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19113971 No.19113971 [Reply] [Original]

>The text was Joseph Conrad’s short story “An Outpost of Progress,” written in 1896
>Following the use of the N-word 20 minutes into the lecture, “nobody said anything” the student said. When she stood up to speak against its use about five minutes later, “they were all silent, and heads forward,” she said. “Honestly, that was the part that hurt the most … I didn’t feel safe in that classroom.”

>> No.19113977

>The student, who’s racialized
What does this mean Canadians

>> No.19113978

why is it only nigger that they care about? chink, spic, kike, all the others don't seem to have the same resonance as nigger

>> No.19113983

What does "cancelled" even mean?

>> No.19113984

>The student, who’s racialized
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Is it something different from just being black?

>> No.19114006

I've only read Heart Of Darkness, what should I read next from Conrad? Lord Jim, Nostromo, Secret Sharer?

>> No.19114008

>I didn't feel safe
We need a new world war.

>> No.19114034

They view the word as if it is some kind of voodoo curse that could alter your destiny, it's an entirely different approach to language than the direction other English speakers have taken (language as arbitary signs) in which context does not exist it's just purely a word of latent power, doesn't mean if it is in an old novel or a teenager's facebook posts from 2009

>> No.19114042 [DELETED] 

Man, I fucking hate niggers. Who's with me?

>> No.19114057

I liked nostromo better than HoD, and I liked HoD a lot

>> No.19114133

>racialized students: we have to face and reconcile white people's racist past
>also racialized students when faced with white people recognizing this racist past: THIS IS SO RACIST IT'S UNACCEPTABLE DID YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT THE PTSD THIS WOULD CAUSE TO POCS
Kill me now.

>> No.19114143

Chinua Achebe already did worse than any of this and he is still taught, who cares.

>> No.19114152

They all suck, it doesn't matter.

>> No.19114161

What would people living during wars like Anne Frank or whatever think of him feeling unsafe because the teacher said nigger?

>> No.19114166

How are they unsafe?
The word was quoted in an academic setting, how on Earth is any harm going to come to them from its uttering?

>> No.19114174

The Nigger of the Narcissus

>> No.19114191

Well anon. These people love their victim hood. At my high school we had a Jewish girl. We were covering the holocaust as part of the class. We watched a documentary or some video that contained liberation footage. The Jewish girl burst into tears and left the room. She came back and berated the teacher for showing such an insensitive video when he knew a Jewish person was in the class. Again we were watching an educational video about the horrors of the holocaust. These people want their victimhood. They say they want you as the oppressoe to confront your historical role as oppressor, but the minute you do that with a minority present (or an oppressed class present) you engaging with your historical oppression is oppressive to the oppressed and how could you be so insensitive to remind oppressed people how they used to be oppressed by people like you! HOW DARE YOU!

I think that sums it up.

>> No.19114309

Outpost of Progress is a good complement to Heart of Darkness. Also quite like "An Anarchist:
A Desperate Tale". Both are short stories.

>> No.19114328

I can’t wait until society collapses because of climate change, it’ll give these people something to actually cry about

>> No.19114345

Most people will die when society collapses including you, unless for some reason you know how to be self-sufficient, scavenge for natural food, make natural clothing, shelter, tools etc. Without the supply chains which maintain most 1st world countries people would die. Not mention if there wasn't in-home heating most people would die after the first winter.

>> No.19114380

Why don't we take all the people who screech for punishment and blame and play the victim when faced with a word they don't like and just... rough them up a bit?
That'll teach them what it really means to feel "unsafe".

>> No.19114396

Basically everything is worth reading.

>> No.19114429


>> No.19114461
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Achebe is the single best example of a midwit. He was an ESL that got filtered by HoD and wrote a mediocre critique that wouldn't have stood in any freshman lit class besides perhaps at a community college. Things Fall Apart was an alright novel but deserves nowhere near the praise it's gotten simply on the "merit" of being black.

>> No.19114466

It's a sit-com metaphor; all issues have become like sit-coms, including the issue of that Polish guy who wrote in English. RIP JC, you had a good run

>> No.19114477
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>unless for some reason you know how to be self-sufficient, scavenge for natural food, make natural clothing, shelter, tools etc

>> No.19114487

Read Victory or The Secret Agent, instead

>> No.19114492

>Things Fall Apart was an alright novel
I thought it was shit; wonder how his other 4 novels are though... Probably also shit, but still curious.

>> No.19114496

Aren't our universities wonderful? One day the professor will name drop 20th century Marxist thinkers and the following day a student will be asking about non binary representation in the German language.

>> No.19114499

>Most people will die when society collapses including you,
I literally do not care if I live or die, if the liberals are silenced it will be a victory

>> No.19114519

very based mlord

>> No.19114530

Excellent question my nigga

>> No.19114534

I read it years ago when I was younger and I at least found it vaguely interesting. If it didn't have the woke reputation preceding it, it would be relegated to dusty backroom bookshelves probably.

>> No.19114562

THIS. I genuinely want society to collapse. I am well aware of how bad things would get and that the chances of me escaping a brutal painful death would be very small. But knowing that the liberals and Jews and niggers will suffer the most will make the horrific death worth it

>> No.19114592

neat i will pick up some nice edition when the university purges them

>> No.19114612

>How are they unsafe?
Lack of self awareness of how close minded and poor their critical thinking is. It's why when a professor reads a book written in 1896 and says nigger they think it's the same as a khanman wanting to lynch a black child.

>> No.19114646

ding ding ding!

it's yet another totemic cultural artifact. it's never the actual book itself that has the power, but every idiot's perception of it as a totem. it's all quite frustrating and exhausting to someone grounded in reality.

>> No.19114658

>when the university purges them
They literally might burn them anon...

>> No.19114690

I think they are too strict with punishments for kids getting into fights in school. When I was in school you would get a 10 day suspension for getting into a fight and you would get 25% docked from all your grades during that period. Getting into fist fights as a youth is good for you, the punishment should not be that harsh unless you are constantly getting into fights with people weaker than you

>> No.19114724

>The utterance – followed by the show of a painting depicting burning vessels of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and their disembodied passengers 10 minutes later – caused the student to leave the class and immediately drop the course. Choking up, the student said more could have been done to preface the inherently traumatic material of that day’s lecture.

What an absolute fucking baby. If I was the dean of that college I would expel this nigger immediately. People like this should not be in higher education.

>> No.19114812

I will now read your entire oeuvre.

>> No.19114833

I mean I'm sorry a black guy in Canada in 2021 will probably get hassled more than a white guy by the cops but imagine being traumatized by something that ended 200 years ago

>> No.19115221

>dude literally had the word "nigger" in the title of one of his most famous works
surprised it took this long tbqh

>> No.19115265
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better yet, pick up a book for once in your sad pathetic life

>> No.19116297

I've never read him. Is he good?

>> No.19116303

Yikes, my dude.

>> No.19116329


>> No.19116387

I bet you I can run faster than your average nigger. Don't live in America so I don't have the opportunity to test this out, however.

>> No.19116396

>When she stood up to speak against its use about five minutes later, “they were all silent, and heads forward,” she said
Wow so brave! It must have been an act of courage to stand up to an author who died in the 1920s. Upvoted!
> I didn’t feel safe in that classroom.
Imminent danger from an author who died 100 years ago

>> No.19116399

No way they are fast

>> No.19116415

>better yet, pick up a book for once in your sad pathetic life
I did and the word "nigger" occurred at least 50 times in the text

>> No.19116472

I think the nigger meant they felt unsafe because no one in the room agreed with their insanity, ergo they all must be klansmen.

>> No.19116482

>“Honestly, that was the part that hurt the most … I didn’t feel safe in that classroom.”
I'm sure nobody felt safe with that nigger in there.

>> No.19116542

How long before we see the libs instigate an old fashion book burning to remove "problematic" works of literature.

>> No.19117336

They already have, it's called getting delisted from Amazon.

>> No.19117365

I know how to grow pumpkins, basil, tomatoes. I know I can't make with just that, but I have more chances than those turbo onions drinkers.

>> No.19117366

Somehow worse than this nigger being retarded in class and interrupting the education of scores, is that no student spoke to correct her or tell her professionally to stfu. They just allow it, even praise it.

>> No.19117378

been seeing a lot of Conrad posts lately. I'm gonna go get a Conrad book today I reckon. What's the one Faulkner said he wish he wrote?

>> No.19117392

>chink, spic, kike
Those doesn't mean anything. Should have been the same for 'nigger', but I'm not American so what would I know...

>> No.19117400

The Secret Agent.

>> No.19117443

I feel her. I'm argentinian of italian descent and a kebab could trigger a mental breakdown.

>> No.19117447

Synonym for the more common term niggerized

>> No.19117456

Yeah, the government and its propagandists just use it for anyone who's not white. It's like "marginalized"

>> No.19117467

Blacks are the sacred cows of American culture. It’s gotten to the point that you can be an anti-Semite with less repercussions than you can be anti-Black. Personally, I admire the Blacks for the way they took over American culture. Once I get a Black wife my future kids will be set. Being half-Black will still give them affirmative action and all the other perks of being Black.

>> No.19117574

>Following the use of the N-word 20 minutes into the lecture, “nobody said anything” the student said. When she stood up to speak against its use about five minutes later,
lmao. imagine this scene

>> No.19117579

The real reason is that everyone knows that blacks are the absolute worst off, lowest inherent status, lowest value, dumbest, poorest, and most incompetent race of all of them. Even Mexicans at least have a reputation for faith and hard work. Blacks are flat out stupid, impulsive, and violent and absolutely everyone knows it. This gives egalitarians a massive guilty conscience over them in particular.

>> No.19117588

Nostromo. Heart of Darkness is more popular though. I hope conradposting becomes more frequent, conrad threads are almost always good here but they're rare

>> No.19117604

>The text was Joseph Conrad’s short story “An Outpost of Progress,” written in 1896 and read to exemplify the racist attitudes of the time which it was written
>the only reason to read old literature is to exemplify how racist it is
>still chimp out when they hear the word their slave ancestors probably didn't give a fuck about

>> No.19117609
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I'm just so tired of it all, anons.

>> No.19117616

Have faith. The day is coming when whites are no longer a majority, and with any luck Asians will take over. They are not as tolerant of this BS as their white counterparts are.

>> No.19117620
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But I am white.

>> No.19117665

Well, to be blunt your people allowed this madness to take over our society. Fix it yourselves or others will fix it for you.

>> No.19117718
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No we didn't. Jews did this.

>> No.19117787

They would not have been able to do what they did if >50% of whites hadn't supported them.

>> No.19118039

Yea and who let then get in control? Were whites not dominating before them?

>> No.19118079

I just went to the bookstore and they didnt have any Conrad... not even HOD.
I asked the lady at the checkout (I ended up getting Demons) if they had any Conrad that I'd missed. She looked it up and they had a couple in the back but not on the shelves. As I anticipated, she started reading the namers and she got to the Nigger of the Narcissus and needless to say it was pretty funny trying to navigate how to say the title.

>> No.19118086

watching her navigate*

>> No.19118095

You're treating whites as if they act as a single monolithic agent, but that's only how Jews act. There isn't a symmetry between the two in any sense.

>> No.19118303
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>it was pretty funny trying to navigate how to say the title.

What do you mean Anon?

>> No.19118486

And you're projecting. European history had a pretty monolithic attitude towards jews for centuries.

>> No.19118492

European history could not be more schismatic, brainlet.

>> No.19118506

>You're treating whites as if they act as a single monolithic agent, but that's only how Jews act
And that is why the Jews succeed and whites (and most races) don't.

>> No.19118636

Am I talking about all European history or their predominant policy toward Jews? Reread my post anon, I know you can figure this one out

>> No.19118658

He means the worker started reading the titles out loud and then she didn't know how to say nigger without saying nigger.

>> No.19118671

Canadian elites used to use the term visible minority as a sort of catch-all, but it was decided that this was a racist expression a few years back. "Racialized" is what they settled on as a replacement. The reasoning involved in its selection involves countless debates of arcane complexity.

>> No.19118676

Not only is it a lie, but being at risk isn't even a bad thing. Men used to cultivate danger!

>> No.19118677

Conrad has been cancelled by brainlets for at least 60 years; I'm shocked and impressed they were willing to teach him in the first place.

>> No.19118680

No it didn't Compare Poland, Netherlands, Spain, Italy and England during the 15th century.

>> No.19118695

>Conrad has been cancelled by brainlets for at least 60 years
The good thing about this is that you can find all of his books in used book stores. Same thing happened with Faulkner. Cancelled authors are unfashionable, and so are removed from personal collections.

>> No.19118706

It's a very good thing, I love seeing a used copy of Nigger of the Narcissus in the wild.

>> No.19118714

It will, I ccan feel it in the air.

>> No.19118759
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You guys should read his letters.

>> No.19118794

ahahahahahahahahhaha im gonna be taking all these girls as concubines

>> No.19118873


>> No.19119026

The Shadow Line

>> No.19119084

Have you noticed that the critical social justice world is like early Christianity, with obscure councils that turn acceptable things into sin without the laypeople realizing?
Another example is the pro-choice perspective going from "pro-life is patriarchal misogyny that wants to own women's bodies" to thinking the previous point was TERF heresy.

>> No.19119087
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How much of this is because university students are getting dumber? Universities used to be somewhat selective. Now, many are running something close to an open-admissions model. The average IQ of the median classroom has taken a plunge. You can't really engage in serious discussions with normie retards, even if you place them into a university setting. They just don't have the mental wattage to handle such things.

>> No.19119119
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Slurs hold the same terrible power to liberals that curses had to puritans or the word for bear did to Indo-Europeans.

>> No.19119146

so this board is just /pol/ 2 now then huh? we're getting mad because we cant say the nword?

>> No.19119173

>Have you noticed that the critical social justice world is like early Christianity, with obscure councils that turn acceptable things into sin without the laypeople realizing?
That's exactly how it is.
What fascinates me is that debates hosted by non-profit organizations and attended by activists eventually settled on a new formulation. Not only that, but every politician and journalist started using the new terminology within weeks, if not days, of the new determination. What are the mechanisms at play here?

>> No.19119197

This already happened in the most literal way possible. Books were literally burned as a symbol of reconciliation with the indigenous.
It turned out the lady behind it was faking their ancestry. She was defended by Canadian state media up until this revealed. She only resigned because she was afraid she would make Trudeau look bad by proxy after this was revealed.

>> No.19119476

Don't be disingenuous. There's a big difference between a /pol/tard wanting to spew the n word all over twitter just because and a thin skinned moron who wants to delete literature and history because it makes them feel bad.

>> No.19120379

so white people arent a race now. i think thats where this is heading.
oh and i just realized this it /litl/ and not /fit/. i was wondering who this body builder was.

>> No.19120564

I will keep saying nigger, and you wont do a thing about it

>> No.19120586

No one ever asked me.