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/lit/ - Literature

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19125387 No.19125387 [Reply] [Original]

What do zoomers read?

>> No.19125392

Tiktok messages.

>> No.19125394

Kittler, Shannon, Markoff, Lacan

>> No.19125401

Twitter, Discord, Twitch comment section.

>> No.19125405

if by zoomer you mean current teenagers, I'd say that the ones who read read Stephen King, George Orwell, Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, other popular fantasy and sci fi, miscellaneous recent classics like catcher in the rye.

>> No.19125406

zoomer here still in highschool (18), and i can tell you definitively--they don't.

i was reading a portrait of the artist near a group of kids in the library and one of them asked me what i was reading. i said james joyce, and they thought james joyce was the name of the book.

>> No.19125411

Zooming rhetorically is a capital offense.

>> No.19125421

>they thought james joyce was the name of the book.
That kid asked you what you were reading, not who you were reading. "What are you reading?" "James Joyce" "The thing he's reading is James Joyce"

>> No.19125424

loved king when i was 14-16

>> No.19125428

i dont know about you, but i only say the author when i dont want a conversation to ensue

>> No.19125438

>i can tell you definitively--they don't.
19 here, starting my second year of college; The vast majority of zoomers do not read whatsoever, but there are definitely some who do; just the fact that me and you are here arguing about this proves my point: there are very few, but they do exist

>> No.19125466
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My God you poor, sad souls. get off this website while you still can.

>> No.19125498

>get off this website while you still can.
you guys are the only people I have to talk to though, I have nowhere else to go

>> No.19125530

Don't you have a friendgroup or clique from high school?

>> No.19125547

You think the kids who go on 4chan have friends?

>> No.19125557

You are still young. Learn a new language or a new instrument. Don't waste your life away shitposting with us. There is still time for you. I know it may seem late. I thought it was too late for me when I was 19. Now I'm 25 and while things are not great, I am more optimistic about my future and accepting of myself than I was then. I feel so foolish for squandering the time I had. Please learn from our mistakes, zoomers. There is more hope for you than you realize.

>> No.19125563

>asked you what you were reading
you're autistic if you respond with the title

>> No.19125564

thank you anon
I'm ordering hrt right now

>> No.19125565

I have always had friends and I used 4chan when I was your age, younger than you currently are, and still use 4chan. Sorry you don't have any. I hope you make some eventually.

>> No.19125570

That was the question.

>> No.19125571

ok nvm i take it back

>> No.19125585

Can you zoomers explain to me why you people are so obsessed with femboys, twinks, and whatever she-male-abominations are released from the pits of Hell next? Serious question. Where does this come from? Why are so many young people gay?

>> No.19125589

they read Lacan and Freud

>> No.19125594

Every generation loves femboys and twinks. It's not a new thing. In the past they were called dandies and fops.

>> No.19125606

It is definitely more widespread among the youth than older generations. Also, dandies didn't wear dresses.

>> No.19125608

>dandies didn't wear dresses.
they wore heavy makeup though.

>> No.19125615
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>> No.19125619

Not crossdressing, "though."

>> No.19125621

Also if it seems more popular it's because the internet has amplified every "popular" thing 10 fold.

>> No.19125629
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Fuck, I just realized that I'm writing a book for a generation that doesn't read.

>> No.19125635

I’m 18yr anon, and I fell into some bad business pertaining to gay discord circles when I was underage. I did bad bad things bros. they catch you, ensnare you; convince you you’re something you’re not. I can’t forget.

>> No.19125636

So you were groomed by pedos?

>> No.19125644

>Serious question. Where does this come from?
social media creates a false majority by amplifying the extremities - it's effectively handing the village idiot a megaphone then connecting all of the village idiots together
and teenagers, being retards, tend to attach themselves to anything in vogue; thus creating a negative feedback loop
that's more or less how you get current year

>> No.19125660

>why are so many young people gay?
They always were, anon. It's just that now they can talk about how much they love to suck cock. I can't speak for others or anything but I suppose they go kinda crazy after pretending to be straight for their entire life.

>> No.19125661

I'm sorry that you were manipulated by such sick people. That really is terrible, anon. But now that you're older and wiser, can't you leave that part of your life behind? Are you doing better now?

>> No.19125676
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I'm sure you were bud.

>> No.19125699


essentially. it left me in shambles— my character, sexuality, personality; I was desperately trying to pick up the pieces knowing It’d never be the same.
I often think about where certain images, things I’ve said, lay right now.
the shame I feel when I look at my parents, as well as attractive woman, is indescribable. the only thing I take solace in is the fact that if there’s any time to have an identity crisis it would be at this age, as I still have time to reorient myself.

>> No.19125709

>Why are so many young people gay?
homosexuality is a teenage phase. They usually grow out of it.
>50s had groups like frankie valli and beach boys who presented a feminine face of masculinity.
>60s had Rockstar's like beetles and ledzeppline who had long hair and dressed
>70s had disco
>80s had pop-musicians like Michael Jackson and prince
>90s and 00s had boybands
it's not new. and as stated, the 17th-19ht century all had macaroni fashion, dandys, fops, castratos etc. These archetypes are always in vogue. The period of the early 20th century, WWI-WWII, is weird in that it was after the dandy but before the 50s boyband. I think that's why so many midwits mistake the phenomena of pretty boys as being something new: The period we view as "conservative" was lacking in a normal male archetype. Yet the Victorian and Edwardian eras clearly had it. Even the Byronic hero could qualify.

It's probably not a stretch to say that masculinism had an increase of interest in the early 20th century with the world wars as well as the proletarianism of the masses which brought about industrial and city life as opposed to the courts and countryside with their much more flamboyant ways.

>> No.19125722

Well, that's terrible. I hope things get better for you and you become the masculine man that you were always meant to be.

>> No.19125732

Very good advice being passed on, thank you. Additionally I’d like to add the importance of environment, no matter what level of willpower you have environment will effect you. If you live with family and cant move out then go to a library or park and if you can move out then please move out unless you have legitimate reasons. Your environment effects how much you feel like doing anything and its why so many people make a pledge to improve then the next day they give up because they stay indoors all day especially if they’re american.

>> No.19125745

Surprised no one has mentioned it, and it isnt the sole factor but I believe a large part has to do with the lack of culture and society around them. Due to lack of culture and their elders mostly casting them to the fire, they take certain things to attempt to express individuality where there is none, they’re nothing more but fads like being political is.

>> No.19125763

Because they can do it openly now, duh.

>> No.19125774

>Fuck, I just realized that I'm writing a book for a generation that doesn't read.
No, you are writing a book for YOU. Do it for you, anon-san! We believe in you! I'll read it!

>> No.19125783

Zoomer and I only just got into reading stuff but I really like bukowski and cormac mccarthy, also loved norms book
I'm reading the magic mountain and shadow of the torturer right now but getting filtered hard and find reading them a chore

>> No.19125793

>homosexuality is a teenage phase. They usually grow out of it.
Based and shinsekai yori pilled

>> No.19125798

Cereal boxes.

>> No.19125805

it will get easier and more fun as your insight and understanding broadens. and read tocqueville.

>> No.19125819
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Unironically heartwarming, thanks.

>> No.19125831

dont listen to this dumbass hes a gay and retarded dont read toqevil read hegel

>> No.19125840


>> No.19125872

Why should I read any of these guys?

>> No.19125878

>filtered by Shadow of the Torturer
>wasn't filtered by McCarthy

>> No.19125887

It's absolutely normal to respond with the author of the book you're reading, what?
"I'm reading Dostoevsky right now", "I'm reading Lovecraft right now". There's nothing wrong with these phrases. Have you never actually talked about books with someone in real life?

>> No.19125893

I thought mccarthy was confusing at times but his books actually felt like it had momentum and was going somewhere, shadow of the torturer is less confusing but feels stagnant and boring idk

>> No.19125894

I've been browsing here since 13 (I'm 26 now) and I had lots of friends back in the day. Too many, I'd say even. Nowadays I literally only have 1 friend left.
>I've spent half my life on this site

>> No.19125931

you shouldnt theyre all trying to lead you astray. start with the greeks. then move on to whatever you want.

>> No.19125955

Zoomers seem completely subhuman to me. People were always dumb but this is feels qualitatively new, like the bottom has finally fallen out completely in some crucial aspect of human nature with zoomers.

The best way I can think to put it is that they all seem like very young children even when they're doing adult things, or that the men all seem like women even when they're conventionally masculine in various ways and should seem masculine. There's a fundamental, underlying shrillness, coupled with a fundamental feminine or childish frivolity. They give off the same vibe you get when you have to associate with one of your nieces or nephews and they're overly excitable, a bit spoiled, and kind of retarded. The kind of clueless hyper wiener kid who doesn't understand why an adult doesn't want to hear a detailed description of a TV show watched by 13 year olds.

Something deeply wrong with them.

>> No.19126025


>> No.19126026

I know what you mean. Don't forget how so many of them are also androgynous blobs. I can't tell whether half of them are supposed to be men or women. You don't have to be a super macho guy or a tradwife ro whatever but some of these people really have gotten to the point that I can recognize when they are probably a person who identifies with neither gender. Very unhealthy people. I have hope for them though. Some can be saved.

>> No.19126044

this is some neurotic schizzo shit. Go out more

>> No.19126054

Only reasonable response ITT

>> No.19126055

>have grass touch sex

>> No.19126067

Young fag here, I finished reading Clockwork Orange yesterday and am finishing up a Canticle For Lebowitz.

>> No.19126076

I almost had an aspie-tier moment this summer listening to people talking about anime and how good K-pop is. I didn’t think conversations actually took place outside the internet where people gush over shitty cartoons and soulless hyperpop. My vision started to go out and I couldn’t hear anything; it’s hilarious in retrospect. These were people I voluntarily spent time with too. I’m glad I had enough sense to keep my mouth shut or I probably would’ve lost a friend or two. You gotta learn when to let shit go because you’re not changing any minds no matter how soulless and damaging their pastimes are

>> No.19126087

I'm a zoomer (born 2001)
I read /lit/ meme chart reccs.
Most zoomers do not read.
Some zoomers read Harry Potter tier stuff.

>> No.19126097

One time I had a friend tell me k-pop is artistically strong bc they dance

>> No.19126104

You're on the right path. Just work out and don't become trans and you will end up better than 90% of your peers.

>> No.19126108

Learn to play guitar and don't watch porn.

>> No.19126110
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>> No.19126115

Yeah seems pretty obvious to me. I've been on 4chan since I was a child, it's pretty easy for me to filter the crap at this point.
I play guitar and I'm not a coomer

>> No.19126117

too late already trooning

im too lazy to learn guitar and im too lazy to look up porn

>> No.19126125
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>I've been on 4chan since I was a child,
dear god, what have we done?

>> No.19126132

Sounds worse than it is.
I have a job, a loving family, and good friends.

>> No.19126137
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>> No.19126139

If you are American you should definitely read tocqueville. Jesus Christ this goes without saying. If you aren’t American then forget about it

>> No.19126147

I'm proud of you, anon. I have no idea what your situation is like but I hope that you aren't as depressed as your peers. There is much hope for you.

It's good that you don't use pornography but stop being lazy. There have to be things in life that you desire. In order to get them, you have to go after them. Lazy people, who are often not really lazy but actually just cowards, are rarely happy people. Of course, transfolx in general are rarely happy people but that's another problem entirely. I'm not going to bother trying to convince you it's a mistake. I hope you realize that before it's too late.

Good luck to both of you.

>> No.19126167

Is he drinking shit?

>> No.19126173

>I hope you aren't as depressed as your peers
While I can't say I've escaped the pessimism entirely, I am 100% confident that I'm better off than tiktok-brains. I've mostly escaped 4chan brain rot because I've seen so many fags on here succumb to it, and it's actually not hard to avoid if you have a foot in reality.
The ones I'm worried for are the kids younger than me. They don't know a world before smartphones and instant dopamine.

>> No.19126185
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What is the best way to learn guitar at home
I used to play alto sax at an ok level, but not since high school

>> No.19126229

The best way would be to get lessons. If you already know how to read music from when you played sax, you already have a modest foundation to start building on. You will want to learn to read tabs too but that isn't hard. It's easier than learning to read music. If you can't afford lessons, the next best thing would be to pick from the numerous educational video series out there. I don't have any specific ones to choose from. You might want to ask /mu/ for their advice.

>> No.19126257

Thanks, I'll hit up /mu/

>> No.19126304

frog spam

>> No.19126360

That's because Shadow of the Torturer is like the introduction/prologue to Book of the New Sun. If I were to compare it to LotR, Shadow is like when the hobbits have yet to leave the Shire.

>> No.19126363 [DELETED] 

Zoomer from '06 here (don't care if I get banned lol)
Other zoomers I know don't read at all and most have problems reading out loud, I have never meet someone my that reads anything apart from one girl in middle school that read YA novels.
That said I myself read mostly classics and contemporary classics and I also like roman poets and historians.

>> No.19126373

Holy shit quit whining. I'm over a decade older than you, a homeowner and married and I still come here occasionally to shitpost and learn.
Sure, you could waste too many hours here, but you could do that on any number of things, from sportsball to online gaming. Youth is certainly wasted on the young.
You're only 25, don't be so dramatic.

>> No.19126374

I learned how to play from him, its free, also if you want tab/music sheets of songs there's a website called guitar tabs

>> No.19126377

I'm trying to reduce the amount of time I waste online. Thanks for the reminder that I'm still fairly young and congrats on making it, anon.

>> No.19126383

Massively based. Tocqueville is criminally underrated and Democracy in America should be required reading.
And some idiot suggested Hegel, disgusting.

>> No.19126384

oh ok that clears things up, I still like reading it to some degree but I just wish more would happen, I also was a little thrown off because I always heard it was a science fiction novel but it's more fantasy than science fiction, so I was not getting exactly what I expected.

>> No.19126405

I wasted time too. After a failed romance that saw me drop out of highschool, work instead of attending post secondary, then spiral into depression, I enlisted and larped as a zogbot for over a decade.
This year I shot my first documentary and I now work as a 'creative' for a corporation. I write for enjoyment (poorly), and find I do learn things from time to time here.

Ultimately, we all waste time. That's fine as long as you can set goals and accomplish them. Best of luck to all the youngsters - you face a lot of unique challenges I didn't have to.

>> No.19126414

readin johnny got his gun rn

>> No.19126430

Man, that is awesome. It sounds like you've come pretty far. I'm not really interested in being a documentary filmmaker but cinema is my biggest passion. I've talked to some friends of mine about trying to shoot something this year but I keep stalling. Do you have any favorite movies that you recommend?

>> No.19126435

wtf me too. im scared to ask if youre my friend

>> No.19126448

I just read Blood Meridian and am currently going through Divine Comedy, however I'm considering giving up Divine Comedy as I've finished the Hell part and I find myself glazing through the pages not actually reading anything, and getting all the information on whatever canto I just read from an online literature study site.

>> No.19126453

all my homies read Hegel and the Bible
t. 21

>> No.19126470

I'm more of a documentary fan than anything. Watch Werner Herzog. Also I like Scott Barley's Sleep Has Her House, slow cinema at its finest. The basics are good to start with...Bresson, Tarkovsky. Also watch Night of The Hunter.
Weirdly, the 2019 movie The Lighthouse felt like that classic cinema in a lot of ways, also recommend.

Shooting isn't easy. A doc is simple for a single person or small crew, narrative fiction is way harder in my opinion. Sounds like a cop out but having a solid story will go 90 percent of the way.

Don't try to shoot SciFi or action low budget.

>> No.19126505

I was an English Lecturer for a minute at a university. They read Harry Potter and Hunger Games. That's about it. Sad.

>> No.19126531

Is the edition you're reading annotated? I tried reading a non-annotated edition and only made it halfway through Inferno, but once I picked up a version with annotations it made a lot more sense.

>> No.19126543

Great choices. Tarkovsky is my favorite and I love Bresson. The Lighthouse and Night of the Hunter are awesome. Herzog is good but I've only seen a few of his films. I think the only documentary I've seen from him is Grizzly Man. I've seen a couple of Scott Barley's shorts and had a very brief interaction with him on discord once but haven't gotten around to watching Sleep Has Her House yet. Do you have a favorite documentary? If you count diary films, mine is probably Sherman's March. If not, I guess it would be Dear Zachary. I'm mostly into narrative film though, not documentaries. Thanks for the recommendations and advice.

>> No.19126588

Definitely watch Sleep Has Her House.
It's a test of patience but it changed the way I view cinema.
My favorite documentary may be Into Great Silence.
I've also loved RT's doc channel. The short they did on Iraqi grave diggers was exceedingly poignant to me.
I've never seen Dear Zachary. On the list for sure thanks.

>> No.19126599

>one of them asked me what i was reading. i said james joyce, and they thought james joyce was the name of the book.

unfathomably based

>> No.19126618

>My favorite documentary may be Into Great Silence.
I haven't seen that one but my dad has it! I will ask to borrow it next time I get the chance.

I'll try to watch Sleep Has Her House sometime soon. I'll check out RT's documentaries as well, specifically that one on Iraqi grave diggers.

>> No.19126635

You may see what I mean. Or maybe not.

>> No.19126640

It's annotated, average about 2 a page.

>> No.19126654

More than I read when I was their age.

>> No.19126868
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I know I'm only 19, but I've already been here for 5 years. There's no going back now.

>> No.19126876

I'm a Zoomer
I read scifi and fantasy novels. Right now I am reading "Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur Clarke.

>> No.19126887 [DELETED] 

ohhh i get that pepe now, it's brett weinstein's wig!

>> No.19126888

>5 years
Heh, I remember when you kids came over. I'd already been here for.... well that's not important. Just remember you're still a sprout. We can all be quits of this at any time

>> No.19127005

>he interprets questions literally
Found the autist.

Sorry if social situations seem to complex to you, being unable to grasp hidden meanings and implications on phrases.

>> No.19127019
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Nineteen years-old hispanic zoomer here. It may sound stupid (because it kinda is), but almost everything I read I find it on the /lit/ charts because I don't really know people irl who read interesting things. Have enjoyed most of it, so I will continue this way.

My favorite book is 2666 by Bolaño. I also really liked The Elementary Particles by Houellebecq.

>> No.19127023

Cool, even though I don't read much sci-fi. But I like Philip K. Dick.

>> No.19127088
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34-year-old Millennial here, I actually love this thread because it paradoxically goes against the general thesis. The general idea is that Zoomers don't read, but this thread proves to me that there are in fact some Zoomers that read, and read great literature, too. Maybe not a ton, but some. Maybe /lit/ is actually working.

By the way, guys, don't give up if you're in your teens or early twenties and feel like you don't get anything. I didn't get anything either for most of my life. The first big mind-expanding moment I had while reading was when I read The Lord Of The Rings as a freshman in high school. That's when my mind was first expanded as a result of literature. Then I went to college and read a ton of great literature. I still remember how mind-blowing it was to read the Republic for the first time. If you're still pretty young you don't suddenly have to possess all this learning, all this erudition, all this knowledge. Just keep grinding and keep reading, keep working and keep pushing, and it will come.

I used to come here to /lit/ when I was younger and I got so many book recommendations. Now that I'm older, I come here in no small part to give recommendations to others. I have a lot love for /lit/ and I want to give back to it, insofar as I can.

>> No.19127123

got 2 herman hesse books

>> No.19127154

Fortunately, I have a life outside of 4chan, so you don't have to worry about me. My studies have gotten harder, and I have less and less time to browse here, but I always come back. It's like Hotel California.
>You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

>> No.19127159
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i wonder what growing up is like for zoomers, what the highscool culture is like, what its like to never know a world without internet and smartphones and social media etc

>> No.19127166

yea..im 27 now and learned about this site from a friend in grade 9, so i was what, 14 or something? the last 10 years of my life especially just vanished without a trace

>> No.19127184

been reading a lot of Wolfe, Vance and Lafferty lately

>> No.19127296

>i said james joyce, and they thought james joyce was the name of the book.
No. You're just a pretentious clout chaser. Nobody gives a shit about who wrote what you are reading or else they would ask. You already show you have a low opinion of them and you just assume they are going to know who James Joyce is? Are you retarded?

>> No.19127305

>clout chaser
>sitting there minding your business
you cant have both anon

>> No.19127311

Why read when you can fantasize being in neverending anime-training-montage in some secret base in Antarctica

>> No.19127449

what's this?

>> No.19127457

atheism=hedonism=sex addiction

>> No.19127461 [DELETED] 

they love to have a clique online and have lots of YOUs, especially the vaginas. It's basically both men and women turning into women, but of course women still compete for men, it's as usual only men who compete for women.

>> No.19127463

they love to have a clique online and have lots of YOUs, especially the vaginas. It's basically both men and women turning into women, but of course women still do NOT compete for men, it's as usual only men who compete for women.

>> No.19127466

They read the same shit you fucks read here
People here don't have a grasp of reality at all and tend to take reading as the highest of virtue and activity a person can take part in, and for that very reason they are part of it
Most fucks here read here because they think they have to
This seems to be the only club they can feel belonging to realizing the fact most people here are also unemployed but with brains full of no original thoughts and judt enough brain cells to attach one sentence to another and somehow cite a classic novel they read in their verbal communication.
This place seems more cringe than video game generals and meathead farm that is /fit/
Now I will be called a nigger or kike and given yous full of defensive stuff which will only prove my.
Step outside and stop sucking the bald old philfaggotpher you read last night before crying to sleep
Inaction will kill you faggots

>> No.19127474

Please leave 4chan, you’re still young. Imagine spending 10+ years on this site. Just browsing the same pages, every single day. Is that the kind of person you want to become? If you stay, that will most certainly be your future. Just read your books and tune out of social media, including 4chan. Your soul will be better for doing so

>> No.19127478

>clout chaser
>reading a book at school
Anon I......

>> No.19127481

>they read the same shit as /lit/
not really. the overlap is small.
>different school and uni curricula
>different book market
>less 1850-1950 literature
>more 2000-2021 literature
>more YA
>more genre fic
>completely different non-fic books

>> No.19127484

I don't think people realize here how popular philosophy is

>> No.19127491

depends on what you mean by popular. most universities focus on analytical philosophy rather than continental. /lit/ usually just milks the same 10 classic books all the time.

>> No.19127492

Yeah there were tons of people who took it as a class in my high school, still only very few of them actually read any primary texts.

>> No.19127677

>beach boys who presented a feminine face of masculinity.
Wtf? The Beach Boys were gay now???
What about that many songs about cars and girls?
Everyday you guys try to rewrite history.
It's so tiresome.

>> No.19127767

What's up with the "pick up an instrument" meme? I tried it and I hated it.

>> No.19127800

19 years old zoomer, in the last year I have read Vonnegut, Kipling, Pirandello, JS Mill, Dickens, and RL Stevenson.

>> No.19127923

The Magic Mountain is not a beginner book. Keep reading, and read things that are difficult, but I wouldn’t read Mann until you’re at least 25.

>> No.19127953

I like listening to music but playing music is brain deadening

>> No.19127960
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I mainly read philosophy and political stuff. And Faulkner. I love Faulkner.

>> No.19128057

I am 19, I have been on 4chan since I was 12 and I pretty much only read Heidegger currently.

>> No.19128211

I feel the same

>> No.19128220

>playing music is brain deadening
playing pieces, writing or improvising?

>> No.19128232

ass mad pseud energy from this post

>> No.19128234

Based zoomers.
Fuck Joyce trash.

>> No.19128276

Making music can be very stimulating but I would never become a musician just for the sake of it. Playing other people's music often makes me want to off myself

>> No.19128304

There's 3 groups of zoomer readers.
>Those who read nothing but messages, whether it be tiktok or snapchat or whatever, doing nothing more than processing information to respond.
>Those who read popular literature for a conversation topic or for fun. Usually the Harry Potter fans and such
>Communists; they read hard core books at the age of 13. Unironically real.

>> No.19128541
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Zoomer here.
All fiction is escapism so i don't really bother with stuff that doesn't entertain me.
Fiction is only for people that want to escape from the real world and seeing lit types complain about genre fiction is really funny and ironic.

>> No.19128557
File: 150 KB, 600x800, DEERINHOUSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know a girl in her early 20s that has only read books written by pornstars

>> No.19128566
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>fell for the nonfiction meme
was about to call you a zoomer then i remembered the first sentence

>> No.19128607

not saying i don't read fiction. i read what entertains me.
I'm just aware that it has no inherent worth and that trying to claim one type of fiction is better than another is retarded.

>> No.19128644

I'm 20 white guy and I do the same, I stopped reading fiction as it's sort of a waste of time unless you're delving into the Greeks. I mostly read to learn, otherwise it just feels like I'm watching TV. There are some great works of fiction out there, but I'm at a point in my life where I think I should be concentrating on investing in myself than wasting time.

>> No.19128742
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>i read what entertains me.
>I'm just aware that it has no inherent worth
maybe try and reconsider this one, it's not all just escapism, though that's definitely still a part of it

>> No.19128772

why the fuck do they have hair like that

>> No.19128784

Young ones nowadays seem more shallow and insecure than before. It was always like this but idk, I think social media changes things a bit.

>> No.19128820

it sucks

>> No.19128833

Rabelais, Lessing, Musil, Boccaccio, Lucretius, La Fontaine

>> No.19128834

The exact same stuff millenials read when they were that age. Dumber ones read YA, smarter ones read Kerouac or something. Once they grow older they'll read boomer stuff from /lit/ top 100. It's not like literature world has changed in any way in the last 20 years.

>> No.19128852

they're all mulattos now

>> No.19128973

Si seulement..

>> No.19129001

Based OP making a contamination thread for zoomers to project their intellectual superiority over their peers with blog posts. I've noticed the overall quality of the board increasing after this was posted

>> No.19129035

Correct. The slipside of the well read communists are the trad larpers or nazbol larpers. They go to either extreme

>> No.19129091

Add neil gaiman to this list

>> No.19129228

We need a books written by pornstars chart

>> No.19129404
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Light novels, visual novels and manga. But mostly manga though

>> No.19129412

The torah

>> No.19129418


>> No.19129645

No it isn’t you wannabe “special type” faggot

>> No.19129659

You guys are gay as fuck licking each other’s intellectual wounds

>> No.19129711

based brah

>> No.19129772
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20 year old ZOOMER here
I read contemporary gibberish that destroys my heart and gives me headaches
after that and a lot of tylenol I read more digestible material as a coping mechanism

>> No.19129826
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>years ago reading Gravitys Rainbow at minimum wageslave job in the break room
>30 year old manager walks in and grabs the book
>reads the synopsis
>asks "did it really happen?"

>> No.19129890
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Zoomer here.
Im a huge nerd for Junger, Mishima, you know the type.
Other people my age, if they read, which they usually dont, they read contemporaryYA stuff.
Picrel was the thign everyone at my school read IIRC. Like literally everyone read and loved it.

>> No.19130342

Try talking to people before commenting, basement dweller.

>> No.19130510

Kek, something similar happened to me (18 yo). A friend asked me what I was reading, I answered Madame Bovary. He thought Madame Bovary was the writer

>> No.19130536

I was you, then 10 years past by. Leave now.

>> No.19130663

Understandable. Although is quite a well known book.

>> No.19130674

>Jünger a Mishima
I'll take a guess: either you like or are interested in reading Céline.

I've seen this three authors are quite popular among teens/young adults with "third-position" tendencies. I understand why in regards of Jünger and Mishima, but not Céline.

>> No.19130687

*i've have seen that

>> No.19130693

How old are you?
I also read that book in middle or high school. Never been around readers tho.

>> No.19130710
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Hi Zoomers,

frfr no cap bruh


>> No.19130730


>> No.19131094

You responded that way because you knew that they would react that way, and then you told that story on 4chinz for ego validation. Not like it matters to anyone, if that helps you then go ahead.

If someone who doesn't read asks you what you're reading, they probably want the name of the book. If someone who habitually reads asks you what you're reading, it is as you said and probably an opening to a conversation.

You were reading next to a group of kids in a library. Given that they were in a library and not reading themselves, they probably weren't there to read. And if they don't go to libraries to read, then they probably don't read on their own time either. I'm pretty sure anon was right and they wanted the title of the book.

4chan has been an intimate part of my life since I was 16, now I'm 20. Trying to branch out into other spaces besides /r9k/ and the porn boards.

>> No.19131103

effimante /=/ gay.

>> No.19131259

i remember reading that. it was a super boring book about people thinking stuff from the game came to real like i think?

>> No.19131335

Hey faggot, here's a wake up call.
You're not special or interesting, and when you get to college, you'll realize that.

t.20yo zoomer.

>> No.19131483

I'm a zoomer but not American. Is this how burger teens actually speak?

>> No.19131563

They always made gay jokes it’s just faggotry is far more advanced than it used to be

>> No.19131577

yes, they went back to text messages from 2002

>> No.19132143

Zoomers read Twain, the racist, old, mediocre white man who wrote the 'N' word in his books? Yikes!

>> No.19132180

You're a pseud.

>> No.19132191

I will read it anon, scouts honor

>> No.19132228

easy and wide spread internet access which leads to porn addiction

>> No.19132304

Are any of them actually good?

>> No.19132347

20 year old zoomer here. I'm a very slow reader because of my smartphone induced dopamine addiction, but in the last 2 or 3 years I have read:
>Plato's Five Dialogues
>Ice by Anna Kavan
>Father Brown by Tolstoy
>Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton
>The Death of Ivan Ilych by Tolstoy
>Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski
>Lolita by Nabokov
>Technological Slavery by Uncle Ted
>The Sayings of the Desert Fathers
>A whole bunch of books from the Bible
And that's pretty much it, I've excluded books I've picked up but never finished.

>> No.19132349

Shut the fuck up you pathetic faggot

>> No.19132505

mark fisher, paglia, zizek, lasch

t. zoomer

>> No.19132581

I'm 26, am I a zoomer or a millennial?

>> No.19132668
File: 71 KB, 739x1600, chunghus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger I was into Redwall, Bartimaeus, and Golden Compass. I'm 21 now and the only real literature I've fully read and wasn't assigned to me for class was East of Eden. Lately I've read BoTNS and Bakker's Second Apocalypse series. I tried getting into philosophy until I decided it would probably be a waste of time and make me nihilistic/depressed, so I'm only interested in solid scifi and fantasy right now

>> No.19132769

From one zoomer to another, we all do stupid cringe shit in our teenage years. Unfortunately, some twisted retards took advantage of your naivety when you were young, but at the very least you now know that it was a mistake. You're still in your formative years, so it's important to let go of this and leave it in the past. Don't allow their retardation to keep hold of you mentally-- remember that all of that is behind a screen, and you exist in the real world. Use what anger and frustration you have as fuel, and focus on building yourself into a strong, determined and successful person, unlike those degenerates on discord.

>> No.19132818


>> No.19133484


>> No.19133499

whatever won't filter me completely, and will also make me a little less retarded

>> No.19133547
