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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 179 KB, 719x699, anon ina woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19115752 No.19115752 [Reply] [Original]

I know about R. C. Waldun, Keith Woods, and not much more

>> No.19115757

Read books instead, dumb faggot

>> No.19115788

Read By Zoe
A Clockwork Reader

>> No.19115831

atun shei films for comfy american civil war discussion

>> No.19116213

I know Forest anon hates ‘us’ now, but he still should go back to including more literature in his quad-annual videos desu.

>> No.19116218


>> No.19116362

he doesn't hate us stop being a fag.
all he said was he regretted reading what we say about him

>> No.19116400

All charlatans with shit taste and 20-IQ

>> No.19116530

Hermitix is the only higher quality channel I’ve ever come across. Benjamin McEvoy is shallow but okay.

>> No.19116533

Why does he look so sick? You’d think all that time in nature would be rejuvenating.

>> No.19116641

Start with Forbidden Island to get hooked, but the travelogues are the real treat.
Absolutely nothing to do with literature, mind. But I think /lit/ will enjoy it anyway.

>> No.19116707
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>> No.19117116
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ayy i am one of those subscribers. So comfy when he's smoking his pipe

>> No.19117247
File: 687 KB, 832x1000, 1629336552248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His channel is peak comfy

>> No.19117690

He used to live in a society

>> No.19117710

You're either 12 years old or deluded by television because nature doesn't work like that

>> No.19117766
File: 285 KB, 709x524, 13725379127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steals your girlfriend and fucks her in his rape shack

>> No.19117778

plz dont joke about our pure anon like that

>> No.19117798
File: 207 KB, 585x506, 13725379128%0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Borrows girlfriend and reads to her in his /lit/ cabin

>> No.19117851

Anyone have that Youtube video of a Chinese girl reviewing Kiergaard and the like?

>> No.19118153

same one that did videos about Evola in her car?

>> No.19118161

found her

>> No.19118245

how are they charlatans lol. they're just 20 something girls talking about YA novels, there's no pretense

>> No.19118860

> t. never left my city

>> No.19118898

That's all you really need desu, there's really not much else of interest on the site

>> No.19118903


>> No.19119010

much hotter evola femoid

>> No.19119060

Pretty sure he's an ex-drug addict if I remember one of his videos correctly. That's probably as healthy looking as he can get

>> No.19119061

a woman who reads Evola is a red flag.

>> No.19119091

Are you the author of this video. Good summary. The memes tricked me into paying close attention, as you knew they would.

>> No.19119110 [DELETED] 

Mentally Ill insect

>> No.19119355
File: 1.06 MB, 1668x1074, forest_anon_tacitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you watch his videos he tends to only look "unhealthy" in the winter. And even then he doesn't really look unhealthy, maybe cold skinny and miserable but it's safe to say he has the majority of 4chan beat when it comes to physical endurance and fitness health

>> No.19119448

What is the deal with this guy? He lives in forest hut and works as farm hand?

>> No.19119490

yeah. he's a tramp/neohobo who used to post here before mods cracked down on a lot of mobile ip bundles

>> No.19119604
File: 122 KB, 652x980, 04859_10008-01-JD David Allan Coe (MHG1901-Web).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite booktuber isnt mentioned

He's safe, thank God

>> No.19119670

better than food books reviews?

>> No.19119676


>> No.19119752

Yeah, it’s just not what I expected. He’s not ugly or anything, and obviously he will be unkempt but in some videos he looks seriously unwell.

>> No.19119775

4chan dweebs will seethe but his channel is definitely one of the better history channels. The format makes in depth historical content difficult to produce, so someone with an education in film rather than history leaning into that is a major plus.

>> No.19119783


>> No.19119982
File: 229 KB, 470x615, HELLOCHADDEPARTMENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like anon said here >>19119355 he just looks unwell in the wintertime vids when his skin is pallor from the chill and lack of sunlight.

>> No.19120732

Thanks anon but I was looking for a different Chinese girl

She explicitly reviewed Kiekergaard and I think Neitzhe too

>> No.19121639

cute af desu

>> No.19121695

I have got you bro


>> No.19121772

Yeah I made it a few months back on a whim, took me a long time to make lol. I keep meaning to make more videos but haven’t got round to it.

>> No.19122171

the sole fact that I would not be able to retain my bodyweight to such an appropriate level under his nourishment levels, therefore taking away my possibility to live like he does, does upset me a little bit.

>> No.19123391

fpbp strikes again

>> No.19123613

channel name?

>> No.19124150

Forest Anon

>> No.19125237

Anyone know Gregory B Sadler? Found him recently but haven't listened to much.


>> No.19125258


>> No.19125685

paper bird is the only one ill watch

>> No.19125750

Wildfires are gonna get ya next year son.

>> No.19125760

You're kidding right. /lit/ used to meme on this guy because he claims to be an authority on Hegel. Turns out his "daughter" is a tranny and he had a hard time accepting that but now he is cucked to troondom. Saddler is also extremely toxic and picks fight in his comment sections.

>> No.19126247
File: 147 KB, 250x262, Chad_Haag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Kaczynski adjacent philisopher.

>> No.19126333

seethe harder tanny

>> No.19126526

Honestly I have an addition to book tube. I watch YouTube almost 12 hours a day. But that number is probably higher because I use Picture in picture with my phone off and the screen time app doesn't count that as time I'm using my phone. I might even watch it every waking hour except when I'm making food or playing on my switch and want to hear the game music.

Anyways, because of that, I've found lots of booktubers that are almost as bad as Waldun where they think they're profound and hot shit. But I don't think I want to mention them because /lit/ might unironically enjoy their content and I don't want to give these people free advertising.

>> No.19126536

Chad is an actual unironic Chad

>> No.19126623

nice blog, coomer

>> No.19126625

this dude is amazing

>> No.19126634


>> No.19126787
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First half was nothing but truth. Ontology stuff was over my head.

>> No.19126951

If you like contemporary classical music, Samuel Andreyev.
Luke Smith is very funny and probably a 4chan user. You don't have to agree with his stuff, and he has good tips on how to free yourself from big corporations on the internet.

>> No.19126998

Laurie B Johnson
Not sure if she is /lit/ because she is a woman


>> No.19127007

Luke is a /g/tard who felt so attacked by the soijak meme that he did everything in his power to distance himself from it

>> No.19127405

Whats the name of that dutch one that shows her feet?

>> No.19127437

That's Dr. Gregory B. Sadler to you, Anon.

>> No.19127603

>Oil Philosophy
Can I get an introductory QRD?

>> No.19127978


You have to do the marathon now

He's been memed here for as long as his channel's been up

*Assistant Professor

>> No.19128118

The fossil fuel age and its consequences will be a disaster for the human race.

>> No.19129256

great guy, my only problem is that he is so fucking verbose but if you are really into it i guess he can be a legit good way to learn philosophy. but i really like the fact that he exists, that some people can be that dedicated and love what they do so much as him, he has produced thousands and thousands of hours of lectures and iirc youtube is just a side thing for him

>> No.19129388

Based. Women who are too into intellectual metaphysics are spiritual lesbians

>> No.19129472

dudes homer simpson retarded voice and ugly poo wife ruins it for me

>> No.19129487

How is she under 20 and she already looks like this?

>> No.19129533

... Second

>> No.19129723

what a gentleman

>> No.19130431
