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/lit/ - Literature

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19118814 No.19118814 [Reply] [Original]

Is life worth living?

>> No.19118819

Wrong board

>> No.19118850

Sorry, I meant....
Literally speaking, is life worth living?

>> No.19118861

it depends whether or not you neurotically search for an objective meaning or if you cease thinking about it to a certain capacity, to do something with your life to make it meaningful. if you want further shit on whether or not to "continue playing the game or quit" read "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus and if instead you want to continue overthinking everything then just blow your brains out now and save yourself and everyone around you the trouble.

>> No.19118875

No other option so might as well.

>> No.19118883

Yes. You were built in the image of the creator, if you do His will you will partake in His everlasting kingdom.
If there is nothing after death then even thinking about it or devoting the energy to arguing about it is an illogical fool's errand.

>> No.19118905

>"The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus
Been there. Absurdism is a mindset that you have to feel, that you have to adopt unconsciously. Simply acknowledging it consciously doesn't do it even though you might find it convincing. Your fears don't go away, the doubts stay, all the what-ifs,...

>> No.19118915

>If there is nothing after death
I think that there's at least a Buddhism-like cycle.
You don't need god for any of it. It's quite a reach actually.

>> No.19118916

Biologically speaking, yes.

>> No.19118924

No, the purpose of the product of a process isn't to continue the process, especially if it's a simply selection/mutation type process.

>> No.19118929

What's the cost?

>> No.19118935

I don't know.
What's the gain?

>> No.19118943

I enjoy things

>> No.19118951

Sooner or later you won't. What then?

>> No.19118962

There is also further gain than this, not to mention that "Is life worth living?" is a question that can only be answered with context and time.

Saging because this is /lit/ and this does not have a direct relation to literature.

>> No.19118971

They will later, though enjoyment is not the end-all be-all, and neither is sadness nor suffering.

>> No.19118988

Not quite sure what you mean

>> No.19119011

You might not enjoy things in the future, especially once you've seen enough things to just see rehashed bullshit instead of new exciting things up to the point where you make a thread about the meaning of life on /lit/ because there's no /phil/ board.

>> No.19119019

I guess we'll cross that bridge if we ever come to it. Eventually I'll be dead so the question won't have any meaning anymore

>> No.19119025

Thread theme

>> No.19119113

>I'll be dead so the question won't have any meaning anymore
Maybe but I doubt that this will be the case

>> No.19119127

Not really. Either kill yourself or start huffing copium.

>> No.19119148

>or start huffing copium.
I'm trying to go the acceptance route instead but I can't really internalize and make it a part of my personality yet.

>> No.19119198

There is no you

>> No.19119217

Ego death does nothing for those who return to life.

>> No.19119220

Or maybe it's all there is.
Either way, it doesn't matter because there's something(you or not you). Depersonalization might not be the answer.

>> No.19119250

Nothing is worth anything, Life included. Death isn't worth anything either. This is all there is and it has no value, no purpose, and no meaning.
Many find their own brand of delusional cope and we should leave them alone. There's nothing to gainbin inspiring waves of suicide

>> No.19119251

The simple answer is yes. If you ask how much it's worth living, it varies through contexts, so that is not answerable.

>> No.19119534
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Nothing to lose either, you pussy.

>> No.19119572


>> No.19119579

Yes brother, make the most of it while you can. God has blessed us

>> No.19119582

I agree. Cringy af to see some loser talk about mUsHroOm TrIp I’m A NeW HuMaN

>> No.19119588

Then why initiate action?

>> No.19119648

>Is life worth living?
Well since that's a subjective judgement the statement can be rephrased as "do you think your life is worth living" and in my case the answer is yes.

>> No.19119668
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Life is short, it will be over soon.

>> No.19119679

Yes it is not, not that it isnt

>> No.19119685

It is when you have a twink to pound on the reg.

>> No.19119707
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Your soul is eternal OP. Once you realize the objectivity of good and evil. And how to distinguish them. You will find the reason to live.

>> No.19119740

Yes. I've always been filled with despair, so when I do something, I go all the way and live without regret.

>> No.19119762


>> No.19119768

Why would I care about what happens later? It’s not here yet.

>> No.19119778
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I was trying to point out that you're still holding onto a value judgement. If there's nothing too gain from mass suicide there's nothing to lose either. I don't point that out only in an effort to mock the logical inconsistency, which isn't really important, but in an attempt to give notice to the kernel of value you still hold, which with some nurturing can hopefully pull you out of the nihilist zone.
>their own brand of delusional cope
I hear shit like this and it's just more cope. It's holding a feeling of intellectual superiority over non-nihilists because YOU figured it out, and even in this pointless existence you can rise above the rest. Cope upon cope I'm sick of that word.

>> No.19119855

humans are not products.

>> No.19119860

Jesus loves you bud

>> No.19119867

damn that gif and this track matchmade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfnn4VHOBOM

>> No.19120180


>> No.19120200

>Nothing to lose either, you pussy.
you don't know what loss is little zoomer. the world will break you soon enough

>> No.19120264
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What the fuck are you talking about? If you move your mouse cursor over the number sited in my original post, you can see the post I was responding to you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.19120311

Yes no maybe I don't know

>> No.19120321

Life worth living is not an syllogism, it's a feeling. You have something you'd be fine doing for the rest of your life. Maybe you set it aside because you thought it was frivolous, or you'd never make it. Take that, unite it with a spirituality, any spirituality, and get a move on.

>> No.19120340

What is your particular brand of cope, anon?

>> No.19120385

>Many find their own brand of delusional cope

Ah yes. The delusional cope of nihilists. *leaves him alone*

>> No.19120605

Is death worth dying?

>> No.19120687

Of course

>> No.19120698

Maybe. You might as well either way. It's not as though you're going to miss your chance to die if you don't kill yourself.

>> No.19120717

I’ve had many copes over the years. Christianity, Taoism, depressive realism. Currently I’m on Platonism but the delusion is slipping.

>> No.19120726

So Becker was right?

>> No.19120727


>> No.19120733

*Literarily speaking

>> No.19120779

this desu

>> No.19120791

Existential terror is an inherent part of the human condition, since man is both a worm doomed to decay and die, but also posessing a consciousness and intellect that can roam far beyond himself. Most people cope by following the culturally and socially prescribed path forward.

>> No.19120804

Can you elaborate on why your platonism is slipping?

>> No.19121141

No. But it’s too late, you’re here. Commit suicide or don’t, either way you’ve already lost

>> No.19121172
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>> No.19121230

God doesn't really mean a being in the most refined conceptions. That's just the path, the signs, that the intellectual tradition made use of. It's no more a reach than Buddhism or Hinduism.

>> No.19121563
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probably not. Life is ultimately an utterly meaningless existence. Nothing "you" do is truly "your" choice, everything is decided for you by larger influences you can't possibly understand. Even "you" are merely a product of external influences; it makes no difference whether you live or die because it will be the difference between a machine functioning or breaking down--either way, it will one day be replaced. Everything you were told growing up about meaningful living is a lie invented to stave off the darkness. Embrace it, anon. The sun gives you light and burns your skin. You live, and suffer, and suffer more and die the same, and none of it matters. All your triumph and all your trials come with you to the grave. And maybe, when you have understood the utter meaninglessness of your life, the absurdity of existence and the nothingness of reality, maybe you will come to understand something. But continuing to believe in the world, in a meaningful "existence", is only the conceit of a powerless ego, and the search will drive you further into torment.

>> No.19122156

yes big yes live for the new explorations

>> No.19122285

anyone who truly disagrees would not be able to write so in this thread

>> No.19122310

Fucking brutal

>> No.19122334

Based life-affirming

>> No.19122590

who knows, we keep doing it though.

>> No.19122604

You have to be more specific.
Is my life worth living? Yeah. Is yours? Probably not.

>> No.19122618
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If you want it to be yes

>> No.19122630

of course not, faggot

>> No.19122640

Elon is looking FAT.

>> No.19122645

who cares

>> No.19122763

Life is all I've known and all I have to cling to

>> No.19122832

Do you enjoy your life, anon?

>> No.19122882 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19123843

I'm not sure

>> No.19123879
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Funnily enough I also only open up /lit/ when I'm feeling existential dread or equivalent, I wonder why.

>> No.19123900

If you treat it like it is, then it is.

>> No.19123938


>> No.19124106

Not living is the default state. You were not alive during most of history and you will not be alive for most of it.

The amount of time in which "you" can experience the world, for better or for worse, is infinitesimal. Which doesn't mean it is or has to be insignificant. Why not give it a go?

We come to the world unwillingly. We're given form and existence without our permission or knowledge. With time we acquire the ability to interpret ourselves and the world around us. That's the tragedy of life: there isn't a manual for this shit and everyone has to figure stuff out as they go. There's suffering and sacrifice along the way.

Is it worth it? I think so.

>> No.19124153

Idk senpai, atm not really. Making shit pay for my degree because of geographical location and debt. Wouldn't nearly be as depressing if I wasn't a chronically single 23yo who hasn't had sex in 3 years and the first girl I was romantically involved with broke it off after the third date where I took her to the movie drive in and fingered her in the bed of my truck. Smh didn't even get my dick touched.

Wish there was a war I could suicide into so everyone saw it as noble and not despicable.

>> No.19124170

Sometimes I feel so bad from that imploding head feeling I get from extreme depression I just lie down on the floor. Then I think about my life and fail to find a reason to struggle any longer.
I've been running on no enthusiasm at all for life for the past 10 years. I've spent all this time as a living dead, functionally.
I used to have so much enthusiasm when I was younger. I remember I wanted to travel and see the world and everything looked like it would turn out good.

>> No.19124235

no, but you can't kill yourself anyways so why not make something good out of it while you still haven't burned out like a candle?

>> No.19124406

Yeah it's chill I like it

>> No.19124419

>too lost in world to make it
>too much of a coward to kill myself
this limbo is the worst.

>> No.19124522
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>We come to the world unwillingly.
>We get taken away unwillingly.

I really wouldn't mind the first if we at least got some choice over the second. Gimme a couple hundred years to live or a body that doesn't start breaking down after 25.

>> No.19125301

you ever try reaching out to God through prayer, as a last ditch effort, to ask him to make himself known to you

>> No.19125568

yes for one year straight
I no longer bother

>> No.19125967

Actually I still bother I just don't really believe anything will happen.

>> No.19125978

I don't enjoy life at all, so I would say no. I think only the perpetual numbness keeps me here.

>> No.19127419


>> No.19127447

No, it's a fundamentally evil thing.

>> No.19127475


>> No.19127969

you decide. no one has an answer