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/lit/ - Literature

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19123298 No.19123298 [Reply] [Original]

So I stared with the Greeks.."Reading Brief History of Ancient Greece" and the irony of it is hilarious.

>Daily life for women was ideally indoors and for men outdoors. Men who
stayed indoors were suspected of being effeminate and antisocial, and women
who ventured outdoors were likely to have their chastity questioned.

>> No.19123310

What's ironic?

>> No.19123318

That /lit/ is suggesting the Greeks when they live a completely different way of life.

>> No.19123340

I think it's less about the way of life than it's about the influence their work had on todays western society?

>> No.19123346

Suggesting that you should start with the Greek classics is not the same as suggesting that you should live like them. You should start with them because their literature is the foundation of western literature.

>> No.19123353


And they were completely right.

>> No.19123354

contemplative live without manual labor was still highest valued, as one can see with banausoi.

>> No.19123358

But the very philosophers that shaped "today's western society" would have a negative view on the modern intellectual that sits in his room and reads books all day. It was not a desirable feature.

>> No.19123364

What kind of retard logic is that? Should you only read those who live the EXACT same lifestyle you do?

>> No.19123368
File: 302 KB, 930x1348, B66CA2CD-CDCF-415E-8269-BE496723A7E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP

>> No.19123370

Read >>19123358

>> No.19123384
File: 64 KB, 300x450, pythagoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe finish this book and read 9 others before you spread your half-educated diarrhea here.

>> No.19123402
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>> No.19123411

Yeah, because 100% of the writers conformed absolutely to the common ways of thinking.

>> No.19123420

Those who are making mistakes are the ones that need to be corrected.

>> No.19123429

I read this book for a college course, but don't remember any of it. Is it good?

>> No.19123441

two objects collided with a hollow sound, so at least one of them is empty