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19119409 No.19119409 [Reply] [Original]

every one says to start with the greeks but what greeks do i start with

>> No.19119414


>> No.19119424
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Obviously, from the beginning.

>> No.19119427

prince philip

>> No.19119431

the greeks

>> No.19119467

Not really, you can't just jump into his philosophy without understanding the context of his time period.
You need to understand Greek history, myth, and literature to fully understand the significance of their thought process, I recommend starting with Mythology by Edith Hamilton before reading the Iliad and the Odyssey (perhaps the Aeneid and Barry Strauss's The Trojan War as well), Herodotus (and Thucydides), the complete works of Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Hesiod, and Alcaeus, Aesop, and Plutarch. Then you can develop the necessary understanding to head into the Presocratics without coming off as a surface-level pseud.

>> No.19119500

one should read the Greeks genealogically
starting with modern contemporaries and work your way back until you reach the Greeks and by the time you do that maybe we will have found the egyptian texts so you can then read those

>> No.19119561

The German ones

>> No.19119701

Homo erectus

>> No.19119786

>the greeks includes the Bible

>> No.19119891

lost works of parmenides(that i have found) and end with them

>> No.19120294

Plato, then back through the Pre-Socratics, Egyptians, Bronze Age lit to Gilgamesh.

>> No.19120329

Diogenes Laërtius, sort of like how if you were dipping into a musician's catalogue you start with the greatest hits

>> No.19120374
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The Iliad. Read the Iliad and then read the Odyssey. Then you can read Plato. Everyone talking about the Pre-Socratics is a huge fucking meme, you don't need to listen to them. Plato only makes passing reference to them and they're clearly not very important to them. Plato isn't responding to them in his dialogues. Plato is responding to Homer. Homer is the bedrock of much of culture and thought in Ancient Athens, and it's with him that Plato has agreements and disagreements. Don't read Plato until you've read Homer.

>> No.19120595

everyone says start with the greeks but no one asks how are the greeks

>> No.19120603

Don't fucking skip Democritus, OP. Read at least some of the Presocratics.

>> No.19120635


>> No.19120661

Out of all of the pre-Socratics you choose the dumbest one.

>> No.19120679

the greeks are fat and loud, as always

>> No.19120724
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>> No.19120934

Start with l'empereur's correspondence and memoir, then go to Aristotle, since he taught Alexander, who inspired Napoleon.

>> No.19120973

This guy is retarded read the Eleatics and then Heraclitus. From there you can skip the entirety of western philosophy and read Hegel. Plato just plagiarized the pre-Socratics but never actually even took the time to understand them. The only reason why his work is so influential is because most philosophers had their work either lost or destroyed.

>> No.19120998

>he just didn't understand them bro!
>but neither did I because we lost most of the works [neglecting to mention we probably lost them because they weren't that intelligent]

>> No.19121014

plato was a retard, a FAG, and a pedo
aristotle was a chad, so was lysander, who put the faggy athenians in their place

>> No.19121027

also that reminds me, OP you should read thucydides and xenophon as they are more related to napoleon than philosophers

>> No.19121039

I'm sure I understand them better than Plato.
>muh forms
gtfo with this autistic nonsense. Ontology is the foundation of philosophy but Plato somehow managed to fuck that up and set us back 2,500 years.

>> No.19121125

>I'm sure I understand them better than Plato.
No you're not, because Plato had access to their original insights and you don't and never will.

>> No.19121140

>No you're not, because Plato had access to their original insights and you don't and never will
nigga tf?

>> No.19121144

Hegel is a humanist so he just rehash judeo christian crap. No need for this pollution. to stay clear of judaism, it's presocratics, then buddhism

>> No.19121255

Start with Norwegian wood

>> No.19121297

What are the best books on the Orphic Mysteries?

>> No.19121307

>want to read the Iliad
>know it's just going to be 75% boring bible-tier lists of names and places and numbers of ships and troops
>never get around to it
>feel like I need to read Homer to understand Virgil, and Virgil to understand Dante
>never get around to any of them

>> No.19121332

Start with the geeks (murakami protagonists)

>> No.19121350
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reading, like many things in life, can be a boring slog bro especially if much of the material is dry but if you read 5 (FIVE) pages a day, in 50 days you'll have read 250 pages
every little bit easily adds up if you do it consistently

>> No.19121515


Read Illiad and Odyssey -> Presocratics (google it) -> Socrates -> Plato -> Aristotle -> Ellenistic (epicureanism, stoicism, skepticism, cynicism) -> Romans -> St. Augustine -> Medieval philosophy -> Modern philosophy (Descartes -> Sartre) -> Postmodernism -> Back to the greeks.

>> No.19121722

Durant's Life of Greece and Homer

>> No.19122910

Starting with the greeks is a meme, start by analysing cave paintings

>> No.19122927

>Socrates -> Plato
socrates didn't write anything lol

>> No.19123150


That doesn't mean there's no accounts of it dumbass.

>> No.19123158
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Gregory Palamas.