did not agree at any time and that you experience anyway.

>The scenario you describe is bullshit, because you have to actually make your lack of consent known to the other party. When you're within a specific sexual act there's implied consent to continue that act and it is incumbent upon you to make yourself known in that case.
>It's not sexual assualt unless
>-you perform the act against the explicit wish of the other party
>-you recklessly ignore an obvious lack of consent

Already answered, see above

>-you knowingly exploit someone's lack of ability to form consent (ex. sleep, drugs)
What if we are both drunk and on drugs and we both perform sexual activity on each other? Is that "mutual rape" or something?

>-you abuse a surprise moment
Elaborate. I'm inclined to think it's nonsense, but I'll listen

>Really isn't that difficult.
except it is

Someone I know wrote some lenghty #metoo posts years ago listing (some of) the abuses s/he endured - one of the instances was "I was peeing in a public area [I don't remember where, maybe the street?] and someone came close to watch me" - the interesting thing is that this exact person did the exact same thing to me.

Correct and Groddeck-pilled


>> No.19143153

>alienated from each other as human beings
Get out of here with that humanist nonsense. Just because you have a vague idea of how humans should treat each other doesn't necessarily mean that the social tapestry will comply with it.

>> No.19143178
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>It's the other way around: someone can report me to police for a "retroactive rape" - it wasn't rape when I put it inside, but it was for 5 seconds when I was already there. The interesting thing is that you literally have 0 evidence to provide to pursue the crime, it's all in the mind of the "victim" after all.
This isn't really a thing. False rape accusations (either completely made up, or claiming a consensual encounter was rape) are far rarer than claimed, and usually end up like picrelated. Meanwhile, unreported rapes are significant - in the eyes of the law we still have a high standard for conviction.

>it doesn't need to be a verbal request to be a "valid" "no"
Yeah, there are multiple ways to communicate "no," and personally I don't go for things when it's ambiguous. Are you arguing that you're scared of having consensual sex with someone and they're just gonna decide to say it was rape? Why the fuck would they do that?

>What if we are both drunk and on drugs and we both perform sexual activity on each other? Is that "mutual rape" or something?
No lol

I think porn has deluded people (mostly men) into only seeing potential partners in highly attractive women - and since these pairings are more unlikely, their minds have a preoccupation with rape.

It was a single comment by a woman about something very visible in a public space, how is that not possible?

>> No.19143186

You CANNOT suffer in England. The amount of soul you can find in every day life there is not fair

>> No.19143198
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>Women don't approach men randomly for no reason.
They don't approach you anon, not with that attitude

>> No.19143211

Starbucks is great coffee for people that don't like the taste of coffee

>> No.19143214

I like coffee and hate the burnt taste of starbucks' swill.

>> No.19143219

I can't drive without getting stared down, if a girl puts herself near you it means she's interested.

>> No.19143223

>>What if we are both drunk and on drugs and we both perform sexual activity on each other? Is that "mutual rape" or something?
>No lol
Not him but can you expand on this?

>> No.19143224

The only time I'm in public is at the grocery store and I'm not going to read there.

>> No.19143229

3,300. How long did it take you to read all of those? Best I can manage is around 1/week, so that'd be 63 years worth.

>> No.19143230


>> No.19143241

Ladies and gentleman I present to you the average dark academia larper.

>> No.19143247

>>>What if we are both drunk and on drugs and we both perform sexual activity on each other? Is that "mutual rape" or something?
>>No lol
>Not him but can you expand on this?
Actually I don't think it's completely cut and dry from a legal perspective, but basically no court would try this. It's different if one person was taking advantage of another person that was a lot more drunk, but "mutual rape" doesn't really make sense. No idea what a lawyer would say, but it's a dumb argument if it's used to fear-monger about every little interaction being a possible future rape accusation.

>> No.19143250


2bh today i went to the library and walked around a little ways around the top of town instead of using the library cafe. that area used to have nothing except a disused canal or stream that was full of shopping trolleys. its been regenerated with some really fancy places that are a stark contrast to the shitty highstreet (probably for like 4-5 years but im a shut in NEET so its the first time i saw it). the canal has been widened and cleaned, there are all these fancy indie cafes serving hip vegan food, coffee, cocktails. i sat outside and read my book. less than 50 meters away, there are homeless Polish people, arguing over cigarettes loudly on a bench outside of Boot's, but here, it was really nice.

thank you for the comment, and after today's experience, i am feeling quite more optimistic about, well, life in general.

>> No.19143313

It has nothing to do with porn (???) or "highly attractive women" (???), nor with "false allegations of rape" or "claiming a consensual encounter was rape" (at least not for "normal people" - with models and actresses you see this a lot), it has to do with simply changing your mind or giving mixed signals (something which people do A LOT)

> Are you arguing that you're scared of having consensual sex with someone and they're just gonna decide to say it was rape? Why the fuck would they do that?

See >Someone I know wrote some lenghty #metoo posts years ago listing (some of) the abuses s/he endured - one of the instances was "I was peeing in a public area [I don't remember where, maybe the street?] and someone came close to watch me" - the interesting thing is that this exact person did the exact same thing to me.

I guess that doesn't count as "sexually harassing", uh? I could add more but I don't want to add too many personal details, this isn't about me after all, it's about the concept which is poorly defined and open to exploits

>Actually I don't think it's completely cut and dry from a legal perspective
>but basically no court would try this.
Again, exactly, but law being faulty is not really an argument against what I'm saying.
>it's a dumb argument if it's used to fear-monger about every little interaction being a possible future rape accusation.
The point is not "fear monger about [...] rape accusation", the point is that "consent", more often than not, does not hold water when subjected to test of reason.

It's easy to imagine the morally bankrupt guy dropping pills in the good girl drink, but in real life not everything is a cliche.
What if someone randomly comes at me saying s/he wants to suck my dick? Maybe s/he isn't even drunk, maybe s/he just skipped the medication for the day, or maybe s/he does indeed take some prescriptions that causes hyperlibido, and I have no way to know (I remember seeing some pills which listed as side effect "Extremely increased lust for gambling" - how do you know if someone just likes to play poker or if they're taking this drug for an unrelated condition)?

>> No.19143384

I think you're unreasonably scared about unwittingly violating consent, if you use common sense you should be able to reasonably deduce if you're doing something wrong.

>it has to do with simply changing your mind or giving mixed signals (something which people do A LOT)
Sure? People still are having consensual sex out there, even in a "mixed signals" world. Sorry if you think that getting a level of affirmative consent is such a road block, but it's not meant to be that confusing lol.

Even in your one example - sure, it's kinda dumb to complain about people being able to see you if you urinate in a public area, but you realize it's still possible to cross someone's boundaries in this scenario? Like if someone's getting too close to you, that's inappropriate. (And in complete fairness, some actions are going to be worse than others - it's uncomfortable in some ways, but sexual assault, rape, and just violating someone's personal space, it's all on a spectrum.)

>What if someone randomly comes at me saying s/he wants to suck my dick? Maybe s/he isn't even drunk, maybe s/he just skipped the medication for the day, or maybe s/he does indeed take some prescriptions that causes hyperlibido, and I have no way to know (I remember seeing some pills which listed as side effect "Extremely increased lust for gambling" - how do you know if someone just likes to play poker or if they're taking this drug for an unrelated condition)?
This is such a bizarre hypothetical, but if you're genuinely under the impression that the other person is of sane mind and consenting, I wouldn't say you're doing something wrong.

>> No.19143458

What a stupid discussion. If woman needs money or attention she will say you raped her regardless of whether you did it or not.

>> No.19143566

don't virgin shame

>> No.19143939

The coffee is not great, they just load it with sweeteners and sugars.

>> No.19143972
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>> No.19144000

Completely wrong. I rarely actually fantasize about raping women, it’s often consensual in my head. There isn’t an hour that goes by without a woman dreaming of being raped by a werewolf billionaire or auto mechanic

>> No.19144028

You haven't and won't read 3000 books

>> No.19144062

The last time I went inside a Starbucks there were flies everywhere. It was fucking disgusting

>> No.19144145

I once saw an Asian guy reading The Turner Diaries on a bus

>> No.19144170
File: 16 KB, 300x300, revolt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this in public transit, how based am I?

>> No.19144180
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>hair seems to overreact to wind

>> No.19144230
File: 47 KB, 450x250, tumblr_lvuv2hlZou1r7lypko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading in public is kino

>> No.19144301

Of course - she's a woman. They all do.

>> No.19144309

Rough sex isn’t rape
Imagining a rape (in book or the abstract) isn’t to desire it.

Stop stroking off to your power fantasies.

>> No.19144369

Either way, this is just an anecdote and a claim without evidence

>> No.19144791

>That's an extremely disrespectful thing to say. Would you say the same thing to someone who was raped (=agreed to have sex and then realized s/he didn't really want to)? Are you denying these people's experiences' and their word's validity? That sounds a lot like victim blaming desu
>What if my consent is a quantistic wave function? If you deny this, you are literally denying 1)my self determination 2)the whole concept of "consent" [if it can't be withdrawn at ANY moment, how is it consent?]
Sounds like you're arguing in bad faith. Because I don't believe that and neither does the law nor anyone really. Maybe you could find some insane radical feminist somewhere on Twitter who has said this before, but it's not mainstream belief. You seem to want to argue a point that no one in this thread has actually made.
>There are thousands of things to which you did not agree at any time and that you experience anyway.
Yeah, and? That's an obvious fact about life, how does it change anything I said?
>What if we are both drunk and on drugs and we both perform sexual activity on each other? Is that "mutual rape" or something?
Being drunk doesn't inherently mean you lack all agency to form consent. What matters is how drunk the person was and how heavily it impaired their functions. If you were both drunk on the same level, you probably weren't "knowningly" exploiting anything, therefore not sexual assault in my opinion.
>Elaborate. I'm inclined to think it's nonsense, but I'll listen
Let's say a girl gets raped on the street at night or whatever. The man comes out of a bush or something similar and completely surprises her, so that at first she's to shocked to even say anything. I think everyone wuld agree that's rape.
A milder version would be groping some random girl in the bar. She didn't explicitly tell you she doesn't want it, but of course it's still sexual asault.

>> No.19144811

That's a pure incel myth. False rape accusations are not any more common than false accusations of any other crime.

>> No.19144822

That's a young man, and will remain so until I finish masturbating.

>> No.19144829

Spend a moment unraveling why your fantasies are good, and his fantasies are bad and you'll either understand more about your own hypocrisy and libido; or your own ideology and praxis.

>> No.19144830

>Because I don't believe that and neither does the law nor anyone really. Maybe you could find some insane radical feminist somewhere on Twitter who has said this before, but it's not mainstream belief.
Not him but I know a lot of women who believe that the kinds of thought experiment rapes that anon is raising are major problems with men which are due great resources from society as reparations. However, every single one of those women treat victims of violent sexual assault and especially childhood victims of sexual assault as war criminals who are stealing their resources. You're operating under the delusion that women are somehow naturally moral and noncompetitive. Socially, those women who treat CSA victims like shit also believe they are in an unfair and corrupted world which has allowed them to suffer far more. That's why they're okay with blaming the kid too.
I've also seen them champion false rape accusers when the initial sensational rape story came out. When the retraction comes, they're not boosting that like the original and are very defensive rather than reflective about the situation when they're made to acknowledge retractions.
And I sense a lot of that framing here: the female is the de facto victim, despite the stats saying otherwise. Most of these discussions are about the social weight of the topic, rather than the personal weight, and that allows a lot of poopooing of things like "underage boys are more at risk" or "men are raped more often and provided with far less resources"

>> No.19144852

I'm a bartender and I read at work lmao.

>> No.19144929

I couldnt imagine carrying a book just so I can show it off like some attention addicted social media slave
I read in public plenty but it's all on my phone. Imagine carrying a fucking book around all the time, do you have a tote bag too? Cop'd that fit off a dark academia thread? Dumbass dweeb

>> No.19144956

>Imagine carrying a fucking book around all the time, do you have a tote bag too?
Yes. You have to pay for disposable bags here so everyone has a tote bag.

>> No.19145120 [DELETED] 


>> No.19145133

>Cop'd that fit off a dark academia thread?

>> No.19145141

>You seem to want to argue a point that no one in this thread has actually made.
It doesn't really matter if someone has made this point or not
>Yeah, and? That's an obvious fact about life, how does it change anything I said?
I see fat girls with their bellies hanging outside their shirts all the time - disgusting for me, but no need for "consent"
I take out my dick in public - disgusting for everybody, literally a sexual predator behavior
>b-but the belly is not sexual!
I touch a fat girl belly without warning--->sexual assault
>If you were both drunk on the same level, you probably weren't "knowningly"
Idk how it works in your country, but if you do something while drunk, that's an aggravating circumstance, not an excuse
>Let's say a girl gets raped on the street at night or whatever. The man comes out of a bush or something similar and completely surprises her, so that at first she's to shocked to even say anything. I think everyone wuld agree that's rape.
I already covered this here >>19141196 and here>>19143101
>A milder version would be groping some random girl in the bar. She didn't explicitly tell you she doesn't want it, but of course it's still sexual asault.
My first kiss was because a girl literally jumped on me, I didn't consent to it (it was in fact made by surprise). I liked it, was it still sexual assault? - Again, is it sexual assault only if I don't like it? That would be absurd, there are crimes that are still crimes even if the other person consent (see the case of the German dude that wanted to have his dick cut off and eaten - the dick cutter is serving life right now). On the other hand, is it sexual assault even if I like it? That's absurd again, because (at least in my country) there are some crime that will be prosecuted regardless, for the simple reason that they have been committed.

Thank you, kind anon

>> No.19146040

I have no duties

>> No.19146047


>> No.19146831

>normal human behaviour is based

>> No.19147448
File: 342 KB, 2000x1294, Daryt_lXkAALKk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see fat girls with their bellies hanging outside their shirts all the time - disgusting for me, but no need for "consent"
>I take out my dick in public - disgusting for everybody, literally a sexual predator behavior
What the fuck are you talking about?

>My first kiss was because a girl literally jumped on me, I didn't consent to it (it was in fact made by surprise). I liked it, was it still sexual assault?
It depends on the circumstances, but that doesn't sound like assault - if you said stop or something, and she kept doing it, then it could be assault.

>But what if a girl accepts a date with me, we drink wine, hold hands, she invites me into her home, she lets me see her in her bathrobe, she bites my ear while giving me back massage, she sits on my lap, pinches my nipples, she lets me use her breast as sleeping pillow and then somehow refuses to kiss me? Come on. Consent is mostly a joke.
Uh, you're allowed to refuse a kiss, absolutely. Like if this was all building up, you went in for a kiss, and she decided she didn't want that, that's fine - and as long as you weren't consistently or deliberately ignoring her requests to not kiss her, you probably didn't do anything wrong either. She might just not want to kiss. I don't see how any of this makes consent a "joke," it really should not be that confusing.

Maybe sometimes you might get confused between playful banter and serious requests to stop, but honestly that's just a maturity thing most of the time, and you'll pick up on it eventually - I'll just straight up ask them to stop fucking around or be serious if they're sending mixed signals lol, and honestly I think you're better off if you avoid people like that, at least for anything intimate. Hooking up with someone that unambiguously is down for whatever you wanna do has been better in my experience every time.

Maybe check this out:

>> No.19148047

>I see fat girls with their bellies hanging outside their shirts all the time - disgusting for me, but no need for "consent"
>I take out my dick in public - disgusting for everybody, literally a sexual predator behavior
Imagine that, different situations being treated differently.
>I touch a fat girl belly without warning--->sexual assault
Not necessarily, might just be normal assault instead. Either way, it doesn't suddenly make bellies an inherently sexual object. Other people have a right not to be exposed to blatantly sexual behaviour. They do not have a right to not see fat people because it disgusts them.
>Idk how it works in your country, but if you do something while drunk, that's an aggravating circumstance, not an excuse
I'm from Germany. Alcohol is usually a mitigating factor here, because it makes you less inhibited. It's case-by-case though.
But that isn't relevant to my point anyways. I was saying it's not that kind of sexual assault unless you "knowingly" abused her lack of judgement. That means you have to be subjectively aware that she isn't able to form proper consent or at least recklessly disregard it.
>My first kiss was because a girl literally jumped on me, I didn't consent to it (it was in fact made by surprise). I liked it, was it still sexual assault? - Again, is it sexual assault only if I don't like it? That would be absurd, there are crimes that are still crimes even if the other person consent (see the case of the German dude that wanted to have his dick cut off and eaten - the dick cutter is serving life right now). On the other hand, is it sexual assault even if I like it? That's absurd again, because (at least in my country) there are some crime that will be prosecuted regardless, for the simple reason that they have been committed.
This situation is common for a variety of crimes though? What about a close friend who takes an item that belongs to you without asking because they assume you'd agree? Pretty much the same situation. It's decently common that whether something is a crime depends on the reaction of the other party.
Could you report/sue your best friend over that and win? Probably. But you aren't going to do it in most cases.
Lesser crimes like that are usually only prosecuted (or even noticed) if the "victim" wants it. Many countries even have provisions explicitly laying this out.

>> No.19148401

>What about a close friend who takes an item that belongs to you without asking because they assume you'd agree? Pretty much the same situation.
Years ago some politician (I don't remember who, I'll check) got a lot of shit, maybe even had to resign because he said that if you fuck a girl in the evening, you don't need consent to fuck her in the morning

Found it

>The Bradford West MP suggested one of the women had claimed she invited Mr Assange back to her flat, had consensual sex with him and then "woke up to him having sex with her again - something which can happen, you know".

>On the issue of whether this would constitute rape or not, Mr Galloway suggested that "not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion".

>"Some people believe that when you go to bed with somebody, take off your clothes, and have sex with them and then fall asleep, you're already in the sex game with them.

>"It might be really bad manners not to have tapped her on the shoulder and said, 'do you mind if I do it again?'

>"It might be really sordid and bad sexual etiquette, but whatever else it is, it is not rape or you bankrupt the term rape of all meaning."


>> No.19148432

But das raycis!

>> No.19148468

I'm going to read in public tomorrow in honour of this thread.

>> No.19148535

I feel you anon. When I was in highschool I got into a calss that was 85% gypsies. One day when I took out A Scanner Darkly to read during a break 3 huge gypos went to my desk and made fun of me. Tbh, they were pissed at me because I charged them money whenever they wanted me to do their homework.

>> No.19148648

>I charged them money whenever they wanted me to do their homework.
And they actually paid you?

>> No.19148675

WTF. Those bullies, what was their problem?

>> No.19148855

Yes. I would ask for the money beforehand. They trusted me because I had the best grades and I was one of the few who knew how to read beyond kindergarten level. Gypos don't like to interact with people smarter than them but they always try to do what they can to get what they want. Many of them had questionably rich parents so money wasn't a problem for them.

>> No.19148878
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>Gypos don't like to interact with people smarter than them
They don't like to interact with gadje at all
>but they always try to do what they can to get what they want.
>Many of them had questionably rich parents so money wasn't a problem for them.
Ah, in here they mostly live in slums and basically don't go to school, so that's why I was surprised they actually paid you

>> No.19149139

>They don't like to interact with gadje at all
Unless they want to get something.
>Ah, in here they mostly live in slums and basically don't go to school, so that's why I was surprised they actually paid you
Yes, most of them live in slums but the ones who get to send their kids to schools are prety wealthy. In my country there are some filthy rich clans(?) of gypos. I don't have the slightest clue on how they got rich. I asked a couple of them how did their parents became so rich but they refused to answer.

>> No.19149983

Highly basado

>> No.19150163

Rape is an assault. A violent attack that just so happens to include the attackers dick getting out.
Males rape other males too. Would you two like to experience something like this?

>> No.19150287


>Hold on I have to charge up my book.
>I was going to read my book but the battery ran out
>Hey do you have a free outlet? I want to read my book
>The screen is broken on my book so now I have to spend hundreds of dollars on another.
and other tales of pointless absurdity related to ebooks

>> No.19150295

>I mean I only rest a minute or two in between sets - maybe a bit longer of a rest between different exercises, but it wouldn't be enough to read 10 pages of most books
Sounds like you're not lifting heavy enough, you can rest 2-5 minutes between sets.

>> No.19150331
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Of all the criticisms you could've made...

>> No.19150338

Swedish's globohomo is less bad than amazon's globohomo

>> No.19150404
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>> No.19150406

Yeah anon is fucking stupid. My Kindle whatever lasts about 3 weeks and that is with about 2-4 hours of use a day.

>> No.19150426


My books last for years without needing a charge

>> No.19150459

And I can fit 1000s of books in a tablet, and access many new titles for free.

>> No.19150480

I don't know how to read.

>> No.19150833

Uh, what? I was on your side in the debate. I'm the second comment.
I agree with your post.

>> No.19150846


So can my local library

>> No.19150858

>you will own nothing and be grateful

>> No.19150868


A well funded public library system is the cornerstone of a functional society.

>> No.19150881

I am too but this is not too long if you're doing a 1rm attempt, unless it's 10 pages of something really dense like Plato. I unironically took 35 minutes between my last warm up set and my 1rm attempt the first time I squatted 5 plates.

>> No.19150883

Do your part, then, and donate to Sci-Hub; Libgen; the Internet Archive. Unless you have some functional reason to prefer a much lesser selection, and that is accessed with much lesser convenience?

>> No.19150897


General principle. Local libraries need all the support they can get, I'll go to them first before I try any other resource.

>> No.19150918

I ask for a functional reason and you tell me it's only out of pity? Well, all right; it's a good virtue to have.

>> No.19150945


Functional? Beside free books?

>> No.19150967

Yes, functional. Please follow along. Free books are everywhere. The question isn't why you go to libraries; it's why you prefer them over more functional sources.

>> No.19150983


>> No.19150986


I mean, I dont need to own every book on the planet.

>> No.19151008

If you're okay with it. I prefer being able to refer back to any book I have ever read at any time of my pleasing.

>> No.19151057

I own the vast majority of the books I read, and I don't have a kindle

>> No.19151068

Neither do I, as it happens. The particular device is just a tool; the important thing is that you do own what you own and are able to make use of it in a ready manner.

>> No.19151380

>Lesser crimes like that are usually only prosecuted (or even noticed) if the "victim" wants it. Many countries even have provisions explicitly laying this out.
That varies greatly in jurisdictions. For example, there are crimes (like murder) where the state is the "victim", and you'll be tried not by the prosecution victim as a civil entity by prosecution set out by the state, whether the victims want it or not. Sex trafficking for example is usually not prosecuted at the request of the victim and more usually against their requests. In a lot of jurisdictions, if the victim doesn't want to be medically examined, they can be forcibly examined and charged with withholding information from the state. Lots of countries also have laws that remove parents custody in cases where they don't want to see their kid go through the legal medical exam after being already violated. Rape is generally not a civil case in most jurisdictions which don't tolerate rape marriages, because rape isn't considered a crime against individual property but a crime against the state's imposition of law.

>> No.19151473

The point is exactly that rape and murder are not
>lesser crimes
though. Stuff like saying
>anon is pedophile and a thief
is instead tied to the victim's report. Accusing someone of being a pedo is quite a serious thing, but of course not even remotely comparable to stabbing someone or throw acid on them.

>> No.19151559
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>on public transport
>get approached by nog woman
>asks me why I'm reading
>reply that I like learning more
>'ain't that what school for'
>reply that you don't learn everything from school and there is a lot more than what you get from there, especially topics you're interested in yourself
>'i'd neva read outside school, is only read what they make you read for homeworks'
>you don't say.gif
only other time I was approached was an old lady who just wanted someone to talk to, she asked nonsense questions like "is it any good" and began speaking about her grandkids or something, I'm lucky I got off before she had time to tell me her whole life story

>> No.19151564
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>Why yes, I do read Meditations and Sun & Steel between sets

>> No.19151713

I obviously haven't read them all, or else I wouldn't have downloaded them. I do read fast though, and a fair percentage of the books are novellas and poetry books. I read 111 books like that this month, novellas and poetry books. Obviously it is still basically almost a lifetime's worth of reading material, but I think it is as Borges said, the size of a man's library is directly proportional to his curiosity and ambition.

>> No.19152054

What is this from?

>> No.19152079

>I read 111 books like that this month, novellas and poetry books
That sounds almost unsustainable, how much time do you spend reading a week?

>> No.19152150

Mine has a movie theater and a huge computer lab which fills it up with you-know-whos doing you-know-whats

>> No.19152162

I know the whos but not the whats.

>> No.19152197

...homeless people watching porn?

>> No.19152206

I figured they'd block access to pornography.

>> No.19152285

So who's the "whos" and what's the "whats"?

>> No.19152296

they were novellas and poetry books. they are like 50-150 pages. the average is about 150 pages. i can read that very quickly, easily 3-5 of those books a day. but i spent all day every day reading this month as i had a month off work. i will slow down now i am back at work. also not all books are very short like that.

>> No.19152306

I never even brought up civil cases. My argument was solely about criminality.
If you are "prosecuting" something in a civil case it's not a lesser or greater crime, but not a crime at all. (In that context, I should say. Obviously many ciil cases deal with matters that could also be crimes)

The state is considered the victim of every crime, but that doesn't mean everything has to be prosecuted. As I understand it, the US has absolute prosecutorial discretion for example, which can be used for this purpose. If your daughter steals your wallet, I doubt they'd insist on prosecuting her if you don't want it.
Here in Germany, proecutorial discretion isn't a thing, but crimes are still seperated by law into those that have to be investigated and those that are only investigated if the victim wishes it.

>> No.19152389

so we're just never gonna get a title, huh

>> No.19152400
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Learn to web.

>> No.19152408

Basically most the Anglosphere (and consequently the places they conquered) do have a distinction which makes most lesser crimes and civil disputes subject to magistrates, rather than crown court proceedings. If you commit a petty crime, or want to sort out a custody battle, or anything below the level where the crown would be interested, then the magistrates court it is, where jury trial is not guaranteed.
It's at the discretion of the magistrate at that point.
However, there are crimes which will start at the crown courts, where appeals from the magistrate and heavier criminal sentencing are possible. These are jury trials. You can opt as a defendant in a magistrate's court to not have your case tried by just the judge, and to go directly to crown court, but that can also open you up to heavier sentencing. Likewise, the crown can choose to prosecute you instead of the magistrate. All civil cases would be before a magistrate, basically, but some criminal cases would always be jury trials (crown cases).

>> No.19152417

A month off of work sounds nice. As soon as we had Covid restrictions at our workplace, we just started working from home - and I think they monitor our computer use, not sure though. I haven't had more than a few days off, maybe during the holidays. I've been reading super slowly recently too, I just finished 1Q84 but it literally took me months (reading on and off, plus shorter stuff sometimes in between, but still).

>> No.19152423

That is because you are untrained. A multi-tool, in my hands, becomes a deadly weapon. I am far more dangerous than your average civilian. Your best bet would be to back off and let me pass before we do something regrettable, I might add.

If you're untrained then go to the store and pick up a nice heavy pocket knife. That will make a much better weapon than the thing you have in your hands. Also the average person isn't armed with this level of weaponry so you'd have to have some kind of training or be proficient with this to be effective. But then we have the point of the gun being for self defense since you say that your not proficient with the thing. In that case don't carry a gun and let someone break your leg or shoot you.

>> No.19152426

literally no matches but okay

>> No.19152438
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>In the right hands, even a simple vegetable becomes a deadly weapon

>> No.19152491

I can't do my work from home because I'm a blue collar pleb. That does mean though that for the past two years since covid I've had a lot of furlough. A lot. The first year it hit I don't think I even worked 5 months in total that whole year. I loved it. Alas, that is over now, and soon the redundancies will roll in; my workplace has already fired all the agency workers as of today.

>> No.19152625

>but i spent all day every day reading this month as i had a month off work
I hope some of that reading was done in public

>> No.19152696

>Reading in public

>> No.19152702
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Forgot this

>> No.19152707

Bros I miss reading in public, ever since I bought a car I have not read in public. It's weird that I miss it.

>> No.19152795

Libraries were cool in college when I could easily walk there, but nowadays I don't want to leave the house as much. And public libraries around me simply don't feel the same.

>> No.19152811

Nothing mystique about a fisher price tablet.

>> No.19152823

Rural and town libraries are kino, the more urban a library gets IME the higher likelihood of druggos and homeless people loitering there. The fucking Athenaeum in St. Johnsbury is clutch, the Fletcher Free in Burlington is a freakshow.

>> No.19152935

see >>19151559

>> No.19152941
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>public libraries around me simply don't feel the same
How often are you going to these public libraries around you? They're obviously gonna tailor their services to the people that're there. And I'd rather have a person that is experiencing homelessness in a library (maybe using a computer or looking for a job) than on the streets or in a crack house.

>> No.19152955

>would rather have a homeless person in a library than somewhere else
I assume you're not at public libraries very often either

>> No.19152965
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So how is it?

>> No.19152987


conceptualize the bouquet

>> No.19152994

Obviously there's better places that can be developed for people experiencing homelessness, but I'm saying that even in "urban" libraries, there's usually good resources that are offered. Like I have free access to Kanopy with my library card (huge catalog of streaming movies, imo better than Netflix, maybe even HBO), and for example, in Los Angeles, the public library offers free classes, facilities (there's a lab with access to 3D printers), not to mention you can check out books - for *free*. Anyone that complains about issues with people experiencing homelessness at a library probably lives close to one, but never goes to it.

>> No.19153000

>people experiencing homelessness
back to twitter

>> No.19153007

Kanopy RULES

>> No.19153032

Kanopy is the greatest, there's like no catch, but I'm scared if it gets too popular it'll get worse. I don't know how they make money.

>> No.19153044

I mean they were the only country that would've curb stomped them

>> No.19153058


>> No.19153060

>Public library patrons, and university students and faculty are able to watch Kanopy free-of-charge with their institution’s library card. Institutions pay for the films their students and faculty watch on a per-view basis.[10] This model used by libraries is referred to as "patron-driven acquisition" where each view (watching a video for 30 seconds or more) will prompt the sale of a license fee for that title. Costs vary per institutional contract, but have been estimated in 2019 for single titles to be $150 for one year, $350 for a 3-year license.

Interesting model, but I guess the libraries like it.

>> No.19153090

I don't understand the price model here but it's awesome - for me, they limit my watch credits to I think 10 a month, but honestly I rarely run out.

I think a bunch of NYC libraries dropped out of offering Kanopy as a service though since it was too expensive for them. But it makes sense as an offering for libraries that can afford it. Libraries already offer books for free, and many are starting to offer ebooks & audiobooks - movies seem like a logical extension.

>> No.19153105

Basically, the library will purchase a license for a title only once someone has requested it. Then they pay $150 to have it for a year.

So the library is the one that's really picking up the bill for your film watching. Accordingly, I'm sure you could reason how this might become a problem, which is why the public libraries in NYC dumped it as the costs were "unpredictable."

>> No.19153122

That actually sounds incredibly cheap considering how much a company like Netflix or HBO will pay for streaming rights, but of course those companies are charging you and trying to make a profit.

>> No.19153130

I'm sure it varies by the size of the institution and the particular titles. That number was an "estimate."

>> No.19153159
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>I am far more dangerous than your average civilian. Your best bet would be to back off and let me pass before we do something regrettable, I might add.

>> No.19153181
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>She's wearing the hat